

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Characters -

- Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター -

- - - - - Regional Kappa 他の地方のカッパたち - 河童 - - - - -

Hokkaido 北海道地方

Kappa かっぱ from local publishing companies

Kapii かっぴー

Kappon かっぽん
. Jozankei Hot Spring, Hokkaido 定山渓 北海道 .

Mintochi kun ミントチくん - 滝川市西滝川

Okappa chan おカッパちゃん Josankei hot spring 定山渓温泉街

Otaru Ungappa おたる運がっぱ Canal Kappa
札幌方面南警察署 from the Sapporo Police, Otaru town 小樽市
Otaru is famous for its unga 運河 canals. The name is a pun.

おたる運がっぱの『がっぱっぱ日記』Homepage - Ungappa Diaray from Otaru
source : yaplog.jp/ungappa


- source and photos - matome.naver.jp


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Mascots and Characters

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター -

- - - - - Regional Kappa 他の地方のカッパたち - 河童 - - - - -
from North to South

. Hokkaido 北海道 .
Kappa かっぱ from local publishing companies
Kappii かっぴー
Kappon かっぽん 定山渓温泉 Jozankei hot spring
Mintochi kun ミントチくん - 滝川市西滝川
Okappa chan おカッパちゃん Jozankei hot spring 定山渓温泉街
Otaru Ungappa おたる運がっぱ Canal Kappa, from Otaru

. Tohoku 東北地方 .
he no kappa へのかっぱ」五人衆 five farting kappa from Tono 遠野 - Iwate
- Genta げんた
- Hanpei はんぺい
- Kappei かっぺい
- Karen かれん
- Manabu まなぶ
Hotate kai ホタテ海童 Iwate 下閉伊郡山田町
Jun kun and sai chan じゅんくん - さいちゃん - Akita 秋田県山本郡山本町
. Kankichi かん吉 . - Fukushima
Kappa カゥパ Miyagi 宮城県下水道課
Kappaazu カッパーズ Akita 秋田県
Kappei kun 活平くん and Masako chan 麻子ちゃん - Miyagi 加美郡色麻町
Karin chan カリンちゃん - Tono, Iwate
. - KAPPA - 河童 - Legends from Miyagi .

. Kanto 関東地 - Tokyo .
Abika chan あびかちゃん from the summer festival カッパまつり
Aika chan あいかちゃん Asakusa Kappabashi 浅草のかっぱ橋
Genchan げんちゃん (埼玉県 戸田市) Saitama
Hongoro ほんごろう from Tokyo University 東京大学
Iroha Kappii いろはカッピー - Saitama 埼玉県志木市
. Kaparu カパル 志木市文化スポーツ振興公社 Saitama .
Kappa Kawataro Kun and Kapppa Komachi chan 「かっぱ河太郎君」「かっぱ小町ちゃん」from 東京都台東区
Kappa no Kotaro カッパのコタロウ Tokyo 東京都の北十間川
Kappii kun ikka カッピーくん一家 Kappikun Family Chiba 千葉県我孫子市
Kyuuchan キューちゃん Ushiku, Ibaraki茨城県牛久市
Toneboo, Tonebo 利根坊 from the Tone river, Gunma 群馬県 Kappa club カッパCLUB

. Chubu 中部地方 .
Damugappa ダムガッパ Dam Kappa - Fukui 福井県の浄土寺川ダム
- Kawataro 河太郎 / Hanachan 花ちゃん
Komakappa こまかっぱ (長野県 駒ヶ根市) Nagano (koma 駒 horse)
Oise Kappa renjaa 笈瀬かっぱレンジャー Oise Kappa Ranger - from Oisegawa 笈瀬川, Nagoya 愛知県名古屋市
Sakumaru さくまる , Shizuoka, Sakuma town 静岡県佐久間観光協会
Unagappa うながっぱ Gifu, Tajimi 岐阜県多治見市
. - Aichi prefecture 愛知県 Kappa 河童 - .

