- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Art Motives -
- . ema 絵馬 votive tablets . -
CLICK for more samples !
. . Tanuki and Kappa 狸 と 河童 .
Jozankei 定山渓河童絵馬 votive tablet
. Jozankei Hot Spring, Hokkaido 定山渓 北海道 .
. ema 絵馬 votive tablets and prayer boards .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- #ema #votivetablet -
- - - A project of the Darumapedia - - -
Japanese Anthropology - - -
Kappa - Yokai - The Monsters of Japan
Oni - The Demons of Japan - Onipedia
Tengu - The Tengupedia
Gabi Greve - Daruma Museum - Japan
Tono Monogatari
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Tono Monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono, Iwate -
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Iwate .
- Introduction -
Gosenzosama o kappa ni shitara: Yanagita Kunio to "Tono monogatari"
by Juzo Suzuki / ISBN-10: 4773301740
The mascot of Tono -
Karin-chan and his pink wife Kururin-chan
カリンちゃん & くるりんちゃん
. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
(July 31, 1875 - August 8, 1962)
a Japanese scholar who is often known as the father of Japanese native folkloristics,
or minzokugaku 民俗学.
Bon sugi medochi dan 盆過ぎメドチ談
After the Bon Festivities: Tales of Medochi [Kappa]
Yanagita Kunio
. Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa of Iwate .
- quote
Kappa are also known for raping women.
In his Tōno Monogatari, Kunio Yanagita records a number of beliefs from the Tōno area about women being accosted and even impregnated by kappa. Their offspring were said to be repulsive to behold, and were generally buried.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote Japan Times -
- - - - - On the hunt for Tono’s mythical water trolls
by Louise George Kittaka
While they are found throughout Japan, the kappa’s hometown is widely considered to be Tono, a provincial city in Iwate Prefecture. The kappa is a popular motif throughout the area, but upon arrival it is soon apparent to visitors that Tono kappa fall into two distinct camps: the traditional creatures with their creepy countenances, and modern manga-esque kappa who look like they would much rather hug children than eat them.
Tono’s two official mascots fall under the latter category.
Karin is a green male usually seen clutching a bellflower — Tono’s official flower.
His wife, Kururin (yes, they are a couple), is pink.
The Tono Tourism Association, located just outside the town’s only train station, is a handy place to pick up maps and coupons for local attractions, as well as the obligatory Karin and Kururin souvenir goods.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security, however: Images of the true kappa — those who haven’t sold out to the human world — lurk nearby. A malevolent-looking trio loiters in a pond in front of the station, while a lone kappa stares ominously off into the distance from the roof of the station building.
“Traditional kappa can’t be called ‘cute’ — they’re rather scary,” confirms Miku Kobune, a staffer at the tourism association. “Back in the old days, busy parents often had more work and more children than they could handle. Telling small children about the kappa was a useful way to prevent the kids from going off to the water by themselves, thus keeping them safe.”
Further back in time, some historians believe that the ancient practice of floating the bodies of stillborn or deformed infants down the river first gave rise to the kappa legend. Although the word is generally not written in kanji these days, the characters for kappa, 河童, mean “river child.”
Tono’s undisputed expert on kappa is Haruo Unman, better known as Kappa Ojisan (Uncle Kappa). Unman serves as a sort of goodwill ambassador for the creatures. He is actually the second person to hold the title, inheriting it 10 years ago from the original Kappa Ojisan, Yokichi Abe. Local legend has it that Abe, who passed away in 2006, met a real kappa in his youth.
Unman continues the tradition of his predecessor and can usually be found at Kappabuchi, a small pool adjacent to the Jokenji Temple, a few kilometers from the city center. He offers visitors fishing poles with cucumbers so they can attempt to catch a kappa themselves. (Small children who lack the strength to deal with an adult kappa can use green pepper for bait, which apparently attracts younger kappa.)
Standing on the banks of the pool in this tranquil spot, surrounded by farmland, it isn’t difficult to imagine that some kappa might be lingering just below the surface, laughing at the countenances of the humans peering hopefully into the pool from above. Next to the pool is a small shrine dedicated to the creatures.
