
Kappa Ishi stones

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -

- Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone
Kappa iwa かっぱ岩 / 河童岩 Kappa boulder, Kappa rock
Kawadoo ishi 川童石 Kappa stone (river child stone) -

- - - - - There are various Kappa stones in Japan.


. Akita 秋田県 .

Daisen town 大仙市 (near Yokote)

At the river pool near the bridge of Osanai village 土川心像の生内 there is a 河童石 stone where the Kappa likes to sit, with a dent in the stone.
In summer when the water gets less, the seat is quite visible and then gets forgotten.
Once in August there was a very strong rain and storm and the river pool was well flooded that even the top of the stone was hardly to be seen.
An old man 84 years of age living nearby remembered:
"Yes, it is like they say, the stone will be under water every 60 years."

Anyway, once upon a time
the home of 五郎右工門 Gorozaemon of the village kept horses and cared well for them. They even kept two very vigorous stallions, riding to the river pool morning and evening to wash them. Then one day in summer when they wanted to go back home one went wild with fear and gallopped into the horse barn. When the farmer looked, he saw that a Kappa was hanging onto the tail of the horse. They tried to get hold of the Kappa and catch him. The Kappa jumped into the fodder box and hid there.
But in the end with all the neighbours helping they got hold of the Kappa. His plate on the head had been almost dry and his power was gone.
He made the farmers understand with his best body language that he would not do any harm any more and they should let him go. So they did.
From that day on there had never been a drowning accident of children at this river pool.

- source : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp/monogatari


Kawadoo ishi, Kawado-ishi 川童石 Kappa Stone (river child stone)

能代市 Noshiro town

Kawadoo 川童 Kawado, short for Kawa warawa かわわらわ, also Kawaero カワエロ (in Gifu), a local dialect for the Kappa.

Tanegawa no fuchi 種川の渕 Tanegawa River Pool

Once upon a time
there was a very rich farmer, 甚吉 Jinkichi, near the Tanegawa river who kept 40 horses.
One day after washing the horses at the Tanegawa river pool and trying to get them into the stable, the horses did not want to do what they did every day. When Jinkichi and his men looked closer, he saw a young Kappa crouching in a corner.
"Let's get him!" they shouted.
Then they told him all his misdeeds:
"You took the child of xyz, you killed the daughter of yxz, you also killed the horse of zyx . . . " and the Kappe admitted each one very docile and meek.
"And today you tried to pull a horse into the river, clinging to its tail, did you not?!"
But after all was said and made clear, the Kappa promised never to do any harm again to humans or animals and then they let him to.

The stone where he went back into the river is now called Kawado-ishi.

- source : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp/monogatari


Fukushima 福島県

大沼郡 Onuma Gun 金山町 Kanayamamachi

At the river Nojirigawa 野尻川 there was a Kappa stone.
At the river pool called Araifuchi 洗い淵 people come to wash the horses.
Then some day a Kappa hang on to the tail of a horse.
The farmers made him promise to never come higher than the stone at the side of the bridge and he signed a contract about this. Then he could go.
But eventually this stone was washed away during a flooding.
The contract which was written with the blood from the Kappa biting off his finger had been kept in the Kannon hall 観音様のお堂, but this was also lost.

Nowadays there is a hot spring with a Kappa legend:
金山町 玉梨温泉のかっぱの湯 Kappa no Yu

About 1700 years ago, the villagers had been in distress from the malicious deeds of a Kappa.
A mendicant monk passed the village and tried to help them. He engraved ritual Sanskrit letters on a large stone 大石に梵語 to ward off the Kappa.

At this hot spring hotel, the story has become the origin of it's name
Kappa Hot Spring かっぱの湯.
- source : www5c.biglobe.ne.jp/~angel-hi


. 親河童の石、子河童の石 stone of Father and Son Kappa..
石川郡 Ishikawa gun 平田村 Hirata village


Miyazaki 宮崎県

. Kappa Iwa 河童岩 The Kappa Rock .


Nagano 長野県   

東筑摩郡 Higashi Chikuma gun 生坂村 Ikusaka village

Once a Kappa jumped from the かっぱ岩 Kappa boulder to grab a horse the villagers were washing, but he got caught himself.
The Kappa pleaded to let him go free and he would grant them one wish.
So the landlord said: 朱塗りの膳 "Bring me 20 food trays in red laquer, then I will pardon you.!
The next morning, the trays were delivered and the Kappa got free.


Nagasaki 長崎県 

. Kappa Jizoo かっぱ地蔵 / 河童地蔵 Kappa and Jizo Bosatsu in Nagasaki .

Nagasaki Suijin-Sha 水神社 Shrine of the Water Deity
Suijin Jinja 水神神社
One of the five great shrines in Nagasaki.
本河内水源池 - at 長崎市本河内町

. - suijin 水神 water deity -
God of Water, Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 .

donku ishi どんく石 Kappa Stone

The Kappa stone for the deity Kawatachi Kami 川立神(かわたちかみ)

Once upon a time
people depended on rain water in their daily life. During a drought, plants and animals withered and humans had to perform rain rituals (amagoi) to get help.
In the Suijin shrine in our village the Shinto priest planted a stone and used the color of the moss to divine when the rain would come 苔の色で降雨.

The river 中島川 Nakashimagawa, which is a long river in Nagasaki prefecture, was a very clean river with clear drinkable water and people relied on it for all things at home and in the fields..
Then more homes where build, more people came to live here and the water became dirty. Even the Kappa, which lived upstream, could not live in the filthy water any more.
So they sometimes stormed into the human habitats and devastated the crops and things.

