- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Persons -
- Hino Ashihei 火野葦平 -
(1907 – 1960)
- quote
Ashihei Hino 火野 葦平 Hino Ashihei
(1907 January 25 – 1960 January 24)
was born in Wakamatsu (now Wakamatsu ward, Kitakyūshū) and in 1937 he received the prestigious Akutagawa Prize for one of his novels, Fun'nyōtan (糞尿譚 Tales of Excrement and Urine).
At that moment he was a soldier for the Japanese army in China. He then got promoted to the information corps and published numerous works about the daily lives of Japanese soldiers. It is for his war novels that he became famous for during (and forgotten after) the war.
His book Mugi to Heitai (麦と兵隊 Wheat and Soldiers) sold over a million copies.
Hino committed suicide at the age of 53. His death was first reported to have been from a heart attack, but was later revealed by his family to have been from an overdose of sleeping pills. His birthhouse can be visited today.
- source : wikipedia
CLICK for more photos !
Kappa Kaigi 河童会議 The Kappa Meeting
Kappa Mandara 河童曼荼羅 Kappa Mandala
Stone and Nail 石と釘
His book "Stone and Nail" with illustrations to scroll :
- source : ayukawa/StoneAndNail
Kappa nanahenge 河童七変化 Seven Changes of Kappa
Tōkyō : Hōbunkan, Shōwa 32
. 河童昇天 Kappa Shoten "Kappa ascends to Heaven" .
Illustration by 青柳喜兵衛 Aoyagi Kihei
He loves mount Minosan, river Chikugogawa and the people and legends of Tanushimaru 田主丸, Kyushu.
その河童族を引き継ぐのが、子河童族(第二世代河童族)です。河童を語りながら田主丸町を活性化させるこの会は、「なんでんかんでん屁のかっぱ」がモットーで義務や強制はいっさいなし。「五分も釆てくれた」「こうもしてくれた」の「も」の精神で、なにより自分たちが楽しむことが原点というのは若竹屋十三代目の林田伝兵衛さん。 毎年8月8日には「河童大明神」大祭として河童族による「かっぱ祭り」が行われます。子どもたちが河童みこしをかついで町中を練り歩き、鯉の放流、川の中でのバーベキューや花火など、河童になったつもりで楽しむ祭りです。田主丸小学校に子河童クラブができてからは、親河童族、河童族、子河童族の三代そろいぶみ。 河童族の遊びの精神と飄々たる夢は、50年たった今も町の中に生きています。
- source : www.snk.or.jp/cda/mame
"Jissetsu: Hino Ashihei den: Kappa shotensu"
(The true story of Hino Ashihei: The kappa ascends to heaven)
Nihon no kappa Hino Ashihei no koto nado
Yuriko Miyamoto (Author)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappahino -
- - - A project of the Darumapedia - - -
Japanese Anthropology - - -
Kappa - Yokai - The Monsters of Japan
Oni - The Demons of Japan - Onipedia
Tengu - The Tengupedia
Gabi Greve - Daruma Museum - Japan
Yokai Reference
- - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-Index -
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters art motives - Gallery .
- yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Reference -
Goyu - 36 Stations of the Yokai Road - Mizuki Shigeru
. tsukimono 憑き物 bewitched .
Being bewitched by a fox, badger, a Yokai or other ill-meaning foe was pretty common in Japan,
there are many legends and tales about it.
source : Yokai Attack - Lucas Perla - fb
Watch out for the Kappa, Fudo Myo-O and even Daruma san!
. Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki - Ghostly Strange Records from Japan .
from the Heian period - and a modern version by 水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
Inoue Enryoo 井上 円了 Inoue Enryo
Kokkuri 狐狗狸 Table-Turning
Yookai Hakase 妖怪博士 a "monster professor" takes a closer look at monsters.
Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809)
He is famous for his eerie ghost stories and strange fiction in Japan.
. - Haiku and Senryu about Yokai monsters - .
source : chabashirachan.at.webry.
裃河童と妖怪雛 Yokai Hina Dolls with Kappa in the front line
. Sugoroku board with Yokai monsters 百種怪談妖物双六 .
The Book of Yokai
. - Foster, Michael Dylan Foster - and the Kappa .
The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia
Freeman, Richard Freeman
Yokai - The Art Tour of Contemporary Japan
Mr. Katsuo - Japan Monster Tours Inc.
- source : yokai-book.com
. Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる Shigeru Mizuki .
and Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro
CLICK for more photos !
Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 / カッパの三平 Sanpei, the Kappa
The boy Sanpei befriends a kappa water-sprite and is soon accepted into a world of spiritual fun . . .
- reference about Sanpei -
Kappa nandemo Nyumon 河童なんでも入門 Introducing ALL about the Kappa
. yookai wotchi, Yōkai Wotchi 妖怪ウォッチ - Yo-Kai Watch , Yokai Watch.
CLICK for more samples !
- Yokai articles at mag japaaan com
- reference : Japaaan(ジャパーン)マガジン -
bakemono konrei 化物婚礼 Monsters having a wedding
- scroll by 惺々暁斎(1831-1889)
- source : Toyo University -
和漢百魅缶(わかんももみかん) (Monster list of all prefectures) - tba
道州表示参照表 / おばけ(遺伝子組替えを含む)、ふしぎ生物、
- source : cotton-candy/maki -
mimibukuro 耳袋 Mimi Bukuro, Mimi-Bukuro "Tales Heard"
Japanese Edo period anthology of oral tales
羽川珍重稿 村田屋版 Printed by Murataya
A Red Book 赤本 from around 享保頃 (1704-1736).
... 題簽に三つ目の化け物が描かれた本書は、甲子待の夜のお伽話から始まる。「ももんが」に人気があつまるのを快く思わない見越入道が、猫や狸、河童などの様々な化け物を集めて、ももんが一統と相対する。左端に見える毛皮のマントをかぶったような化け物がももんがである。登場する化け物の姿が皆ユーモラスでほほえましい。
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp -
Mythical Beasts of Japan:
From Evil Creatures to Sacred Beings
Koichi Yumoto (Author), Hiroyuki Kano (Author), Akiko Taki (Editor)
Japanese imaginary creatures, such as Byakko (White Tiger), Suzaku (Vermilion Bird), Genbu (Black Tortoise), and Ryu (Japanese Dragon), were handed down from ancient Chinese mythology. Prayers were often offered to these beings since they are believed to cause mischief among ordinary mortals.
