- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Aichi prefecture 愛知県 Kappa 河童 カッパ かっぱ
河童俗伝 Kappa zokuden folktales -

Aichi Prefecture (愛知県 Aichi-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region. The region of Aichi is also known as the Tōkai region.
The capital is Nagoya 名古屋. It is the focus of the Chūkyō Metropolitan Area.
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The tade 蓼 Polygonum hydropiper features in many of these legends.
Some tales are quite similar and only mentioned abbreviated.
kawa kozoo 川小僧 "young man (monk) from the river - another name for the Kappa.
A legend from Aichi 愛知県, Chita Hanto peninsula 知多半島 and Shikushima
The legend tells of the God of the Hearth, 竈神 Kamadogami and a Kappa.
tadejiru, tade-jiru 蓼汁 soup from the water pepper plant
Polygonum hydropiper. The leaves are squeezed for a pungent hot soup.

Once upon a time
a Kappa lived on the lid of the kitchen stove 竈の蓋 of a prosperous family. This Kappa, also callen Enko 猿侯, helped the family with their work. One day in a very hot summer, they prepared a soup from water pepper, which is a speciality of this region, and offered it to the Kappa. The soup was very bitter and the Kappa did not like it. Angry, he ran away.
After that the good fortune of the family declined rapidly.
- source : forumdoi.exblog.jp - カッパ・猿侯
. Deity of the Kitchen and the Hearth 竈神 .
. . . . things a Kappa dislikes and fears 嫌物 .
Kappa and Kaaranbe カアランベ "river child"
Aichi prefecture 愛知県 - no village details
Once upon a time, a farmer worked in his fields, when a young man came along. He was afraid the man would be a kappa and gave him some tade to eat. and what do you say - the man jumped high in the air and vanished in the nearby river pond 蛇淵.
The next day a huge fish called amenouo アメノウオ / 鯇魚 of the trout family (Oncorhynchus masou ) swam on the river pond.
The family ate this delicious trout, but they all died after that.
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A man washed his horse by the river and when he wanted to head home, he saw a Kappa grabbing the tail of his horse. There was still water in the plate of the Kappa and he was quite strong, but the man let him go and the Kappa fled.
From that day on, the Kappa brought a basket full of fish to the man every day.
葉栗郡 Haguri gun 浅井町 Asaimura / カアランベ(河童)
There lived a bone doctor who had a medicine from the Kappa.
When a person with a would to heal came to him, the person had to walk around the pond in the family garden once. Then the Kappa came out and began to heal the patient.
北設楽郡 Kitashitara gun 振草村 Furikusamura
There are various tales from Kitashitara.
A story similar to the soup from the tade water pepper plant
In this village story
it was a New Year feast with this soup, when the Kappa left the family.
Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls".
It was a place where you could lend dinner trays and bowls.
One day a youngster threw pebbles into the cooking hearth. Then a princess appeared from the depth of the pool. The youngster stuck a branch into the pond, but the stick changed into a scarecrow かがし.
One day in the beginning of the Meiji period, a man passed at the Zenwanbuchi late at night. A beautiful woman passed him. He walked home but was very very scared. He had to stay in bed for three days. People believed he was bewitched by the beautiful princess Otohime 乙姫.
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Another story related to the Zenwanbuchi - Fuchigo Zenwan ふちご膳椀
zenwan kari ni fuchigo made 膳椀借りに ふちごまで going to the river pool girl to borrow some trays and bowls

The Fuchigo 「ふちご」lady of olden times wore a lot of whirling water.
People went to her to borrow trays and bowls for feasts at wedding ceremonies and funerals. And she always lent them in her kind ways.
One day a nervous youngster brought the wrong things back and from that on she never lent any bowls and trays again.
- source : sukosidake.at.webry.info
- - - - - Similar stories about lending お膳 O-Zen trays :
. Chiba 千葉県 and 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai .
. Fukushima 福島県 Kappa legends 河童 .
. Fukushima Iwaki city - daija 大蛇 big serpent .
. Gifu 岐阜県 Kappa legend .
. Ibaraki 茨城県 Karaneko からねこ Chinese cat .
. Miyagi 宮城県 Kappa legends 河童 .
. Miyazaki 宮崎県 - 山姫 Yamahime lending zenwan .
. Nagano 長野県 Kappa legends 河童 .
. The Ryujin 龍神 Dragon Deity lending trays .
. The Dragon at river 千曲川 Chikumagawa .
. Nagano Mizunokami legends 水の神 .
. Nagano Yamanokami legends - Kashiwagi Jinja 柏木神社 .
. Saitama 埼玉県 / 日高町 Hidaka .
. Yamanashi - wankashibuchi 椀貸淵 river pool for bowls .
. Yamanashi - 清泰寺 the temple Seitai-Ji .
. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .
more about lending food trays and bowls.
. お善鬼様 O-Zenki Sama - The Benevolent Demon .
Nagano, Aoni shuuraku 青鬼集落 a hamlet named Aoni "Green Demon"

