- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Water Deity -
- Kappadoo 河童堂 Kappa-Do Hall -
岐阜県岐阜市・岐阜護国神社 Gifu Gokoku Jinja
Kappa Daimyoojin 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin
Even the box for money offerings is in the form of a Kappa.
saisen ire 賽銭入れ
In the back of the compound there are many concrete walls with Kappa art.
Look at many more photos !
- source : kodawarinikki
- quote
Kappa Matsuri 河童祭 Kappa Festival Mid-July
Children offer cucumbers and have a sumo wrestling contest (相撲大会).
With prayers for avoiding water accidents and other disasters. Also praying for the health of the children.
- source : http://burari2161.fc2web.com/kaxtupa.html
More photos of the shrine
- source : koalaの部屋
Many more Kappa photos
- source : photokasahara
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
There are various places with this name, not only shrines or temples.
- source : myreco.me/shop
- source : 旧式河童堂歳々ブログ
河童堂かっぱちんのキッチン cooking
- reference -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappa -
- - - A project of the Darumapedia - - -
Japanese Anthropology - - -
Kappa - Yokai - The Monsters of Japan
Oni - The Demons of Japan - Onipedia
Tengu - The Tengupedia
Gabi Greve - Daruma Museum - Japan
Tetsugi Shrine
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Tetsugi Jinja 手接神社 -
茨城県小美玉市世沢 Ibaraki
lit. "The Shrine of the Grafted Arm", see the legend below.
- source and photos : bouguya.exblog.jp
Praying at this shrine will help heal problems with your hand and arms.
. - Kappa no kusuri カッパの薬 / 河童の薬 Kappa and medicine - .
There are many legends of a Kappa who had exchanged his arm for a special medicine and then died, but this legend comes in some versions.
- quote
Once upon a time
some say it was toward the end of the Heian period, on a late afternoon, the Lord Serizawa 芹澤氏 was riding alone along the banks of a river. A kappa lived in this river at that time.
Suddenly his horse stopped.
When the lord looked down he saw a Kappa pulling at its tail to get the horse into the water.
The Lord was taken by surprize.
"His must be the bad guy who is doing so much harm to the villagers all the time!"
He took his sword, grabed the tail of his horse and cut off the arm of the Kappa.
The Kappa had to jump back into the water without his arm and the hand with the web between the fingers 水掻き to make his such a good swimmer.
The Lord thought this arm of the Kappa was quite special and put it up on the shelf in the tokonoma 床の間 decoration alcove of his reception room.
Late at night a lone man knocked at his gate and asked for a lodging for this night.
His face was a pale green and he had only one arm.
The Lord did not want to ask the poor man about the reason for the missing arm and had a bed prepared for him. Then he went to sleep himself.
- - - BUT
at midnight, he felt the presence of another being and indeed, when he checked, the man was just trying to steal the arm of the Kappa from the shelf.
"Hey, so you are a thief after all!" he yelled at the man.
The man turned into a Kappa in no time, grabbed the arm on the shelf and tried to run out of the estate.
But the Lord, who was a strong man, caught the Kappa and bound him with a rope.
"At least now we know who you are, you vicious Kappa.
I will not allow you to harm my villagers any more, you bad bad Kappa!"
"Dear Lord, please forgive me, I will never be bad again. Please, please, let me go back to my river! I understand your anger very well, but you see, I have an old mother and if I do not come home to care for her, she will die too. Just thinking about her makes me so sad!"
When the Lord heard this story, he felt pity with the Kappa.
"Well, because of your mother I will forgive you for today. But you have to promise never to do any harm again. As a punishment for your misdeeds so far, I will keep this arm of yours!"
But the Kappa pleaded again. If he dose not get his arm back, he said, he can do nothing and not help his old mother and in the end, the Lord let him have the arm back.
"For the sake of your mother and since you seem to care so much for her (oya kookoo 親孝行),
I will let you have the arm back."
"Thank you so very much, my Lord. I will never forget you and pay you back a favor some time!"
Next morning - oh wonder - a huge carp was hanging from the branch of a tree in his garden.
And the following morning, - oh wonder - a huge eels was hanging on the branch.
And you guess, the following morning - oh wonder - a crucian carp (funa フナ) was hanging on the branch.
The Lord asked his retainers, but nobody had done this and nobody knew anything about this fish present.
A month went by, half a year went by, a year went by with a fish present hanging on the tree every morning.
Then came a very cold day of winter, with a strong cold gale blowing and on this morning, nothing was hanging on the branch.
"I wonder what happened to our fish provider. Maybe he is ill?"
And the Lord went down to the river to have a look.
When he looked down at the river from the bank, he saw something bobbing in the water.