- reference -
Hyaku Monogatari no Zu 百物語の図 by Katsushika Hokusai 北斎
One Hundred Ghost Stories in a Haunted House
新版浮絵化物屋鋪 Shinpan uki-e bakemono yashiki
Yookai Tsuushin 妖怪通信 Yokai Tsushin - Monster News
- source : www.rg-youkai.com -
. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) .
Gazu Hyakki Yagyō 画図百鬼夜行 The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons
Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 今昔画図続百鬼 / Supplement 今昔百鬼拾遺
Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro 画図百器徒然袋
The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
- source : Matthew Meyer
CLICK for more yokai books !
桃山人夜話 Tōsanjin Yawa "Night Stories of the People of Peach Mountain"
- 絵本百物語 Ehon Hyaku Monogatari "Picture Book of a Hundred Stories"
竹原春泉 Takehara Shunsen
a book of images by Japanese artist Takehara Shunsen, published about 1841. The book was intended as a followup to Toriyama Sekien's Gazu Hyakki Yakō series. Like those books, it is a supernatural bestiary of ghosts, monsters, and spirits which has had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan.
. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809) .
Ugetsu Monogatari 雨月物語 Tales of Moonlight and Rain
J-horror: Early encounters with the unhuman
... this collection contains nine tales that all have the hallmarks of classic kaidan (“strange tales”).
- quoting Eugene Thacker
妖怪・憑依・擬人化の文化史 (yokai, hyoi (spirit possession), gijin (impersonification),
伊藤慎吾編 - 笠間書院
- detailed contents :
- source : kasamashoin.jp -
浮世絵でみる! お化け図鑑
Something Wicked from Japan
中右瑛 (著, 監修)
In Japanese and English
浮世絵・妖術使い名鑑 / 江戸妖怪大図鑑
- source : togetter.com -
- quote -
Reviving Japan’s Dreaded and Beloved Ghosts
Tanuki, the badger-like, shape-shifting creatures of Japanese lore, are a rascally, impetuous bunch. In one tale, a tanuki playfully transforms into a steam train but then gets flattened by a real train coming from the opposite direction. In another, a tanuki kills an old woman and makes soup out of her, then takes her form and feeds the soup to her husband.
Fantastical monsters like the tanuki abound in Michael Dylan Foster’s “The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore” (University of California Press), one of several books about yokai that have hit American shelves this year.
In June, Zack Davisson will publish “Yurei: The Japanese Ghost” (Chin Music Press), a critical look at the history of some of Japan’s most dreaded and beloved spooks. Both are scholarly texts enlivened by images of the beasts in scroll paintings, woodblock prints and original illustrations.
Michael Goldstein’s “Yokai Character Collection” (PanAm Books) is more pictorial. It has the gruesome look and feel of a Dungeons & Dragons manual, with Japanese peeping toms and anthropomorphic umbrellas taking the place of knights and gnomes. The book’s illustrator, Chip Boles, seemed to have fun imagining what beasts like a mokumokuren, a “sliding door filled with hundreds of eyes,” and a kappa, a water demon often blamed for drowning horses and humans, might look like.
And then there’s Matthew Meyer’s forthcoming “The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits,” an encyclopedic look at yokai that includes notes on each creature’s appearance, behavior and favorite hangouts. Mr. Meyer’s paintings combine the vibrant colors of traditional Japanese woodblock prints with references to Asian horror movies and contemporary manga. The result is a coffee-table book (self-published) that doubles as an illustrated guide, full of legends and obscure yokai trivia.
Why the recent crop of yokai books in the United States?
Credit generations of Americans exposed to the creatures through a steady stream of Japanese cultural imports. Haruki Murakami has included several in his novels, while hordes have appeared in the films of Hayao Miyazaki (the clicking, bobble-headed kodama, or tree spirits, in “Princess Mononoke”; much of the cast of “Spirited Away,” which won the 2003 Oscar for best animated feature).
Even more have crept into American homes through video games and trading cards. Pokémon, the multibillion-dollar toy and video game empire, bases many of its characters on yokai. So does the most recent challenge to Pokémon’s cultural dominance, the best-selling video game and anime series “Yo-Kai Watch,” which makes no effort to hide its creative sources. All those monsters — altered and cuteified as they may be — have inspired fans to seek out the original texts.
“The students who come into the fields of Japanese literature and folklore as undergraduates are heavily influenced by popular culture,” Mr. Foster, a folklore professor at Indiana University and author of “Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai,” said. “They grow up with these things through anime and manga and want to know where they come from.”
Stories about yokai have been popular in Japan for centuries, from the 11th-century classic “The Tale of Genji,” in which they’re called mononoke, or “mysterious things,” to contemporary anime series. The yokai themselves are everywhere in Japan, in films and cartoons, on billboards and even on beer bottle labels. The latest yokai craze began in the 1980s and has been going strong ever since, part of a long history of booms that dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868). Last year, “Yo-Kai Watch” was the top-selling video game in Japan, and there are plans to release the game in the United States this year.
Relatively few of the thousands of texts and scholarly studies about yokai have been translated from Japanese, which makes these latest books all the more valuable to nonfluent seekers of the original tales. In “The Book of Yokai,” Mr. Foster draws from texts and folk tales dating back to Japan’s Heian period, from the works of the 10th-century writer Abe no Seimei (a midlevel bureaucrat who has been reborn in contemporary manga and anime as a young, beautifully androgynous sorcerer) to the tales of the early-20th-century scholar and avid story collector Kunio Yanagita, considered one of the founders of Japanese folklore studies.
New texts and stories are still being discovered and translated, and the abundance of source material can be a blessing and a curse for yokai researchers. How do you define a creature that can vary from period to period, or even town to town? “When I see yokai mentioned, it will often just say ‘a kappa is a so-and-so,’ ”
Mr. Foster said. “So my responsibility is really to complicate that, so that people will understand that a kappa can be many different things, depending on where and when you’re speaking of it.”
There are also beasts whose stories have been lost, but whose images remain, like the tofu-kozo, a bigheaded servant boy holding a block of uncooked tofu. “There’s a number of images of that, but nobody knows why they exist,” Mr. Foster said. “It might have been an Edo period advertising campaign, but that’s all speculation.”