. Kansai 関西地方 - Kyoto .
Dappa kun だっぱくん Osaka 日本水陸観光株式会社
Fuku chan and Saki chan フクちゃん - サキちゃん Hyogo 兵庫県神崎郡福崎町
Itokichi and Itomin イト吉 - イトミン Kyoto 京都校
Itsuiru kappa いついろかっぱ Wakayama, Shirahama 和歌山県白浜町
- Budoo Kappa BUDOSUKE ぶどうかっぱ 「ぶどすけ」Grapes
- Ichigo Kappa ICHI いちごかっぱ「いち」 Strawberries
- Mikan Kappa MIKAMARU みかんかっぱ 「みかまる」
- Momo Kappa KOMOMO ももかっぱ 「こもも」 Peach
- Panda Kappa PAN パンダかっぱ 「パン」 Shirahama
- Ume Kappa UMEKICHI うめかっぱ 「うめきち」 Plums
Kappa Kazoku カッパ家族 Kappa family - Kyoto 黄桜株式会社
Kappa Ninja seseragi かっぱ忍者せせらぎ Osaka 大阪府生活排水対策
Monogoi kappa ものごいかっぱ Osaka 大阪道頓堀川
Yatta kun ヤッタくん Osaka 大阪府八尾市下水道

. Chugoku 中国地方 .
Daisuke, Tsuyama Daisuke 津山太助 (岡山県 津山市) Okayama
Kamoboo and his family 茂坊とその家族 Tottori 鳥取県米子市
Kappa かっぱ Okayama, Yoshiigawa river 岡山県の吉井川
Kappa no Gon chan かっぱのごんちゃん Okayama, Tsuyama 岡山県津山市
Kappa no Kon chan family カッパのコンちゃん一家 Tottori 米子市「カッパロード」
Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 - Kappa Road, Tottori 米子市「カッパロード」
Kappii カッピー Okayama, Kume Nan 岡山県久米南町 Hiroshima 広島県立河内高等学校
Kyuutaroo, Kyutaro キュー太郎 Hiroshima 広島市南消防署
Shinbi chan and Taiken kun 「心美ちゃん」- 「体健くん」
Shokutan しょくたん Okuyama, Tsuyama 岡山県津山市
Tako chan タロちゃん Tottori 「鳥取カッパ友の会」

. - Shikoku 四国 - .  
エンコ Enko from Tokushima monster village
かんちゃん Kanchan
まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa
オクラかっぱ Okura Kappa
しんちゃん / ころちゃん Shinchan and Kokorochan
トッシー Tosshi
わじきカッパ君 Wajiki Kappa kun

. Kyushu 九州地方 .
Chikappa チカッパ Fukuoka 福岡県久留米市
Kappa family かっぱファミリー Fukuoka 福岡県北九州市
Kappa kun and Chikappa chan 「カッパツくん」-「チカッパちゃん」Fukuoka 福岡県久留米市田主丸町
Matsubaragawa river Kappa family - Saga 松原川で暮らす河童の家族 佐賀市
Miyappii みやっぴー Kagoshima 鹿児島県の「「JAさつま川内」
Nakappa なかっぱ Fukuoka 福岡県中間市 福岡県嘉麻市
Natsuki chan family 「なつきちゃん」一家 Fukuoka
Okabari kun おかぱりくん Oita 大分県にある横尾農園 (Pun with Okawari for food)
Wakappa わかっぱ Fukuoka 福岡県北九州市

- source : Fukuoka hinamoroko ヒナモロコ-

source : ニヤッとする話

Garakapu and Arakapu ガラカブVSアラカブ from Kyushu


Kaatan カッパのカータン / and President Carter (Kaataa) カーター大統領

source : 劇団ふぐ


source : pinterest

Kenji the Kappa Yokai


for owners of Kappa カッパの飼い方
- フィギュアマスコット mascots

「マァちゃん」Maachan 「かっくん」Kakkun 「チーちゃん(ヘラクレス)」 Chiichan (Herakles) 「キューちゃん」Kyuuchan . . .
- source : www.takaratomy-arts.co.jp

- source and photos - matome.naver.jp

- source : ニヤッとする話 - - -TBA


yurukyara ゆるキャラ Yuru-chara

. . . CLICK here for Photos - ゆるキャラ  河童 !