When he came closer, he saw the dead body of the Kappa with o huge would on one of his arms.
And in his hand the Kappa was grabbing a huge huge carp.
When the Lord saw the hand grabbing the carp, he suddenly realized who had brought a fish to his garden every morning. It was the Kappa he had once spared the life!
So the Lord had a shrine build upstream to venerate and thank the Kappa for his daily presents-
the Tetsugi Jinja - lit. "The Shrine of the Grafted Arm".
The End.
- reference : isituka_mitiko
Another source quoted that the Kappa was also passing on the recipe for a medicine to heal wounds.
The family of Serizawa kept the medicine for many many generations, and after they lost their status as samurai, they made a living as doctors.
Serizawa Kamo 芹沢鴨 (? - 1863), of the Shinsengumi, was a member of this clan.
- reference : shittaka37.seesaa.net
The name of the bridge is also given as 手奪橋 Teubaibashi - bridge of the captured arm.
across the river 梶無川 Kajinashigawa.
The Kappa grabbed the horse's tail when the Lord rode over this bridge.
- reference : ameblo.jp/shokokai-namegata
The name of the Kappa is given as 七郎河童 Shichiro Kappa.
source : denebolaleonis.blog
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
- quote -
Serizawa Kamo 芹沢鴨 (1826? – October 30?, 1863)
was a samurai known for being the original lead commander of the Shinsengumi. He trained in and received a licence in the Shindō Munen-ryū. "Kamo" means goose or duck in Japanese which was an odd name to call oneself at the time.
His full name was Serizawa Kamo Taira no Mitsumoto (Serizawa=family name, Kamo=given name, Taira=family clan name, Mitsumoto=formal given name.)
The Serizawa family were upper-seat Goshi rank samurai in Serizawa village in Mito which is now the capital of Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan. Kamo was born as the youngest son and his childhood name was Genta. He had two older brothers and an older sister. He was educated with the Sonnō jōi ideals (meaning revere the Tenno (emperor) and expel the foreigners) and swordsmanship since childhood at Kodoukan which was a state school in Mito. Mito is a sub-branch of the Tokugawa family and it was considered the motherland of the Sonnō Jōi ideology and was a center of support for the Tennō and the Imperial court, which helped fuel the Revolution.
- maybe Zerisawa 芹沢鴨?
Although no portrait of Kamo remains, it is said he was a large man with very pale skin and small eyes.
On one hand, Serizawa was quite bold and fearless and on the other hand, he was extremely selfish and had a terribly short temper so he started fights often. If he was in a bad mood he would get violent, especially when he was drinking, and he was a heavy drinker.
He was an idealist who held very strong pro-Imperial court beliefs and took the Sonno-joi beliefs very seriously while at the same time siding with the Tokugawa regime. A small fact that is less well-known is that Serizawa was good at drawing and showed his drawings to children.
- source : wikipedia
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatetsugi #tetsugi -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Tetsugi Jinja 手接神社 -
茨城県小美玉市世沢 Ibaraki
lit. "The Shrine of the Grafted Arm", see the legend below.
- source and photos : bouguya.exblog.jp
Praying at this shrine will help heal problems with your hand and arms.
. - Kappa no kusuri カッパの薬 / 河童の薬 Kappa and medicine - .
There are many legends of a Kappa who had exchanged his arm for a special medicine and then died, but this legend comes in some versions.
- quote
Once upon a time
some say it was toward the end of the Heian period, on a late afternoon, the Lord Serizawa 芹澤氏 was riding alone along the banks of a river. A kappa lived in this river at that time.
Suddenly his horse stopped.
When the lord looked down he saw a Kappa pulling at its tail to get the horse into the water.
The Lord was taken by surprize.
"His must be the bad guy who is doing so much harm to the villagers all the time!"
He took his sword, grabed the tail of his horse and cut off the arm of the Kappa.
The Kappa had to jump back into the water without his arm and the hand with the web between the fingers 水掻き to make his such a good swimmer.
The Lord thought this arm of the Kappa was quite special and put it up on the shelf in the tokonoma 床の間 decoration alcove of his reception room.
Late at night a lone man knocked at his gate and asked for a lodging for this night.
His face was a pale green and he had only one arm.
The Lord did not want to ask the poor man about the reason for the missing arm and had a bed prepared for him. Then he went to sleep himself.
- - - BUT
at midnight, he felt the presence of another being and indeed, when he checked, the man was just trying to steal the arm of the Kappa from the shelf.
"Hey, so you are a thief after all!" he yelled at the man.
The man turned into a Kappa in no time, grabbed the arm on the shelf and tried to run out of the estate.
But the Lord, who was a strong man, caught the Kappa and bound him with a rope.
"At least now we know who you are, you vicious Kappa.