Among the creepiest of yokai are the yurei, spirits of the dead who look nothing like typical Western ghosts. In “Yurei: The Japanese Ghost,” Mr. Davisson, a translator of a number of classic manga, profiles several yurei. Two of the most famous are the tragic Okiku, a young girl who threw herself down a well (or was thrown) after breaking one of her master’s prized dishes, and Oiwa, a hapless wife cursed with just about the worst husband ever (she is usually depicted with her left eye dripping down her cheek, the result of her spouse’s botched attempt to kill her with poison).
Yurei have inspired countless paintings and illustrations over the centuries, but perhaps the most influential is Maruyama Okyo’s “The Ghost of Oyuki” (1750), a portrait that the artist made of his recently deceased lover. Her ghost — long black hair, pale clothing, no feet — appeared to him in a dream, and his painting set the visual mold for every Japanese ghost to come, from paintings and prints to Kabuki characters and horror films. “After that painting,” Mr. Davisson said, “that’s how they all looked.”
Fans love tracking these evolutions over time, as well as learning every bit of information about as many yokai as they can. This might explain why a lot of these books, scholarly or not, have the look and feel of illustrated encyclopedias, with detailed descriptions of scores of creatures.
“When you look at pop culture in Japan today, a lot of it is really based on this desire to catalog, this sort of encyclopedic imagination,” said Bill Tsutsui, a Japanologist and author of “Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters.”
Why do the centuries-old monsters continue to fascinate, even for readers who don’t necessarily have a collector’s bent? “There’s the mystery of the world about them,” Mr. Tsutsui said. “You get that in this folkloric sense of the past: that the real world around us is beautiful and wonderful, and yet can be really horrible, too.”
- source : ROBERT ITO - NYT -
- quote -
Scholar uncovers the fascinating history behind Japan’s folklore
AMAGASAKI, Hyogo Prefecture--
The secrets behind supernatural legends passed down through the generations are being uncovered thanks to folklorist Atsushi Oe.
involving monsters, ghosts, demons and other mysterious occurrences have typically been dismissed as nonsense in modern academic studies.
But members of the Research Institute of the East-Asian Mysterious and Marvelous Phenomenon, a group headed by 55-year-old Oe, devote their efforts to studies on such phenomena and creatures.
About 50 members include researchers at universities and museums around Japan, as well as novelist Natsuhiko Kyogoku, whose works are often inspired by “yokai” monsters and ghosts.
“We are an academic society of people who study strange stories in such fields as literature, history and folklore,” said Oe, a professor of ancient Japanese history and folkloristics at Sonoda Women’s University in this city just west of Osaka.
Oe studies the background of mysterious incidents recorded in old documents. He also conducts field research across Japan on folk tales involving gods, Buddhas and monsters.
“These stories appear a lot in old history books, but they used to be disregarded as a subject of scholastic research,” said Oe. “But, in fact, I believe that they can tell us more how people’s mentalities and society were shaped back then.” ...
... For the last few years, Oe has been working on collecting folk tales from Amagasaki.
One is about a “kappa,” an imaginary creature, which was spotted around a pond near a junior high school here. Another is an annual ritual held at a shrine, in which a meal is offered to the spirit of retired Emperor Sutoku, who visited the area while he was exiled in the Heian Period (794-1185).
A team made up of Oe, young researchers at Sonoda Women’s University and staff from the Amagasaki Municipal Archives has collected about 220 such anecdotes by visiting locations told in legends.
Out of those, 100 stories were compiled into a book, “100 tales of Amagasaki,” which was published in April to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Amagasaki’s designation as a city.
“However far-fetched it may sound, a folklore that has been passed down through the generations has the history of the land etched in it,” said Oe. “By exploring the origin of the tales, you may see your hometown in a different light.”
- source : Asahin shinbun, TSUTOMU MIYATAKE -
- quote Japan Times -
Spooky beasts keep haunting Japan’s art
by John L. Tran
Seething masses of people crushed together in searing heat; empty-eyed wraiths, heads drooping in despair, shuffling to and fro — waiting for the time when they will be released their suffering. Tokyo can be hell in July and August. It isn’t all bad though; there’s an excellent exhibition on yōkai, the various devils, demons and spirits of Japanese folklore, at the Edo-Tokyo Museum.
As a subject of Japanese folkloric studies, yōkai have been defined in different ways, but could broadly be described as “supernatural creatures.” A fairly well-known example is the shapeshifting tanuki, the friendly racoon dog whose figure can often be seen outside restaurants and liquor stores in contemporary Japan. He appears in the exhibition smothering someone with his famously oversize scrotum in an 18th-century manga illustrated by Utagawa Toyokuni. Admittedly, suffocation by a giant pair of hairy balls is not the best way to go, but the manga is purposefully comic and what is evident from the substantial number and great variety of exhibits is that the iconography of yōkai is extremely versatile.
In “Screens of Hells and Paradise,” attributed to the Pure Land Buddhist Genshin (942-1017), .....
..... By contrast, there are several examples of relatively light-hearted taxonomies from the 18th and 19th century. Most likely influenced by the organizing principles of scientific classification introduced to Japan through rangaku (Dutch studies), these scrolls and handbooks of different types of monsters and goblins range from being crypto-medical manuals to ambiguous mixtures of schlock horror and comedic entertainment.
When bunmei kaika (enlightenment and civilization)
became a key objective of the Meiji government, yōkai were a hugely popular form of visual culture but were also marked for extinction. .....
..... The cute, harmless bestiary of “Yokai Watch” date from 2013, and the exhibition successfully shows that there is a long and extraordinary history of mixing the unnatural, comic and grotesque in Japanese visual culture. It is a justifiably popular exhibition, the only negative being the fact that you have to be careful when you choose to go. It can get monstrously crowded.
-source : japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/07/19 -
- quote -
17 Female Ghosts & Demons in Japanese Folklore
Onryo 怨霊 / Hannya 般若
Ame-onna / Hone-onna / Kuchisake-onna / Nure-onna / Yuki-onna
Yamauba / Yamanba
Uji No Hashihime
Oiwa, O-Iwa
Teke Teke
Sazae Oni
産女 Ubume / 姥ヶ火(うばがび) Ubagabi
- source : notebookofghosts.com/2016-
日本 - Encyclopædia of Monsters / Fabelwesen / 幻想動物の事典
Very extensive !!
- reference source : toroia.info/dict/index -
. Yokai 妖怪 Monsters - Introduction - .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
- - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-Index -
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappayokaireference #yokaireference #referenceyokai #yokailinks -
- - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-Index -
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters art motives - Gallery .
- yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Reference -
Goyu - 36 Stations of the Yokai Road - Mizuki Shigeru
. tsukimono 憑き物 bewitched .