Since olden times the shrine had pleaded with the authorities to take care and keep the water clean. Every year on an auspicious day in May the priest invited the Kappa, gave them food and drink and entertained them like special guests - this is a special event even now 珍しい行事.
The priests caring for the temple have all been from the 渋江家 Shibue family since generations.
Some say they descend from the line of King 栗隈王 / 栗前王(くりくまのおおきみ) Kurikuma no Okimi (? - 676) .

The inner sanctuary of the shrine was cut off with sacred ropes and only the Kappa were allowed to come in there and enjoy themselves with food and drink. Some say the Shinto priests were able to see the Kappa having their feast.
The Kappa shouted with joy - kii kii - and the sound of the plates on their head was to be heard outside.
During this feast, they had to prepare a dish with bamboo shoots at any cost, with bamboo picked by the priest and only the most soft and juicy pieces offered to the kappa.
The old dry parts of the bamboo were cut into rings 竹の子の輪切り and offered to look at.

One priest had once heard the Kappa complain:
"Oh dear, these humans must have strong and hard teeth to chew the hard parts of bamboo!"

But anyway, the Kappa have since then stopped to do malicious deeds in the village.
And every time on the night before there are special visitors to the shrine or during a shrine festival, the priests places a letter on the Kappa stone, asking the Kappa to bring food 河童の献立:
"Dear Kappa san, tomorrow is a special day and we need to prepare a feast.
Please bring this and that vegetable and fish, please!"
And indeed,
next morning the food was presented on the stone - the Kappa had done well.

- reference -

. A story from Nagasaki, Nakashimagawa river
長崎市桜馬場町の中島川 and Maruyama Koen Park 丸川公園 .

. Nakashimagawa Matsuri 中島川まつり Nakashimagawa Festival   .
- beginning of May

. Nagasaki - Kappa stories of this BLOG .


Yamanashi 山梨県

韮崎市 Nirasaki shi 藤井町 Fujiicho

A Kappa came every night to the outhouse of a farmhouse and reached out (for the shirikodama anus treasure). So the farmer one night cut off the hand.
The Kappa came back and got his hand back in exchange for medicine to heal wounds.
There is a Kappa stone related to this story.


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappaishi #kappastone #kappaiwa -




Akita prefecture

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -

- Akita 秋田県 Kappa legends 河童 カッパ かっぱ
河童俗伝 Kappa zokuden folktales -

Akita Prefecture (秋田県 Akita-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tohoku - Tōhoku region of northern Honshu, the main island of Japan.
The capital is the city of Akita.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kawaguma 河熊 "river bear" is a water monster of Akita.
Some legends are about the water yokai 水の伝説.


Kappa ishi 河童石 The Kappa Rock
大仙市 Daisen Town

Kawadoo ishi 川童石 Kappa Stone (river child stone)
能代市 Noshiro town

. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends .


. Jizo no Fuchi no Kappa 地蔵の渕の河童 The Kappa from Jizonofuchi River Pool .
東由利町 Higashiyurimachi (part of 由利本荘市)
Kappa delivering two salmon in Autumn

東由利町 Sugooda 須合田
Kappa no kureta katana カッパのくれた刀
At the river Sekizawagawa in the village Sugoda there was a riverside pool 大巻淵 where a Kappa lived. He gave a precious sword 宝剣 to the villger. It was the sword
Kappamaru, Kappa Maru 河童丸.

(A longer version talks k about river Takasegawa 高瀬川. Kappa had tried to pull the horse of Old Man Kurobei 長者九郎平) into the river, but was caught instead and dragged to the house of Kurobei. The Kappa pleaded for his life and gave the sword with the promise to be good from now on.

It is in the posession of 小松卯一郎 now, the grandchild of the original owner. It is only shown once a year on the 11th day of January.


Kawaguma no Ozutsu 河熊の御筒 The Gun of the Kawaguma monster
river Omonogawa 雄物川
秋田県仙郡北協和村上淀川 -  蓮西寺

- quote -
The Lord and falcon hunters were hunting on the river near temple 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji.

- source : shotakotake.deviantart.com

Suddenly a huge black hairy arm appeared from the surface and robbed the lord's gun 鉄砲の筒.
His retainers and the boatsmen searched the river but could not find it.
Later the skilfull swimmer 六兵衛 Rokubei from the village 萩台村 Hagidaimura found it near the deep waters of temple 洪福寺 Kofuju-Ji and went to the 角館の北家 Kita Family in Kakunodate to sell it. The Kita family has been a retainer of Lord Satake 佐竹公 since 1777. They recognized the scratches on the gun as the one's of the river monster Kawaguma.
But soon Rokubei fell into the river and drowned.
Since then, the district was called 河熊郡 Kawaguma Gun.

Another story from 河辺郡の椿川村 Kawabe gun, Tsubakigawa village
Now 川添村 Kawazoemura
Once upon a time
a boat was going down the river 雄物川 Omonogawa. One night the gunwale at the bottom of the boat there were scratches of some hands trying to grab the gunwale. Since there was also black hair left, the boatsmen thought it must have been the river bear monster.


Kappa as deity at the Sanno Festival

合川町 Aikawamachi

Kappa was trying to pull a horse into the water by its tail. He got caught and was let go when he promised to share how to make medicine 調薬法.


