
sanki mountain demon

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ / サンキ
yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends

Some famous mountains have a famous Oni for themselves.
They are listed under the name of the mountain.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

yama no sei, sansei 山精 spirit of the mountain
The wife of 猟師善助 the hunter Zensuke went to the mountain forest to gather firewood. Somehow she lost conscience. When she returned to herself and went home, she found herself pregnant. Eventually she gave birth to 岩八 Iwahachi. The same happened again a few years later and this time she gave birth to 喜八 Kichachi.
All this happened because the Spirit of the Mountain and 山鬼 the Demon of the Mountain had an adventure with her.
Both Iwahachi and Kihachi had bright red hair.

Sansei Zatsumi Kijin 山精雑魅鬼神 (さんせいざつみきじん)
A kind of 精霊悪鬼 bad Oni with more knowledge and power than a human being, alive in the muontains, trees and other natural phenomenon.
source : honkouji.com/glossary...

............................................................................ Akita 秋田県

Yama Kijin 山鬼神 Sankijin Mountain Demon Deity
Once the pious mother got lost in the mountains. Eventually they heard that she had become the wife on the Mountain Demon Deity from 太平山 Mount Taiheizan.
Her friends tried to bring her back, but could not find her.
Later she came back, telling them she also went to 出羽三山 the Three Mountains of Dewa.

. Sankichi Oni  サンキチ鬼 The Demon Sankichi from Akita .
protector deity of 太平山の守護神 Mount Taiheizan 太平山 (1,170 m)

鬼神 Kijin,山の地神 Yama no Chijin

北秋田郡 Kita-Akita district 上小阿仁村 Kamikoani village

Yamaoni uses the bones of children to make hiruko 蛭子 leeches out of them.

............................................................................ Iwate 岩手県

Once upon a time, the area around 岩手山 Mount Iwatesan belonged to an Oni named 大猛丸 Odakemaru.
In the year 797, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was sent to drive him out, but he hid in the mist of the deep mountain and built his castle, 鬼ケ城 / 鬼ヶ城 Onigajo.
Tamuramaro waited until the mist had dispersed, came to fight with him, drove him all the way to 八幡平 Hachimantai and finally killed him.

Akuro is known in various regions as
. Oodakemaru 大嶽丸・大竹丸・大武丸・大猛丸 Odakemaru .
Aterui / 悪路王 Akuro-o / Acro-o アテルイ / 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)
and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811)

............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
刈田郡 Katta district 蔵王町 Zao

At the foot of Mount Zao there lived a sanki 山鬼 mountain Oni who grabbed humans and ate them.
The Oni eventually turned to stone and the place is now called
鬼石原 Oniishihara
Oniishihara Tōgatta onsen, Zaō-machi, Katta-gun, Miyagi

. onishi, oniishi 鬼石の鬼伝説 Onishi Demon Stone Legends .

白井市 Shiroi city 斎川 Saikawa

The demon of 岩倉山の鬼 Mount Iwakurayama
At the hall 甲冑堂 in the village 東二町 Higashinicho there lived an Oni at Mount Iwakurayama who grbabed travellers, ground them in a mortar and ate them.
This mortar has become a stone, named
onisurusuishi 鬼臼石 / オニスルスイシ Oni Surusu Ishi

臼石?杵石? 鬼ヶ牙 at 鈴鹿峠
- reference and photo : tutiyamasaaki -

. onishi (oni-ishi, oniishi) 鬼石 Demon Stone .

柴田郡 Shibata district 川崎町 Kawasakimachi

Uyamuya no Seki 有耶無耶関 / 有耶無耶の関 The Inamu Barrier
now at the 笹谷峠 Sasaya Pass on the border to 山形 Yamagata and the Natori district.

Once upon a time a demon haunted this pass and caused harm to travellers.
A raichoo 霊鳥 snow grouse would warn people, calling out 有耶 UYA (he is here).
If the Demon was away, it would call out MUYA 無耶 (he is not here).
The 若松観音 Wakamatsu Kannon at the side of Yamagata is called the 有耶の観音 Uya no Kannon.
The 笹谷観音 Sasaya Kannon at the side of Miyagi is called 無耶の観音 Muya no Kannon.
The snow grouse is said to be an incarnation of Kannon Bosatsu.