Being bewitched by a fox, badger, a Yokai or other ill-meaning foe was pretty common in Japan,
there are many legends and tales about it.
source : Yokai Attack - Lucas Perla - fb
Watch out for the Kappa, Fudo Myo-O and even Daruma san!
. Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki - Ghostly Strange Records from Japan .
from the Heian period - and a modern version by 水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
Inoue Enryoo 井上 円了 Inoue Enryo
Kokkuri 狐狗狸 Table-Turning
Yookai Hakase 妖怪博士 a "monster professor" takes a closer look at monsters.
Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809)
He is famous for his eerie ghost stories and strange fiction in Japan.
. - Haiku and Senryu about Yokai monsters - .
source : chabashirachan.at.webry.
裃河童と妖怪雛 Yokai Hina Dolls with Kappa in the front line
. Sugoroku board with Yokai monsters 百種怪談妖物双六 .
The Book of Yokai
. - Foster, Michael Dylan Foster - and the Kappa .
The Great Yokai Encyclopaedia
Freeman, Richard Freeman
Yokai - The Art Tour of Contemporary Japan
Mr. Katsuo - Japan Monster Tours Inc.
- source : yokai-book.com
. Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる Shigeru Mizuki .
and Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro
CLICK for more photos !
Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 / カッパの三平 Sanpei, the Kappa
The boy Sanpei befriends a kappa water-sprite and is soon accepted into a world of spiritual fun . . .
- reference about Sanpei -
Kappa nandemo Nyumon 河童なんでも入門 Introducing ALL about the Kappa
. yookai wotchi, Yōkai Wotchi 妖怪ウォッチ - Yo-Kai Watch , Yokai Watch.
CLICK for more samples !
- Yokai articles at mag japaaan com
- reference : Japaaan(ジャパーン)マガジン -
bakemono konrei 化物婚礼 Monsters having a wedding
- scroll by 惺々暁斎(1831-1889)
- source : Toyo University -
和漢百魅缶(わかんももみかん) (Monster list of all prefectures) - tba
道州表示参照表 / おばけ(遺伝子組替えを含む)、ふしぎ生物、
- source : cotton-candy/maki -
mimibukuro 耳袋 Mimi Bukuro, Mimi-Bukuro "Tales Heard"
Japanese Edo period anthology of oral tales
羽川珍重稿 村田屋版 Printed by Murataya
A Red Book 赤本 from around 享保頃 (1704-1736).
... 題簽に三つ目の化け物が描かれた本書は、甲子待の夜のお伽話から始まる。「ももんが」に人気があつまるのを快く思わない見越入道が、猫や狸、河童などの様々な化け物を集めて、ももんが一統と相対する。左端に見える毛皮のマントをかぶったような化け物がももんがである。登場する化け物の姿が皆ユーモラスでほほえましい。
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp -
Mythical Beasts of Japan:
From Evil Creatures to Sacred Beings
Koichi Yumoto (Author), Hiroyuki Kano (Author), Akiko Taki (Editor)
Japanese imaginary creatures, such as Byakko (White Tiger), Suzaku (Vermilion Bird), Genbu (Black Tortoise), and Ryu (Japanese Dragon), were handed down from ancient Chinese mythology. Prayers were often offered to these beings since they are believed to cause mischief among ordinary mortals.
- reference -
Hyaku Monogatari no Zu 百物語の図 by Katsushika Hokusai 北斎
One Hundred Ghost Stories in a Haunted House
新版浮絵化物屋鋪 Shinpan uki-e bakemono yashiki
Yookai Tsuushin 妖怪通信 Yokai Tsushin - Monster News
- source : www.rg-youkai.com -
. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) .
Gazu Hyakki Yagyō 画図百鬼夜行 The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons
Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 今昔画図続百鬼 / Supplement 今昔百鬼拾遺
Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro 画図百器徒然袋
The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
- source : Matthew Meyer
CLICK for more yokai books !
桃山人夜話 Tōsanjin Yawa "Night Stories of the People of Peach Mountain"
- 絵本百物語 Ehon Hyaku Monogatari "Picture Book of a Hundred Stories"
竹原春泉 Takehara Shunsen
a book of images by Japanese artist Takehara Shunsen, published about 1841. The book was intended as a followup to Toriyama Sekien's Gazu Hyakki Yakō series. Like those books, it is a supernatural bestiary of ghosts, monsters, and spirits which has had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan.
. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809) .
Ugetsu Monogatari 雨月物語 Tales of Moonlight and Rain
J-horror: Early encounters with the unhuman
... this collection contains nine tales that all have the hallmarks of classic kaidan (“strange tales”).
- quoting Eugene Thacker
妖怪・憑依・擬人化の文化史 (yokai, hyoi (spirit possession), gijin (impersonification),
伊藤慎吾編 - 笠間書院
- detailed contents :
- source : kasamashoin.jp -
浮世絵でみる! お化け図鑑
Something Wicked from Japan
中右瑛 (著, 監修)
In Japanese and English
浮世絵・妖術使い名鑑 / 江戸妖怪大図鑑
- source : togetter.com -
- quote -
Reviving Japan’s Dreaded and Beloved Ghosts
Tanuki, the badger-like, shape-shifting creatures of Japanese lore, are a rascally, impetuous bunch. In one tale, a tanuki playfully transforms into a steam train but then gets flattened by a real train coming from the opposite direction. In another, a tanuki kills an old woman and makes soup out of her, then takes her form and feeds the soup to her husband.
Fantastical monsters like the tanuki abound in Michael Dylan Foster’s “The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore” (University of California Press), one of several books about yokai that have hit American shelves this year.
In June, Zack Davisson will publish “Yurei: The Japanese Ghost” (Chin Music Press), a critical look at the history of some of Japan’s most dreaded and beloved spooks. Both are scholarly texts enlivened by images of the beasts in scroll paintings, woodblock prints and original illustrations.
Michael Goldstein’s “Yokai Character Collection” (PanAm Books) is more pictorial. It has the gruesome look and feel of a Dungeons & Dragons manual, with Japanese peeping toms and anthropomorphic umbrellas taking the place of knights and gnomes. The book’s illustrator, Chip Boles, seemed to have fun imagining what beasts like a mokumokuren, a “sliding door filled with hundreds of eyes,” and a kappa, a water demon often blamed for drowning horses and humans, might look like.