秋田市河辺 Akita city



大仙市 Daisen city
Now including seven villages :

Kappa no Osazuke 河童のおさずけ A good deed from the Kappa

Kazooin Jinguu Mitsuji 花蔵院神宮密寺
この寺は、大同年中より観応年中の頃まで、小猿山神宮寺密寺と申し、その後去河山華蔵院と改めたが、その年号ははっきりしない。仁和寺の末寺で、宝暦年中以前は京都より住職が下向したという。玄応法印快絲法師なども下向された人という。法印は、ある時河童をいけどり、今後この郷はいうに及ばず他郷の者といえども捕らえて食ってはならない、もし人を捕ったと聞けば法刀で斬殺してしまうからと厳しくせめたところ、涙を流して謝ったため川に放した。その後 この近辺で河童に捕らえられることが全くなくなったという。

Kirisome no kyuuri きりそめの胡瓜
昔、あったずもな。 - Once upon a time (あったとさ in local dialect)


Kappa no takaramono 河童の宝もの

Kappa no tetsudai 河童の手伝い


Kappa no shippai 河童の失敗 Mistake of a Kappa (3 versions)

Kappa no otakara 河童のおたから a treasure from the Kappa


東成瀬村 Higashi Narusemura

Shinnaifuchi Taro 真内渕太郎 -

Kappa no okurimono 河童のおくり物 A present from Kappa


祇園さま Gionsama, Gion Sama, Gion-Sama - The Gion Deity
Gion Kappa 祇園かっぱ

The messenger of the deity Inari is the fox, but the messenger of the deity Gion sama is the Kappa.
The deity is Susanoo no Mikoto 須佐之男命.
Therefore on the festival for Gionsama children must not play in the river to avoid accidents. Instead they have to throw cucumbers into the river from the bridge.
is an old saying.

Gionsama to kyuuri 祇園様と胡瓜 Gionsama and cucumbers
During the days of the Gion festival people are not allowed to eat cucumbers (a special food for the Kappa).
If they do, they will be pulled into the river by a Kappa.

and from 仙北郡峯吉川村
Gionsama to Kappa 祇園様と河童 Gionsama and the Kappa
On the festival day 六月十五日 people offer cucumbers on the family altar. They can only eat them after making the offering first. If they do not make the proper offering and eat the cucumber, they will be washed away in the river next time they come near it.

. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り Gion Festival in Kyoto .
In mid-July (in the sixth lunar month on the 15th day). Also celebrated as Gionsama, Gion-Sama in other parts of Japan.


井川町 Igawamachi

河童 の恩返し


角館町 Kakunodate

A Kappa lived at the dike Hyoe-tome 兵衛トメ(堤). The used to shapeshift into a red lacquer bowl and tempted the children.

The family of Jinsuke 甚助 once helped a Kappa who had tried to pull a horse into the water and got caught. In gratitude they got a chirirenge チリレンゲ pottery spoon from the Kappa.

Any medicine they mixed with this spoon was extremely powerful and soon his family became very rich. But after a few generations, someone lost the precious medicine spoon. From then on the family fell into poverty.


北秋田郡 Kita Akita gun
When little girls play in the river, they sometimes pee into it. If they do it, they have to call out KAPPA 「カッパ」 to the grown-ups on the river bank. And the grown-ups have to reply: doohe 「ドーヘ」, so the girl would not be snatched by a Kappa.
Then the girl had to recite the following verse before doing her little job.
「カッパにとられな ドーヘにとられな 海さえって塩なあれなれ」

北秋田郡 上小阿仁村 Kita Akitagun - Kami Oanimura

Kappa no yakusoku 河童の約束

nadegusuri 根田薬 medicine


美郷町 Misato cho



三種町 Mitanecho

はだか半三郎 Hadaka Hanzaburo
幸福になる話, 失敗する話


能代市 Noshiro town

kyuuri uenu ie 胡瓜植えぬ家
キュウリの植えられない家だども、そのいわれだば、俺なんも聞いたことねどもしゃぁ - -

能代市二ツ井町 Futatsu-I machi

Kappa no e 河童の絵 the painting of Kappa
One farmer in 種村 Tanemura village had a beautiful lively horse.
One day in summer he washed the horse in the river in a deep pool and then went home. He put the horse in the stable as usual but a short time later the horse begun to behave quite wild. When the farmer looked, he saw a Kappa in the corner.
An elder of the village said: "This kappa lives in the deep pool of the river and grabbed the tail of your horse!"
So the farmer had a painting made of the Kappa grabbing the tail of his horse.

This painting is still there in the shrine Kumano Jinja 熊野神社 - or so they say.

Kumano Jinja 熊野神社 and
- Legend
- source : www.city.noshiro.akita.jp


男鹿市 Oga town


Donchi no Shigejiro とんちのしげじろう
Binbogami to akahata 貧乏神と赤い旗 binbogami and the red flag


Oodate 大館市 Odate town

大館市十二所 Odate, Junisho



Senboku shi 仙北市 Senboku town
including 仙北郡の角館町、田沢湖町、西木村

貧乏人の嫁取り 仙北市

河童のチリレンゲ 仙北市角館町 Kakunodate town

河童の話 - 仙北市

貧乏人の嫁取り 仙北市

Yotekozawa ヨテコ沢伝説 仙北市


山本郡 二ツ井町 Yamamoto gun - Futatsu-I machi

- - - カワヘビ kawahebi

山本郡 藤里町 Yamamoto gun - Fujisato machi


横手市 / よこて市  Yokote


Yomekobuchi 嫁コ淵

百曲りの河童 横手市

Kappabuchi no soodoo 河童渕の争動 Fighting at the Kapapbuchi river pool
Now at Asahikawa (former Yokotekawa)

橫手市大森町, Yokote, Omoricho

Kappabuchi no hanashi 河童渕の話

横手市黒川 Yokote, Kurokawa
Daidogawa 大戸川の河童 The Kappa from river Daidogawa


由利郡 矢島町 Yuri gun - Yashima machi

由利郡  笹子村 Yuri gun - Sasagomura


Yurihoojoo 由利本荘市 Yurihojo town

カツパのくれた刀 Yurihoojoo 由利本荘市 Yurihojo town

Kappa Hiyaroo 河童火やろう "Kappa I will give you fire"
- - -



Fukudamura 福田村の悪食喜平

oomukade 大ムカデ huge centipede
藤原喜平 Fujiwara Kihei was also called 悪食喜平 Akujiki Kihei because he liked to eat centipedes and snakes. He just ate anything he caught with his fishing net near 岩谷 Iwatani. Therefore he was called
akujiki 悪食 "Eater of bad things".
When he was young, he had killed a huge centipede in his field and eaten it. It did not matter to him, he always had a drink of 蕎麦酒 Buckwheat liquor to digest it.
But then one day, his mother did not let him have a drink and he died.

