. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Tanzawa 丹沢の鬼伝説
Oni Demon Legends from the Tanzawa mountains
The Tanzawa Mountains (丹沢山地 Tanzawa-sanchi) are a mountain range in the Kantō region, in Japan.
It covers the northwestern part of Kanagawa Prefecture and touches the prefectural borders of Shizuoka Prefecture to the west and the Yamanashi Prefecture to the north.
Mount Hiru 1,673m (蛭ヶ岳 Hiru-ga-take)
Mount Fudō 1,614m (不動ノ峰 Fudō-no-mine)
Mount Hinokiboramaru 1,601m (檜洞丸 Hinokibora-maru)
Mount Tanzawa 1,567m (丹沢山 Tanzawa-san)
Mount Tō 1,491m (塔ノ岳 Tō-no-dake)
Mount Shindainichi 1,340m (新大日 Shin-dainichi)
Mount Ōyama 1,252m (大山 Ō-yama)
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. 大山の不動様、 Oyama no Fudo Myo-O .
ヤビツ峠 Tanzawa, Yabitsu Toge pass (761 m high)
神奈川県秦野市 Kanagawa, Hadano
with a splendid view of Mount Fujisan
餓鬼道伝説 Legend of the Gakido realm of Hungry Demons
source : toki.moo.jp/gate-q... gate 041...
This pass used to be called gakidoo 餓鬼道 the Road of the Hungry Ghosts.
In former times, the warlords 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen and 北条氏康 Hojo Ujiyasu used to fight for this pass. Many of their soldiers did not get enough food and staved on the road.
Their hungry souls now haunt the place.
Even in our times, people sometimes come and make food offerings in remembrance of the old days.
yabitsu 矢櫃 refers to the boxes and containers they used to keep the arrows.
The soldiers carried rather large quivers with arrows to last for a long war.
. 弓道 Japanese Archery - Introduction .
. Hōjō Ujiyasu 北条氏康 (1515 – 1571) .
Yabitsu Jinja 矢櫃神社 Yabitsu Shrine
Murotsu, Kaminoseki, Kumage District, Yamaguchi
Onigatake, Onigadake 鬼ヶ岳
神奈川山北町と相模原市との境 - On the border of Yamakita and Sagamihara in Kanagawa.
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten...gate629...
There is a long slippery slope with a metal chain to hold on, but it is very difficult to climb. The two chains seem to get lost and invisible in the gas of the slope.
In former times it was called sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 Rock of the Mountain saints.
Seen from 蛭ヶ岳 Hirugatake, the two boulders look like the horns of an Oni.
. 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake, Onigatake / 鬼岳 Mountains with Demons .
Tanzawa 丹沢の天狗伝説
Tengu Legends from the Tanzawa mountains
. Saganboo, Saganbō or Sagamibō 相模坊 .
Tengu from 相模大山 Sagami Oyama
Mount Oyama in Tanzawa is famous for the Tengu mountain goblins.
Some huts for the forest workers get shaken badly if the Tengu is in a bad mood.
. Sekison San 石尊山 Venerable Stone Deities .
sanctuaries for a stone Tengu.
The belief in Sekison San is known in the Tanzawa mountains, Oyama and at the 5th station of Mount Fujisan,
丹沢湖畔の川天狗 Lake Tanzawako and the Kawa Tengu
Lake Tanzawako was created due to construction of the Miho dam in 1978.
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten...gate 253...
Kawatengu are close to the Kappa water goblins and thus very special.
At lake Tanzawako is a stone memorial of such a Kawa Tenu. When the region came under water during the construction of the dam, the stone was removed and preserved.
神奈川県山北町 Kanagaea, Yamakita
One of the most famous Kawa Tengu (Mizu Tengu 水天狗 "Water Tengu" ) is
. Enkooboo 円光坊 Enko-Bo from Haguro San, .
. kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" - Introduction .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Fudoo no mine, Fudō-no-mine 不動ノ峰
Mount Fudō, Fudo no Mine, Mount Fudonomine
1,614 m - 5295 ft
The first religious mountaineers in the Nara period used to climb in the Tanzawa mountains.
They prayed to Fudo Myo-O for safety and gave his name to one of the peaks.
This statue is still close to the peak.
source : diary.okutamawalker.com...
. Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Acala Vidyaraja .
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #tanzawaoni #yabitsutoge #tanzawatengu #tengutanzawa #tanzawako #fudonomine -
- - - A project of the Darumapedia - - -
Japanese Anthropology - - -
Kappa - Yokai - The Monsters of Japan
Oni - The Demons of Japan - Onipedia
Tengu - The Tengupedia
Gabi Greve - Daruma Museum - Japan
Onigatake, Onitake mountains
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Onigadake, Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 / Onidake, Onitake 鬼岳
Onigaoka 鬼が丘 / 鬼ヶ丘 "Deomon Hill"
Mountains with Demon names and legends
. oniyama 鬼山, oni to yama 鬼と山 mountain names and Oni demons .
鬼岳 Mt. Onidake, a dormant volcano, almost naked, 315 meter
長崎県五島市 Nagasaki, Goto Islands
yamayaki 山焼き burning the mountain in spring
The Mt. Onidake Volcanic group on the south coast of Fukue Island was formed by a muzzle volcano erupting 50 thousand years ago on top of a shield volcano that had erupted five million years ago. This group is made up of the mountains Onidake, Hinotake, Shirodake, Minodake, and Usudake.
The central mountain, Onidake, is an unusual mountain covered with mountain grass instead of trees because the top is burned once every three years. It is the main sightseeing area for Fukue since guests can see the main business area of the city, the surrounding islands, and Fukue port.
- source : nagasaki-shizen.jp/en -
- reference: Onidake onsen 鬼岳温泉 hot spring -
Onigadake Dam, Kamikozue, Yakage, Oda District, Okayama ・鬼ヶ岳ダム[岡山県
Mt. Onigadake
大阪府 羽曳野市 羽鬼が丘西
Sumo wrestler (warrior) Onigadake Tetsuemon 鬼ヶ嶽鉄右衛門
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - actor 中村芝翫 Nakamura Shikan
稲妻大蔵 Inazuma Taizo
Once upon a long time ago, in the village of 小栗村 Ogurimura in 諌早 Isahaya (長崎県 Nagasaki) there lived a farmer couple who did not have children.
They went to mount 八天嶽 Hattendake to pray. And then a Tengu came at night . . . well well, the woman got pregnant and bore a strong son.