I will not allow you to harm my villagers any more, you bad bad Kappa!"
"Dear Lord, please forgive me, I will never be bad again. Please, please, let me go back to my river! I understand your anger very well, but you see, I have an old mother and if I do not come home to care for her, she will die too. Just thinking about her makes me so sad!"
When the Lord heard this story, he felt pity with the Kappa.
"Well, because of your mother I will forgive you for today. But you have to promise never to do any harm again. As a punishment for your misdeeds so far, I will keep this arm of yours!"
But the Kappa pleaded again. If he dose not get his arm back, he said, he can do nothing and not help his old mother and in the end, the Lord let him have the arm back.
"For the sake of your mother and since you seem to care so much for her (oya kookoo 親孝行),
I will let you have the arm back."
"Thank you so very much, my Lord. I will never forget you and pay you back a favor some time!"
Next morning - oh wonder - a huge carp was hanging from the branch of a tree in his garden.
And the following morning, - oh wonder - a huge eels was hanging on the branch.
And you guess, the following morning - oh wonder - a crucian carp (funa フナ) was hanging on the branch.
The Lord asked his retainers, but nobody had done this and nobody knew anything about this fish present.
A month went by, half a year went by, a year went by with a fish present hanging on the tree every morning.
Then came a very cold day of winter, with a strong cold gale blowing and on this morning, nothing was hanging on the branch.
"I wonder what happened to our fish provider. Maybe he is ill?"
And the Lord went down to the river to have a look.
When he looked down at the river from the bank, he saw something bobbing in the water.
When he came closer, he saw the dead body of the Kappa with o huge would on one of his arms.
And in his hand the Kappa was grabbing a huge huge carp.
When the Lord saw the hand grabbing the carp, he suddenly realized who had brought a fish to his garden every morning. It was the Kappa he had once spared the life!
So the Lord had a shrine build upstream to venerate and thank the Kappa for his daily presents-
the Tetsugi Jinja - lit. "The Shrine of the Grafted Arm".
The End.
- reference : isituka_mitiko
Another source quoted that the Kappa was also passing on the recipe for a medicine to heal wounds.
The family of Serizawa kept the medicine for many many generations, and after they lost their status as samurai, they made a living as doctors.
Serizawa Kamo 芹沢鴨 (? - 1863), of the Shinsengumi, was a member of this clan.
- reference : shittaka37.seesaa.net
The name of the bridge is also given as 手奪橋 Teubaibashi - bridge of the captured arm.
across the river 梶無川 Kajinashigawa.
The Kappa grabbed the horse's tail when the Lord rode over this bridge.
- reference : ameblo.jp/shokokai-namegata
The name of the Kappa is given as 七郎河童 Shichiro Kappa.
source : denebolaleonis.blog
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
- quote -
Serizawa Kamo 芹沢鴨 (1826? – October 30?, 1863)
was a samurai known for being the original lead commander of the Shinsengumi. He trained in and received a licence in the Shindō Munen-ryū. "Kamo" means goose or duck in Japanese which was an odd name to call oneself at the time.
His full name was Serizawa Kamo Taira no Mitsumoto (Serizawa=family name, Kamo=given name, Taira=family clan name, Mitsumoto=formal given name.)
The Serizawa family were upper-seat Goshi rank samurai in Serizawa village in Mito which is now the capital of Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan. Kamo was born as the youngest son and his childhood name was Genta. He had two older brothers and an older sister. He was educated with the Sonnō jōi ideals (meaning revere the Tenno (emperor) and expel the foreigners) and swordsmanship since childhood at Kodoukan which was a state school in Mito. Mito is a sub-branch of the Tokugawa family and it was considered the motherland of the Sonnō Jōi ideology and was a center of support for the Tennō and the Imperial court, which helped fuel the Revolution.
- maybe Zerisawa 芹沢鴨?
Although no portrait of Kamo remains, it is said he was a large man with very pale skin and small eyes.
On one hand, Serizawa was quite bold and fearless and on the other hand, he was extremely selfish and had a terribly short temper so he started fights often. If he was in a bad mood he would get violent, especially when he was drinking, and he was a heavy drinker.
He was an idealist who held very strong pro-Imperial court beliefs and took the Sonno-joi beliefs very seriously while at the same time siding with the Tokugawa regime. A small fact that is less well-known is that Serizawa was good at drawing and showed his drawings to children.
- source : wikipedia
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatetsugi #tetsugi -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -
- Garappa ガラッパ Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu
ガワッパ gawappa カワッパ kawappa
- river child - same as Garappa -
- quote
Garappa are river spirits found on the islands of Kyushu in southern Japan. They are close relatives of kappa and resemble them in many ways, thus the two are often confused with each other. There are a number of important differences. Physically, garappa are almost identical to kappa, the most notable difference being that a garappa’s limbs are much longer than those of a kappa. When garappa sit down their knees rise high above their heads, while kappa’s knees do not. Because of these longer limbs, garappa are taller than kappa when standing upright. Garappa also have slightly longer and more streamlined faces.