蕎麦の酒 - Suehiro Sake Co. - Fukushima

. soba 蕎麦 Legends about buckwheat .

Another legend about Akujiki Kihei
- reference : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp/monogatari -



Bentenjima no Kappa べんてん島のカッパ

Oroka Usuke 馬鹿うすけ(おろか聟)The Stupid Man Usuke
- addition - 話者は佐藤タミ。明治35年5月23日、由利郡鳥海村(旧川内村)上平根に生まれる。明治39年9月に両親と共に満州(現在の中国東北部)の長春で生活する。大正4年7月に日本へ帰国し、鳥海村へ帰る。この頃から祖母ののぶの(安政5年 鳥海山小川生まれ)からから昔話を聞くようになった。大正8年頃から失明し、大正13年に婿養子を迎え2人の子どもに恵まれる。昭和55年2月6日、78歳で逝去。


湯沢市 Yuzawa 雄勝町


Oka ni agatta Kappa おかに上がった河童 Kappa who went up a hill

Mengobuchi メンゴ淵の河童
Minekonuma みねこ沼と飛脚

河童伝授薬 - medicine
河童の伝えた薬 - medicine


Kappa no myooyaku 河童の妙薬 - Myoyaku special medicine

source : wikipedie

. Kappa no kusuri カッパの薬 / 河童の薬 Kappa and medicine .

絵本伊那谷ものがたり 河童の妙薬


- - - - - reference - - - - -

- source : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp -

- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp


Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.

祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest

. kamon 家紋 family crests .


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappaakita #akita -



Aichi prefecture

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -

- Aichi prefecture 愛知県 Kappa 河童 カッパ かっぱ
河童俗伝 Kappa zokuden folktales -

Aichi Prefecture (愛知県 Aichi-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region. The region of Aichi is also known as the Tōkai region.
The capital is Nagoya 名古屋. It is the focus of the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The tade 蓼 Polygonum hydropiper features in many of these legends.

Some tales are quite similar and only mentioned abbreviated.

kawa kozoo 川小僧 "young man (monk) from the river - another name for the Kappa.


A legend from Aichi 愛知県, Chita Hanto peninsula 知多半島 and Shikushima
The legend tells of the God of the Hearth, 竈神 Kamadogami and a Kappa.

tadejiru, tade-jiru 蓼汁 soup from the water pepper plant
Polygonum hydropiper. The leaves are squeezed for a pungent hot soup.

Once upon a time
a Kappa lived on the lid of the kitchen stove 竈の蓋 of a prosperous family. This Kappa, also callen Enko 猿侯, helped the family with their work. One day in a very hot summer, they prepared a soup from water pepper, which is a speciality of this region, and offered it to the Kappa. The soup was very bitter and the Kappa did not like it. Angry, he ran away.
After that the good fortune of the family declined rapidly.
- source : forumdoi.exblog.jp - カッパ・猿侯

. Deity of the Kitchen and the Hearth 竈神 .

. . . . things a Kappa dislikes and fears 嫌物 .


Kappa and Kaaranbe カアランベ "river child"

Aichi prefecture 愛知県 - no village details

Once upon a time, a farmer worked in his fields, when a young man came along. He was afraid the man would be a kappa and gave him some tade to eat. and what do you say - the man jumped high in the air and vanished in the nearby river pond 蛇淵.
The next day a huge fish called amenouo アメノウオ / 鯇魚 of the trout family (Oncorhynchus masou ) swam on the river pond.
The family ate this delicious trout, but they all died after that.

- - - -

A man washed his horse by the river and when he wanted to head home, he saw a Kappa grabbing the tail of his horse. There was still water in the plate of the Kappa and he was quite strong, but the man let him go and the Kappa fled.
From that day on, the Kappa brought a basket full of fish to the man every day.


葉栗郡 Haguri gun 浅井町 Asaimura / カアランベ(河童)

There lived a bone doctor who had a medicine from the Kappa.
When a person with a would to heal came to him, the person had to walk around the pond in the family garden once. Then the Kappa came out and began to heal the patient.


北設楽郡 Kitashitara gun 振草村 Furikusamura
There are various tales from Kitashitara.
A story similar to the soup from the tade water pepper plant
In this village story
it was a New Year feast with this soup, when the Kappa left the family.
Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls".
It was a place where you could lend dinner trays and bowls.
One day a youngster threw pebbles into the cooking hearth. Then a princess appeared from the depth of the pool. The youngster stuck a branch into the pond, but the stick changed into a scarecrow かがし.
One day in the beginning of the Meiji period, a man passed at the Zenwanbuchi late at night. A beautiful woman passed him. He walked home but was very very scared. He had to stay in bed for three days. People believed he was bewitched by the beautiful princess Otohime 乙姫.