- quote
Yuru-chara (ゆるキャラ yuru kyara)
is a Japanese term for a category of mascot characters; usually created to promote a place or region, event, organisation or business. They are characterized by their kawaii (cute) and unsophisticated designs, often incorporating motifs that represent local culture, history or produce. They may be created by local government or other organizations to stimulate tourism and economic development, or created by a company to build on their corporate identity. They may appear as costumed characters (or kigurumi) at promotional events and festivals. Yuru-chara has become a popular and lucrative business, with character-driven sales reaching nearly $16 billion in Japan in 2012.

Popular yuru-chara include Kumamon and Funassyi (Funasshi), who have gained international recognition and have reached celebrity status in Japan.

The popularity of mascots like yuru-chara in Japan has been linked to historical emotional bonds to non-human characters, such as in ancient polytheism. There are also many different yōkai in Japanese folklore, and certain types of yōkai such as kappa and tanuki have been the basis for several yuru-chara designs.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Kuruppa くるっぱ
Kappa from Kurume town, Kyushu

- source : kurume-hotomeki


gotoochi kyara ご当地キャラ regional characters - List
- source : localchara.jp/catalog


kaa kun and paa kun カーくんとパー子ちゃん
orange juice and apple juice mascots オレンジジュースとりんごジュース
and grape juice


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

#kappamascot #mascot




- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -

- Shikoku 四国 -
- Kappa mascots and characters from Shikoku -

kappa from Shikoku 四国編
. two statues - my kappa on facebook .


わじきカッパ君 Wajiki kappa kun - Kochi -高知県を走る「ごめん・なはり線」のキャラクター
character from Wajiki town


「しんちゃん」と「こころちゃん」 Shinchan and Kokorochan - Kochi
- 高知県の「芸西商工会」のキャラクター


まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa - Matsuyama Ehime
- 愛媛県松島市にある「まつちかタウン」の泉で生活しているキャラクター


エンコ Enko - Tokushima from the monster village


トッシー Tosshi - Kagawa - 香川県の道の駅「滝宮」


source : matome.naver.jp/odai

オクラかっぱ Okra Kappa - Kochi


かんちゃん Kanchan, from the Chugoku Ginko bank
- 中国銀行「晴れの国支店」


. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa deity from Tosa .
- Futaba dolls 双葉人形 Futaba turtle dolls -


- reference : matome.naver.jp/odai


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Otter kawauso

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Animals -

- Otter, river otter 獺魚 kawauso -

- quote
Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in subfamily Lutrinae. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates.

In Japanese, they are called "kawauso" (獺、川獺).
In Japanese folklore, they fool humans like the fox (kitsune) and tanuki. In the Noto region, Ishikawa Prefecture, there are stories where they shapeshift into beautiful women or children wearing checker-patterned clothing, and if a human attempts to speak to one, they will answer "oraya" and then answer "araya," and if anybody asks them anything, then they say cryptic things like "kawai," and there are also dreadful stories like the one in the Kaga Province (now Ishikawa Prefecture) where an otter that lives in the castle's moat would shapeshift into a woman, invite males, and eat and kill them.

In the kaidan, essays, and legends of the Edo period like the "Urami Kanawa" (裏見寒話), "Taihei Hyaku Monogatari" (太平百物語), and the "Shifu Goroku" (四不語録), there are tales about strange occurrences like otters that shapeshift into beautiful women and kill men.

In the town of Numatachi, Asa District, Hiroshima Prefecture (now Hiroshima), they are called "tomo no kawauso" (伴のカワウソ) and "ato no kawauso" (阿戸のカワウソ), and it is said that they would shapeshift into monks and appear before passers-by, and if the passer-by tries to get close and look up, its height would steadily increase until it became a large monk.

In the Tsugaru region, Aomori Prefecture, they are said to possess humans, and it is said that those possessed by otters would lose their stamina as if their soul has been extracted. They are also said to shapeshift into severed heads and get caught in fishing nets.

In the Kashima District and the Hakui District in Ishikawa Prefecture, they are seen as a yōkai under the name kabuso or kawaso, and they perform pranks like extinguishing the fire of the paper lanterns of people who walk on roads at night, shapeshift into a beautiful woman of 18–19 years of age and fool people, or fool people and make them try to engage in sumo against a rock or a tree stump. It is said that they speak human words, and sometimes people would be called and stop while walking on roads.