Garappa are much more shy and elusive than kappa, and tend to avoid populated areas. Instead, they wander back and forth between the rivers and mountains. They tend to live in smaller groups, or by themselves. Because of their shyness, garappa are more often heard than seen. They have two distinctive calls: “hyo–hyo–,” and, “foon-foon-foon.”
While garappa encounters are much rarer than kappa, they share with kappa a similar relationship with humankind. They are extremely fond of pranks and mischief, and love to surprise people on mountain paths, or trick travelers into losing their way. Garappa are physically stronger than a human, and easily capable of overpowering grown men larger than them. They are extremely fond of sumo wrestling, at which they are highly skilled. Garappa are also very sexually aggressive and frequently assault and rape women.
Despite their reputation as tricksters, garappa are absolutely dedicated to keeping their word. When captured or bested in contest by humans, they are usually forced by their victors to promise to stop drowning people, playing pranks, making noises in the woods, or similar concessions. Over the centuries, Shinto sects which revere garappa have worked to earn promises from them to cease doing evil; as a result garappa attacks have become less and less common over time. Garappa also occasionally serve humans by catching fish or planting rice fields, and they are credited with teaching the ancient people of Kyushu the art of making poultices.
- source : yokai.com
. Things a Kappa dislikes and fears .
Especially dislikes of the Garappa from Kyushu.
Garappa Don ガラッパドン - Toda Kannon 戸田観音 - 観音堂 Kannon-Do
鹿児島県薩摩川内市中村町 / Nakamuracho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
The Toda Kannon temple has been erected in 1459 on orders of the lord o the castle 宮之城 Miyanojo, Shibuya Tokushige Kedo-In 渋谷(祁答院)徳重.
The following legends date from this time.
Lord Tokushige had a beautiful daughter.
One day she went to play at the river with seven lady attendants, but by some strange accident she fell into the river. The ladies tried to save her, but she sank down to the riverbed and did not come up again.
The ladies, who all felt guilty of this accident, drowned themselves in the river too.
A few days later the body of the princes and the other ladies were found and Lord Tokushige built the temple 観音堂 Kannon-Do by the riverside where it all happened.
He thought the real cause of her death was the lord of the river, the Garappa ガラッパ(河童), so he had this statue made and placed at the feet of the Kannon statue.
He also had a stone memorial erected stating that no Garappa would never do malicious things around here.
Well, maybe because of all this, there have never been water accidents around here any more.
At the Toda Kannon there is a Kappa statue to our day. It might be a new statue made a lot later. But the figure does not seem to be a true Kappa, since the body is all covered in fish scales. The figure also has its arms and legs spreading out, and might snow the Kappa suffering from the Lord's wrath.
Even now many people come here to pray for protection from water accidents.
The Shibuya clan 渋谷 later moved on to Kanagawa and even the Shibuya ward of Tokyo is related to it.
He came to Kagoshima around 1248. Their ancestor was Kawasaki Shige-Ie, who helped defend the capital of Kyoto during the late Heian period and was granted the name of Shibuya..
- reference : japanmystery.com
八代地方に伝わる民話 Hiko-Ichi Legend 彦一
from Yachidai, Kumamoto, Kyushu
彦一と河童の相撲 - ガラッパ Hiko-Ichi and the Kappa (Garappa) doing Sumo
. . Sumoo 河童相撲 Kappa Sumo wrestling . .
. butsudan 仏壇と伝説 legends about the Buddhist family altar .
In the 曽於郡 Soo district the Garappa comes for a revenge, if the God of Water is not properly respected.
But if people eat the rice offered at the Butsudan, he will not be able to harm them.
People will smell of the incense and the Garappa thinks it is the soul of a dead ancestor coming down.
. kamon 家紋 family crest and Garappa .
. Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy .
. butsudan no hai 仏壇の灰 ashes from the family altar .
- Things a Kappa does not like!
. Yamanokami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
source : sinnurikabe ...
In Summer, Garappa is 川の神 a river deity, in Winter, be becomes Yamanokami.
His call is ピーピー pii pii. If someone goes to the river in the late evening to fetch water, he can see the Garappa.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappagarappa #garappa -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -
- Garappa ガラッパ Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu
ガワッパ gawappa カワッパ kawappa
- river child - same as Garappa -
- quote
Garappa are river spirits found on the islands of Kyushu in southern Japan. They are close relatives of kappa and resemble them in many ways, thus the two are often confused with each other. There are a number of important differences. Physically, garappa are almost identical to kappa, the most notable difference being that a garappa’s limbs are much longer than those of a kappa. When garappa sit down their knees rise high above their heads, while kappa’s knees do not. Because of these longer limbs, garappa are taller than kappa when standing upright. Garappa also have slightly longer and more streamlined faces.