- - - - - Uya-muya, Muyamuya, Moya-moya

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
長野市 Nagano city 戸隠 Togakushi

The demons of 一夜山 Ichiyasan "Mountain of one night"
at the time of 天武天皇 Tenmu Tenno (c. 631-686) heard a rumor that their living place would become a new settlement. To prevent this, they began to plot.
In one night (ichiya 一夜), to stop the road, they made a new mountain between the mountains 戸隠山 Togakushiyama and 戸倉山 Tokurasan.
This new mountain is now 1,561 m high.

............................................................................ Niigata 新潟県

A lot of salmon fish came up the river, but the local mountain demons caught them all with their bare hands
and ate them.
The villagers who head the demons at night became ill, spit blood and soon died.

............................................................................ Tokyo 東京都
青梅市 Ome city

. Prince Yamato Takeru no Mikoto 日本武尊 .
and the shiroi shika 白い鹿 white deer and 白狼 white wolf



- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- reference source : nishikawa-kaikei.co.jp/furukyara... -
kumotaka yama no oni 雲たか山の鬼


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #sanki #mountainoni #mountaindemon #yamaoni -

Odakemaru and Tamuramaro Iwate

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Oodakemaru 大嶽丸・大竹丸・大武丸・大猛丸 Odakemaru / Ootakemaru オオタケマル Otakemaru and
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 - 岩手県 Iwate

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

Odakemaru is another name for
Aterui アテルイ / 悪路王 Akuro-O / Acro-O 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)
He was the leader of the Emishi in Iwate. He was venerated as Kijin 鬼神大猛丸 the Demon God Odakemaru.

Mount 岩手山 Iwatesan is also called 岩手富士 the Fuji of Iwate.
Once there lived a very strong Oni named Odakemaru, who put his hand on a rock to make an impression (iwate 岩手 "rock hand").
On the Southern side of Mount Iwatesan there are still the remains of the palace of this Oni, in the form of ridge 屏風岩 "cliff like a folding screen" named
Onigajo 鬼ヶ城 "Castle of the Oni".


At the shrine 岩手山神社 Iwatesan Jinja
the deity is venerated as
岩鷲権現(がんじゅごんげん)Ganju Gongen, 田村権現 Tamura Gongen or 田村大明神 Tamura Daimyojin.
He is venerated at the stone formation 獅子頭石 Eboshi Rock.

The mountain ridge Onigajo was the realm of 大猛丸 Odakemaru, who was also known in the region as
Akagashira no Takamaru 赤頭の高丸.


- reference source : toki.moo.jp/inaka-jo/03kijin... -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................................................ Iwate 岩手県

Once upon a time, the area around 岩手山 Mount Iwatesan belonged to an Oni named 大猛丸 Odakemaru.
In the year 797, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was sent to drive him out, but he hid in the mist of the deep mountain and lived in his castle, 鬼ケ城 / 鬼ヶ城 Onigajo.
Tamuramaro waited until the mist had dispersed, came to fight with him, drove him all the way to 八幡平 Hachimantai and finally killed him.

Ootakemaru 大武丸 Otakemaru and Onigajo 鬼ケ城 castle
Onigajo at mount Iwatesan is a cave where the demon 大武丸 Otakemaru lived with his disciple demons. He could command the weather and the clouds in the sky, even provoke storms and the people dreaded these demons.
Tamuramaro killed most of the demons, but some fled in the direction of 閉伊郡 the Hei district.
The last one to survive was an Oni with one eye, a messenger of 権現様 Gongen Sama. It was the job of this Oni to clean the mountain after humans had visited the top.


Odakemaru 大竹丸 Otakemaru

A beautiful female demon named Tateeboshi 立烏帽子 Lady Tate Eboshi was the wife of 鬼神 the Demon King Odakemaru.
- タテエボシ / タチエボシ Tachieboshi, Tachi-Eboshi

She wanted to make 葦原の国 the province of Ashihara in Hyogo a "Land of the Demons". So she came down to earth at 鈴鹿 Suzuka (Mie).
Then she wanted to become the wife of Odakemaru to continued her evil life and sent him a letter. But he did not answer. Eventually she became his wife, but soon
Tamuramaro had a fight with her husband and herself,
Now the Devil Lady fell in love with Tamuramaro and became his wife, mending her bad ways. She later helped her human husband to drive out the demons
悪事高丸 Takamaru and 大谷丸 Otanimaru.