In an Ainu folktale, in Urashibetsu (in Abashiri, Hokkaido), there are stories where monster otters would shapeshift into humans, go into homes where there were beautiful girls, and try to kill the girl and make her its wife.

In the Ishikawa and Kochi Prefectures, they are also said to be a type of kappa, and there are stories told about how they engage in sumo with other otters.
In places like the Hokuriku region, Kii, and Shikoku, the otters themselves are seen as a type of kappa.
In the Kagakushū, a dictionary from the Muromachi period, an otter that grew old becomes a kappa.
- source : wikipedia


- quote -
TRANSLATION: river otter
HABITAT: rivers, wetlands, freshwater bodies
DIET: carnivorous; feeds on fish and small animals, with a fondness for sake

River otters can be found in the wilds all over Japan. They are under a meter in total length, and well-loved for their shy, playful nature and cute faces.
As with most wild animals in Japan, kawauso develop magical powers upon reaching old age. They are particularly skilled at shape-changing and accurately copying sounds. They love alcohol, and are usually only seen in human areas when trying to acquire sake. They are playful yokai, well known for tricks and mischief, but very rarely dangerous.
Kawauso are fond of playing pranks on humans, especially by mimicking sounds and words. They enjoy calling out human names or random words at strangers walking in the street and watching their confused reactions. They are fond of magically snuffing out lanterns in the night and leaving travelers stranded in the dark. Others transform into beautiful young women and try to seduce young men, and then run away laughing.
kawauso do commit more violent deeds. In a few instances near castles in Ishikawa, a kawauso dressed up as beautiful young woman was found luring men to the water’s edge in order to catch and eat them, discarding the half-eaten bodies into the moat.
A Kawauso’s favorite disguise is the form of a young beggar child wearing a big straw hat. They use this child form to sneak into towns and try to buy alcohol from shops. The ruse often falls apart when the disguised creature is asked who it is, or where it came from. Caught off-guard, it simply repeats the last word spoken to it, or makes funny nonsensical noises, ruining its disguise and giving away its supernatural nature.
- source : yokai.com/kawauso -


. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa - Kochi .
- Introduction -

CLICK for original link

. kawauso uo o matsuru 獺魚を祭る otter festival .  
oso no matsuri 獺の祭 / dassai 獺祭
kigo for early spring  

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................
松山市 Matsuyama city

. An otter at 六角堂 the Rokkakudo Temple Hall .

.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................
津久井郡 Tsukui district

. Tengoosama テンゴーサマ Tengu or River Otter ? .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
135 カワウソ to explore


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - suijin 水神 water deity - .   

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Futaba dolls

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - dolls 河童人形 -

- Futaba dolls 双葉人形 Futaba turtle dolls, Kochi -

Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa
Along the rivers of Kochi lived a lot of kawauso 獺魚 otters, which legends often turned into a kappa called Shibaten, or revered it in his form of a river deity Enko 猿猴 .
Like the people of Tosa, the Shibaten likes sumo wrestling and always challenges people whom he meets on the road.
Nowadays clean natural rivers without concrete banks are seldom, so the Shibaten (and the river otter) is seen much less often.

Shibaten is usually depicted as childlike, of about 1 meter hight, with a lot of hair on the body.


Maybe this river monster was once a Tengu and retained the part in the name of
ShibaTEN 芝天.
SHIBA シバ can also relate to the famous dog race, Shiba ken 柴犬.

Hariko papermachee dolls of the Shibaten kappa were given to children to protect them from river accidents.

Hariko 張り子 papermachee dolls
by 林史恵
- source : harikonohayashiya.blog


Futaba Doll Atelier, Kochi 高知 

- quote
The Futaba dolls are mythical Japanese water legend creatures, part human part turtle.

- source : www.ebay.co.uk

- quote
Japanese Cloth Turtle Character Dolls
hand-painted stockinette dolls

These two turtle character dolls are from a Japanese fable.
The bottom of the wood base to the tip of top of hair each measures approx. 6 1/2 - 7" tall. They have hand painted faces with side glancing eyes. The turtle with the light brown/titian hair is marked on the bottom of base: JAPAN in black ink and then has a store tag that reads: Futaba Doll Atelier Kochi. He has a small hole back of right leg.
The dark brown hair turtle has two brown stains by the right part of his mouth and one at the right side of his hair. He is marked: MADE IN JAPAN on bottom of his base.