The boy named Taizo became a strong Sumo wrestler. The Tengu trained him the best he could. Taizo won all the bouts in his village.
Taizo eventually went to Edo and nobody could defeat him. Taizo almost won against the strongest Sumo wrestler in Edo, 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake, but Onigadake had asked him to let him win, so Taizo lost this one bout (and thus his Tengu power) and then all the other bouts after that and went home much ashamed.
Sometimes the villagers could hear a boulder (ゴットン石 Gotton Ishi) rumble at Mount Hattendake, where Taizo was practicing Sumo with al his former might. He could lift the boulder and carry it to the summit in no time.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. sanki, yamaoni, yama-oni 山鬼の鬼伝説 Mountain Oni Demon .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami and 鬼 Oni Demons .
............................................................................ Kagawa 香川県
. Onigausuyama 鬼がうすの山 / 鬼ヶ臼山 .
............................................................................ Kanagawa 神奈川県
. Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 .
神奈川山北町と相模原市との境 - On the border of Yamakita and Sagamihara in Kanagawa.
- sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 Rock of the Mountain Immortals.
............................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
. 鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja .
Onidake Inari is a famous shrine in Oeyama mountain, where the head of Shuten Doji is buried.
............................................................................ Nara 奈良県
. Onitorisan 鬼取山 "Mountain of capturing the Demons".
Zenki and Goki
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
. Kukiyama 九鬼山 "Nine Demons Mountain" (Yamanashi) .
and the brave 桃太郎 Momotaro
. Misakayama Onigadake no Oni 御坂山 鬼ヶ岳の鬼 .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
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. oniyama 鬼山, oni to yama 鬼と山 mountain names and Oni demons .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onigatake #onigadake #onitake #onidake -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Onigadake, Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 / Onidake, Onitake 鬼岳
Onigaoka 鬼が丘 / 鬼ヶ丘 "Deomon Hill"
Mountains with Demon names and legends
. oniyama 鬼山, oni to yama 鬼と山 mountain names and Oni demons .
鬼岳 Mt. Onidake, a dormant volcano, almost naked, 315 meter
長崎県五島市 Nagasaki, Goto Islands
yamayaki 山焼き burning the mountain in spring
The Mt. Onidake Volcanic group on the south coast of Fukue Island was formed by a muzzle volcano erupting 50 thousand years ago on top of a shield volcano that had erupted five million years ago. This group is made up of the mountains Onidake, Hinotake, Shirodake, Minodake, and Usudake.
The central mountain, Onidake, is an unusual mountain covered with mountain grass instead of trees because the top is burned once every three years. It is the main sightseeing area for Fukue since guests can see the main business area of the city, the surrounding islands, and Fukue port.
- source : nagasaki-shizen.jp/en -
- reference: Onidake onsen 鬼岳温泉 hot spring -
Onigadake Dam, Kamikozue, Yakage, Oda District, Okayama ・鬼ヶ岳ダム[岡山県
Mt. Onigadake
大阪府 羽曳野市 羽鬼が丘西
Sumo wrestler (warrior) Onigadake Tetsuemon 鬼ヶ嶽鉄右衛門
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - actor 中村芝翫 Nakamura Shikan
稲妻大蔵 Inazuma Taizo
Once upon a long time ago, in the village of 小栗村 Ogurimura in 諌早 Isahaya (長崎県 Nagasaki) there lived a farmer couple who did not have children.
They went to mount 八天嶽 Hattendake to pray. And then a Tengu came at night . . . well well, the woman got pregnant and bore a strong son.
The boy named Taizo became a strong Sumo wrestler. The Tengu trained him the best he could. Taizo won all the bouts in his village.
Taizo eventually went to Edo and nobody could defeat him. Taizo almost won against the strongest Sumo wrestler in Edo, 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake, but Onigadake had asked him to let him win, so Taizo lost this one bout (and thus his Tengu power) and then all the other bouts after that and went home much ashamed.
Sometimes the villagers could hear a boulder (ゴットン石 Gotton Ishi) rumble at Mount Hattendake, where Taizo was practicing Sumo with al his former might. He could lift the boulder and carry it to the summit in no time.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. sanki, yamaoni, yama-oni 山鬼の鬼伝説 Mountain Oni Demon .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami and 鬼 Oni Demons .
............................................................................ Kagawa 香川県
. Onigausuyama 鬼がうすの山 / 鬼ヶ臼山 .
............................................................................ Kanagawa 神奈川県
. Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 .
神奈川山北町と相模原市との境 - On the border of Yamakita and Sagamihara in Kanagawa.
- sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 Rock of the Mountain Immortals.
............................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
. 鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja .
Onidake Inari is a famous shrine in Oeyama mountain, where the head of Shuten Doji is buried.
............................................................................ Nara 奈良県
. Onitorisan 鬼取山 "Mountain of capturing the Demons".
Zenki and Goki
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
. Kukiyama 九鬼山 "Nine Demons Mountain" (Yamanashi) .
and the brave 桃太郎 Momotaro
. Misakayama Onigadake no Oni 御坂山 鬼ヶ岳の鬼 .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. oniyama 鬼山, oni to yama 鬼と山 mountain names and Oni demons .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onigatake #onigadake #onitake #onidake -
Kukiyama Yamanashi
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Kukiyama 九鬼山の鬼伝説 "Mountain with Nine Demons"
Legends from Yamanashi 山梨県
Mt. Kukiyama is one of Yamanashi’s 100 famous mountains. It is 970 m high.
The view via Kukiyama to Mount Fujisan is splendid.
The mountain is not so high and can be climbed in about 1 hour.
- - - - - More about the "nine demons" and
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 the Kuki clan .
. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa
- reference source : free-age.jp/bridgestone-
There are various legends along the Koshu Kaido.
Even Momotaro, the Peach Boy, was here!
This story is basically fun with the pun words.
From the mountain in the North of the road, called 百蔵山 Momokurayama (momo 百 is a pun with momo 桃, the peach) the peach came rolling down the river. It was picked up at 鶴島 Tsurushima (Tsurukawa) in 上野原 Uenohara. From this peach Momotaro was born. When he grew up, he got his helpers, the dog from 犬目 Inume, the 雉 pheasant (bird) from 鳥沢 Torizawa and the monkey from 猿橋 Saruhashi.