. Dinner Tray, food tray (zen 膳) - Introduction .
For a wedding or funeral, these trays were used to serve the many visitors and family members.
. Legends about the Red Cow, Red Bull 赤牛と伝説 aka-ushi, akaushi .
北巨摩郡 Kitakomo gun 小淵沢町 Kobuchisawa - Yamanashi
The red cow providing dinner trays to the villagers !
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Back to Kitashitara gun 北設楽郡 下津具村 Shimo Tsugumura
Once upon a time
there lived old man Yajiemon 彌次右衛門長者 with his brother and sister, Oto オト and Nabe ナベ. One day by accident Nabe let a spindle fall into the cooking pot. This was a very bad omen in this region. When she asked Grandma for advice, Grandma said to throw the pot into the Benten River Pool 弁天淵. And so she did.
BUT in that night a strong sudden flood came down the valley and wiped out the home of Yajiemon and his family.
(This is listed among the Kappa legends.)
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北設楽郡 設楽町 Shitaracho
A rich man named 小石久右エ門 Koishi Kyu-emon walked pass the 男が淵 Otokogabuchi River Pool and met a kappa (Kawa Kozo 川小僧 ). He tried to kill the Kappa by hitting it with his long metal pipe but things turned out different and he was thrown into the river.
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北設楽郡 富山村 Tomiyamamura
The 田辺家 Tanabe family had a Kappa helping, and he always used the same bowl for his food 食事を与えた器. This bowl was brought by Kappa from the Dragon Palace 河童が竜宮.

A Kappa lived with the Tanabe family
and he always sat on a round cushion 円座. The family kept this cushion as a great treasure, but about 30 years past it was lost.
The Kappa of the Tanabe family always helped with the farm work. When visitors came to the family he always brought two trout from the nearby river Tenryugawa 天龍川から鯇魚(アメノウオ)and delivered them at the kitchen entrance.
Then one day the Kappa left the Tanabe family. On that day a servant had given him a bowl of bitter tade soup by accident. Anyway, the Kappa left and the good fortune of the family came to an end.
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At the old family home of the Oyakata オヤカタ (chief, master)
there once lived a Kappa on the lid of the kitchen stove on a round cushion.
He always helped the family with the farm work.
北設楽郡 豊根村 Toyonemura
Once upon a time
there lived a Kappa (kawaranbe "river child" カワランベ) in the river Tenryugawa 天竜川.
The man who told us this story once observed a Kappa at the river bank. The Kappa had shapeshifted into a beautiful woman and had come to help in the family. At the riverbank 川原の淵 she stood on a bridge and offered to lend trays and bowls. When he brought them back later, he secretely hid them in the river.
Every time there were many visitors he could do this and the lady only said to him
"Never ever offer me tade soup!"
One day he wanted to find out the truth and offered her a bowl of tade by blowing the bubbles into the river and pouring it into the river.
From that day on, the lady never came back and never lent him any trays any more.
This story is told by various people.
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Hataoribuchi 機織淵 "Weaving River Pool"
(there is also a legend about a place of this name in Iwate 岩手県二戸郡浄法寺町.)
Once upon a time
there was a huge rock at the river bank and a woman was sitting there weaving.
Many days passed and many villagers came by just to see her. When she had finished her weaving, he disappeared into the depth of the pool.
for many weeks to come, villagers could hear the sound of weaving from the bottom of the pool.
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Kitashitara gun 北設楽郡 - no village mentioned
At the Mirane River Pool ミラネ淵 there once lived a Kappa.
One day he grabbed the tail of a horse and was draged all the way along the road.
名古屋市 西区 Nagoya Nishi
At the river 老瀬川 there lived a very strong man who once punished a Kappa.
豊田市 Toyota 簗平町 Yanadairacho
The place name of Yanadaira comes from the vast weirs for catching fish (yana 簗, 魚簗 fish trap) in the river.
One day they found the dead body of a kappa (kawa boozu 川坊主 Kawa Bozu) there.
八名郡 Yanagun district 七郷村 Nanasatomura
Nukafuchi (Nukabuchi) 糠淵 -
a river pook where since olden times lived the "master of the pool" 淵の主.
In the beginning of the Meiji period, when wood was transported along the river, a stem flow into this pool. A small snake (kojanome 小蛇) carried it in it mouth.
The man who made this observation later became a high fever, and soon all the other workers with the wood transportation also became very ill.
There is also a Nukafuchi in Akita near Yokote, related to Namahage legends of Akita.
- source : namahage.is.akita-u.ac.jp
. Akita 秋田県 Kappa Legends 河童 .

Nagoya 須佐男神社 Susano Jinja Shrine
and the かっぱ商店街 Kappa Shotengai Shopping Street
Once the Kappa from the nearby river helped a child which was drowning, so the villagers venerated him.
- reference : かっぱ商店街 名古屋 -
- reference : nichibun yokai database 河童 -
. Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター .
Chubu 中部地方
Kappa kun カッパ君 Aichi 愛知県の県営水道
Kappa Oyako かっぱ親子 Kappa family - Aichi 愛知県美浜町/ かっぱの三人家族
- Kawataro 河太郎 / Hanachan 花ちゃん
Oise Kappa renjaa 笈瀬かっぱレンジャー Oise Kappa Ranger - from Oisegawa 笈瀬川, Nagoya 愛知県名古屋市
Kappa Sushi Bullet Train

- Kappa Sushi in Aichi - reference

. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappaaichi #zenwan #aichi -
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