- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Persons -
- Hino Ashihei 火野葦平 -
(1907 – 1960)

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Ashihei Hino 火野 葦平 Hino Ashihei
(1907 January 25 – 1960 January 24)
was born in Wakamatsu (now Wakamatsu ward, Kitakyūshū) and in 1937 he received the prestigious Akutagawa Prize for one of his novels, Fun'nyōtan (糞尿譚 Tales of Excrement and Urine).
At that moment he was a soldier for the Japanese army in China. He then got promoted to the information corps and published numerous works about the daily lives of Japanese soldiers. It is for his war novels that he became famous for during (and forgotten after) the war.
His book Mugi to Heitai (麦と兵隊 Wheat and Soldiers) sold over a million copies.
Hino committed suicide at the age of 53. His death was first reported to have been from a heart attack, but was later revealed by his family to have been from an overdose of sleeping pills. His birthhouse can be visited today.
- source : wikipedia

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Kappa Kaigi 河童会議 The Kappa Meeting

Kappa Mandara 河童曼荼羅 Kappa Mandala
Stone and Nail 石と釘

His book "Stone and Nail" with illustrations to scroll :
- source : ayukawa/StoneAndNail

Kappa nanahenge 河童七変化 Seven Changes of Kappa
Tōkyō : Hōbunkan, Shōwa 32
. 河童昇天 Kappa Shoten "Kappa ascends to Heaven" .
Illustration by 青柳喜兵衛 Aoyagi Kihei
He loves mount Minosan, river Chikugogawa and the people and legends of Tanushimaru 田主丸, Kyushu.


その河童族を引き継ぐのが、子河童族(第二世代河童族)です。河童を語りながら田主丸町を活性化させるこの会は、「なんでんかんでん屁のかっぱ」がモットーで義務や強制はいっさいなし。「五分も釆てくれた」「こうもしてくれた」の「も」の精神で、なにより自分たちが楽しむことが原点というのは若竹屋十三代目の林田伝兵衛さん。 毎年8月8日には「河童大明神」大祭として河童族による「かっぱ祭り」が行われます。子どもたちが河童みこしをかついで町中を練り歩き、鯉の放流、川の中でのバーベキューや花火など、河童になったつもりで楽しむ祭りです。田主丸小学校に子河童クラブができてからは、親河童族、河童族、子河童族の三代そろいぶみ。 河童族の遊びの精神と飄々たる夢は、50年たった今も町の中に生きています。

- source : www.snk.or.jp/cda/mame
"Jissetsu: Hino Ashihei den: Kappa shotensu"
(The true story of Hino Ashihei: The kappa ascends to heaven)
Nihon no kappa Hino Ashihei no koto nado
Yuriko Miyamoto (Author)

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- reference -

. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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