They went to Mount 九鬼山 Kukiyama (Mountain of the nine demons) in 大月南方 Otsuki-South
and to Mount 岩殿山 Iwatonosan, Iwadonosan in 大月北方 Otsuki-North to drive away the demons.
One of the demons was wounded and bleeding, so now at the shrine 子神神社 Nenokami Jinja there can be found red soil, remains of the demon's blood.
- reference source : ymnco2.sakura.ne.jp/me/onitue -
The red soil, used for a stone wall in the shrine compound, had to be demolished in 2003 due to the danger of collapsing.
. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .
Dōshi town 道志 - 九鬼山の伝説
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten.. gate 369...
Once upon a time there lived nine bad demons on Mount Kukiyama.
They stole the food and Sake from the villagers.
And then came Momotaro to drive them out, as told above.
kuki 九鬼, クキ is also written 久木, a geological term referring to a low mountain.
百蔵山 Momokurayama
is a mountain where the famous Yamanashi peaches are grown. It is about 1,003 m high.
Another legend tells of the nine Demons having a quarrel among themselves and drove out some
Aka-Oni 赤鬼 Red Demons.
They fled and begun to live on 岩殿山 Mount Iwatonosan, 634 m.
Again they disturbed and pestered the farmers and eventually Momotaro came to get them. He killed them all and their blood tainted the earth around all red.
Their tears became the river 浅利川 Asarigawa, which eventually flows into the river 桂川 Katsuragawa.
Now it is a region famous for its cherry trees and azaleas.
oni no tsue 鬼の杖 Bisquits of the staff of an Oni
flavored with sansho 山椒 "mountain pepper"
speciality from 大月市 Otsuki city
. sanshoo 山椒 "mountain pepper .
(Zanthoxylum piperitum)
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kukiyama #ninedemons -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Kukiyama 九鬼山の鬼伝説 "Mountain with Nine Demons"
Legends from Yamanashi 山梨県
Mt. Kukiyama is one of Yamanashi’s 100 famous mountains. It is 970 m high.
The view via Kukiyama to Mount Fujisan is splendid.
The mountain is not so high and can be climbed in about 1 hour.
- - - - - More about the "nine demons" and
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 the Kuki clan .
. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa
- reference source : free-age.jp/bridgestone-
There are various legends along the Koshu Kaido.
Even Momotaro, the Peach Boy, was here!
This story is basically fun with the pun words.
From the mountain in the North of the road, called 百蔵山 Momokurayama (momo 百 is a pun with momo 桃, the peach) the peach came rolling down the river. It was picked up at 鶴島 Tsurushima (Tsurukawa) in 上野原 Uenohara. From this peach Momotaro was born. When he grew up, he got his helpers, the dog from 犬目 Inume, the 雉 pheasant (bird) from 鳥沢 Torizawa and the monkey from 猿橋 Saruhashi.
They went to Mount 九鬼山 Kukiyama (Mountain of the nine demons) in 大月南方 Otsuki-South
and to Mount 岩殿山 Iwatonosan, Iwadonosan in 大月北方 Otsuki-North to drive away the demons.
One of the demons was wounded and bleeding, so now at the shrine 子神神社 Nenokami Jinja there can be found red soil, remains of the demon's blood.
- reference source : ymnco2.sakura.ne.jp/me/onitue -
The red soil, used for a stone wall in the shrine compound, had to be demolished in 2003 due to the danger of collapsing.
. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .
Dōshi town 道志 - 九鬼山の伝説
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten.. gate 369...
Once upon a time there lived nine bad demons on Mount Kukiyama.
They stole the food and Sake from the villagers.
And then came Momotaro to drive them out, as told above.
kuki 九鬼, クキ is also written 久木, a geological term referring to a low mountain.
百蔵山 Momokurayama
is a mountain where the famous Yamanashi peaches are grown. It is about 1,003 m high.
Another legend tells of the nine Demons having a quarrel among themselves and drove out some
Aka-Oni 赤鬼 Red Demons.
They fled and begun to live on 岩殿山 Mount Iwatonosan, 634 m.
Again they disturbed and pestered the farmers and eventually Momotaro came to get them. He killed them all and their blood tainted the earth around all red.
Their tears became the river 浅利川 Asarigawa, which eventually flows into the river 桂川 Katsuragawa.
Now it is a region famous for its cherry trees and azaleas.
oni no tsue 鬼の杖 Bisquits of the staff of an Oni
flavored with sansho 山椒 "mountain pepper"
speciality from 大月市 Otsuki city
. sanshoo 山椒 "mountain pepper .
(Zanthoxylum piperitum)
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kukiyama #ninedemons -
Misakayama Yamanashi Oni
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Misakayama 御坂山と鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends - Yamanashi
Mount Misakayama is 1,568 m high.
Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minami-Tsuru District, Yamanashi
Misaka Sanchi 御坂山地 Misaka mountain range
and lake Shoojikoo, Shōji 精進湖 Lake Shojiko, Lake Shoji
Lake Shōji is the one of the Fuji Five Lakes and located in southern Yamanashi Prefecture near Mount Fuji.
- photo - wikipedia -
- quote -
Misaka Tooge 御坂峠 Misaka Toge Pass
is one of the great view spot of Mt.Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture. It is 1310m high. There is great tea house called Tengachaya (天下茶屋) where you can eat great Hoto and drink green tea. Matsutake is also one of the famous menu in this tea house. There are couple of hiking courses reached the spot for view of Mt. Fuji.
- source : mustlovejapan.com... -
Misakayama Onigadake no Oni 御坂山 鬼ヶ岳の鬼
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten.. gate632...
Mount Onigadake has a rock on its top which looks like the tsuno 角 horn of an Oni.
In former times two wicked Oni used to live on this mountain.
The mountain priest 役行者 En no Gyoja banned these two with a special paralyzing spell, 不動金縛り Fudo no Kanashibari. They could not move any more and eventually became aware of their bad deeds.
The demons changed their ways and became famous disciples of En no Gyoja:
. Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .
The legends about En no Gyoja and the two demons, Zenki and Goki are told in many mountain regions of Japan.
. Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake /鬼ヶ岩の頭 .
丹沢の鬼伝説 - Oni Demon Legends from the Tanzawa mountains
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
東八代郡 Higashi-Yatsushiro district 御坂町 Misakacho
At the graveyard, a bluish fire-light was seen every night. The villagers were afraid, thinking it was the soul of a villager and did not even dare to pass the road during daytime.