And then there’s Matthew Meyer’s forthcoming “The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits,” an encyclopedic look at yokai that includes notes on each creature’s appearance, behavior and favorite hangouts. Mr. Meyer’s paintings combine the vibrant colors of traditional Japanese woodblock prints with references to Asian horror movies and contemporary manga. The result is a coffee-table book (self-published) that doubles as an illustrated guide, full of legends and obscure yokai trivia.
Why the recent crop of yokai books in the United States?
Credit generations of Americans exposed to the creatures through a steady stream of Japanese cultural imports. Haruki Murakami has included several in his novels, while hordes have appeared in the films of Hayao Miyazaki (the clicking, bobble-headed kodama, or tree spirits, in “Princess Mononoke”; much of the cast of “Spirited Away,” which won the 2003 Oscar for best animated feature).
Even more have crept into American homes through video games and trading cards. Pokémon, the multibillion-dollar toy and video game empire, bases many of its characters on yokai. So does the most recent challenge to Pokémon’s cultural dominance, the best-selling video game and anime series “Yo-Kai Watch,” which makes no effort to hide its creative sources. All those monsters — altered and cuteified as they may be — have inspired fans to seek out the original texts.
“The students who come into the fields of Japanese literature and folklore as undergraduates are heavily influenced by popular culture,” Mr. Foster, a folklore professor at Indiana University and author of “Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai,” said. “They grow up with these things through anime and manga and want to know where they come from.”
Stories about yokai have been popular in Japan for centuries, from the 11th-century classic “The Tale of Genji,” in which they’re called mononoke, or “mysterious things,” to contemporary anime series. The yokai themselves are everywhere in Japan, in films and cartoons, on billboards and even on beer bottle labels. The latest yokai craze began in the 1980s and has been going strong ever since, part of a long history of booms that dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868). Last year, “Yo-Kai Watch” was the top-selling video game in Japan, and there are plans to release the game in the United States this year.
Relatively few of the thousands of texts and scholarly studies about yokai have been translated from Japanese, which makes these latest books all the more valuable to nonfluent seekers of the original tales. In “The Book of Yokai,” Mr. Foster draws from texts and folk tales dating back to Japan’s Heian period, from the works of the 10th-century writer Abe no Seimei (a midlevel bureaucrat who has been reborn in contemporary manga and anime as a young, beautifully androgynous sorcerer) to the tales of the early-20th-century scholar and avid story collector Kunio Yanagita, considered one of the founders of Japanese folklore studies.
New texts and stories are still being discovered and translated, and the abundance of source material can be a blessing and a curse for yokai researchers. How do you define a creature that can vary from period to period, or even town to town? “When I see yokai mentioned, it will often just say ‘a kappa is a so-and-so,’ ”
Mr. Foster said. “So my responsibility is really to complicate that, so that people will understand that a kappa can be many different things, depending on where and when you’re speaking of it.”
There are also beasts whose stories have been lost, but whose images remain, like the tofu-kozo, a bigheaded servant boy holding a block of uncooked tofu. “There’s a number of images of that, but nobody knows why they exist,” Mr. Foster said. “It might have been an Edo period advertising campaign, but that’s all speculation.”
Among the creepiest of yokai are the yurei, spirits of the dead who look nothing like typical Western ghosts. In “Yurei: The Japanese Ghost,” Mr. Davisson, a translator of a number of classic manga, profiles several yurei. Two of the most famous are the tragic Okiku, a young girl who threw herself down a well (or was thrown) after breaking one of her master’s prized dishes, and Oiwa, a hapless wife cursed with just about the worst husband ever (she is usually depicted with her left eye dripping down her cheek, the result of her spouse’s botched attempt to kill her with poison).
Yurei have inspired countless paintings and illustrations over the centuries, but perhaps the most influential is Maruyama Okyo’s “The Ghost of Oyuki” (1750), a portrait that the artist made of his recently deceased lover. Her ghost — long black hair, pale clothing, no feet — appeared to him in a dream, and his painting set the visual mold for every Japanese ghost to come, from paintings and prints to Kabuki characters and horror films. “After that painting,” Mr. Davisson said, “that’s how they all looked.”
Fans love tracking these evolutions over time, as well as learning every bit of information about as many yokai as they can. This might explain why a lot of these books, scholarly or not, have the look and feel of illustrated encyclopedias, with detailed descriptions of scores of creatures.
“When you look at pop culture in Japan today, a lot of it is really based on this desire to catalog, this sort of encyclopedic imagination,” said Bill Tsutsui, a Japanologist and author of “Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters.”
Why do the centuries-old monsters continue to fascinate, even for readers who don’t necessarily have a collector’s bent? “There’s the mystery of the world about them,” Mr. Tsutsui said. “You get that in this folkloric sense of the past: that the real world around us is beautiful and wonderful, and yet can be really horrible, too.”
- source : ROBERT ITO - NYT -
- quote -
Scholar uncovers the fascinating history behind Japan’s folklore
AMAGASAKI, Hyogo Prefecture--
The secrets behind supernatural legends passed down through the generations are being uncovered thanks to folklorist Atsushi Oe.
involving monsters, ghosts, demons and other mysterious occurrences have typically been dismissed as nonsense in modern academic studies.
But members of the Research Institute of the East-Asian Mysterious and Marvelous Phenomenon, a group headed by 55-year-old Oe, devote their efforts to studies on such phenomena and creatures.
About 50 members include researchers at universities and museums around Japan, as well as novelist Natsuhiko Kyogoku, whose works are often inspired by “yokai” monsters and ghosts.
“We are an academic society of people who study strange stories in such fields as literature, history and folklore,” said Oe, a professor of ancient Japanese history and folkloristics at Sonoda Women’s University in this city just west of Osaka.
Oe studies the background of mysterious incidents recorded in old documents. He also conducts field research across Japan on folk tales involving gods, Buddhas and monsters.
“These stories appear a lot in old history books, but they used to be disregarded as a subject of scholastic research,” said Oe. “But, in fact, I believe that they can tell us more how people’s mentalities and society were shaped back then.” ...
... For the last few years, Oe has been working on collecting folk tales from Amagasaki.
One is about a “kappa,” an imaginary creature, which was spotted around a pond near a junior high school here. Another is an annual ritual held at a shrine, in which a meal is offered to the spirit of retired Emperor Sutoku, who visited the area while he was exiled in the Heian Period (794-1185).
A team made up of Oe, young researchers at Sonoda Women’s University and staff from the Amagasaki Municipal Archives has collected about 220 such anecdotes by visiting locations told in legends.
