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Tanzawa 丹沢の鬼伝説
Oni Demon Legends from the Tanzawa mountains

The Tanzawa Mountains (丹沢山地 Tanzawa-sanchi) are a mountain range in the Kantō region, in Japan.
It covers the northwestern part of Kanagawa Prefecture and touches the prefectural borders of Shizuoka Prefecture to the west and the Yamanashi Prefecture to the north.
Mount Hiru 1,673m (蛭ヶ岳 Hiru-ga-take)
Mount Fudō 1,614m (不動ノ峰 Fudō-no-mine)
Mount Hinokiboramaru 1,601m (檜洞丸 Hinokibora-maru)
Mount Tanzawa 1,567m (丹沢山 Tanzawa-san)
Mount Tō 1,491m (塔ノ岳 Tō-no-dake)
Mount Shindainichi 1,340m (新大日 Shin-dainichi)
Mount Ōyama 1,252m (大山 Ō-yama)
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. 大山の不動様、 Oyama no Fudo Myo-O .
ヤビツ峠 Tanzawa, Yabitsu Toge pass (761 m high)
神奈川県秦野市 Kanagawa, Hadano
with a splendid view of Mount Fujisan

餓鬼道伝説 Legend of the Gakido realm of Hungry Demons

source : toki.moo.jp/gate-q... gate 041...
This pass used to be called gakidoo 餓鬼道 the Road of the Hungry Ghosts.
In former times, the warlords 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen and 北条氏康 Hojo Ujiyasu used to fight for this pass. Many of their soldiers did not get enough food and staved on the road.
Their hungry souls now haunt the place.
Even in our times, people sometimes come and make food offerings in remembrance of the old days.
yabitsu 矢櫃 refers to the boxes and containers they used to keep the arrows.
The soldiers carried rather large quivers with arrows to last for a long war.
. 弓道 Japanese Archery - Introduction .
. Hōjō Ujiyasu 北条氏康 (1515 – 1571) .
Yabitsu Jinja 矢櫃神社 Yabitsu Shrine
Murotsu, Kaminoseki, Kumage District, Yamaguchi
Onigatake, Onigadake 鬼ヶ岳
神奈川山北町と相模原市との境 - On the border of Yamakita and Sagamihara in Kanagawa.

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten...gate629...
There is a long slippery slope with a metal chain to hold on, but it is very difficult to climb. The two chains seem to get lost and invisible in the gas of the slope.
In former times it was called sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 Rock of the Mountain saints.
Seen from 蛭ヶ岳 Hirugatake, the two boulders look like the horns of an Oni.

. 鬼ヶ岳 Onigadake, Onigatake / 鬼岳 Mountains with Demons .
Tanzawa 丹沢の天狗伝説
Tengu Legends from the Tanzawa mountains
. Saganboo, Saganbō or Sagamibō 相模坊 .
Tengu from 相模大山 Sagami Oyama
Mount Oyama in Tanzawa is famous for the Tengu mountain goblins.
Some huts for the forest workers get shaken badly if the Tengu is in a bad mood.
. Sekison San 石尊山 Venerable Stone Deities .
sanctuaries for a stone Tengu.
The belief in Sekison San is known in the Tanzawa mountains, Oyama and at the 5th station of Mount Fujisan,
丹沢湖畔の川天狗 Lake Tanzawako and the Kawa Tengu
Lake Tanzawako was created due to construction of the Miho dam in 1978.
source : toki.moo.jp/gaten...gate 253...
Kawatengu are close to the Kappa water goblins and thus very special.
At lake Tanzawako is a stone memorial of such a Kawa Tenu. When the region came under water during the construction of the dam, the stone was removed and preserved.
神奈川県山北町 Kanagaea, Yamakita
One of the most famous Kawa Tengu (Mizu Tengu 水天狗 "Water Tengu" ) is
. Enkooboo 円光坊 Enko-Bo from Haguro San, .
. kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" - Introduction .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Fudoo no mine, Fudō-no-mine 不動ノ峰
Mount Fudō, Fudo no Mine, Mount Fudonomine
1,614 m - 5295 ft
The first religious mountaineers in the Nara period used to climb in the Tanzawa mountains.
They prayed to Fudo Myo-O for safety and gave his name to one of the peaks.
This statue is still close to the peak.

source : diary.okutamawalker.com...
. Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Acala Vidyaraja .
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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