Both are made of silk stocking material with human hair wigs and hand painted features.
- source : www.rubylane.com


Shibaten dolls しばてん人形 Kappa clay dolls from Kochi

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Shibaten odori しばてん踊り Shibaten Kappa Dance
A popular amusement when people meet

. . . CLICK here for Photos and videos !


- shared by Jill, facebook


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -

. kawauso 獺魚 otter - .   


. Legends about Tengu doing Sumo wrestling .

.......... Legends about Tengu in Ehime 愛媛県 .

shibaten シバテン / shiba tengu 柴天狗 Shiba Tengu, Shibatengu
Like a Kappa, he hangs around rivers, asks people to have a wrestling bout and begins to confuse their minds.
But he never goes into the river himself, so he is not a real Kappa.

In the village of 面河村 Omogo in the 上浮穴郡 Kamiukena district, there is a Shiba-Tengu. He is about 115 cm high and his nose is a bit smaller that that of a long-nosed Tengu. He is crazy about Sumo wrestling. If people pass along his river, he makes the sound of an ax cutting a tree and invents other deeds to scare people.
If people hear the sound of カーンカーン kaan-kaan and the falling down of a tree, they know the Shibaten is near.

............................................................................... Kochi 高知県 

Shibaten シバテン / Shiba Tengu 芝天狗
has a plate on his head like a Kappa. His eyes are rather large and his nose is sticking out.
In Tosa he is said to be just like a Kappa.

幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki

At the slope ヒロイアゲの坂 Hiroiage no Saka on the mountain path up to the shrine 月山神社 Tsukiyama Jinja a bald priest came out and asked for a bout of Sumo wrestling. The priest was very strong and about to win, when the villager bit him in the shoulder. Suddenly the mountain made a huge sound and the priest changed in Shiba Tengu.

高知県幡多郡大月町月ヶ丘1443 / Tsukigaoka Saitsuno, Ōtsuki-chō, Hata-gun, Kōchi

During the 白鳳時代 Hakuho period (645 - 710) 役の行者(役小角) En no Gyoja found a sacred rock in the form of a mikkazuki 三日月 new moon and prayed there.
The rock is dedicated to the Shinto deity Uganomitama 倉稲魂命 Ukano Mitama.
Later 空海 弘法大師 Kukai Kobo Daishi passed here and prayed there for 23 days and nights.
In the Meiji period, the shrine was made into a temple, named 守月山月光院南照寺, with 勢至菩薩 Seishi Bosatsu as the Buddhist deity.

The rock used to be at a place called hime no i 媛の井 / 姫ノ井 "well of the princess" and moved with supernatural powers to its present location. Thus it got more and more spiritual power and people come to pray and make wishes.

. En no Gyôja 役行者 Jimpen Dai-Bosatsu / En no Ozuno 役小角 .

長岡郡 Nagaoka district

Shibaten 芝天
If Shibaten comes for a bout of Sumo, he usually wins by throwing the human on the ground.
Sometimes humans try to impersonate Shibaten to enjoy some Sumo with others.
If people eat 鰌 Dojo loach alive, they will become able to see Shibaten.


........... Tokushima 徳島県 Shiba Tengu legend .
那賀郡 Naka district 相生町 Aioi


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Folk toys from Tosa 土佐 - Kochi 高知県 .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #shibaten #shibatengu -


Genta legend

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Genta and the Kappa  源太様 と河童 -

Saga prefecture 佐賀県 
Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube

- quote
- source : www.scs.kyushu-u.ac.jp

- quote
Once upon a time in the village of Kawachino there lived a man named Genta. He was from a distinguished family in the village and was so wise and brave that he was greatly respected by the villagers. His house was large and stood near a river which flowed through the village. The river was at its deepest at the bend near his house, and the water looked dark and unfathomable, being over six meters deep.