Aguro-Oo 阿黒王 King Aguro-O
Tate-Eboshi caused a lot of damage at 鈴鹿山 Suzukayama, a mountain range in Mie prefecture.
To become the wife of a man named 利成 Toshinari, she had him kill her Demon Husband Aguro-O.

Tachieboshi snatched the wife of Tamuramaro, but later got enlightenment by the Kannon Bosatsu from 清水寺 Kiyomizu Temple in Mie 三重県.

. eboshi 烏帽子 cloth cap, officials hat .
The tate-eboshi was worn by high ranking court nobles.

花巻市 Ishinomaki

Maoomaru 魔王丸 Ma-O-Maru and the Oniyashiki 鬼屋敷 Oni Yashiki quarters
The demon Ma-O-Maru lived in a place called Oni-Yashiki. After Tamuramaro had killed him and cut off his head, he washed his sword in a place now called
洗い田 Senda.

- and a legend from Miyagi about the Oni Yashiki

番二番三郎 Banji and Bansaburo
At the time they were becoming disciples of Jikaku Daishi, there lived an Oni in the region. Banji shot an arrow from the top of 二口峠 Futakuchi Pass and killed the Oni.

Jikaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師仁円 (793-864)
He made Banji and Banzaburo his disciples.
. the hunters 万二万三郎 Banji and Banzaburo .

気仙郡 Kesen district

. oni no kiba 鬼の牙 demon teeth .
Here the boss of the native 蝦夷 Emishi group was called 赤頭 Akagashira - "Red Head".
When Sakanoue no Tamuramaro drove out the demon, the teeth of this Oni remained.


達谷窟毘沙門堂 Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamon-Do
Akuro-O the leader of the Emishi was living in this cavern and while he was doing much harm, Tamuramaro asked help from Bishamonten and finally subjugated him.
Tamuramaro dedicated this hall after his victory over the Emishi, to appease their souls
Originally there were 108 statues of Bishamon, now 33 are still there, which are shown once every 33 years.
平泉 Hiraizumi


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
40 to explore 坂上田村麻呂 (04)

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/inaka-jo/03kijin... -


Hitokabemaru 人首丸

source : dostoev.exblog.jp...
oni no hi 鬼の碑 memorial stone of the Oni Hitokabemaru
oni no kooshintoo 鬼の庚申塔 Oni no Koshin-To stone

This memorial stone is one of the 七庚申, when the day of Koshin happens 7 times in a year, to bring bad luck.
In the old scripts is a mention
”庚申年には蝦夷の反乱が起こる”In the year of Koshin there will be a rebellion of the Emishi!"

. kooshin 庚申 day of the monkey and the element metal .

- reference source : kntn.biz/kwch-lit/hitokabe -


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #odakemaru #tamuramaro #iwateoni #oniiwate -


Onishi Demon Rock

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

onishi (oni-ishi, oniishi) 鬼石の鬼伝説 
Onishi Demon Stone Legends / "ogre stone"

There are various places, Onishi and Oniishi, in Japan.


Gunma, Fujioka town 群馬県藤岡市
Onishi 鬼石町 Onishi-machi was a town located in Tano District, Gunma Prefecture.
On January 1, 2006, Onishi was merged into the expanded city of Fujioka.

Oni no Ishimaru 鬼の石丸
He is the symbol of the shopping arcade and appears at the Setsubun rituals.

Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine in Onishi village

The region produced many stones 石の産地.
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.

- - - - - A legend from Onishi village
Daibagami (daibakami) だいば神 / 大馬神 is a strange illness of horses.
All of a sudden the hind legs can not move any more and soon after the animal dies.
This disease only occurs from April to August.