Out of those, 100 stories were compiled into a book, “100 tales of Amagasaki,” which was published in April to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Amagasaki’s designation as a city.
“However far-fetched it may sound, a folklore that has been passed down through the generations has the history of the land etched in it,” said Oe. “By exploring the origin of the tales, you may see your hometown in a different light.”
- source : Asahin shinbun, TSUTOMU MIYATAKE -
- quote Japan Times -
Spooky beasts keep haunting Japan’s art
by John L. Tran
Seething masses of people crushed together in searing heat; empty-eyed wraiths, heads drooping in despair, shuffling to and fro — waiting for the time when they will be released their suffering. Tokyo can be hell in July and August. It isn’t all bad though; there’s an excellent exhibition on yōkai, the various devils, demons and spirits of Japanese folklore, at the Edo-Tokyo Museum.
As a subject of Japanese folkloric studies, yōkai have been defined in different ways, but could broadly be described as “supernatural creatures.” A fairly well-known example is the shapeshifting tanuki, the friendly racoon dog whose figure can often be seen outside restaurants and liquor stores in contemporary Japan. He appears in the exhibition smothering someone with his famously oversize scrotum in an 18th-century manga illustrated by Utagawa Toyokuni. Admittedly, suffocation by a giant pair of hairy balls is not the best way to go, but the manga is purposefully comic and what is evident from the substantial number and great variety of exhibits is that the iconography of yōkai is extremely versatile.
In “Screens of Hells and Paradise,” attributed to the Pure Land Buddhist Genshin (942-1017), .....
..... By contrast, there are several examples of relatively light-hearted taxonomies from the 18th and 19th century. Most likely influenced by the organizing principles of scientific classification introduced to Japan through rangaku (Dutch studies), these scrolls and handbooks of different types of monsters and goblins range from being crypto-medical manuals to ambiguous mixtures of schlock horror and comedic entertainment.
When bunmei kaika (enlightenment and civilization)
became a key objective of the Meiji government, yōkai were a hugely popular form of visual culture but were also marked for extinction. .....
..... The cute, harmless bestiary of “Yokai Watch” date from 2013, and the exhibition successfully shows that there is a long and extraordinary history of mixing the unnatural, comic and grotesque in Japanese visual culture. It is a justifiably popular exhibition, the only negative being the fact that you have to be careful when you choose to go. It can get monstrously crowded.
-source : japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/07/19 -
- quote -
17 Female Ghosts & Demons in Japanese Folklore
Onryo 怨霊 / Hannya 般若
Ame-onna / Hone-onna / Kuchisake-onna / Nure-onna / Yuki-onna
Yamauba / Yamanba
Uji No Hashihime
Oiwa, O-Iwa
Teke Teke
Sazae Oni
産女 Ubume / 姥ヶ火(うばがび) Ubagabi
- source : notebookofghosts.com/2016-
日本 - Encyclopædia of Monsters / Fabelwesen / 幻想動物の事典
Very extensive !!
- reference source : toroia.info/dict/index -
. Yokai 妖怪 Monsters - Introduction - .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
- - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-Index -
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappayokaireference #yokaireference #referenceyokai #yokailinks -
Omine no Kappa
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Omine san no Kappa 大峰の河童 -
山伏の通り道に河童の棲家! - Kappa the Yamabushi
河童封じ地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu as Kappa fuji - subduing the Kappa
(From the story by Hino Shohei)
Kappa no sumika 河童の棲家 Places where Kappa live
with some old maps of Kappa territory
bow and arrow goods with Kappa
People who have seen a Kappa
饒速日命の墳墓を探す / 饒速日命(ニギハヤヒノミコト)
- - - - - Kappa goods
上高地のかっぱ from Kamikochi
河童と相撲 Kappa doing Sumo wrestling
- source : omine-no-kappa
Kappa fuji no Jizo 河童封じ地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu subduing the Kappa
CLICK for more photos !
. - カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa - .
Legend from Kyushu
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappaomine -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Omine san no Kappa 大峰の河童 -
山伏の通り道に河童の棲家! - Kappa the Yamabushi
河童封じ地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu as Kappa fuji - subduing the Kappa
(From the story by Hino Shohei)
Kappa no sumika 河童の棲家 Places where Kappa live
with some old maps of Kappa territory
bow and arrow goods with Kappa
People who have seen a Kappa
饒速日命の墳墓を探す / 饒速日命(ニギハヤヒノミコト)
- - - - - Kappa goods
上高地のかっぱ from Kamikochi
河童と相撲 Kappa doing Sumo wrestling
- source : omine-no-kappa
Kappa fuji no Jizo 河童封じ地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu subduing the Kappa
CLICK for more photos !
. - カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa - .
Legend from Kyushu
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappaomine -
Kappa Jizo
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- Kappa Jizoo かっぱ地蔵 / 河童地蔵 Kappa and Jizo Bosatsu -
There are various legends and statues in Japan.
source : Rob on facebook
Inspired by this photo by Rob on facebook !
- カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa -
福岡県の民話 Legend from Fukuoka
福岡の若松の高塔山(高塔山公園)Kita Kyushu, Mount Takato (Mt. Koto) in Wakamatsu (124 m)
北九州市若松区修多羅 Sutara
The part is now famous for its Hortensia アジサイ ajisai, open air concerts and a Wallaby zoo.
It overlooks the nearby sea 玄界灘.
- source : wakamatude.gozaru.jp
- - - - - Watch the story online
- source : nipponmukasibanasi
- - - - - summary
At the top of Mount Takatosan in Wakamatsu there is a pond where clear water is sprouting and many Kappa lived in the pond. They always fought abou their territory among themselves.
One year there was no rain at all, all was dry and the hot sun shone from the sky every day.
Most ponds and rivers in the region were out of water and only the pond on top of Mount Takatosan still had some water. So the Kappa of the region all moved here and fought about the last few drops of water. They also involved the villagers nearby and it was really a cruel fighting among humans and the Kappa for survival.
Mountain ascet and Priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku heared about the water shortage and came to Mount Takatosan. He had been involved with wicked Kappa before and fought them with leaves of the gourd ヘチマの葉. So he thought he could help the people by subduing the Kappa here too.
He asked the blacksmith of the village to make him a long nail of about 30 cm. Then he climbed Mount Takatosan, sat in front of the statue of Jizo at the top of the mountain and began his prayers to subdue the Kappa.