玉吉 Tamakichi wanted to see it for himself and went out one evening, carrying 地神の魂の扇 a hand fan with the soul of the Jigami in one hand. When he reached the graveyard, he could see the bluish light. While fanning with his hand fan he went closer. The ground of the grave was still fresh so Tamakich started to dig, found the coffin bound with a cord and pulled it up.
But it was not a coffin but a hookei 包茎 (the dictionary says: a phallus with phimosis).
. chijin 地神 Kami of the Earth / the Land .
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #misaka #mountmisaka #misakaoni #onigadake -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Misakayama 御坂山と鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends - Yamanashi
Mount Misakayama is 1,568 m high.
Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minami-Tsuru District, Yamanashi
Misaka Sanchi 御坂山地 Misaka mountain range
and lake Shoojikoo, Shōji 精進湖 Lake Shojiko, Lake Shoji
Lake Shōji is the one of the Fuji Five Lakes and located in southern Yamanashi Prefecture near Mount Fuji.
- photo - wikipedia -
- quote -
Misaka Tooge 御坂峠 Misaka Toge Pass
is one of the great view spot of Mt.Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture. It is 1310m high. There is great tea house called Tengachaya (天下茶屋) where you can eat great Hoto and drink green tea. Matsutake is also one of the famous menu in this tea house. There are couple of hiking courses reached the spot for view of Mt. Fuji.
- source : mustlovejapan.com... -
Misakayama Onigadake no Oni 御坂山 鬼ヶ岳の鬼
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten.. gate632...
Mount Onigadake has a rock on its top which looks like the tsuno 角 horn of an Oni.
In former times two wicked Oni used to live on this mountain.
The mountain priest 役行者 En no Gyoja banned these two with a special paralyzing spell, 不動金縛り Fudo no Kanashibari. They could not move any more and eventually became aware of their bad deeds.
The demons changed their ways and became famous disciples of En no Gyoja:
. Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .
The legends about En no Gyoja and the two demons, Zenki and Goki are told in many mountain regions of Japan.
. Onigatake 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake /鬼ヶ岩の頭 .
丹沢の鬼伝説 - Oni Demon Legends from the Tanzawa mountains
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
東八代郡 Higashi-Yatsushiro district 御坂町 Misakacho
At the graveyard, a bluish fire-light was seen every night. The villagers were afraid, thinking it was the soul of a villager and did not even dare to pass the road during daytime.
玉吉 Tamakichi wanted to see it for himself and went out one evening, carrying 地神の魂の扇 a hand fan with the soul of the Jigami in one hand. When he reached the graveyard, he could see the bluish light. While fanning with his hand fan he went closer. The ground of the grave was still fresh so Tamakich started to dig, found the coffin bound with a cord and pulled it up.
But it was not a coffin but a hookei 包茎 (the dictionary says: a phallus with phimosis).
. chijin 地神 Kami of the Earth / the Land .
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #misaka #mountmisaka #misakaoni #onigadake -
Todaiki Candlestick Oni
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
toodaiki, toodai ki 灯台鬼 Demon with a candlestick
鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien
- quote -
Tōdaiki “spirit candlestick”
... According to Sekien, long ago, a government minister named Karu no Daijin was sent on a mission to Tang China. This was a period of great movement of culture and ideas between China and Japan, so nothing is strange about that. However, when the envoy failed to return to Japan long after they were overdue, the minister’s son, Hitsu no Saishō, began to worry.
Hitsu no Saishō traveled to China to search for his missing father. He traveled far and wide, and in one particular location he came across something he had never seen before: a tōdaiki — a candlestick fashioned out of a living human being! By some combination of strange drugs and sorcery, the man’s ability to speak had been removed. His body was covered in tattoos, and a large candle had been placed in his head. He had been installed on a fancy little stand like a piece of furniture.
As Hitsu no Saishō looked in puzzlement at the strange sight, the human candlestick began to shed tears. Unable to speak, the man bit into he tip of his finger until it began to bleed. He scrawled out a few characters in his own blood. Upon reading them, Hitsu no Saishō realized in horror: the tōdaiki was his own father who he had come to China to search for!
The people involved in this story are real.
Hitsu no Saishō was the nickname of Fujiwara no Arikuni, a Heian period noble who lived from 943-1011 CE. Although the story about the tōdaiki is a fabrication, it’s an interesting example of where fact and folklore intersect. Because this early urban legend involved real people who were well known to educated readers, it gives the story much more weight.
- source : matthew meyer -
藤原有国 Fujiwara no Arikuni (943 – 1011)
南条範夫 Nanjo Norio
How he found the ningen toodai 人間燈台 "human candlestick"
- quote -
The Sudden Death of Fujiwara no Sukemichi, his Son Arikuni's handling of the Death Rites;
The Debate at Emma's Palace
- Religions of Japan in Practice -- By George Joji Tanabe
- source : books.google.co.jp -
oniyuri ya hotarubi tobosu toodaiki
tiger lily -
a candlestick demon glows
like a firefly
- On a summer evening, the tiger lilies in the late sunshine glow almost like candlestick demons.
. Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟 . (1625 - 1705)
. oniyuri 鬼百合 tiger lily, "demon lily" .
Lilium lancifolium - kigo
. hotarubi 蛍火(ほたるび) firefly glow .
kigo for mid-summer
- reference - 灯台鬼 -
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #todaiki -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
toodaiki, toodai ki 灯台鬼 Demon with a candlestick
鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien
- quote -
Tōdaiki “spirit candlestick”
... According to Sekien, long ago, a government minister named Karu no Daijin was sent on a mission to Tang China. This was a period of great movement of culture and ideas between China and Japan, so nothing is strange about that. However, when the envoy failed to return to Japan long after they were overdue, the minister’s son, Hitsu no Saishō, began to worry.
Hitsu no Saishō traveled to China to search for his missing father. He traveled far and wide, and in one particular location he came across something he had never seen before: a tōdaiki — a candlestick fashioned out of a living human being! By some combination of strange drugs and sorcery, the man’s ability to speak had been removed. His body was covered in tattoos, and a large candle had been placed in his head. He had been installed on a fancy little stand like a piece of furniture.
As Hitsu no Saishō looked in puzzlement at the strange sight, the human candlestick began to shed tears. Unable to speak, the man bit into he tip of his finger until it began to bleed. He scrawled out a few characters in his own blood. Upon reading them, Hitsu no Saishō realized in horror: the tōdaiki was his own father who he had come to China to search for!
The people involved in this story are real.
