

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -

- Garappa ガラッパ Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu
ガワッパ gawappa カワッパ  kawappa
- river child - same as Garappa -

- quote
Garappa are river spirits found on the islands of Kyushu in southern Japan. They are close relatives of kappa and resemble them in many ways, thus the two are often confused with each other. There are a number of important differences. Physically, garappa are almost identical to kappa, the most notable difference being that a garappa’s limbs are much longer than those of a kappa. When garappa sit down their knees rise high above their heads, while kappa’s knees do not. Because of these longer limbs, garappa are taller than kappa when standing upright. Garappa also have slightly longer and more streamlined faces.

Garappa are much more shy and elusive than kappa, and tend to avoid populated areas. Instead, they wander back and forth between the rivers and mountains. They tend to live in smaller groups, or by themselves. Because of their shyness, garappa are more often heard than seen. They have two distinctive calls: “hyo–hyo–,” and, “foon-foon-foon.”

While garappa encounters are much rarer than kappa, they share with kappa a similar relationship with humankind. They are extremely fond of pranks and mischief, and love to surprise people on mountain paths, or trick travelers into losing their way. Garappa are physically stronger than a human, and easily capable of overpowering grown men larger than them. They are extremely fond of sumo wrestling, at which they are highly skilled. Garappa are also very sexually aggressive and frequently assault and rape women.

Despite their reputation as tricksters, garappa are absolutely dedicated to keeping their word. When captured or bested in contest by humans, they are usually forced by their victors to promise to stop drowning people, playing pranks, making noises in the woods, or similar concessions. Over the centuries, Shinto sects which revere garappa have worked to earn promises from them to cease doing evil; as a result garappa attacks have become less and less common over time. Garappa also occasionally serve humans by catching fish or planting rice fields, and they are credited with teaching the ancient people of Kyushu the art of making poultices.
- source : yokai.com


. Things a Kappa dislikes and fears .
Especially dislikes of the Garappa from Kyushu.


Garappa Don ガラッパドン - Toda Kannon 戸田観音 - 観音堂 Kannon-Do
鹿児島県薩摩川内市中村町 / Nakamuracho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima

The Toda Kannon temple has been erected in 1459 on orders of the lord o the castle 宮之城 Miyanojo, Shibuya Tokushige Kedo-In 渋谷(祁答院)徳重.

The following legends date from this time.

Lord Tokushige had a beautiful daughter.
One day she went to play at the river with seven lady attendants, but by some strange accident she fell into the river. The ladies tried to save her, but she sank down to the riverbed and did not come up again.
The ladies, who all felt guilty of this accident, drowned themselves in the river too.

A few days later the body of the princes and the other ladies were found and Lord Tokushige built the temple 観音堂 Kannon-Do by the riverside where it all happened.
He thought the real cause of her death was the lord of the river, the Garappa ガラッパ(河童), so he had this statue made and placed at the feet of the Kannon statue.
He also had a stone memorial erected stating that no Garappa would never do malicious things around here.
Well, maybe because of all this, there have never been water accidents around here any more.

At the Toda Kannon there is a Kappa statue to our day. It might be a new statue made a lot later. But the figure does not seem to be a true Kappa, since the body is all covered in fish scales. The figure also has its arms and legs spreading out, and might snow the Kappa suffering from the Lord's wrath.
Even now many people come here to pray for protection from water accidents.

The Shibuya clan 渋谷 later moved on to Kanagawa and even the Shibuya ward of Tokyo is related to it.
He came to Kagoshima around 1248. Their ancestor was Kawasaki Shige-Ie, who helped defend the capital of Kyoto during the late Heian period and was granted the name of Shibuya..

- reference : japanmystery.com


八代地方に伝わる民話 Hiko-Ichi Legend 彦一
from Yachidai, Kumamoto, Kyushu

彦一と河童の相撲 - ガラッパ Hiko-Ichi and the Kappa (Garappa) doing Sumo

. . Sumoo 河童相撲  Kappa Sumo wrestling . .


. butsudan 仏壇と伝説 legends about the Buddhist family altar .

In the 曽於郡 Soo district the Garappa comes for a revenge, if the God of Water is not properly respected.
But if people eat the rice offered at the Butsudan, he will not be able to harm them.
People will smell of the incense and the Garappa thinks it is the soul of a dead ancestor coming down.


. kamon 家紋 family crest and Garappa .



. Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy .


. butsudan no hai 仏壇の灰 ashes from the family altar .
- Things a Kappa does not like!




. Yamanokami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

source : sinnurikabe ...

In Summer, Garappa is 川の神 a river deity, in Winter, be becomes Yamanokami.
His call is ピーピー pii pii. If someone goes to the river in the late evening to fetch water, he can see the Garappa.


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappagarappa #garappa -




Gabi Greve said...

..... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....
宇土市 Uto Town 綱引町 Abiki

During the time when the Ta no Kami is around, the ガワッパ Gawappa (Kappa) can do no harm to the children.
Ta no Kami

Gabi Greve said...

Kagoshima 鹿児島県
川内市 Satsuma Sendai city // 焼き物

Pottery pieces of garappa ガラッパ the local Kappa have only three fingers.

Gabi Greve said...

Kumamoto 熊本県 
球磨郡 Kuma district 多良木町 Taragi town

gawappa ガワッパ Kappa,水神様  
At the temple Shoren-Ji, people come to pray on first day of the second
and 12th month (according to the old lunar calendar)
to pray to suijin 水神 the Water Deity to protect them from damage of water,
then 餅を作り they prepare mochi rice cakes.
They collect stones from the river side and write
the prayer to Kobo Daishi on the stones
Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo 南無大師遍照金剛.
Finally they throw the rice cakes and the stones into the river.
On these two days, the local Kappa is also showing up.