Garappa are much more shy and elusive than kappa, and tend to avoid populated areas. Instead, they wander back and forth between the rivers and mountains. They tend to live in smaller groups, or by themselves. Because of their shyness, garappa are more often heard than seen. They have two distinctive calls: “hyo–hyo–,” and, “foon-foon-foon.”
While garappa encounters are much rarer than kappa, they share with kappa a similar relationship with humankind. They are extremely fond of pranks and mischief, and love to surprise people on mountain paths, or trick travelers into losing their way. Garappa are physically stronger than a human, and easily capable of overpowering grown men larger than them. They are extremely fond of sumo wrestling, at which they are highly skilled. Garappa are also very sexually aggressive and frequently assault and rape women.
Despite their reputation as tricksters, garappa are absolutely dedicated to keeping their word. When captured or bested in contest by humans, they are usually forced by their victors to promise to stop drowning people, playing pranks, making noises in the woods, or similar concessions. Over the centuries, Shinto sects which revere garappa have worked to earn promises from them to cease doing evil; as a result garappa attacks have become less and less common over time. Garappa also occasionally serve humans by catching fish or planting rice fields, and they are credited with teaching the ancient people of Kyushu the art of making poultices.
- source : yokai.com
. Things a Kappa dislikes and fears .
Especially dislikes of the Garappa from Kyushu.
Garappa Don ガラッパドン - Toda Kannon 戸田観音 - 観音堂 Kannon-Do
鹿児島県薩摩川内市中村町 / Nakamuracho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
The Toda Kannon temple has been erected in 1459 on orders of the lord o the castle 宮之城 Miyanojo, Shibuya Tokushige Kedo-In 渋谷(祁答院)徳重.
The following legends date from this time.
Lord Tokushige had a beautiful daughter.
One day she went to play at the river with seven lady attendants, but by some strange accident she fell into the river. The ladies tried to save her, but she sank down to the riverbed and did not come up again.
The ladies, who all felt guilty of this accident, drowned themselves in the river too.
A few days later the body of the princes and the other ladies were found and Lord Tokushige built the temple 観音堂 Kannon-Do by the riverside where it all happened.
He thought the real cause of her death was the lord of the river, the Garappa ガラッパ(河童), so he had this statue made and placed at the feet of the Kannon statue.
He also had a stone memorial erected stating that no Garappa would never do malicious things around here.
Well, maybe because of all this, there have never been water accidents around here any more.
At the Toda Kannon there is a Kappa statue to our day. It might be a new statue made a lot later. But the figure does not seem to be a true Kappa, since the body is all covered in fish scales. The figure also has its arms and legs spreading out, and might snow the Kappa suffering from the Lord's wrath.
Even now many people come here to pray for protection from water accidents.
The Shibuya clan 渋谷 later moved on to Kanagawa and even the Shibuya ward of Tokyo is related to it.
He came to Kagoshima around 1248. Their ancestor was Kawasaki Shige-Ie, who helped defend the capital of Kyoto during the late Heian period and was granted the name of Shibuya..
- reference : japanmystery.com
八代地方に伝わる民話 Hiko-Ichi Legend 彦一
from Yachidai, Kumamoto, Kyushu
彦一と河童の相撲 - ガラッパ Hiko-Ichi and the Kappa (Garappa) doing Sumo
. . Sumoo 河童相撲 Kappa Sumo wrestling . .
. butsudan 仏壇と伝説 legends about the Buddhist family altar .
In the 曽於郡 Soo district the Garappa comes for a revenge, if the God of Water is not properly respected.
But if people eat the rice offered at the Butsudan, he will not be able to harm them.
People will smell of the incense and the Garappa thinks it is the soul of a dead ancestor coming down.
. kamon 家紋 family crest and Garappa .
. Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy .
. butsudan no hai 仏壇の灰 ashes from the family altar .
- Things a Kappa does not like!
. Yamanokami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
source : sinnurikabe ...
In Summer, Garappa is 川の神 a river deity, in Winter, be becomes Yamanokami.
His call is ピーピー pii pii. If someone goes to the river in the late evening to fetch water, he can see the Garappa.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappagarappa #garappa -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Kizakura キザクラ 黄桜 "Yellow Cherry Blossom" -
Kizakura is a successful Japanese Sake brewing company concentrating on "Water" and "Rice", the most important elements in producing the highest quality Sake.