Hitsu no Saishō was the nickname of Fujiwara no Arikuni, a Heian period noble who lived from 943-1011 CE. Although the story about the tōdaiki is a fabrication, it’s an interesting example of where fact and folklore intersect. Because this early urban legend involved real people who were well known to educated readers, it gives the story much more weight.
- source : matthew meyer -
藤原有国 Fujiwara no Arikuni (943 – 1011)
南条範夫 Nanjo Norio
How he found the ningen toodai 人間燈台 "human candlestick"
- quote -
The Sudden Death of Fujiwara no Sukemichi, his Son Arikuni's handling of the Death Rites;
The Debate at Emma's Palace
- Religions of Japan in Practice -- By George Joji Tanabe
- source : books.google.co.jp -
oniyuri ya hotarubi tobosu toodaiki
tiger lily -
a candlestick demon glows
like a firefly
- On a summer evening, the tiger lilies in the late sunshine glow almost like candlestick demons.
. Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟 . (1625 - 1705)
. oniyuri 鬼百合 tiger lily, "demon lily" .
Lilium lancifolium - kigo
. hotarubi 蛍火(ほたるび) firefly glow .
kigo for mid-summer
- reference - 灯台鬼 -
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #todaiki -
Oni legends regional 01 LIST
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends 01 - ABC list
- - - - - Table of Contents - - - - -
- collecting
Oni Legends - - - - - from Aichi to Yamanashi
. Aichi 愛知県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
- . Oni playing kubihiki 首引き "neck pulling" .
- . Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder .
Hyogo 兵庫県
. Oni amulet for jealing kan 癇 epilepsy .
. Oni and aonyuudoo 青入道 Ao-Nyudo .
. kakuremino 隠れ蓑 straw raincoat (which makes him invisible) .
. Yamanokami 山の神 at 大蛇嵓 Daijagura .
. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. 源為朝 Tametomo as 疱瘡神 Hosogami Deity of smallpox .
. Shiga 滋賀県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Shimane 島根県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Tokyo 東京 - Edopedia .
. shinrei 神霊 the spiritual power of Amida .
- - . The Demons from 蓋井島 Futaoi Island, Shimonoseki .
- - . oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of an Oni .
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- #onilegends #oniaichi #aichioni ##onioni -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends 01 - ABC list
- - - - - Table of Contents - - - - -
- collecting
Oni Legends - - - - - from Aichi to Yamanashi
. Aichi 愛知県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
- . Oni playing kubihiki 首引き "neck pulling" .
- . Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder .
Hyogo 兵庫県
. Oni amulet for jealing kan 癇 epilepsy .
. Oni and aonyuudoo 青入道 Ao-Nyudo .
. kakuremino 隠れ蓑 straw raincoat (which makes him invisible) .
. Yamanokami 山の神 at 大蛇嵓 Daijagura .
. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. 源為朝 Tametomo as 疱瘡神 Hosogami Deity of smallpox .
. Shiga 滋賀県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Shimane 島根県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Tokyo 東京 - Edopedia .
. shinrei 神霊 the spiritual power of Amida .
- - . The Demons from 蓋井島 Futaoi Island, Shimonoseki .
- - . oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of an Oni .
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- #onilegends #oniaichi #aichioni ##onioni -
Oni legends regional Aichi
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Oni Demon Legends
from Aichi 愛知県
. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends - ABC list .
. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends - Aichi .
新城市 Shinshiro
. onibi 鬼火 fire balls - Aichi .
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festivals - Aichi .
Mikawa 三河, 名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta, 豊橋 Toyohashi, 岡崎市 Okazaki
. A demon named Gagoze 元興神 .
at Gangooji 元興寺 Gango-Ji
kijo 鬼女 female demon
source : 岡林リョウ
Around 1720 in the village 三河国保飯郡舞木村 a wife turned 25 years old and suddenly started to become crazy. During a fire funeral she begun to eat the flesh of the dead body. The villagers went after her and she fled into the mountains.
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. jaki 邪鬼 / じゃき - Jaki - "heavenly evil spirit" .
内海 Utsumi village
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family .
"nine Oni demons" / 正衆寺 Shoshu-Ji
- - - - -
o-juratsu san おじゅらつさん - 十羅刹女即 / Kishibojin 鬼子母神
幸魂千足姫命 サチミタマチタリヒメミコト Sachi mitama chitari hime no mikoto
知多郡 Chita district 武豊町 Taketoyo
Kikokunada 鬼哭灘 open see with Kikoku
At the open sea of Chita at Taketoyo Kikoku can be heard. If fishermen throw some ladles into the water, it will stop.
If a boat goes out on the last day of the year, this crying will definitely be heard.
(kikoku 鬼哭 refers to the crying sound of a dead person who can not find peace in the other world.)
yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghost
At the pond of 道廻間 Dohazama there lived a couple called ワカナ Wakana.
But at night ghosts resembling Oni came out of the house and spooked around. The pond was also called ワカナ池 Wakana pond.
But the pond does not exist any more.
幡豆郡 Hazu district
kimon 鬼門 demon gate
A new house should not face the northern Kimon direction.
Never dig a hole in the Kimon direction beside a house.
Planting a sarusuberi さるすべり crape myrtle tree in the Kimon direction protects the house from burglars and other disaster.
. kimon 鬼門 the Demon Gate .
the northeast is considered to be particularly inauspicious.
. sarusuberi さるすべり / 百日紅 crape myrtle tree .
lit. "Even monkeys fall from trees! "
東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山村 Shimoyama
In the mountains of 立岩 Tateiwa there is a huge boulder, which an Oni had been dragging here.
Now the Oni use this boulder to sit on it and take a rest.
宝飯郡 Hoi district 音羽町 Otowa
kitsune きつね fox - 鬼元
とても強く鼻柱もつよい鬼元が、夜に御油並木を帰っていたところ、狐に嫁入り行列になりすましてごちそうを食べようと持ちかけられる。鬼元がその家でたらふく食べて風呂に入っていると、呼びかけられ、答えたところで気づくとそこはミスつぼでごちそうはみみずやかえるだった。 .......................................................................
北設楽郡 Kitashitara district
a man named 鬼久左 Onihisahidari - hi o kase 火を貸せ
or Kappa 河童
- and from 新城市
名古屋市 Nagoya
. oni no hone 鬼の骨 伝説 Legends about Oni bones .
. Oni from 岩津村 Iwazu village near the temple 眞福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .
西加茂郡 Nishi-Kamo district 小原村 Obara
. 青い鬼と赤い鬼 Green and Red Oni .
設楽郡 Shitara district
. Mokichi no men 茂吉面 Mask of Mokichi .
sakaki oni 榊鬼 Sakaki demon Kagura dance
豊明市 Toyoake
kikoku kaii 鬼哭怪異 boorei 亡霊 voice of a crying demon soul
The army of Imagawa Yoshimoto 今川義元 (1519 - 1560) lost in battle and many people died. Their lost sould spooked over the battlefield and cried loud.
In 1888 villagers built a small hall to pray for their souls. Since the, the place became quiet.
豊橋市 Toyohashi
. niryuu no Matsu 二龍の松 Niryu no Matsu, "Pine like two dragons" .
at the temple 参州長興寺 Choko-Ji
豊川市 Toyokawa 江島町 Ejima machi
tsurube つるべ / 釣瓶 well bucket
An Oni who lived in the sugi 杉 cedar tree used to scoop up people who walked below him with a well bucket.
豊田市 Toyota
. oni no ido 鬼の井戸 the well of the Demon .
- - - - -
kimon 鬼門
八名郡 Yana district 山吉田村 Yamayoshida
About 35 years ago, a man was on his way home from a 施餓鬼 Segaki ritual and had to pass a steep slope. Suddenly he felt all dizzy and could hardly move.
A diviner told him that he had been possessed by muenbotoku 無縁仏 an unknown dead pilgrim, who had been killed at this slope.
. Segaki ritual 施餓鬼 offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts, .
- kigo for early autumn -
. muenbotoke 無縁仏 graves of the unknown pilgrims .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends - ABC list .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onilegendsaichi #oniaichi #aichioni -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Oni Demon Legends
from Aichi 愛知県
. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends - ABC list .
. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends - Aichi .
新城市 Shinshiro
. onibi 鬼火 fire balls - Aichi .
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festivals - Aichi .
Mikawa 三河, 名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta, 豊橋 Toyohashi, 岡崎市 Okazaki
. A demon named Gagoze 元興神 .
at Gangooji 元興寺 Gango-Ji
kijo 鬼女 female demon
source : 岡林リョウ
Around 1720 in the village 三河国保飯郡舞木村 a wife turned 25 years old and suddenly started to become crazy. During a fire funeral she begun to eat the flesh of the dead body. The villagers went after her and she fled into the mountains.
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. jaki 邪鬼 / じゃき - Jaki - "heavenly evil spirit" .
内海 Utsumi village
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family .
"nine Oni demons" / 正衆寺 Shoshu-Ji
- - - - -
o-juratsu san おじゅらつさん - 十羅刹女即 / Kishibojin 鬼子母神
幸魂千足姫命 サチミタマチタリヒメミコト Sachi mitama chitari hime no mikoto
知多郡 Chita district 武豊町 Taketoyo
Kikokunada 鬼哭灘 open see with Kikoku
At the open sea of Chita at Taketoyo Kikoku can be heard. If fishermen throw some ladles into the water, it will stop.
If a boat goes out on the last day of the year, this crying will definitely be heard.
(kikoku 鬼哭 refers to the crying sound of a dead person who can not find peace in the other world.)
yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghost
At the pond of 道廻間 Dohazama there lived a couple called ワカナ Wakana.
But at night ghosts resembling Oni came out of the house and spooked around. The pond was also called ワカナ池 Wakana pond.
But the pond does not exist any more.
幡豆郡 Hazu district
kimon 鬼門 demon gate
A new house should not face the northern Kimon direction.
Never dig a hole in the Kimon direction beside a house.
Planting a sarusuberi さるすべり crape myrtle tree in the Kimon direction protects the house from burglars and other disaster.
. kimon 鬼門 the Demon Gate .
the northeast is considered to be particularly inauspicious.
. sarusuberi さるすべり / 百日紅 crape myrtle tree .
lit. "Even monkeys fall from trees! "
東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山村 Shimoyama
In the mountains of 立岩 Tateiwa there is a huge boulder, which an Oni had been dragging here.
Now the Oni use this boulder to sit on it and take a rest.
宝飯郡 Hoi district 音羽町 Otowa
kitsune きつね fox - 鬼元
とても強く鼻柱もつよい鬼元が、夜に御油並木を帰っていたところ、狐に嫁入り行列になりすましてごちそうを食べようと持ちかけられる。鬼元がその家でたらふく食べて風呂に入っていると、呼びかけられ、答えたところで気づくとそこはミスつぼでごちそうはみみずやかえるだった。 .......................................................................
北設楽郡 Kitashitara district
a man named 鬼久左 Onihisahidari - hi o kase 火を貸せ
or Kappa 河童
- and from 新城市
名古屋市 Nagoya
. oni no hone 鬼の骨 伝説 Legends about Oni bones .
. Oni from 岩津村 Iwazu village near the temple 眞福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .
西加茂郡 Nishi-Kamo district 小原村 Obara
. 青い鬼と赤い鬼 Green and Red Oni .
設楽郡 Shitara district
. Mokichi no men 茂吉面 Mask of Mokichi .
sakaki oni 榊鬼 Sakaki demon Kagura dance
豊明市 Toyoake
kikoku kaii 鬼哭怪異 boorei 亡霊 voice of a crying demon soul
The army of Imagawa Yoshimoto 今川義元 (1519 - 1560) lost in battle and many people died. Their lost sould spooked over the battlefield and cried loud.
In 1888 villagers built a small hall to pray for their souls. Since the, the place became quiet.
豊橋市 Toyohashi
. niryuu no Matsu 二龍の松 Niryu no Matsu, "Pine like two dragons" .
at the temple 参州長興寺 Choko-Ji
豊川市 Toyokawa 江島町 Ejima machi
tsurube つるべ / 釣瓶 well bucket
An Oni who lived in the sugi 杉 cedar tree used to scoop up people who walked below him with a well bucket.
豊田市 Toyota
. oni no ido 鬼の井戸 the well of the Demon .
- - - - -
kimon 鬼門
八名郡 Yana district 山吉田村 Yamayoshida
About 35 years ago, a man was on his way home from a 施餓鬼 Segaki ritual and had to pass a steep slope. Suddenly he felt all dizzy and could hardly move.
A diviner told him that he had been possessed by muenbotoku 無縁仏 an unknown dead pilgrim, who had been killed at this slope.