- - - - -

Another story related to the Zenwanbuchi - Fuchigo Zenwan ふちご膳椀
zenwan kari ni fuchigo made 膳椀借りに ふちごまで going to the river pool girl to borrow some trays and bowls

The Fuchigo 「ふちご」lady of olden times wore a lot of whirling water.
People went to her to borrow trays and bowls for feasts at wedding ceremonies and funerals. And she always lent them in her kind ways.
One day a nervous youngster brought the wrong things back and from that on she never lent any bowls and trays again.
- source : sukosidake.at.webry.info

- - - - - Similar stories about lending お膳 O-Zen trays :

. Chiba 千葉県 and 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai .

. Fukushima 福島県 Kappa legends 河童 .

. Fukushima Iwaki city - daija 大蛇 big serpent .

. Gifu 岐阜県 Kappa legend .

. Ibaraki 茨城県 Karaneko からねこ Chinese cat .

. Miyagi 宮城県 Kappa legends 河童 .

. Miyazaki 宮崎県 - 山姫 Yamahime lending zenwan .

. Nagano 長野県 Kappa legends 河童 .
. The Ryujin 龍神 Dragon Deity lending trays .
. The Dragon at river 千曲川 Chikumagawa .
. Nagano Mizunokami legends 水の神 .
. Nagano Yamanokami legends - Kashiwagi Jinja 柏木神社 .

. Saitama 埼玉県 / 日高町 Hidaka .

. Yamanashi - wankashibuchi 椀貸淵 river pool for bowls .

. Yamanashi - 清泰寺 the temple Seitai-Ji .

. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .
more about lending food trays and bowls.

. お善鬼様 O-Zenki Sama - The Benevolent Demon .
Nagano, Aoni shuuraku 青鬼集落 a hamlet named Aoni "Green Demon"

. Dinner Tray, food tray (zen 膳) - Introduction .
For a wedding or funeral, these trays were used to serve the many visitors and family members.

. Legends about the Red Cow, Red Bull  赤牛と伝説 aka-ushi, akaushi .
北巨摩郡 Kitakomo gun 小淵沢町 Kobuchisawa - Yamanashi
The red cow providing dinner trays to the villagers !

- - - - - - - - - -

Back to Kitashitara gun
北設楽郡 下津具村 Shimo Tsugumura

Once upon a time
there lived old man Yajiemon 彌次右衛門長者 with his brother and sister, Oto オト and Nabe ナベ. One day by accident Nabe let a spindle fall into the cooking pot. This was a very bad omen in this region. When she asked Grandma for advice, Grandma said to throw the pot into the Benten River Pool 弁天淵. And so she did.
BUT in that night a strong sudden flood came down the valley and wiped out the home of Yajiemon and his family.
(This is listed among the Kappa legends.)

- - - - -

北設楽郡 設楽町 Shitaracho

A rich man named 小石久右エ門 Koishi Kyu-emon walked pass the 男が淵 Otokogabuchi River Pool and met a kappa (Kawa Kozo 川小僧 ). He tried to kill the Kappa by hitting it with his long metal pipe but things turned out different and he was thrown into the river.

- - - - -

北設楽郡 富山村 Tomiyamamura

The 田辺家 Tanabe family had a Kappa helping, and he always used the same bowl for his food 食事を与えた器. This bowl was brought by Kappa from the Dragon Palace 河童が竜宮.

A Kappa lived with the Tanabe family
and he always sat on a round cushion 円座. The family kept this cushion as a great treasure, but about 30 years past it was lost.
The Kappa of the Tanabe family always helped with the farm work. When visitors came to the family he always brought two trout from the nearby river Tenryugawa 天龍川から鯇魚(アメノウオ)and delivered them at the kitchen entrance.
Then one day the Kappa left the Tanabe family. On that day a servant had given him a bowl of bitter tade soup by accident. Anyway, the Kappa left and the good fortune of the family came to an end.
- - - - -
At the old family home of the Oyakata オヤカタ (chief, master)
there once lived a Kappa on the lid of the kitchen stove on a round cushion.
He always helped the family with the farm work.


北設楽郡 豊根村 Toyonemura

Once upon a time
there lived a Kappa (kawaranbe "river child" カワランベ) in the river Tenryugawa 天竜川.
The man who told us this story once observed a Kappa at the river bank. The Kappa had shapeshifted into a beautiful woman and had come to help in the family. At the riverbank 川原の淵 she stood on a bridge and offered to lend trays and bowls. When he brought them back later, he secretely hid them in the river.
Every time there were many visitors he could do this and the lady only said to him
"Never ever offer me tade soup!"
One day he wanted to find out the truth and offered her a bowl of tade by blowing the bubbles into the river and pouring it into the river.
From that day on, the lady never came back and never lent him any trays any more.
This story is told by various people.

- - - - -

Hataoribuchi 機織淵 "Weaving River Pool"
(there is also a legend about a place of this name in Iwate 岩手県二戸郡浄法寺町.)

Once upon a time
there was a huge rock at the river bank and a woman was sitting there weaving.
Many days passed and many villagers came by just to see her. When she had finished her weaving, he disappeared into the depth of the pool.
for many weeks to come, villagers could hear the sound of weaving from the bottom of the pool.

- - - - -

Kitashitara gun 北設楽郡 - no village mentioned

At the Mirane River Pool ミラネ淵 there once lived a Kappa.
One day he grabbed the tail of a horse and was draged all the way along the road.


名古屋市 西区 Nagoya Nishi
At the river 老瀬川 there lived a very strong man who once punished a Kappa.

豊田市 Toyota 簗平町 Yanadairacho
The place name of Yanadaira comes from the vast weirs for catching fish (yana 簗, 魚簗 fish trap) in the river.
One day they found the dead body of a kappa (kawa boozu 川坊主 Kawa Bozu) there.