One summer evening, Genta came back from his outing and told his servants as usual to hitch his horse to a shady tree near the river. After taking a short rest, Genta stepped out into the garden and looked at the tree. To his surprise, a kappa, the size of a 6-7 year old boy was dragging the horse by its hind legs into the river. The silent horse was resisting the pull with its forelegs while strangely enough, the servant as if in a trance, was helping the small kappa by pouring water into the cavity on the kappa's head. The more the servant poured, the more powerful the kappa became.

Although Genta became very angry watching this scene, he had the presence of mind to think of a plan. From the shed he fetched a strong rope made of hemp palm and snuck up to the kappa from behind. Neither the servant nor the kappa noticed Genta's actions. He quickly caught hold of the kappa and dragged him away from the river, tying him up with the rope.

All of a sudden, the servant came out of his trance and followed his master's direction to hang the kappa upside down from the pine tree in the garden. Genta glared at the wicked water imp and reprimanded him. "What an insolent fellow you are! You take so much pride in your bit of supernatural powers and even try to steal horses from humans. You are very sinful indeed. I shall kill you as a warning to all of your fellow kappa."

With the precious water drained from his cavity, the kappa lost all his magic powers. The more he struggled, the tighter the rope cut into his flesh, making the pain even harder to bear. At last the kappa began to cry in a strange, harsh voice "please forgive me for mercy's sake my lord," he implored. "I'll not fail to make up for this crime, so please let me go." In tears, the the kappa begged Genta over and over again.

A kind hearted man by nature, Genta felt pity for the ugly creature who was crying. "If you swear with all your heart, I'll forgive you," he said to the kappa "but first, you must confess your sins and make restitution."

"I confess to you that I've done many wrongs," the kappa said. "I regret my past actions very much. Your authority is astonishing, so I promise you that even if the Kawachino River should flow upstream, I won't pull the people from this village into the water. Never will I do anything wrong again. Please spare my life today. I also promise to make all my fellow kappa keep this oath forever."

After the kappa swore his oath, Genta forgave him, took him down from the pine tree and untied the ropes. Placing both hands to the ground, the teary blue-eyed kappa bowed to him again and again. Then he asked Genta if he could go home to the bottom of the river.

"All right," Genta said, "but before you go, turn yourself around three times and recite your oath each time." The kappa obediently turned around 3 times, each time reciting his oath loudly. Kneeling down, he praised Genta, then went away.

After that incident, no more was to be heard of kappa in the village. Years later, Genta passed away, leaving behind the legend of subduing the kappa. The pine tree from which Genta hung the kappa, remained long after his death. Eventually however, the old pine tree too withered and died.

Whether the mystical kappa does in fact exist is still unknown. There is a sake manufacturing place in Imari called ”Matsuura Ichishuzo” where, it is said that during restoration about 40 years ago, a small coffin was found between old boards containing a mummified kappa inside. The skeleton remains on display today for all who are interested in finding the truth.
- translated by Keiko Takada & Eriko Tsudo
- source : Mark Schumacher


- quote
Genta and the Kappa
Once in the village of Kawachino, Saga prefecture there lived a wise and brave man named Genta. His house stood near a river which flowed through the village. The river was at its deepest at the bend near his house.

One summer evening Genta came home from a ride and told his servant to hitch his horse near a shady tree next to the river so that it could drink. A little while later he returned and was horrified to see a kappa trying to drag his horse into the river by its fore legs.

The horrid monster had a turtle’s shell and beak, a monkey’s face and the arms and legs of a frog His servant seemed to be under the monster’s spell and was pouring water into a depression on its head. The more water the servant poured in, the stronger the kappa became.

Genta quickly formed a plan. He saw that the kappa was very intent on its wicked work so he snuck up behind it and tossed a hemp rope around it. He tied it up as fast as he could and hung it upside down from a pine tree. The liquid flowed out of the creatures head and its spell over the servant was broken.

Genta threatened to kill the kappa but it begged for mercy and promised never to harm a living soul again even if the Kawachino River flowed backwards. Genta made the kappa turn around and recite his oath three times before letting him go. He never bothered humans or their animals again.
- source : Richard Freeman


. - hyoozu no kami, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami
- Deity of Wind and Weapons - .