We combine the precious secrets passed on from generation to generation and modern brewing techniques to provide a deliciously evolved taste that corresponds to changing tastes and lifestyles.
Kizakura is located in Fushimi, the southern part of Kyoto, the oldest sake brewing area in Japan.
In Fushimi, you can still find many of old Saka-Gura ( sake breweries) with distinctive white walls, dark wooden paneling and Kawara tiles. Their appearance is unchanged to this day.
"Fushi-Mizu": Fushimi's quality ground water, is best suited to the brewing of sake, brining out the full flavor of rice and creating high quality sake with a smooth texture.
- source : kizakura.co.jp/ja/en
Kizakura Kappa Country 黄桜 - キザクラカッパカントリー
Fushimi, Kyoto
Gekkeikan, Kizakura
is another sake brewery worth a look while you’re in the neighbourhood. The vast complex houses both sake and beer breweries, courtyard gardens and a small gallery dedicated to
the mythical (and sneaky) creature Kappa.
CLICK for more photos!
- reference -
April 2015 - shared on facebook
Kizakura - Kappa Museum かっぱの伝説 Kappa Information and legends
- source : www.kizakura.co.jp/ja - legend -
黄桜 カッパ広報部 Kizakura Kappa on facebook
カッパ課長 Kappa Kacho
Kappa Kacho often posts funny Kappa images.
- kizakura on facebook -
. . . CLICK here for Photos - 黄桜 !
- reference - Kizakura -
. - Food and Drink with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 - .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappakizakura #kizakura -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Kizakura キザクラ 黄桜 "Yellow Cherry Blossom" -
Kizakura is a successful Japanese Sake brewing company concentrating on "Water" and "Rice", the most important elements in producing the highest quality Sake.
We combine the precious secrets passed on from generation to generation and modern brewing techniques to provide a deliciously evolved taste that corresponds to changing tastes and lifestyles.
Kizakura is located in Fushimi, the southern part of Kyoto, the oldest sake brewing area in Japan.
In Fushimi, you can still find many of old Saka-Gura ( sake breweries) with distinctive white walls, dark wooden paneling and Kawara tiles. Their appearance is unchanged to this day.
"Fushi-Mizu": Fushimi's quality ground water, is best suited to the brewing of sake, brining out the full flavor of rice and creating high quality sake with a smooth texture.
- source : kizakura.co.jp/ja/en
Kizakura Kappa Country 黄桜 - キザクラカッパカントリー
Fushimi, Kyoto
Gekkeikan, Kizakura
is another sake brewery worth a look while you’re in the neighbourhood. The vast complex houses both sake and beer breweries, courtyard gardens and a small gallery dedicated to
the mythical (and sneaky) creature Kappa.
CLICK for more photos!
- reference -
April 2015 - shared on facebook
Kizakura - Kappa Museum かっぱの伝説 Kappa Information and legends
- source : www.kizakura.co.jp/ja - legend -
黄桜 カッパ広報部 Kizakura Kappa on facebook
カッパ課長 Kappa Kacho
Kappa Kacho often posts funny Kappa images.
- kizakura on facebook -
. . . CLICK here for Photos - 黄桜 !
- reference - Kizakura -
. - Food and Drink with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 - .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappakizakura #kizakura -
Posters Kappa
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- poster 河童ポスタ Kappa Poster -
Kappa is sometimes used for advertising campaigns or other official announcements.
Japanese train manner poster - August 1979
Kappa against a backdrop of lit cigarettes
serves as a reminder not to smoke on the platform during the designated non-smoking hours,
(7:00-9:30 AM and 5:00-7:00 PM).
The text at the top of the poster reads "Gaman gurai wa he no kappa," which translates loosely as "waiting is no big deal." (like the small fart of a Kappa")
. shared at PINTEREST - pinktentacle .
Disney Monsters University - Oozma Kappa
- Oozma Kappa - Reference -
(On this poster, Kappa is the name of a dog.)
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappa -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- poster 河童ポスタ Kappa Poster -
Kappa is sometimes used for advertising campaigns or other official announcements.
Japanese train manner poster - August 1979
Kappa against a backdrop of lit cigarettes
serves as a reminder not to smoke on the platform during the designated non-smoking hours,
(7:00-9:30 AM and 5:00-7:00 PM).
The text at the top of the poster reads "Gaman gurai wa he no kappa," which translates loosely as "waiting is no big deal." (like the small fart of a Kappa")
. shared at PINTEREST - pinktentacle .
Disney Monsters University - Oozma Kappa
- Oozma Kappa - Reference -
(On this poster, Kappa is the name of a dog.)