八名郡 Yanagun district 七郷村 Nanasatomura
Nukafuchi (Nukabuchi) 糠淵 -
a river pook where since olden times lived the "master of the pool" 淵の主.
In the beginning of the Meiji period, when wood was transported along the river, a stem flow into this pool. A small snake (kojanome 小蛇) carried it in it mouth.
The man who made this observation later became a high fever, and soon all the other workers with the wood transportation also became very ill.

There is also a Nukafuchi in Akita near Yokote, related to Namahage legends of Akita.

- source : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp

. Akita 秋田県 Kappa Legends 河童 .

Nagoya 須佐男神社 Susano Jinja Shrine
and the かっぱ商店街 Kappa Shotengai Shopping Street
Once the Kappa from the nearby river helped a child which was drowning, so the villagers venerated him.

- reference : かっぱ商店街 名古屋 -


- reference : nichibun yokai database 河童 -


. Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター .
Chubu 中部地方

Kappa kun カッパ君 Aichi 愛知県の県営水道

Kappa Oyako かっぱ親子 Kappa family - Aichi 愛知県美浜町/ かっぱの三人家族
- Kawataro 河太郎 / Hanachan 花ちゃん

Oise Kappa renjaa 笈瀬かっぱレンジャー Oise Kappa Ranger - from Oisegawa 笈瀬川, Nagoya 愛知県名古屋市


Kappa Sushi Bullet Train

- Kappa Sushi in Aichi - reference


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappaaichi #zenwan #aichi -




rice offerings

- Food and Drink with Kappa 食べ物 -

- buppan 仏飯 Buddhist rice offerings - 
and other things a Kappa dislikes and fears 嫌物

imu 忌む things a Kappa has to avoid

Most families make a food offering every morning at the altar of the ancestors.
The ancestor deity enjoys the rice offering by looking and smelling at it.
After the offering is made to the ancestors and deities, it is eaten in gratitude by humans.
Rice is never wasted, not even a single grain of it.

When a human eats rice offerings, there emanate strong rays from his eyes. The Kappa is afraid of them and runs away. He can also not win at sumo wrestling with someone having eaten rice offerings.

There are many stories in Kyushu about the power of humans and even animals, after eating the rice offerings. and the Garappa is running away.


A story from Nagasaki, Nakashimagawa river
長崎市桜馬場町の中島川 and Maruyama Koen Park 丸川公園

The river is also called 魔の川, a deadly river.
Until about 1918 the most favorite place for swimming was a pond for fire extinguishing purposes, about 12 meters long and 6 meters wide. The pond was 2 meters deep and had a stone wall around it of about 2 meters height. Trees were planted around it and it was good to relax here in summer.

But there were also water accidents and five people died here. At that time there were rumours of Kappa and Kawauso 川獺 otters pulling children into the water, so, to be on the safe side, all swimming was forbidden.

Grandfathers of the town still tell their children:
"If you eat the rice offerings and go to the river after that,
the Kappa will not be able to pull you in."
- source : eonet.ne.jp/~nagasaki


- - - - - Other things that a Kappa does not like

ami 網 net
In some parts of Kagoshima the Garappe does not like nets. So the humans can wear a net to protect themselves when working along riversides.

ha 人間の歯 human teeth
In some regions in Kyushu Kappa is said to dislike human teeth.

hai、butsudan no hai 仏壇の灰 ashes from the family altar
The ashes of Buddhist offerings of incense are rubbed on the human body before starting a sumo wrestling match with a Kappa. Then the human will win.


hi 火 fire
The water in the sara plate on a Kappa's head get dry, if there is fire. If there is not enough water in the plate, the Kappa gets weak.

. Kappa hi yaroo 河童火やろう "Kappa I will give you fire" .
legend from Akita

. Kappa hi o yaroo 河童火をやろう "Kappa I will give you fire" .
legend from Fukushima


- hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd, calabash -


kanamono 金物, kinzoku 金属 things made of metal

- quote
The Kappa’s fear of metal, especially iron can be traced to the role of megalithic beliefs in folklore.
An example of this would be the Chinese water spirit, chiao-dragon, who is frightened away by anything made of iron or the miners of Halmahera who would boil iron in their drinking water prior to consumption . . .
(Ishida and Yoshida 1950, 34).
- source : Ken Lim

If you hang some metal things like a sickle or a spade 鎌や鋤 at the door of the horse barn, the Kappa can not come in. Other people hang metal nails on the eaves. Farmers carry a metal sickle to protect themselves on the wet rice fields.
The Kappa especially does not like the flimmering and glittering of metal things in the sunshine.

In some regions in Kyushu it is customary after digging an irrigation pond to throw some metal things like a hatchet into it. This will prevent the Kappa from living in this pond and doing harm to the farmers.


Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Kannon

. Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu .

. kasuri 絣 Kimono with Ikat pattern .

koke 苔 moss
If horses eat a bit from the moss growing on the grave of Lord Ozumi 大積隆鎮, a Kappa will not be able to pull them into water.
. Kappa legends from Fukushima .

. koojin 荒神 Kojin deity, "rough deity" .

. michikiri, michi-kiri 道切 cutting off a road with amulets .
to prevent a kappa or yokai from entering a village

. ogara おがら / 苧殻 hemp reeds .
. . . . . a kappa would die if he has to eat his rice with chopsticks made from
ogara hemp reeds - - - and asa 麻 hemp - 鹿の角や麻を忌む


sasage ささげ (豆の一種) ササゲ sasage beans
Vigna unguiculata,  十六大角豆 cowpea

才津川は、田沢湖町では、 “さずけ”とも呼ばれているそうです。
- source : www.rg-youkai.com/tales

needs further explanation - tba

shika no tsuno 鹿の角 deer horn

Seems to be related to his fear of metal.
柳田國男の『山島民譚集(一)- Yagagita Kunio
河童が金属を忌む / 鹿の角や麻を忌む
- source : sunekotanpako

- - - - -
There are legends in Tosa about this. If someone has to go into a Kappa river, he better fixes some deer horn on his body to prevent the Kappa from killing him and taking his liver away.

