. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Fudo Myo-O 不動明王と鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends and Fudo
. 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Acala - Vidyaraja .
- Introduction -
jaki o fumu Fudo Myo-O 邪鬼を踏む不動明王
Fudo Myo-O stepping on a Jaki demon

- The complete scroll is here :
- source : yahoo auctions June 2017 -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta
高蔵不動院 Takakura Fudo-In - O-Yakushi no Oni Matsuri 大薬師の鬼祭 Demon Festival
During the Shusho-E 修正会 rituals on the fifth day of the New Year at the Temple Takakura Fudo-In there is a ritual called
O-Yakushi no Oni Matsuri, "Festival of the Demons of Yakushi Nyorai". 12 men from nearby Atsuta, aged 25 and 42 are chosen to participate as Oni. On leap years there are 13 men.
The demon masks of the temple are made of strong thick paper and ward off evil influence for the coming year. The masks are imitations of the one's from the "Bull Festival of Kyoto" 京都牛祭 (太秦の牛祭).
............................................................................ Akita 秋田県
山本郡 Yamamoto district 二ツ井町 Futatsui Machi
鬼神集落 Onigami village
The protector deity of this village is called オボシナサマ Oboshina Sama (Fudo Myo-O).
Its festival is on the 28th day of the 3rd lunar month, now on May 8. On the evening before the festival people put their boiled vegetables in a Bento lunch box and meet at the shrine, to eat it all together. They are not allowed to eat any meat on this occasion.
Then in 1956 some brave one eat some meat and what do you say - the next day was a huge fire in the hamlet and 17 homes burned down.
............................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
加佐郡 Kasa district 大江町 Oe Machi
Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji / 不動堂 Fudo-Do Hall
Onigajaya, Oni-Ga-Chaya 鬼ヶ茶屋

- reference source : city.fukuchiyama.kyoto.jp/onihaku .. onityaya -
Near the place where the remains of the mansion of Shuten Doji are supposed to be there is a huge boulder. There is also a place where the river flows upstream when the demons wash the bloody robes; this is where the villagers later they build the 不動堂 Fudo Hall below the waterfall 千丈ヶ滝下 Senjogataki.
Even further up in the mountain, where Shuten Doji was defeated by Raiko Yorimitsu there is now the shrine
鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja.
Raiko had prepared Shinben Kidokushu 神便鬼毒酒 a special rice wine with poison for the Oni and was thus able to kill it.
Oni-take Inari Jinja 京都府福知山市大江町北原 Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .

Onitake-Inari Jinja Shrine at the 8th station of Mt.Oe. With a beautiful view of the sea of clouds in Autumn.
............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
玉造郡 Tamatsukuri district 鳴子町 Naruko
鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village)
Once upon a time
a demon wanted to enter the village of Onikobe, but Fudo killed him and burned the body.
From the ashes arose many many many mosquitoes which to our day suck the blood of the people.
............................................................................ Nara 奈良県
生駒市 Ikoma 鬼取町 Onitori Cho
En no Gyoja met a couple of Oni who were eating humans. He asked them not to do that any more but they did not listen to him. He hid in a cave but they wanted to give him human flesh to eat even there.
Then 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O comes along and pressured the couple not to eat humans any more. Now they promised to change their ways.
Zenki went to 洞川 Dorogawa (now a famous hot spring), and Goki went to 十津川 Totsukawa .
At 生駒山 Mount Ikomasan、En no Gyoja had a dream given to him by 孔雀明 Kujaku Myo-O.
He should capture the two Oni from the foot of Ikomasan and turn them into decent beings. He stayed in prayer for 21 days and on the last day, with 不動緊縛の法 Fudo Kinboku, a special ritual of Fudo Myo-O he could capture them.
So the Oni cut off their hair and became the pious disciples of En no Gyoja.
The mountain is now called Onitorisan 鬼取山 "Mountain of capturing the Demons",
and the village is still called that way, 鬼取 Onitori.
. Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .
............................................................................ Oita 大分県
直入郡 Naoiri district Yamaga
Fudo Iwa 不動岩 Fudo Rock
Once upon a time,
the bottom of the 阿蘇の盆地 Plain of Aso was a lake.
A demon tried to fill the lake with earch and carried earth to the place, but he broke the pole of his carrier. The earth fell down and this became 上萩岳 Upper Ogidake mountain and下萩岳 Lower Ogidake mountain.
The Demon became angry and pressed against the boulder 不動岩 Fudo-Iwa but could not move it. Since that time, there are the remains of the demon's head, back and both hands on the boulder.
. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .

This formation was named in the Heian Period by a mountain ascetic who venerated Fudo Myo-O here. It has three Fudo Rocks, the front, middle and back Fudo. The highest Front Fudo, Mae Fudo 前不動 is 80 meters high and more than 100 meters in circumference.
There are three huge rocks on this hill in Yamaga city which are collectively called "Fudo Iwa" which means literally immovable rocks. These rocks are individually known as: Mae-Fudo, Naka-Fudo, and Ato-Fudo.
Mae-Fudo is the biggest one, and from here you have a great view of mountain and sunset.
There is a story about these rocks that once upon a time,
Fudo-Iwa and Hikodake (Mt. Hiko, located in Yamaga city) were step-brothers. Their mother always treated only Fudo-Iwa with affection because she gave birth to him, but treated the other Hikodake harshly.
One day,
the mother told them to try the pulling rope game with their neck. She said, I will give the family treasure of 3 balls handed down for long time to the winner. When they started the game, because he was always eating soft and tasty beans the head of Fudo-Iwa came off easily and fell into the Kubishi Pass where it remains turned into stone.
Now it is said
that the rest of the body of Fudo-Iwa is the Fudo Iwa at present. Because Hikodake was always eating hard beans, he grew so big and tough. There is a footpath around here to enjoy walking while looking at the seasonal flowers until you reach to the observatory.
. Fudoo Iwa 不動岩 Fudo Rocks - Introcuction .

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
不動明王の邪鬼退治図 Fudo driving out the Jaki
source : subarukouboushop.hamazo.tv
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #fudooni #onifudo -
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