. Segaki ritual 施餓鬼 offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts, .
- kigo for early autumn -
. muenbotoke 無縁仏 graves of the unknown pilgrims .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends - ABC list .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onilegendsaichi #oniaichi #aichioni -
Kappa statues
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
Statues with Kappa
Gokuraku Kappa 極楽カッパ Paradise Kappa
at Komagane City Nagano 駒ヶ根市
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappastatues #statueskappa -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
Statues with Kappa
Gokuraku Kappa 極楽カッパ Paradise Kappa
at Komagane City Nagano 駒ヶ根市
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappastatues #statueskappa -
guhin kuhin gubin Tengu yokai
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / 狗嬪 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster
- quote -
The Guhin is a kind of a tengu with anthropomorphic wolf/dog appearance.
They are thought as the messengers of Kami (Gods, natural objects,the spirits that living in the trees or forces of nature) and their job is supposed to be maintaining the formal relationship with mountains and humans. So, basically, they are pacific creatures,but if a human disrespect that relationship, it is thought that a Guhin may hurt that human.
They are in the bottom of Tengu rank,but they have more opportunity to communicate with humans.They have in common with the werewolves only the feral appearance.
- source : anime.aminoapps.com/page/blog/werewolves... -
- quote -
Creatures that do not fit the classic bird or yamabushi image are sometimes called tengu.
... for example, tengu in the guise of wood-spirits may be called guhin (occasionally written kuhin) (狗賓 dog guests), but this word can also refer to tengu with canine mouths or other features ...
... In the 1764 collection of strange stories Sanshu Kidan (三州奇談), a tale tells of a man who wanders into a deep valley while gathering leaves, only to be faced with a sudden and ferocious hailstorm. A group of peasants later tell him that he was in the valley where the guhin live, and anyone who takes a single leaf from that place will surely die.
In the Sōzan Chomon Kishū (想山著聞奇集), written in 1849, the author describes the customs of the wood-cutters of Mino Province, who used a sort of rice cake called kuhin-mochi to placate the tengu, who would otherwise perpetrate all sorts of mischief.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
................................................................................. Aomori 青森県
. The robe of priest Jigaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師仁円 .
- - - - -
A tree with three trunks is sacred to Yamanokami and also called ミヨマタギ Miyomatagi.
山の神 Yamanokami and 狗賓 Guhin often come to sit there, so the tree should not be cut down.
sakasa sugi 逆さ杉 upside-down cedar tree is also a sacred tree.
. 山の神 God of the Mountain and Aomori legends .
むつ市 Mutsu
Guhin and Tengu 天狗 At Osorezan
................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県
. Chiba and its Tengu legends 千葉県と天狗伝説 .
Guhin Sama 狗賓さま
................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
金山町 Kaneyama
Guhin グヒン
................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
Guhin mochi 狗賓餅 rice cakes for the Guhin
Before cutting a tree the lumberjack has to make an offering of mochi 餅 rice cakes to Yamanokami. After that he must eat the Mochi himself.
If someone forgets to offer these 狗賓餅 "Guhin mochi" the mountain begins to shake and there might be a strong storm and rain coming.
Guhin mochi were later called Gohei mochi 五平餅.
. gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Legends .
濃州 Noshu
. - Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 - .
揖斐郡 Ibi district
Guhin and Hanataka Tengu 鼻高天狗
Guhin San グヒンサン
加茂郡 Kamo district
. The Tengu is also called 狗賓 Guhin / Kuhin .
He lives in the deep forest and produced balls of fire at night to frighten the villagers. ...
高山市 Takayama
天狗と山神の狗賓 / 飛騨考古土俗学会
................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
美嚢郡 Mino district
Guhin San グヒンさん
................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
三戸郡 Sannohe district 一戸町 Ichinohe
Gubin Sama 狗賓さま
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
. The Yama Tengu from Tsukui 山天狗 津久井, Kanagawa . . ***
................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県
Guhin San ぐひんさん
金毘羅さんにはこんこう坊 Konko Bo という天狗(ぐひんさん)が住んでいる。親不孝な子供や悪いことをする者は、さらっていって八つ裂きにして木の股にかけておく。
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
. guhin, kuhin 狗賓 "dog guest" .
Guhinsama グヒンサマ Guhin Sama Tengu
Sometimes children get lost and do not come back home. People think they are kidnapped by a Tengu or Guhin. So the men from the village walk around to look for the child, calling out loud that the child has just eaten mackerels, 「鯖食った鯖食った」.
guhin, kuhin 狗賓 "dog guest"
Guhin can either be a Tengu in the guise of wood spirits or a Tengu with canine mouths.
Hence their name 天狗, lit. "dog from heaven".
- reference : tengu guhin -
Guhin Sama グヒンサマ
mamono マモノ - Guhin Sama グヒンサマ
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 高森町 Takamori
. Gubin sama 狗賓様 - 稚児石 Chigoishi stone .
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 遠山村 Toyamamura
Guhin and Tanuki 狸
Guhin Sama グヒン様
................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
吉野郡 Yoshino district 天川村 Tenkawa
. Tengu as Yamanokami , caleld グヒンサン Guhin san. .
................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
南蒲原郡 Minami-Kanbara district
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
. 岡山県のミサキ伝説 Misaki Legends from Okayama .
guhin sama グヒン様 Guhin Tengu
In the compound of the Kawabata family is a special Misaki for daily venerations.
Once year there is also a ritual for the Guhin Tengu, who is living in the 天狗岩 Tengu boulder.
Guhin グヒン
Guhin 狗嬪
真庭郡 Maniwa district 久世町 Kuse
Guhin Sama グヒン様
真庭郡 Maniwa 湯原町 Yubara
Guhin 狗嬪
................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
Gubin San ぐびんさん / Guhin San ぐひんさん
................................................................................. Yamaguchi 山口県
Guhin kaze グヒン風 Guhin Storm
There is a boulder called テング岩 Tengu-Iwa or グヒン岩 Guhin-Iwa.
Near this boulder there is often a wind or storm called Guhin kaze.
Guhin matsu グヒン松 Guhin Pine
Also called Tengu Matsu テング松 Tengu Pine.
It has branches like an umbrella. If one cuts such a tree, he will get a terrible headache and his family will fall in decline.
- - - - -
A large tree with abnormal branches is sacred to Yamanokami and the Tengu come here to rest, so it is not cut down.