- quote -
Shiro Oni Studio: Artist in Residency Program シロオニスタジオ "White Demon"
Our program introduces artists to the Japanese countryside. We offer private studios, opportunities to work with the surrounding community,
Away from the congested urban life of Japan and surrounded by mountains in the small town of Onishi (ogre stone) in Gunma prefecture, artists can work free from outside distractions. Shiro Oni Studio's first priority is to provide each artist with individual studio space to focus on their work.
- reference source : shirooni.com... -


Oniishi 鬼石 - Beppu Hot Spring, Oita 別府 大分県

- quote -
Oniishi Bozu Jigoku 鬼石坊主地獄

Gray thermal mud at boiling temperature looks like the bald head of a boozu or a Buddhist monk.
It is located next to the Umi-jigoku. There are also foot bath and onsen inside the area.
- - - - - Oniishi-bozu-jigoku Ashiyu Footbath
It’s clean and comfortable. The hot water also retains heat.
- source : english.beppu-navi.jp... -

Nearby is the hot-spring hotel Oniishi no Yu 鬼石の湯.


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................................................ Aomori 青森県
むつ市 Mutsu town

. sanzubashi 三途橋 Bridge over the river Sanzu at Osorezan .

............................................................................ Mie 三重県
鈴鹿峠 Suzuka toge pass

. Onigakiba 鬼ヶ牙 "Demon Fang Stone" .
臼石?杵石? and onisurusuishi 鬼臼石 / オニスルスイシ Oni Surusu Ishi mortar stone

............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
刈田郡 Katta district 蔵王町 Zao

At the foot of Mount Zao there lived a sanki 山鬼 mountain Oni who grabbed humans and ate them.
The Oni eventually turned to stone and the place is now called
鬼石原 Oniishihara
Oniishihara Tōgatta onsen, Zaō-machi, Katta-gun, Miyagi

. sanki 山鬼の鬼伝説 Mountain Oni Demon Legends .

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
小県郡 Chiisagata district

The story about the onishi 鬼石 Oni Rock in 東内村 Higashi-Uchimura.
Around 1916 a new road was to be built and this stone had to be moved. Below it a huge kyuushi 臼歯 molar, bigger that that of a horse or bull, was found.
People thought it was oni no ha 鬼の歯 the tooth of an Oni.

. oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs .

茅野市 Chino town

The mountain range of Tateshina 立科山麓 and the name of CHINO.
Near 北山村 Kitayama village there is a stone with 鬼の足形 the footprint of an Oni, called 鬼石 Oniishi.
Where the Oni was driven out is a place called 鬼場 Oniba, and where his blood came down the river is
Chino 血野 "bloody field".
Where the Oni was burned and the ashes scattered around is now 灰原田 Haibarata.

北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi district 白馬村 Hakuba

At the pass 佐野坂峠 Sanosaka Toge there is a Demon Stone.
It has been touched by an Oni and to our day shows the marks of his hands.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- reference - 鬼石 -


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #onishi -


oni no karada body features

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
- - - - - oni no ha - teeth of an Oni - see below - - - - -

oni no karada 鬼の体 body features of an Oni Demon
oni no shintai 鬼の身体 - oni no sugata 鬼の姿 

Oni are born out of the imagination of human beings - they have the physical characteristics of things humans fear, mostly in animals.
Their appearance changed during the long history of Japan, from the Heian period to our present popular Setsubun-Oni.

- quote -
Depictions of oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing from their heads. They are humanoid for the most part, but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra fingers and toes. Their skin may be any number of colors, but red and blue are particularly common.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- 頭 Head -

kao 顔 face
often square and quite large.

kami 髪 hair
Growing like weeds, like yomogi 蓬 mugwort,

. tsuno 鬼の角 the horns of Oni demons .
some have two, some have one and some have no horns

. me 鬼の目, 鬼の眼 / medama 鬼の目玉 eyes of an Oni .
mitsume no oni 三つ目の鬼 Demon with three eyes

kuchi 口 mouth
Sometimes as wide as to both ears. Some Oni have no mouth.

shita 舌 tongue
Like a fiery flame.

ha 鬼の歯 oni no ha, teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs - see below

- hand and feet -

te 手 - yubi to tsume hands - fingers and nails
Nails are like swords and quite long.

ashi 足 - yubi to tsume feet - toes and nails
Some have four or three toes. Like those of birds, with long nails.

takasa 背の高さ body height - about as high as a castle gate

. hone 鬼の骨 the bones of Oni demons .
- including atama 頭 scull (head)


. kanaboo, kanabō 鬼に金棒 Kanabo, the iron club of an Oni .
- Oni ni kanabo

. oni no koshimaki 鬼の腰巻 - oni no fundoshi 鬼の褌
oni no pantsu 鬼のパンツ pants of an oni - loincloth .