"If my prayers are answered, then this nail will stick out of the back of the Jizo statue and all the Kappa will be put under the earth, never to come up again!"
When the surprised Kappa heare his prayer, they wanted to stop him. So one of them changed into a beautiful lady and tried to seduce the monk. Others offered him money to stop, others changed into huge serpents and threatened him, but monk Sogaku did not move an inch and continued to pray.
On the last day of his prayer, when Sogaku was already very exhausted, he suddenly saw one place at the back of the Jizo statue become soft as tofu pudding. He called on all his strength and stuck the nail into the stone statue there.
And in that moment, all the Kappa who had been threatening Sogaku disappeared into thin air, never to come back.
Now the water flew back down the mountain to the village and all were saved.
Even now there is the nail in the back of the Jizo statue to be seen. It is left there so that the Kappa will never never come back again to Mount Takatosan. People rub it softly with this wish and the nail has become all soft and smooth over the years.
The Jizo hall at Mount Takatosan.
It seems the real statue is not Jizo but Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩.
Another legend about priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku
小便 - told by Mizuki Shigeru
- source : ja.wikipedia.org
河童地蔵尊 Kappa Jizo Son
神埼町 枝ヶ里 Kanzaki, Saga prefecture
Link with 7 photos
- source : www.kanzaki-museum.com
Kappa Koen カッパ公園 Kappa Park
At the hot spring 猿ヶ京温泉 Sarugakyo Onsen
Gunma 群馬県
Once upon a time
a Kappa raided all the cucumber fields of the local farmers and caused a lot of trouble.
When the farmers caught the Kappa he promised by the statue of a Jizo Bosatsu to show them how to make good medicine if they let him go.
Now there is even a local festival and ritual to keep the Kappa happy.
Nagasaki, near 眼鏡橋の川沿
- source : travelog-jpn.blogspot.jp/
. Nagasaki Suijin-Sha 水神社 Shrine of the Water Deity .
and Kappa Legends
Jizo no Fuchi no Kappa 地蔵の渕の河童 The Kappa from Jizonofuchi River Pool
Akita, 東由利町 Higashiyurimachi
The river which flows past the small village of Kubo 久保集落 has a river pool, Jizunofuchi, where a Kappa lived, who liked to play tricks on people. At the home of 末吉 Sueyoshi there were many young horses. One day when Sueyoshi had washed them in the river, the Kappa followed him. The villagers, who all knew about the malicious deeds of this Kappa, took him prisoner.
Eventually Sueyoshi felt pity with the Kappa and helped him to get free.
From this day on, every year when Autumn came, he delivered two fine salmon at the home of Sueyoshi.
source : kappa hakubutsukan
kokeshi wooden doll of Kappa delivering two salmon
. Akita 秋田県 Kappa Legends 河童 .
Nikaidoo Masahiro 二階堂正宏 Nikaido Masahiro
Painting by Nikaido Masahiro (1948 - )
from Kamakura.
This one is for the Shrine Egara Tenjin 荏柄天神社.
鎌倉在住の漫画家二階堂正宏さ んは荏柄天神社の河童塚創設に奔走された一人です。
- source : kikurotakagi
Kappa from Shimantogawa Shikoku 四万十川カッパ造形大賞
made by 竹岡瑠美
- source : www.kisotengai.jp
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
.......................................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県
鞍手郡 Kurate district
In front of 地蔵堂 the Jizo Hall there is a huge rock.
Once a Kappa, who wanted to steal the horse of the Lord, was kicked by it and caught. He had to swear he would not do it again and write this on a piece of paper.
The paper was buried in the ground below this rock.
.......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
カワランベ Kawaranbe, local name for Kappa
Near the river crossing in Kiso there was a Kappa coming out with a suribachi 擂鉢 mortar on his head.
A bit further downriver was a rock called abura-ishi アブラ石 "fat rock) and many people came here to kill themselves.
When they carved the feature of Jizo Bosatsu in the rock, people stopped coming.
.......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara district
Villagers were much troubled by a Kappa pulling children into the river.
So they put a stone statue of Jizo near the river bank and prayed to it.
Since then the trouble stopped and people called the stone statue
河童地蔵 Kappa Jizo.
.......................................................................................... Oita 大分県
佐伯市 Saiki city
Once upon a time 金田家 the Kanada family had a Jizo statue in front of their home. This place had been a swamp, where Kappa and ghosts used to come out.
When they put up the Jizo statue and prayed to it, nothing bad happened any more. Jizo would hide the children under his robes if a wicked Kappa showed up.
.......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
If there was a place with a lot of damage by a Kappa, people placed a stone statue of Jizo nearby and prayed to it.
Once a strong Samurai came past and killed the Kappa, later praying to it as Jizo. The statue was soon called
河童地蔵 Kappa Jizo.
.......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
The Kappa in the river often killed people, so the villagers caught it.
He had to promise not to do any more harm until the bottom of the stone Jizo would rot away.
.......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
下部町 Shimobe town
wankashibuchi 椀貸淵 "river pool for trays and bowls"
The お地蔵淵 Jizo River Pool is also called 巴淵 Tomoegafuchi.
At the bottom under a rock there lives a Kappa. If the villagers had a meeting with many people they came here to ask for trays and bowls.
Once they forgot to bring them back and Kappa got angry, never lending them any more.
. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls" .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .
- Introduction -
Kappaishi 河童石 Kappa Stone
Nagasaki - Suijin-Sha 水神社 Shrine of the Water Deity
. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends .
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd, calabash and Kappa .
. . . . hechima 糸瓜, 蛮瓜,布瓜 sponge gourd
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappajizo #jizokappa #jizobosatsu -
- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- Kappa Jizoo かっぱ地蔵 / 河童地蔵 Kappa and Jizo Bosatsu -
There are various legends and statues in Japan.
source : Rob on facebook
Inspired by this photo by Rob on facebook !
- カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa -
福岡県の民話 Legend from Fukuoka
福岡の若松の高塔山(高塔山公園)Kita Kyushu, Mount Takato (Mt. Koto) in Wakamatsu (124 m)
北九州市若松区修多羅 Sutara
The part is now famous for its Hortensia アジサイ ajisai, open air concerts and a Wallaby zoo.
It overlooks the nearby sea 玄界灘.
- source : wakamatude.gozaru.jp
- - - - - Watch the story online
- source : nipponmukasibanasi
- - - - - summary
At the top of Mount Takatosan in Wakamatsu there is a pond where clear water is sprouting and many Kappa lived in the pond. They always fought abou their territory among themselves.
