. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
- - - - - oni no ha - teeth of an Oni - see below - - - - -
oni no karada 鬼の体 body features of an Oni Demon
oni no shintai 鬼の身体 - oni no sugata 鬼の姿
Oni are born out of the imagination of human beings - they have the physical characteristics of things humans fear, mostly in animals.
Their appearance changed during the long history of Japan, from the Heian period to our present popular Setsubun-Oni.
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Depictions of oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing from their heads. They are humanoid for the most part, but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra fingers and toes. Their skin may be any number of colors, but red and blue are particularly common.
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- 頭 Head -
kao 顔 face
often square and quite large.
kami 髪 hair
Growing like weeds, like yomogi 蓬 mugwort,

. tsuno 鬼の角 the horns of Oni demons .
some have two, some have one and some have no horns
. me 鬼の目, 鬼の眼 / medama 鬼の目玉 eyes of an Oni .
mitsume no oni 三つ目の鬼 Demon with three eyes
kuchi 口 mouth
Sometimes as wide as to both ears. Some Oni have no mouth.
shita 舌 tongue
Like a fiery flame.
ha 鬼の歯 oni no ha, teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs - see below
- hand and feet -

te 手 - yubi to tsume hands - fingers and nails
Nails are like swords and quite long.
ashi 足 - yubi to tsume feet - toes and nails
Some have four or three toes. Like those of birds, with long nails.

takasa 背の高さ body height - about as high as a castle gate
. hone 鬼の骨 the bones of Oni demons .
- including atama 頭 scull (head)
. kanaboo, kanabō 鬼に金棒 Kanabo, the iron club of an Oni .
- Oni ni kanabo
. oni no koshimaki 鬼の腰巻 - oni no fundoshi 鬼の褌
oni no pantsu 鬼のパンツ pants of an oni - loincloth .
- tiger pants - 虎柄のパンツ
oni no miira 鬼のミイラ mummy of an Oni
At the temple 勝福寺 Shofuku-Ji in 大阪 Osaka, there is a mummy of an oni. It has two horns, three fingers and three toes.

四日市 - 十宝山大乗院 Yokkaichi, Daijo-In, Kyushu
- reference -
and more in other temples of Japan - tba
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ha, oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs

Some Oni show fangs upward, some downward, some have one fang up and one fang down.
Many masks also have a closed mouth.
Emori えもり瀬兵衛 (せへえ) Emori Seei
Emori was able to buy something special. He got a tooth from a person living in 八丈島 Hachiojima, where the original inhabitants were said to be Oni.
The tooth was about 3 cm long and 6 cm wide.
When a child looses an upper tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda and chant
nezumi no ha to tokkaero 鼠の歯ととっかえろ Change this into the tooth of a mouse.
When it looses a lower tooth, it has to throw in on the roof and chant
oni no ha to tokkaero 鬼の歯ととっかえろ Change this into the tooth of an Oni.
Thus the new tooth will grow strong and healthy.
................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
If a child looses a tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda or on the roof and chant:
オレの歯は先生えろ、鬼の歯は後生えろ Let my tooth grow first. Let the tooth of an Oni grow later.
................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
Sutten Doji 酒顛童子 / スッテンドウジ Shuten Doji
Shuten Doji was beheaded by Minamoto Yorimitsu and his head flew up into the sky. Then it came down and landed on the helmet of Yorimitsu. With his strong teeth of an Oni it started to bite off the layers of the helmet and almost succeeded, leaving just one layer before it was chased away.
. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .
Shuten Dōji 酒顛童子, 酒天童子, 朱点童子 Saka Doji
................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
気仙郡 Kesen district
When Sakanoue no Tamuramaro drove out the demon of this region, the teeth of this Oni were left over.
The boss of the native 蝦夷 Emishi group was called 赤頭 Akagashira. - alias Aterui アテルイ / 悪路王 Akuro-O / Acro-O 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)
赤頭 Head of Akagashira
and his oni no kiba 鬼の牙 demon teeth
Tamuramaro built a grave for Akagashira and offered a statue of Kannon Bosatsu to appease his soul. This is now at the temple 竜福山・長谷寺 Hasedera.
When they dug out the grave in 1704, they found 33 teeth in the skull of this Akagashira Oni.
ケセンの鬼の国 Kesen is the land of the Oni.
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
- and his fight with the Emishi Demons in Iwate
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
小県郡 Chiisagata district
The story about the onishi 鬼石 Oni Stone in 東内村 Higashi-Uchimura.
. onishi 鬼石 Oni Stone - places in Japan .
................................................................................. Tochigi 栃木県
宇都宮市 Utsunomiya city
If a child looses a tooth, it has to throw it under the veranda or on the roof and chant:
鬼の歯より私の歯のほうが先に生えろ Let my tooth grow before the one of the Oni.
................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県
鳴門市 Naruto city 北灘 Kitanada / 撫養町 Muyacho
The local Oni heard to Buddhist lectures of Saint Honen, abdicated his bad ways, wrote a Buddhist name on his horns and threw his body down a cliff.
To appease his soul, the temple 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Demon Bones" was built.
The temple 法泉寺 Hosen-Ji venerates his myoogo 名号 Myogo, Buddhist name, the horns 鬼角.
The temple 西福寺 Saijuku-Ji venerates 鬼の歯 his teeth.
. Kikotsuji 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Demon Bones" .
. Hoonen 法然上人 Saint Honen (1133 - 1212) .
Founder of Pure Land Buddhism
................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
If people loose a tooth, they chant
鬼の歯と取り替えてくれ Let the new one become a tooth of an Oni.
山梨県河内地方 Kawachi district
Food called "oni no ha"
On the last day of the year people prepare cooked rice with barley, called oni no ha 鬼の歯.
. mugimeshi 麦飯 rice with barley .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
fuurin ni otoseshi oni no ha naru beshi
in the maple forest
they fall down and become
teeth of an Oni
. 高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi .
(1874 - 1959)

- - - - - 鬼歯(おにば) oniba - types of human teeth and tools - - - - -
牙のように生えた歯。→八重歯 double tooth
通常より多く生えた歯。→過剰歯 hyperdontia
出生時に既に生えている歯。→先天歯 congenital tooth
籾を落とすのに使われる農具の一種。→鬼歯 (農具) a farm tool
鋸の最先端に位置する鋸歯。鬼を引き裂くように強い歯という意味に由来するともいう。part of a saw
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鬼歯 (農具) a farm tool for hulling rice
鬼切歯 onikiriba - part of a saw for forest workers
In former times, the first tooth of the forest saw was added as a kind of amulet to prevent bad things from happening in the forest.
- reference source : fushigi-chikara.jp/sonota -
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onikarada #onibody #demonbody #onisugata -
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