- tiger pants - 虎柄のパンツ


oni no miira 鬼のミイラ mummy of an Oni

At the temple 勝福寺 Shofuku-Ji in 大阪 Osaka, there is a mummy of an oni. It has two horns, three fingers and three toes.

四日市 - 十宝山大乗院 Yokkaichi, Daijo-In, Kyushu
- reference -

and more in other temples of Japan - tba
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


ha, oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs

Some Oni show fangs upward, some downward, some have one fang up and one fang down.
Many masks also have a closed mouth.


Emori えもり瀬兵衛 (せへえ) Emori Seei
Emori was able to buy something special. He got a tooth from a person living in 八丈島 Hachiojima, where the original inhabitants were said to be Oni.
The tooth was about 3 cm long and 6 cm wide.


When a child looses an upper tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda and chant
nezumi no ha to tokkaero 鼠の歯ととっかえろ Change this into the tooth of a mouse.
When it looses a lower tooth, it has to throw in on the roof and chant
oni no ha to tokkaero 鬼の歯ととっかえろ Change this into the tooth of an Oni.
Thus the new tooth will grow strong and healthy.

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県

If a child looses a tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda or on the roof and chant:
オレの歯は先生えろ、鬼の歯は後生えろ Let my tooth grow first. Let the tooth of an Oni grow later.

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県

Sutten Doji 酒顛童子 / スッテンドウジ Shuten Doji
Shuten Doji was beheaded by Minamoto Yorimitsu and his head flew up into the sky. Then it came down and landed on the helmet of Yorimitsu. With his strong teeth of an Oni it started to bite off the layers of the helmet and almost succeeded, leaving just one layer before it was chased away.

. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .
Shuten Dōji 酒顛童子, 酒天童子, 朱点童子 Saka Doji

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
気仙郡 Kesen district

When Sakanoue no Tamuramaro drove out the demon of this region, the teeth of this Oni were left over.
The boss of the native 蝦夷 Emishi group was called 赤頭 Akagashira. - alias Aterui アテルイ / 悪路王 Akuro-O / Acro-O 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)

赤頭 Head of Akagashira

and his oni no kiba 鬼の牙 demon teeth

Tamuramaro built a grave for Akagashira and offered a statue of Kannon Bosatsu to appease his soul. This is now at the temple 竜福山・長谷寺 Hasedera.
When they dug out the grave in 1704, they found 33 teeth in the skull of this Akagashira Oni.
ケセンの鬼の国 Kesen is the land of the Oni.

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
- and his fight with the Emishi Demons in Iwate

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
小県郡 Chiisagata district

The story about the onishi 鬼石 Oni Stone in 東内村 Higashi-Uchimura.

. onishi 鬼石 Oni Stone - places in Japan .

................................................................................. Tochigi 栃木県
宇都宮市 Utsunomiya city

If a child looses a tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda or on the roof and chant:
鬼の歯より私の歯のほうが先に生えろ Let my tooth grow before the one of the Oni.

................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県
鳴門市 Naruto city 北灘 Kitanada / 撫養町 Muyacho

The local Oni heard to Buddhist lectures of Saint Honen, abdicated his bad ways, wrote a Buddhist name on his horns and threw his body down a cliff.
To appease his soul, the temple 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Demon Bones" was built.
The temple 法泉寺 Hosen-Ji venerates his myoogo 名号 Myogo, Buddhist name, the horns 鬼角.
The temple 西福寺 Saijuku-Ji venerates 鬼の歯 his teeth.

. Kikotsuji 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Demon Bones" .

. Hoonen 法然上人 Saint Honen (1133 - 1212) .
Founder of Pure Land Buddhism

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県

If people loose a tooth, they chant
鬼の歯と取り替えてくれ Let the new one become a tooth of an Oni.

山梨県河内地方 Kawachi district

Food called "oni no ha"
On the last day of the year people prepare cooked rice with barley, called oni no ha 鬼の歯.