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappa -
Sakuma Asuka
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Sakuma Asuka Sakuma 佐久間あすか -
He lives near the swamp Ushikunuma 牛久沼, a famous Kappa region.
- quote
Kappa Ballet
Kappa playing the karuta game
Kappa eating water melon
- - - - - And many more here :
- source : www.sakuma-asuka.com
Asuka Sakuma's Works
- source : asuka-sakuma.com/index.
牛久沼と小川芋銭 Ushikunuma
. - Ushiku 牛久 Kappa Region in Ibaraki - .
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappasakuma -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Sakuma Asuka Sakuma 佐久間あすか -
He lives near the swamp Ushikunuma 牛久沼, a famous Kappa region.
- quote
Kappa Ballet
Kappa playing the karuta game
Kappa eating water melon
- - - - - And many more here :
- source : www.sakuma-asuka.com
Asuka Sakuma's Works
- source : asuka-sakuma.com/index.
牛久沼と小川芋銭 Ushikunuma
. - Ushiku 牛久 Kappa Region in Ibaraki - .
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappasakuma -
Paranormal Japan
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Paranormal Japan: Kappas, Kangaroo and Kayako -
- quote
MORE to explore on this external link
- source : frontiersofzoology.blogspot.jp
At around 11 PM on August 1, 1984 in the town of Tsushima in Nagasaki prefecture, a squid fisherman named Ryu Shirozaki was walking home from the local pier after work. As he passed near the Kuta river, he came upon a small group of children playing at the water's edge. While it was not entirely uncommon to encounter people fishing in the river at night, it was rather surprising to see youngsters there.
As Shirozaki approached the children, he was struck by how bizarre they appeared in the moonlight. He could make out swarthy faces, unusually spindly arms and legs, and glistening skin. Suspicious, Shirozaki called out to them as he neared, but they seemed startled and quickly disappeared into the water.
The next morning when he returned to the same spot, Shirozaki discovered a set of moist, teardrop-shaped footprints on the nearby pavement. The prints, which appeared to consist of a slimy substance that had begun to coagulate under the hot morning sun, stretched for about 20 meters. Each footprint measured 22 centimeters (about 10 in) long and 12 centimeters (5 in) wide, and they were spaced about 50 to 60 centimeters (about 2 ft) apart.
Shirozaki and a few curious onlookers immediately suspected the footprints belonged to a kappa. People began to gather around as the news spread quickly through town, and all agreed the prints belonged to a kappa. In the minds of many residents, the footprints confirmed the existence of the river imps they knew through local legends.
When police forensic investigators arrived on the scene, they determined that the slimy footprints consisted of an unknown secretion. They took a sample to the lab for analysis, but the results unfortunately turned out to be inconclusive because the sample was too small. The police eventually dropped their investigation, and the mystery of the slimy footprints was never solved.
Another recent kappa encounter occurred on June 30, 1991 in the town of Saito in Miyazaki prefecture, when an office worker named Mitsugu Matsumoto and his wife Junko returned home for the evening. Upon opening the front door, the Matsumotos were confronted with a strange smell inside their home. Inside, they found dozens of small, wet footprints around the front door and in the hallway, bathroom, and two tatami rooms. At first they suspected a burglar, but they soon realized nothing had been stolen.
The police briefly surveyed the house, but found nothing except a floor soiled by 30 footprints, each measuring about 7 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide, and having 4 or 5 toes. To Matsumoto, the footprints did not look human, nor did they appear to belong to any animal he could imagine.
Later that night, as Mrs. Matsumoto was putting laundry away, she discovered an unusual orange stain on some clothing. The next morning, as Matsumoto inspected the house more closely, he discovered a deposit of orange liquid on the portable stereo in the tatami room. He took a sample to the local public health center for analysis, and the results indicated the liquid had an extremely high iron content and a chemical composition resembling spring water.
Troubled by the incident, Matsumoto decided to visit a shaman. After listening to Matsumoto's story, the shaman encouraged him not to worry, explaining that the kappa indigenous to the nearby swamp enjoyed playing the occasional prank on local residents. The kappa were harmless, the shaman told him.
Harmless, perhaps, but Matsumoto found the kappa difficult to clean up after. He tried using detergent, paint thinner and gasoline to remove the footprints and orange stains, but nothing seemed to work.
Sources: Shin-ichiro Namiki, "Nippon No Kaiki Hyaku", 2007
Hairy "Kappas" - Aquatic Kappas
In this case, I would think that the 5-fingered and toed, hairy"Kappas" in the first two rows above represent Hibagons, larger and more apelike creatures than the Freshwater Kappas. In the Kappa pictures below, most of them are of a slenderer, more monkeylike build: and if there is any further complication to be considered, it might well be that some artists make freshwater Kappas too much like the "Known" Japanese macaques.