. Matsubara Kappa Sha 松原河童社 Matsubara Kappa Shrine .

Hyoosube 兵主部 Hyosube, Matsubara Kappa Shrine
佐賀県佐賀市松原2-10-45 from Saga, Kyushu

- quote
This nasty fellow is a cousin of the much-beloved Kappa, a slightly mischievous river spirit, however, Hyosube is much crueler. Those who cross one of these foul little wretches often find themselves sorry for it. Like the kappa, he lives in rivers most of the time; but he likes to venture in to towns to, among other things, take baths in people’s houses. His body is covered in thick hair, which invariably gets left all over the bathroom, in the tub, and every he’s been.

There are a few stories of people who had unfortunate run-ins with a hyosube.
In one story, a woman caught a hyosube who was trashing her eggplant garden. The hyosube got angry and destroyed all of the eggplants, and afterwards the woman turned purple and soon died.
In another story, a man who went to take a morning bath found hairs and a horrible smell all over his bathroom, so he made sure to empty all the hot water after his bath that night. In retaliation, the hyosube killed his horse.

In a third story, another man found his bathroom befouled by a hyosube and threw the dirty hairs and water out the window. Some of the hairs landed on his horse, which promptly died. (These stories were translated from the Japanese Wikipedia page on hyosube, as the English page just redirects to the page for kappa.)
- source : MatthewMeyer.net

- reference -

- quote



「母さんカッパ」338才 Mother Kappa 338 years old

「父さんカッパ」342才 Father Kappa 342 years old

「長男カッパ 河太郎」312才 Eldest Son Kappataro
水が出るパワーは 長老からの伝授で

「次男カッパ ワンパッ君」303才 Second Son

「長女カッパ みどりちゃん」308才 Eldest Daughter


- source and more photos : www.geocities.jp/sakuragaoka


- quote
Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube は、

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. - monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru and Kappa 河童 - .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .




Ushiku Ibaraki

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Ushiku 牛久 in Ibaraki -

- quote
Ushiku (牛久市 Ushiku-shi)
The city was founded on June 1, 1986, and is home to one of the world's tallest statues, the Ushiku Daibutsu. Additional attractions include Chateau Kamiya, a wine chateau started in 1901, and Lake Ushiku, a scenic lake that is said to be the birthplace of the mythical Kappa (folklore) beast.
- source : wikipedia

CLICK for more photos of the lake !

Ushikunuma, Ushiku-Numa 牛久沼 Lake Ushiku, Ushiku swamp


Ushiku no Kappa Matsu 牛久のカッパ松 The Pine Tree and the Kappa

Once upon a time
a young man from the village was in danger of being pulled into the pond by a Kappa.
The villagers choose the strongest of their men to fight the Kappa for good. So they searched for the Kappa, pulled him out of the pond and bound him to a pine tree near by with the intention to kill him.

But the Kappa began to cry and excuse himself for his bad behavior so far. He promised never to hurt people again.
So the villagers let him go after all.
But from this time on nobody has ever drowned in this pond again.

- source : Dino Toy Museum


Kappa ni moratta takaramono かっぱにもらった宝物 a treasure from the Kappa
The place of this folktale is 結城郡八千代町 Ibaraki, Yuki-gun, Yachio-machi

How someone earned great fortune from a man-eating Kappa through a fake letter

Once upon a time
A man went to do some shopping in town and had to pass the 釈迦沼 Shakanuma swamp near Yuki. The surroundings of the swamp were overgrown with wild plants but suddenly a small boy appeared and gave the man a letter, asking him to hand it over to a man at the 飯沼 Iinuma swamp near 八千代村 Yashio Village.

The gentle man promised to deliver the letter. The boy had asked him to clap his hands three times when he reached Iinuma swamp and then disappeared. The man found this rather strange but then he went on his way, hoping to deliver the letter.

As he continued his way, he met a Yamabushi mountain priest 法印様 (山伏) who told him, there was the sign of death on his face. The man trusted the priest and told him about the letter from the child. When the priest  opened the letter, there was nothing written on it at all. It was just a white piece of paper.