One year there was no rain at all, all was dry and the hot sun shone from the sky every day.
Most ponds and rivers in the region were out of water and only the pond on top of Mount Takatosan still had some water. So the Kappa of the region all moved here and fought about the last few drops of water. They also involved the villagers nearby and it was really a cruel fighting among humans and the Kappa for survival.
Mountain ascet and Priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku heared about the water shortage and came to Mount Takatosan. He had been involved with wicked Kappa before and fought them with leaves of the gourd ヘチマの葉. So he thought he could help the people by subduing the Kappa here too.
He asked the blacksmith of the village to make him a long nail of about 30 cm. Then he climbed Mount Takatosan, sat in front of the statue of Jizo at the top of the mountain and began his prayers to subdue the Kappa.
"If my prayers are answered, then this nail will stick out of the back of the Jizo statue and all the Kappa will be put under the earth, never to come up again!"
When the surprised Kappa heare his prayer, they wanted to stop him. So one of them changed into a beautiful lady and tried to seduce the monk. Others offered him money to stop, others changed into huge serpents and threatened him, but monk Sogaku did not move an inch and continued to pray.
On the last day of his prayer, when Sogaku was already very exhausted, he suddenly saw one place at the back of the Jizo statue become soft as tofu pudding. He called on all his strength and stuck the nail into the stone statue there.
And in that moment, all the Kappa who had been threatening Sogaku disappeared into thin air, never to come back.
Now the water flew back down the mountain to the village and all were saved.
Even now there is the nail in the back of the Jizo statue to be seen. It is left there so that the Kappa will never never come back again to Mount Takatosan. People rub it softly with this wish and the nail has become all soft and smooth over the years.
The Jizo hall at Mount Takatosan.
It seems the real statue is not Jizo but Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩.
Another legend about priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku
小便 - told by Mizuki Shigeru
- source : ja.wikipedia.org
河童地蔵尊 Kappa Jizo Son
神埼町 枝ヶ里 Kanzaki, Saga prefecture
Link with 7 photos
- source : www.kanzaki-museum.com
Kappa Koen カッパ公園 Kappa Park
At the hot spring 猿ヶ京温泉 Sarugakyo Onsen
Gunma 群馬県
Once upon a time
a Kappa raided all the cucumber fields of the local farmers and caused a lot of trouble.
When the farmers caught the Kappa he promised by the statue of a Jizo Bosatsu to show them how to make good medicine if they let him go.
Now there is even a local festival and ritual to keep the Kappa happy.
Nagasaki, near 眼鏡橋の川沿
- source : travelog-jpn.blogspot.jp/
. Nagasaki Suijin-Sha 水神社 Shrine of the Water Deity .
and Kappa Legends
Jizo no Fuchi no Kappa 地蔵の渕の河童 The Kappa from Jizonofuchi River Pool
Akita, 東由利町 Higashiyurimachi
The river which flows past the small village of Kubo 久保集落 has a river pool, Jizunofuchi, where a Kappa lived, who liked to play tricks on people. At the home of 末吉 Sueyoshi there were many young horses. One day when Sueyoshi had washed them in the river, the Kappa followed him. The villagers, who all knew about the malicious deeds of this Kappa, took him prisoner.
Eventually Sueyoshi felt pity with the Kappa and helped him to get free.
From this day on, every year when Autumn came, he delivered two fine salmon at the home of Sueyoshi.
source : kappa hakubutsukan
kokeshi wooden doll of Kappa delivering two salmon
. Akita 秋田県 Kappa Legends 河童 .
Nikaidoo Masahiro 二階堂正宏 Nikaido Masahiro
Painting by Nikaido Masahiro (1948 - )
from Kamakura.
This one is for the Shrine Egara Tenjin 荏柄天神社.
鎌倉在住の漫画家二階堂正宏さ んは荏柄天神社の河童塚創設に奔走された一人です。
- source : kikurotakagi
Kappa from Shimantogawa Shikoku 四万十川カッパ造形大賞
made by 竹岡瑠美
- source : www.kisotengai.jp
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
.......................................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県
鞍手郡 Kurate district
In front of 地蔵堂 the Jizo Hall there is a huge rock.
Once a Kappa, who wanted to steal the horse of the Lord, was kicked by it and caught. He had to swear he would not do it again and write this on a piece of paper.
The paper was buried in the ground below this rock.
.......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
カワランベ Kawaranbe, local name for Kappa
Near the river crossing in Kiso there was a Kappa coming out with a suribachi 擂鉢 mortar on his head.
A bit further downriver was a rock called abura-ishi アブラ石 "fat rock) and many people came here to kill themselves.
When they carved the feature of Jizo Bosatsu in the rock, people stopped coming.
.......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara district
Villagers were much troubled by a Kappa pulling children into the river.
So they put a stone statue of Jizo near the river bank and prayed to it.
Since then the trouble stopped and people called the stone statue
河童地蔵 Kappa Jizo.
.......................................................................................... Oita 大分県
佐伯市 Saiki city
Once upon a time 金田家 the Kanada family had a Jizo statue in front of their home. This place had been a swamp, where Kappa and ghosts used to come out.
When they put up the Jizo statue and prayed to it, nothing bad happened any more. Jizo would hide the children under his robes if a wicked Kappa showed up.
.......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
If there was a place with a lot of damage by a Kappa, people placed a stone statue of Jizo nearby and prayed to it.
Once a strong Samurai came past and killed the Kappa, later praying to it as Jizo. The statue was soon called
河童地蔵 Kappa Jizo.
.......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
The Kappa in the river often killed people, so the villagers caught it.
He had to promise not to do any more harm until the bottom of the stone Jizo would rot away.
.......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
下部町 Shimobe town
wankashibuchi 椀貸淵 "river pool for trays and bowls"
The お地蔵淵 Jizo River Pool is also called 巴淵 Tomoegafuchi.
At the bottom under a rock there lives a Kappa. If the villagers had a meeting with many people they came here to ask for trays and bowls.
Once they forgot to bring them back and Kappa got angry, never lending them any more.
. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls" .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .
- Introduction -
Kappaishi 河童石 Kappa Stone
Nagasaki - Suijin-Sha 水神社 Shrine of the Water Deity
. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends .
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd, calabash and Kappa .
. . . . hechima 糸瓜, 蛮瓜,布瓜 sponge gourd
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappajizo #jizokappa #jizobosatsu -
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