. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ / サンキ
yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends

Some famous mountains have a famous Oni for themselves.
They are listed under the name of the mountain.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
yama no sei, sansei 山精 spirit of the mountain
The wife of 猟師善助 the hunter Zensuke went to the mountain forest to gather firewood. Somehow she lost conscience. When she returned to herself and went home, she found herself pregnant. Eventually she gave birth to 岩八 Iwahachi. The same happened again a few years later and this time she gave birth to 喜八 Kichachi.
All this happened because the Spirit of the Mountain and 山鬼 the Demon of the Mountain had an adventure with her.
Both Iwahachi and Kihachi had bright red hair.
Sansei Zatsumi Kijin 山精雑魅鬼神 (さんせいざつみきじん)
A kind of 精霊悪鬼 bad Oni with more knowledge and power than a human being, alive in the muontains, trees and other natural phenomenon.
source : honkouji.com/glossary...
............................................................................ Akita 秋田県
Yama Kijin 山鬼神 Sankijin Mountain Demon Deity
Once the pious mother got lost in the mountains. Eventually they heard that she had become the wife on the Mountain Demon Deity from 太平山 Mount Taiheizan.
Her friends tried to bring her back, but could not find her.
Later she came back, telling them she also went to 出羽三山 the Three Mountains of Dewa.
. Sankichi Oni サンキチ鬼 The Demon Sankichi from Akita .
protector deity of 太平山の守護神 Mount Taiheizan 太平山 (1,170 m)
鬼神 Kijin,山の地神 Yama no Chijin
北秋田郡 Kita-Akita district 上小阿仁村 Kamikoani village
Yamaoni uses the bones of children to make hiruko 蛭子 leeches out of them.
............................................................................ Iwate 岩手県
Once upon a time, the area around 岩手山 Mount Iwatesan belonged to an Oni named 大猛丸 Odakemaru.
In the year 797, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was sent to drive him out, but he hid in the mist of the deep mountain and built his castle, 鬼ケ城 / 鬼ヶ城 Onigajo.
Tamuramaro waited until the mist had dispersed, came to fight with him, drove him all the way to 八幡平 Hachimantai and finally killed him.
Akuro is known in various regions as
. Oodakemaru 大嶽丸・大竹丸・大武丸・大猛丸 Odakemaru .
Aterui / 悪路王 Akuro-o / Acro-o アテルイ / 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)
and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811)
............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
刈田郡 Katta district 蔵王町 Zao
At the foot of Mount Zao there lived a sanki 山鬼 mountain Oni who grabbed humans and ate them.
The Oni eventually turned to stone and the place is now called
鬼石原 Oniishihara
Oniishihara Tōgatta onsen, Zaō-machi, Katta-gun, Miyagi
. onishi, oniishi 鬼石の鬼伝説 Onishi Demon Stone Legends .
白井市 Shiroi city 斎川 Saikawa
The demon of 岩倉山の鬼 Mount Iwakurayama
At the hall 甲冑堂 in the village 東二町 Higashinicho there lived an Oni at Mount Iwakurayama who grbabed travellers, ground them in a mortar and ate them.
This mortar has become a stone, named
onisurusuishi 鬼臼石 / オニスルスイシ Oni Surusu Ishi
臼石?杵石? 鬼ヶ牙 at 鈴鹿峠
- reference and photo : tutiyamasaaki -
. onishi (oni-ishi, oniishi) 鬼石 Demon Stone .
柴田郡 Shibata district 川崎町 Kawasakimachi
Uyamuya no Seki 有耶無耶関 / 有耶無耶の関 The Inamu Barrier
now at the 笹谷峠 Sasaya Pass on the border to 山形 Yamagata and the Natori district.

Once upon a time a demon haunted this pass and caused harm to travellers.
A raichoo 霊鳥 snow grouse would warn people, calling out 有耶 UYA (he is here).
If the Demon was away, it would call out MUYA 無耶 (he is not here).
The 若松観音 Wakamatsu Kannon at the side of Yamagata is called the 有耶の観音 Uya no Kannon.
The 笹谷観音 Sasaya Kannon at the side of Miyagi is called 無耶の観音 Muya no Kannon.
The snow grouse is said to be an incarnation of Kannon Bosatsu.
- - - - - Uya-muya, Muyamuya, Moya-moya
............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
長野市 Nagano city 戸隠 Togakushi
The demons of 一夜山 Ichiyasan "Mountain of one night"
at the time of 天武天皇 Tenmu Tenno (c. 631-686) heard a rumor that their living place would become a new settlement. To prevent this, they began to plot.
In one night (ichiya 一夜), to stop the road, they made a new mountain between the mountains 戸隠山 Togakushiyama and 戸倉山 Tokurasan.
This new mountain is now 1,561 m high.

............................................................................ Niigata 新潟県
A lot of salmon fish came up the river, but the local mountain demons caught them all with their bare hands
and ate them.
The villagers who head the demons at night became ill, spit blood and soon died.
............................................................................ Tokyo 東京都
青梅市 Ome city
. Prince Yamato Takeru no Mikoto 日本武尊 .
and the shiroi shika 白い鹿 white deer and 白狼 white wolf

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- reference source : nishikawa-kaikei.co.jp/furukyara... -
kumotaka yama no oni 雲たか山の鬼
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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