But when the priest  dipped the letter into the river water, letters appeared.
""This man looks quite delicious! Please eat him right away!"
The letters were written with orange pumpkin soup.
The child that our good man hat met at the Shakanuma swamp was in fact the Kappa of this swamp, and he was now in danger of being eaten by another Kappa.

The good man was very frightened, now he could not go back passing the Shakanuma swamp without being detected by the boy Kappa - there was no way to flee. He asked the Mountain priest  for help.
The priest took the stem of a pumpkin plant and with its liquid dripping out re-wrote the words of the letter.
Then he handed it back to the good man.

The good man was very grateful, thanked the priest and was soon on his way to Iinuma swamp. He clapped his hands three times and suddenly a rather eerie young man appeared. The young man seemed to already know the contents of the letter and grasped if fast from the man.
But when he began to read the words that the Priest had written, he seemed surprised:

"This good man has saved my life, please give his a treasure to show your gratitude!"

The young man read the letter again and again and even asked if this was the real letter he had been handed over. "Sure this is the original letter!"
Finally the young man in an angry mood pulled out a treasure from his breast pocket. It was a small hand mill made from stone 石の挽き臼. He threw it in front of the good man and disappeared hastily into the swamp.

When the man reached home this evening, he immediately began to try this hand mill
and - to his great surprise - grains of rice began to flow out of the hand mill.
Thanks to the present from the Kappa, our good man now could eat rice every day and lead a prosperous life.
The End.

source: Higano Tokuhisa 日向野徳久
茨城の民話 第二集(日本の民話72),日向野徳久,未来社,1978年12月05日,原題「かっぱにもらった宝物」,採録地「結城郡」

. Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし .

. usu 臼. 挽臼 different types of mortars, grinders and handmills .


- - - - - Present, presents from Kappa in other legends かっぱの贈り物 - - - - -

- - - - - This folktale is very similar to this one of the faked letter :
. Kappa no Sara カッパの皿 The Dish of Kappa .
豊岡村 Legend from Tomioka Village, Shizuoka

. - Kappa no kame 河童のかめ The Water Jar of Kappa
- Kappa no tsubo 河童の壺 .

栖足寺 Seisoku-Ji, Shizuoka

. - Kappa no kizugusuri カッパのきず薬 / 河童の傷薬
Kappa giving an ointment for wounds - .

. Kappa Tokkuri, Kappadokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask" .
Kanagawa : Nishikubo, Chigasaki 神奈川県は茅ヶ崎の西久保

Kappa ni moratta koban 河童にもらった小判(今戸焼カッパ人形 東京)Tokyo
Kappa no wabijo 河童の詫び状(染黒寺 岩手) Letter of regret / excuse - Iwate
Kappa no seimon seki 河童の誓文石(潮見神社 佐賀)Written oath - Shiga


. Manholes マンホール from Japan .


Kyuuchan キューちゃん Kyu-Chan - The Town Mascot

. - Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター - Kanto .

Kyuu-chan even gets a birthday cake !
And Kappa Senbei 河童せんべい are a speciality of Ushiku.
. Cucumber - kyuuri キュウリ Kyuri, Gurken - .


Ushiku Kappa Matsuri 牛久かっぱ祭り

Ushiku’s familiar blend of traditional dance and modern entertainment.
This festival focuses on the mythical character Kappa.
Thousands of people dancing to the "Kappa Bayashi" song, stalls on the sides of the road, various events on the stages. Held on the east side of Ushiku Station.

- reference -


. Sakuma Asuka 佐久間あすか - Painter from Ushikunuma .


 Kappa Study Center かっぱの里生涯学習センタ
Ushiku town 牛久市

第51図 「観音妙智力」 Kannon Myochi Riki - Kappa seeking wisdom from Kannon Bosatsu

ami ni kurumaru 網にくるまる
nio no ukizu 鳰の浮巣 floating nest of a water bird
riryuu no tama to kappa 驪龍の珠とカッパ black dragon and Kappa
Ushimata Buzaemon 牛股武左衛門

with 河童百図 100 paintings of a Kappa
- source : www.city.ushiku.lg.jp


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - Ogawa Usen 小川芋銭 - . (1868-1938)
Kappa painter and poet who lived in Ushiku.

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


