- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Mukashibanashi -
- Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask"
Kappadokkuri, Kappa-Dokkuri -
Kanagawa : Nishikubo, Chigasaki 神奈川県は茅ヶ崎の西久保
A Tale of Oyama Kaido

Once upon a time
in the village of Nishikubo, Chigasaki in Kanagawa prefecture, there lived a grandpa called
Gorobei 五郎兵衛 with his horse. The horse leader 馬方 Gorobei liked to drink sake quite a lot and the horse and his sake flask were the most precious things in his live.
One evening in summer, after his work was finished, he went down to the river to wash his horse. But a Kappa came up and began to bite into his horse, trying to pull it into the deep water. When Gorobei saw his horse slowly disappearing in the water, he called out loud for the other villagers to help.

They fought the Kappa, freed the horse and bound the Kappa to a tree.
The Kappa pleaded:
"I have a wife and children in the river. Please, do not kill me, please, please!"
Gorobei was a kind-hearted man and so they let the Kappa go back to the river.
That evening, when Gorobei was back home, the Kappa came to his door with a sake flask. It was one of a kind, you could drink and drink and it would never get empty. If it felt empty, all you had to do was hit the bottom of the flask three times and it would fill up again in no time.

Gorobei was very happy with this new sake flask. He did not go back to work and spent day and night drinking, drinking, drinking his beloved rice wine. He even forgot to feed his horse and became quite a lazy fellow.
One day when he was lying down drunk at his doorstep, he saw the pour horse, which had lost all its weight and energy. He felt a great remorse and reconsidered his drinking habit. Then he hit the bottom of his magic tokkuri three times and promised, never to have a drop come out of it again, never to drink sake again.
This was just in time to prevent him from becoming really dependent on his drinking. Now he was cured of his addiction and became the brave horse leader he was before.
And the magic tokkuri is still in the possesion of a home in Nishikubo.
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com
- - - Listen to the story :
- source : minwa.fujipan.co.jp

Ando Hiroshige
. umakata 馬方 owner of pack horses .
- - - - - Kappadokkuri - - - - - かっぱどっくり
(河童のキャラクター、ロゴのデザイン)Design of Kappa logo and characters
Kappa on his rocket tokkuri flying over Chigasaki
どっくりのロケットにのった カッパ

Kappa to paint in the four seasons 塗り絵用
More Kappa goods from Chigasaki
- source : sasakick77.com/kappa-dokuri
Brewing doburoku sake with rice
from the Shonan area, Kanagawa, Chigasaki
Inspired by the local legend about the Kappa Tokkuri.
Kumazawa 熊澤酒造株式会社

- source : sake-commu.cocolog-nifty.com
伝説 河童徳利 発祥の地 Origin of the Kappadokkuri legend
神奈川県高座郡寒川町大曲4丁目 Samukawa
この“大曲橋”は 寒川町の東端, 茅ヶ崎市との境界にあり, かつては“間門橋”Makado Bridge と呼ばれ, 周辺には 以下のような「カッパ徳利伝説」が残されている。
この伝説の時代は, 鎌倉時代のこととも, また 江戸時代のこととも言われる。
The legend of the Kappadokkuri dates back, maybe to the Kamakura period, maybe to the Edo period.

- source : hamadayori.com/hass-col
. Sake flask (tokkuri 徳利) .
- Introduction -
Kayoi-Tokkuri, kayoidokkuri 通い徳利
Binboo Tokkuri, binbodokkuri 貧乏徳利 Bimbodokkuri, for the poor
binboodaru 貧乏樽 bimbodaru, Tokkuri for the poor
Tokkuri 徳利 in the form of Kappa and his wife are quite popular.
CLICK the images for more samples !

source : shin1917russ
天草吉利志丹 - Museum of Tokkuri
Kappa sitting in a cup in his sake bath . . .
カッパぐい呑み・徳利セット Kappa guinomi and tokkuri

source : rakuraku.noblog.net/blog

. . . CLICK here for many more Photos !

Kappa getting drunk at the Gion Festival 2016.
- source : kizakura 黄桜酒場 -

. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatokkuri #kappadokkuri #kappasake -
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