. mugimeshi 麦飯 rice with barley .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


fuurin ni otoseshi oni no ha naru beshi

in the maple forest
they fall down and become
teeth of an Oni

. 高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi .
(1874 - 1959)


- - - - - 鬼歯(おにば) oniba - types of human teeth and tools - - - - -

牙のように生えた歯。→八重歯 double tooth
通常より多く生えた歯。→過剰歯 hyperdontia
出生時に既に生えている歯。→先天歯 congenital tooth

籾を落とすのに使われる農具の一種。→鬼歯 (農具) a farm tool
鋸の最先端に位置する鋸歯。鬼を引き裂くように強い歯という意味に由来するともいう。part of a saw
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

鬼歯 (農具) a farm tool for hulling rice

鬼切歯 onikiriba - part of a saw for forest workers
In former times, the first tooth of the forest saw was added as a kind of amulet to prevent bad things from happening in the forest.


- reference source : fushigi-chikara.jp/sonota -


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


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oni origami

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

origami no oni 折り紙の鬼 Oni demons from folded paper  

. origami 折り紙 folding paper - Introduction .

There are two things made of Origami :
- - - - - Individual Oni for Setsubun
- - - - - Paper boxes to hold the beans for Setsubun

. Setsubun 節分 the "Seasonal Divide"
February 3


onibako おにばこ demon box for the beans

- - - - - design by kamikey 2016


Click for many good ideas !

- reference - 折り紙 鬼 -


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #oniorigami #origamioni -


aooni blue green demon

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. akaoni, aka-oni 赤鬼 Red Oni Demon .
- - - - - for kuro-oni 黒鬼 black demon see below

aooni, ao-oni 青鬼伝説 Blue or Green Oni Demon Legends

Together with his companion, the akaoni, aka oni 赤鬼 Red Oni, he takes part in the Setsubun rituals.

. setsubun 節分 / せつぶん the Seasonal Divide .
February 3, the day before the beginning of spring (risshun 立春) according to the Asian lunar calendar.
The Setsubun Ao-oni is usually blue.

aoi 青い can be translated as blue or green . . .
. blue and green in translation for 青 .
aozora 青空 blue sky / aoringo 青りんご green apple

. Aoni shuuraku 青鬼集落 "Green Demon" Aoni village, Nagano .
Aoni Hokujō, Hakuba-mura, Kitaazumi-gun -青鬼神社 Aoni Jinja (Aooni Jinja )
善鬼大明神 Zenki Daimyojin (御善鬼様 O-Zenki Sama) - The Benevolent Demon
O-Zenki no Yakata お善鬼の館 Mansion of Zenki - Museum

Most legends involve both the red and the blue Oni, so they will be featured here:
. akaoni, aka-oni 赤鬼 Red Oni Demon .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
西加茂郡 Nishi-Kamo district 小原村 Obara

青い鬼と赤い鬼 green and red Oni
A green Oni and a red Oni fought about their territory and begun to throw stones at each other. The clever Red Oni won the battle.
The green Oni said: "If you put on a 蓑笠 straw coat and clean the well, I will make it rain!" and jumped right into the sky above the clouds. The 天の神様 Kami in heaven thought this was kind of funny and made more Oni in various colors.

............................................................................ Akita 秋田県
仙北市 Senboku, Semboku city

akai hi 赤い火 red flames
If someone passed the graveyard after sunset, there were red flames hopping around to be seen.
Two or three blue Oni spit fire and ate it again, amusing themselves with the red flames.
When a brave samurai went there to check out the real reason, there were some beggars sitting on the ground, sticking burning leaves of local potatoes in their nose and blow them out.

............................................................................ Hokkaido 北海道
函館市 Hakodate

oni ningyoo 鬼人形 demon dolls
A craftsman with special skills made a carving of 酒顛童子 Shuten Doji for the festival float, with a red and blue demon at its side.
But the wandering souls of a young couple that had committed suicide in dispair begun to stick to the float.
鬼人形 demon dolls of the two were made and hung outside to make their spirits go away.

. The Demon Shuten dōji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji .

............................................................................ Nara 奈良県

. the Demons Zenki 前鬼 and Goki 後鬼 .
the husband Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼, servants of En-no-Gyôja 役行者 En no Gyoja.
They take part in oni no gyooretsu 鬼の行列 a Demon parade during the festival in honor of En no Gyoja.
Apart from Zenki and Goki, many red and blue demons march along on August 3rd.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


source : nichibun.ac.jp/YoukaiGazouCard...

A red, blue and black Oni carry a kanabo 金棒 Demon's pole with a basket. In it are three dead men.
The black Oni carries a dead Geisha on his back. She is wearing three kanzashi 簪 hairpins.


kurooni, kuro-oni 黒鬼 black demon

鬼面 黒鬼 Noh mask

. kuro-oni 黒鬼 black demon as ara-oni 荒鬼 "wild demon" .

kuro-oni 黒鬼伝説 black Oni demon Legends

............................................................................ Aomori 青森県

. oniko, oni-ko 津軽の鬼子 Tsugaru .
kuro-oni no men 黒鬼の面 mask of black Oni
赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja (百沢東岩木山1-39)Hyakuzawa Higashiiwakisan

source : yukitomanager.blog.jp/archives...

............................................................................ Chiba 千葉県

. onibabari 鬼払い driving out the demons, Setsubun .
with a red, blue and black demon

............................................................................ Fukushima 福島県
大笹生 (おおざそう) Oozaso distsrict

大笹生の黒鬼伝説 Black Oni legend from Ozaso
In the North-West of Fukushima city there is a mountain plateau called Ozaso.
Once upon a long long LONG time, there lived a black Oni.
He often came down from his mountain to eat villagers and travelers and cause a lot of trouble as 人食い鬼 a man-eating Oni.
Even the priest from a local temple was eventually eaten by the Oni.
Then one day a traveling monk came to stay in the village and heard the story. The villagers asked him to drive out the Oni, but first he refused, because he had no trust in his power to do so.
The villagers talked to him again and made him hold a memorial service for all the perished souls.
As things go, the monk stayed at the temple and became its priest after all.

One night as he slept, Dainichi Nyorai appeared at his pillow and taught him how to get rid of the man-eating Oni:

- - - - - the long story continues here :
- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/okotanjp... -

............................................................................ Kagoshima 鹿児島県

園山の由来考察と黒鬼伝説 Sonoyama and the legend of Kuro-Oni
黒神さまは文化財 Kurokamisama - 腹五社神社 Haragosha Shrine 黒神埋没鳥居 Torii gate of the shrine

Haragosha Shrine shrine was built in the new village of the people of the Kurokami Area after they resettled following a large eruption in the Edo Period (the Annei Eruption).
The god from the shrine of their old home is enshrined here.
... This three meter-high stone torii has been buried in volcanic lava and ash since the eruption of Sakurajima in 1914, leaving just its head peeking out. It was actually completely covered but builders discovered it while doing excavation work in the process of building a school in the area. The village mayor took the decision to leave it partially buried in remembrance of the devastating eruption.
- reference -

- reference -

............................................................................ Kyoto 京都

At the temple 廬山寺 Rozan-Ji in Kyoto, there are Oni of three colors.
The red Oni symbolizes greed, the green Oni anger and the black Oni stupidity.
They are the three most important bonnoo 煩悩 earthly desires

- - - - - More photos are here :
- reference source : .. allabout.co.jp/fashion/colorcoordinate/... -

. bonnoo 煩悩 worldly desires, illusions .
貪 = むさぼり, greed
瞋 = いかり, anger
癡 = おろかさ, stupidity


shi ni kaketa ko ga kuro-oni no e o kaita

struggling with death
the child painted
a black demon

八木三日女 Yagi Mikajo (1924 - 2014)

. Oni to Haiku 鬼と俳句 Haiku with Demons .


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. akaoni, aka-oni 赤鬼 Red Oni Demon .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #aooni #bluedemon #greendemon #blackdemon #kurooni -


akaoni red demon

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. aooni, ao-oni 青鬼 Blue or Green Oni Demon / kuro-oni 黒鬼 Black Demon .

akaoni, aka-oni 赤鬼伝説 Red Oni Demon Legends

Together with his companion, the aooni, ao-oni 青鬼 Blue-Green Oni, he takes part in the Setsubun rituals.