If one tries to cut down the Guhin Matsu, he will be cursed. A place where strange things happen will often be declared sacred to Yamanokami.
. 山の神 Yamanokami in Yamaguchi .
................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
Guhin Sama グヒン様
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
狗賓 / グヒン / 狗嬪 - ok
. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #guhin #kuhin #gubin #guhintengu #tenguyokai -
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / 狗嬪 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster
- quote -
The Guhin is a kind of a tengu with anthropomorphic wolf/dog appearance.
They are thought as the messengers of Kami (Gods, natural objects,the spirits that living in the trees or forces of nature) and their job is supposed to be maintaining the formal relationship with mountains and humans. So, basically, they are pacific creatures,but if a human disrespect that relationship, it is thought that a Guhin may hurt that human.
They are in the bottom of Tengu rank,but they have more opportunity to communicate with humans.They have in common with the werewolves only the feral appearance.
- source : anime.aminoapps.com/page/blog/werewolves... -
- quote -
Creatures that do not fit the classic bird or yamabushi image are sometimes called tengu.
... for example, tengu in the guise of wood-spirits may be called guhin (occasionally written kuhin) (狗賓 dog guests), but this word can also refer to tengu with canine mouths or other features ...
... In the 1764 collection of strange stories Sanshu Kidan (三州奇談), a tale tells of a man who wanders into a deep valley while gathering leaves, only to be faced with a sudden and ferocious hailstorm. A group of peasants later tell him that he was in the valley where the guhin live, and anyone who takes a single leaf from that place will surely die.
In the Sōzan Chomon Kishū (想山著聞奇集), written in 1849, the author describes the customs of the wood-cutters of Mino Province, who used a sort of rice cake called kuhin-mochi to placate the tengu, who would otherwise perpetrate all sorts of mischief.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
................................................................................. Aomori 青森県
. The robe of priest Jigaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師仁円 .
- - - - -
A tree with three trunks is sacred to Yamanokami and also called ミヨマタギ Miyomatagi.
山の神 Yamanokami and 狗賓 Guhin often come to sit there, so the tree should not be cut down.
sakasa sugi 逆さ杉 upside-down cedar tree is also a sacred tree.
. 山の神 God of the Mountain and Aomori legends .
むつ市 Mutsu
Guhin and Tengu 天狗 At Osorezan
................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県
. Chiba and its Tengu legends 千葉県と天狗伝説 .
Guhin Sama 狗賓さま
................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
金山町 Kaneyama
Guhin グヒン
................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
Guhin mochi 狗賓餅 rice cakes for the Guhin
Before cutting a tree the lumberjack has to make an offering of mochi 餅 rice cakes to Yamanokami. After that he must eat the Mochi himself.
If someone forgets to offer these 狗賓餅 "Guhin mochi" the mountain begins to shake and there might be a strong storm and rain coming.
Guhin mochi were later called Gohei mochi 五平餅.
. gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Legends .
濃州 Noshu
. - Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 - .
揖斐郡 Ibi district
Guhin and Hanataka Tengu 鼻高天狗
Guhin San グヒンサン
加茂郡 Kamo district
. The Tengu is also called 狗賓 Guhin / Kuhin .
He lives in the deep forest and produced balls of fire at night to frighten the villagers. ...
高山市 Takayama
天狗と山神の狗賓 / 飛騨考古土俗学会
................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
美嚢郡 Mino district
Guhin San グヒンさん
................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
三戸郡 Sannohe district 一戸町 Ichinohe
Gubin Sama 狗賓さま
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
. The Yama Tengu from Tsukui 山天狗 津久井, Kanagawa . . ***
................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県
Guhin San ぐひんさん
金毘羅さんにはこんこう坊 Konko Bo という天狗(ぐひんさん)が住んでいる。親不孝な子供や悪いことをする者は、さらっていって八つ裂きにして木の股にかけておく。
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
. guhin, kuhin 狗賓 "dog guest" .
Guhinsama グヒンサマ Guhin Sama Tengu
Sometimes children get lost and do not come back home. People think they are kidnapped by a Tengu or Guhin. So the men from the village walk around to look for the child, calling out loud that the child has just eaten mackerels, 「鯖食った鯖食った」.
guhin, kuhin 狗賓 "dog guest"
Guhin can either be a Tengu in the guise of wood spirits or a Tengu with canine mouths.
Hence their name 天狗, lit. "dog from heaven".
- reference : tengu guhin -
Guhin Sama グヒンサマ
mamono マモノ - Guhin Sama グヒンサマ
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 高森町 Takamori
. Gubin sama 狗賓様 - 稚児石 Chigoishi stone .
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 遠山村 Toyamamura
Guhin and Tanuki 狸
Guhin Sama グヒン様
................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
吉野郡 Yoshino district 天川村 Tenkawa
. Tengu as Yamanokami , caleld グヒンサン Guhin san. .
................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
南蒲原郡 Minami-Kanbara district
Guhin and Tengu 天狗
................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
. 岡山県のミサキ伝説 Misaki Legends from Okayama .
guhin sama グヒン様 Guhin Tengu
In the compound of the Kawabata family is a special Misaki for daily venerations.
Once year there is also a ritual for the Guhin Tengu, who is living in the 天狗岩 Tengu boulder.
Guhin グヒン
Guhin 狗嬪
真庭郡 Maniwa district 久世町 Kuse
Guhin Sama グヒン様
真庭郡 Maniwa 湯原町 Yubara
Guhin 狗嬪
................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
Gubin San ぐびんさん / Guhin San ぐひんさん
................................................................................. Yamaguchi 山口県
Guhin kaze グヒン風 Guhin Storm
There is a boulder called テング岩 Tengu-Iwa or グヒン岩 Guhin-Iwa.
Near this boulder there is often a wind or storm called Guhin kaze.
Guhin matsu グヒン松 Guhin Pine
Also called Tengu Matsu テング松 Tengu Pine.
It has branches like an umbrella. If one cuts such a tree, he will get a terrible headache and his family will fall in decline.
- - - - -
A large tree with abnormal branches is sacred to Yamanokami and the Tengu come here to rest, so it is not cut down.
If one tries to cut down the Guhin Matsu, he will be cursed. A place where strange things happen will often be declared sacred to Yamanokami.
. 山の神 Yamanokami in Yamaguchi .
................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
Guhin Sama グヒン様
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
狗賓 / グヒン / 狗嬪 - ok
. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #guhin #kuhin #gubin #guhintengu #tenguyokai -
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