The hairy Kappas have hair on top of their heads, but it is not exaggerated into the ruffle or mane seen on the FW Kappas. In the stories above, I take the slimy teardrop-shaped tracks to be FW Kappa tracks, basically triangular but number of toes indistinct, tracking pond scum around with their feet: the rusty footprints come friom a four-or-five-toed creature but the tracks do not include the heel, only the forepart of the foot. They are possibly also [composite] dog tracks. Whatever it is had waded through rust-tainted water or mud puddles.
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappa -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Paranormal Japan: Kappas, Kangaroo and Kayako -
- quote
MORE to explore on this external link
- source : frontiersofzoology.blogspot.jp
At around 11 PM on August 1, 1984 in the town of Tsushima in Nagasaki prefecture, a squid fisherman named Ryu Shirozaki was walking home from the local pier after work. As he passed near the Kuta river, he came upon a small group of children playing at the water's edge. While it was not entirely uncommon to encounter people fishing in the river at night, it was rather surprising to see youngsters there.
As Shirozaki approached the children, he was struck by how bizarre they appeared in the moonlight. He could make out swarthy faces, unusually spindly arms and legs, and glistening skin. Suspicious, Shirozaki called out to them as he neared, but they seemed startled and quickly disappeared into the water.
The next morning when he returned to the same spot, Shirozaki discovered a set of moist, teardrop-shaped footprints on the nearby pavement. The prints, which appeared to consist of a slimy substance that had begun to coagulate under the hot morning sun, stretched for about 20 meters. Each footprint measured 22 centimeters (about 10 in) long and 12 centimeters (5 in) wide, and they were spaced about 50 to 60 centimeters (about 2 ft) apart.
Shirozaki and a few curious onlookers immediately suspected the footprints belonged to a kappa. People began to gather around as the news spread quickly through town, and all agreed the prints belonged to a kappa. In the minds of many residents, the footprints confirmed the existence of the river imps they knew through local legends.
When police forensic investigators arrived on the scene, they determined that the slimy footprints consisted of an unknown secretion. They took a sample to the lab for analysis, but the results unfortunately turned out to be inconclusive because the sample was too small. The police eventually dropped their investigation, and the mystery of the slimy footprints was never solved.
Another recent kappa encounter occurred on June 30, 1991 in the town of Saito in Miyazaki prefecture, when an office worker named Mitsugu Matsumoto and his wife Junko returned home for the evening. Upon opening the front door, the Matsumotos were confronted with a strange smell inside their home. Inside, they found dozens of small, wet footprints around the front door and in the hallway, bathroom, and two tatami rooms. At first they suspected a burglar, but they soon realized nothing had been stolen.
The police briefly surveyed the house, but found nothing except a floor soiled by 30 footprints, each measuring about 7 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide, and having 4 or 5 toes. To Matsumoto, the footprints did not look human, nor did they appear to belong to any animal he could imagine.
Later that night, as Mrs. Matsumoto was putting laundry away, she discovered an unusual orange stain on some clothing. The next morning, as Matsumoto inspected the house more closely, he discovered a deposit of orange liquid on the portable stereo in the tatami room. He took a sample to the local public health center for analysis, and the results indicated the liquid had an extremely high iron content and a chemical composition resembling spring water.
Troubled by the incident, Matsumoto decided to visit a shaman. After listening to Matsumoto's story, the shaman encouraged him not to worry, explaining that the kappa indigenous to the nearby swamp enjoyed playing the occasional prank on local residents. The kappa were harmless, the shaman told him.
Harmless, perhaps, but Matsumoto found the kappa difficult to clean up after. He tried using detergent, paint thinner and gasoline to remove the footprints and orange stains, but nothing seemed to work.
Sources: Shin-ichiro Namiki, "Nippon No Kaiki Hyaku", 2007
Hairy "Kappas" - Aquatic Kappas
In this case, I would think that the 5-fingered and toed, hairy"Kappas" in the first two rows above represent Hibagons, larger and more apelike creatures than the Freshwater Kappas. In the Kappa pictures below, most of them are of a slenderer, more monkeylike build: and if there is any further complication to be considered, it might well be that some artists make freshwater Kappas too much like the "Known" Japanese macaques.
The hairy Kappas have hair on top of their heads, but it is not exaggerated into the ruffle or mane seen on the FW Kappas. In the stories above, I take the slimy teardrop-shaped tracks to be FW Kappa tracks, basically triangular but number of toes indistinct, tracking pond scum around with their feet: the rusty footprints come friom a four-or-five-toed creature but the tracks do not include the heel, only the forepart of the foot. They are possibly also [composite] dog tracks. Whatever it is had waded through rust-tainted water or mud puddles.
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappa -
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