新版河童の世界 - By 石川純一郎
- source : books.google.co.jp

- - - - -

Wakamiya Jinja 若宮神社
伊予国(愛媛県)の高山城主、宇都宮正綱 Ehime
The lord of the Takayama castle was Lord Utsunomiya Masatsuna (1447 - 1477)

The shrine is dedicated to Masatsuna.

Komainu statues of a Kappa at the Shrine gate

Once upon a time
the Lord was on his way home late in the evening. Suddenly felt something jumping on his back and clinging to it. He tried to get rid of it, but it clung strongly.
Yes, indeed, it was a Kappa in great pain, with tears in his eyes, who pleased with the Lord to carry him for a while.
The gentle Lord let the Kappa have its way.
On the next morning, in front of the castle gate, there was a large sea bream as an offering for him. Surely this was a present from the Kappa he had helped last night.

And then one day
a retainer fixed the horns of a deer at the gate to make it easier for the fish to be offered. But - oh wonder - there were no more fish from that day on.
The Kappa must really dislike the horns of a deer very much ! 河童は鹿の角が大嫌い.
The End
- source : sinsi/fukuda/kappa

. Three Legends from Wakamiya Jinja .

. komainu, koma-inu 河童狛犬 Kappa as lion dog .


tadejiru, tade-jiru 蓼汁 soup from the water pepper plant
Polygonum hydropiper. The leaves are squeezed for a pungent hot soup.

from Kappa no Aramitama 河童の荒魂
Aramitama is the "rough spirit" of Amaterasu ōmikami.

At the riverbank 大淵 at Kurumeki town 久留女木 in Shizuoka a young monk from the Dragon Shrine / Dragon Palace helped the busy farmers with their work in the fields. The farmers offered him some soup from the water pepper plant 蓼汁, which he did not really like at all, and he died.
This gentle Kappa was kind enough to help the farmers.
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp

A legend from Aichi 愛知県, Chita Hanto peninsula 知多半島 and Shikushima
The legend tells of the God of the Hearth, 竈神 Kamadogami and a Kappa.

Once upon a time
a Kappa lived on the lid of the kitchen stove 竈の蓋 of a good family. This Kappa, also callen Enko 猿侯, helped the family with their work. One day in a very hot summer, they prepared a soup from water pepper, which is a speciality of this region, and offered it to the Kappa. The soup was very bitter and the Kappa did not like it. Angry, he ran away.
After that the good fortune of the family declined rapidly.
- source : forumdoi.exblog.jp - カッパ・猿侯

. Deity of the Kitchen and the Hearth 竈神 .


toomorokoshi トウモロコシ / とうもろこし maize, corn

河童 首が落ちた話 
By 芥川龍之介
- source : books.google.co.jp


takenoko 竹の子 bamboo shoots

- quote -
story of Yagoro kappa which "Even the best swimmers can drown" was derived from, story that it was if kappa dislikes bamboo shoot,
- source : www.kurume-hotomeki -
Kuruppa - Kappa from Kuruma

Kappa no kondate 河童の献立 menu from Kappa

この石にと感心したそうです。「人間というものは、歯の強いモノだ」ベている神主さんを見て、ほんものの竹の子を そなえ、河童どもの皿の上には、老い竹の輪切りを盛ってあったので、平気で喰河
ごちそうの中には、かならず竹の子の輪切りがあったのですが、このとき神主さんのものだけは、 ...
日本の民話 - Volume 48 - Page 55

- reference -

This needs to be explored further.


tsuba, daeki 唾, 唾液 spittle


It also works the other way, people dislike and fear the Kappa.

- quote -
Fear of kappa is phobia of kappa
The fear or phobia of kappa can produce both physical and physiological symptoms. In some cases, the physical symptoms are similar to those associated with typical anxiety disorder such as sweating, nervousness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, increased blood pressure, and tightness in the chest. Some psychological symptoms may include panic, overwhelming fear or dread, as well as general emotional distress. Depression symptoms or depression disorder may also accompany the phobia of kappa or those like it. The depression could be a symptom of the phobia or an effect of the phobia and how it can change a person's day to day life.

A phobia like this one can affect anyone of any age, sex, race, or background. Some people may be more prone to phobias like this one or may experience more severe symptoms than others. Fear is a natural human feeling and anyone can develop a phobia.

The phobia of kappa can be treated.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually the most effective treatment for a phobia like this one. It is also used to treat certain anxiety disorders, depression disorders, and mood disorders. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, a person affected by this phobia will essentially "learn" to not fear kappa anymore. This will be achieved by changing the behavior of the person and the person's brain when they come in contact with or see kappa. This can be achieved without the use of anxiety medication, eventually a full recovery from this phobia is possible.

Commonly, people do not understand why they have a phobia of kappa. Fears like these can cause embarrassment and further anxiety because it's hard to understand why phobias like this arise. Many people may feel silly or fear that others will judge them for being afraid.

Fear and anxiety are natural parts of life, everyone is afraid of something and it is common for people to avoid the things that they are afraid of, especially when they feel what they fear may be potentially dangerous to them or those they care for. In the same sense, it is common for those with a phobia of kappa to avoid situations where they will be near them or see them.

Phobias like the phobia of kappa vary from person to person, some people who suffer from this will have severe anxiety attacks because of it and some will only have minor anxiety. What triggers this phobia will also vary depending on the person who suffers from it. Some only feel this fear when they are near kappa while some experience anxiety attacks associated with this phobia from simply seeing a picture of a kappa or thinking about one.