. setsubun 節分 / せつぶん the Seasonal Divide .
February 3, the day before the beginning of spring (risshun 立春) according to the Asian lunar calendar.


Aka-Oni 赤鬼 - - - Ii Naomasa 井伊直政, (1561 – 1602)
... The units Naomasa commanded on the battlefield were notable for being outfitted almost completely in blood-red armour (aka sonae 赤備え) for psychological impact, ... his unit became known as the "Red Devils", a nickname he shared with Yamagata Masakage,
- reference : wikipedia -


Naita Akaoni 泣いた赤鬼 The Red Oni who cried
浜田廣介 Hamada Hirosuke (1893 - 1973)

- quote -
The Red Ogre Who Cried
Once upon a time, there were two ogres. One was red, and the other was blue.
The red ogre wanted to become friends with children in a village nearby. So, the red ogre put up a sign in front of his house:
Home of a Gentle Ogre
All Are Welcome
Tea and Tasty Cakes Available

But no one showed up, and the red ogre grew puzzled, sad, and angry. "I'm such a kind ogre -- why would nobody visit me?" Despairing, the red ogre even tore down the sign: "This is useless."

Moved by his friend's feelings, the blue ogre said, "Look, I have a plan."
The blue ogre's plan was for him to pretend to terrorize children and then have the red ogre chase him off, "rescuing" them from him. The plan went without a hitch, and the red ogre became the most popular creature among the children, and all came to play with him.

After a happy day of enjoying the children's company,
the red ogre found a letter from the blue ogre.
The letter said, "My Dear Red Ogre, if people find out that you are a friend of the Bad Blue Ogre's, they will not let the children come to you any more. So, I'm leaving. Please live happily with the children. Goodbye. Blue Ogre."
The red ogre cried out,
"Blue Ogre is gone! A dear friend of mine! He is gone!" And he wept.
The red ogre and the blue ogre were never to see each other again.
- source : montages.blogspot.jp/2006/04... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................................................ Akita 秋田県



Jizoo 地蔵,onidomo 鬼共 Jiso and the Demons


............................................................................ Aomori 青森県
三戸郡 Sannone district 南郷村

oni oba 鬼おば old hag demon

............................................................................ Fukuoka 福岡県

. Festival at 若宮八幡宮 Wakamiya Hachimangu .
浮羽郡 Ukiha district, Yoshiimachi

............................................................................ Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町


Fukushima 飯坂町 Iizaka village

. Near-Death experience at age 33 .

............................................................................ Gifu 岐阜県
郡上市 Gujo town 和良村 Waramura

kitsune 狐 fox

............................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
右京区 Ukyo district

赤鬼,青鬼 Red Demon, Blue Demon

............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県

昔、頓平 Tonpei という間抜け者がいた。働きもせず飯だけ一人前、唯一つ、弓を射るのが名人だった。とうとう家を追い出された頓平が、その夜道端で寝ていると、上の方のお堂で鬼たちが宴会を始めた。鬼はエンメ小槌(こづつ)をふって酒だの肴だのを出していた。頓平は鬼どもを驚かそうと一矢、また一矢と鬼を射ると、鬼たちはあわてて逃げていった。これを見た頓平はお堂に行き、エンメ小槌をふって飯、肴、家、美しい娘、馬、カゴ、と次々にそろえたが、調子にのって「俺の矢でみんな退治してやる」と「赤鬼、青鬼みんな出て来い」というと、鬼たちが大勢出てきて、頓平を殴ったり蹴ったりした挙句、深い谷間に突き落としてしまった。

登米郡 Tome district 中田町 Nakadacho

赤鬼,青鬼 Red Demon, Blue Demon

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
鼎町 Kanaemachi

hiki-ishi 蟇石 Toad-Stone

............................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
大津市 Otsu


............................................................................ Tokyo 東京都

青鬼,赤鬼 Blue Demon, Red Demon

............................................................................ Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district 真室川町 Mamurogawa

. 鬼に金棒 Oni ni kanabo - iron club legends .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- reference - 赤鬼 -


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. aooni, ao-oni 青鬼 Blue or Green Oni Demon .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #akaoni #reddemon -