It's suggested that a person suffering from a phobia of kappa take steps to begin conquering this fear. For example, most who have this fear understand that it is illogical. They have no real or logical reason to feel this crippling fear. Even so, it continues to frighten them and affect their day to day lives. Beginning to understand this fear is a step in the right direction. Understanding a phobia is one of the first steps in being able to recover from it. After that, receiving treatment from a licensed specialist to help battle a phobia like this one is one of the best things a person can do. It may also be helpful to address other problems a person may have like anxiety, depression, or other phobias.
- source : phobiaof.com/kappax


- reference -

. Garappa ガラッパ Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu .

. Buddhist food offerings (onjiki kuyoo 飲食 供養) .
- Introduction -


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappabuppan #kappadislike #dislike-



gourd hyotan

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd, calabash -

One of the things a Kappa does not like at all.
Gourds always swim on the surface of water, they are like a life belt, preventing things from sinking to the bottom of the water as easy pray for a Kappa.

There are various kinds of gourds in Japan.

source : amazon.co.jp

河童之図(ひょうたん)Kappa painting : the Gourd
Honjoo Motoaki 本庄基晃 Honjo Motoaki

- quote -
Although the kappa is attracted to some foods of the uri, or melon, grouping - such as kyuri and kabocha - it is clear that it has an aversion to hyotan (gourds), which are also of the melon group.
Michael Dylan Foster

. Kappa and kyuuri キュウリ Kyuri, cucumber, Gurken .

. Things a Kappa dislikes or fears .


. - Mizuchi, Medochi 蛟 water yokai monster - .

Early references
The ancient chronicle Nihongi contains the earliest references to mizuchi. Under the 67th year of the reign of Emperor Nintoku (conventionally dated 379 A.D.), it is mentioned that in central Kibi Province, at a fork on Kawashima River (川嶋河, old name of Takahashi River (高梁川) in Okayama Prefecture), a great water serpent or dragon (大虬) dwelled and would breathe or spew out its venom, poisoning and killing many passersby.

A man named Agatamori (県守), ancestor of the Kasa-no-omi (笠臣) clan, came up to the pool of the river, and threw in three calabashes which floated to the surface of the water. He then challenged the beast, saying he would quit the spot if it could sink these gourds, but slay it if it failed. The beast transformed into a deer and tried unsuccessfully to sink them, whereby the man slew the monster. The record goes on to say: "..He further sought out the water-dragon's fellows. Now the tribe of all the water-dragons filled a cave in the bottom of the pool. He slew them every one, and the water of the river became changed to blood. Therefore that water was called the pool of Agatamori"
(tr. Aston 1896:1,299).


Kappa Muko-Iri 河童婿入り Kappa as son in law, The Kappa Bridegroom
hyootan and hechima 瓢箪やへちま

- quote -
. . . a farmer is suffering from a drought so he offers his daughter to anyone who can bring water to his fields. A kappa does this and the farmer, true to his word, gives him the hand [and all the rest] of his daughter to be his wife.
Naturally the woman is appalled and says she will be docile and obedient if the kappa can keep some gourds submerged. Try as he might he can’t and exhausted by the whole affair wanders off. So does the marriage.

The Kyūri vs. the Hyōtan – the Cucumber vs. the Gourd – 黄瓜 vs. 瓢箪:
A Freudian Interpretation

Michael Dylan Foster,
mentioned above, posits a completely Freudian approach to why kappas like cucumbers and are put off by gourds: Cucumbers are 98% water while gourds are hollow and dry. “In shape and in moisture content the cucumber clearly represents a fertility symbol . . . ” while the hyōtan is a threat to that potency. Another possibility is that both plants represent fertility because “ . . . kyūri is a symbol of the male aspect while the hyōtan, with its womb-like nature (and the fact that hyōtan often contain seeds), represents the female aspect.
Just as the kappa loses its potency upon spilling the water in its sara [the bowl-like shape at the top of its head], so the hyōtan, as a dry vessel that can contain and carry away liquid, may also represent to the kappa a potential loss of moisture and potency. The same sort of wet-dry . . .” hypothesis appears among the Indo-European and Semitic cultures.
- source : printsofjapan.wordpress.com - Vegder


. Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし
河童 folktales about the Kappa .

kappa to hyootan かっぱとひょうたん Kappa and the Gourd
Japanese version of the above English story.

Kappa as bridegroom and the clever woman

翌日、約束通り田んぼには水が入り、枯れかけていた苗も元通り元気になりました。 爺さんは河童との約束を果たすべく、娘にわけを話して嫁に行ってもらうようお願いしました。 泣いて頼む爺さんに、快く河童の所へ嫁入りすることを決心し、大きなひょうたん持って淵にでかけました。

- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com


. hechima 糸瓜, 蛮瓜,布瓜 sponge gourd .

. カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa - Legend .

Mountain Priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku heared about the water shortage and came to Mount Takatosan. He had been involved with wicked Kappa before and fought them with leaves of the gourd ヘチマの葉.
So he thought he could help the people by subduing the Kappa here too.


Hyotan-ike no Kappa 瓢箪池の河童 Kappa of the Gourd-Pond

Once upon a time
a Kappa lived all alone in this pond. He longed for a friend all the time.
This is a stroy I heard from my grandpa.
The bad boys had to walk along this pond on the way to and from school.

. kappa ehon 河童絵本 picture books for children .


kappa dorei 河童土鈴 clay bell with Kappa
- source : kappakyoto


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -

. WKD - hyootan 瓢箪 gourd .
- Introduction -


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappagourd #kappahyotan #kappahyootan -