Jokenkji Temple also has a special connection with kappa fans, explains Unman. “One time, the temple was on fire and one of the local kappa hurried over and put out the fire with the water from his head,” he says. “As you can see, kappa have their good side, too.”
The grateful locals erected a statue of a kappa-komainu. Komainu, also called “lion dogs,” can be seen standing guard at the entrance to shrines all over Japan. But the Jokenji kappa-komainu is unique due to the kappa-like indentation on its head.
So what makes Tono the undisputed ancestral home of these Japanese river trolls? Unman says that Tono has a rich heritage of folk tales about mysterious creatures and eerie encounters between humans and the spirit world.
“These were passed down by word of mouth through the generations, but then a writer called Kunio Yanagita started collecting them,” Unman explains. “He included many of them in his book, ‘Tono Monogatari’ (‘The Story of Tono’), which was published just over a century ago.”
Yanagita, the foremost folklorist of his time, helped to bring national attention to Tono’s trove of mythical creatures, and among these it was the kappa that somehow became the main symbol of the area.
When Unman isn’t answering questions about kappa or genially posing for camera-toting tourists at Kappabuchi, he works at nearby Denshoen Park, a small museum with some traditional buildings and examples of local crafts and cuisine.
To access the Kappabuchi pool and Jokenji Shrine, you can park free of charge at Denshoen and then take a short walk through picturesque pastures to the other attractions.
Not too far from Denshoen is the beautiful Fukusenji Temple, which is well worth a look. It houses a 17-meter-high statue of the Fukutoku Kannon deity.
The grounds are especially stunning in the spring when the cherry trees blossom, and during the fall foliage season. Some walking is required but you will be rewarded with wonderful views of the surrounding countryside, and, yes, there are more kappa to be found here, hanging out in the pond in the temple grounds.
No visit to Tono would be complete without stopping at the Tono Folklore Village (Tono Furusato no Mura). Although a little tricky to get to, it boasts a well-preserved collection of traditional buildings set up like a farming village, many of them housing artisans and craftspeople who are happy to explain their skills if you can understand Japanese.
Some of the best examples of traditional magariya (L-shaped farmhouses) can be found here. Because horses were once indispensable to local agriculture, houses and barns were joined together in an L-shape, with people and animals living in the same building.
- source : Japan Times
. - Kappabuchi, Kappa-buchi 河童淵 / カッパ淵 / 河童が渕
"Kappa pool", Kappa riverside - .
saru hiki koma 猿曳駒 monkey (kappa) leading a horse
which is in fact a kappa leading the horse in the Tono Monogatari
from Tono Hayachine Jinja 遠野早池峰神社
- source : dostoev.exblog.jp
. - Animals and Kappa - .
The Legends of Tono - to read online
(Kappa is mentioned in five stories : 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59)
source : books.google.co.jp
Tale 56
A child looking something like a kappa was born into a certain family in Kamigo village. There was no definite proof that it was a Kappa's child, but it had bright red skin and a large mouth. It was indeed a disgusting child. Loathing the child and wanting to get rid of it, someone took it to a fork in the road and sat it down. After having walked away only a short distance, he realized that he could make money by showing it. He went back, but it was already hiding and nowhere to be seen.
Tale 57
It's not unusual to see the footprints of kappa in the sand along the bank of a river.
This is especially true on the day after it rains. A kappa's foot, just like that of a monkey, has a large toe separated off. It is like the handprint of a human being. This print is less that eight centimeters in length. It is said that the tip of a kappa's toe does not leave the distinct mark that a human toe does.
Tale 58
. . . Near Obako . . . . A kappa appeared and tried to pull the horse deeper into the water.
Tale 61
. 鹿の夢 The Dream of the Deer .
hakuroku 白鹿 white deer, white stag
遠野不思議 第二百二話 「太郎カッパ」 Taro Kappa
「河童池」/ 「姥子淵」
source : dostoev.exblog.jp
- 菊池照雄著「山深き遠野の里の物語せよ」
- 若宮神社は、俗に「有富のカッパさん」
- 日本三大河童地帯 Three great Kappa regions of Japan
source : dostoev.exblog.jp
source : shigeaki0430
Wooden statue at Tono Furusato Mura 遠野ふるさと村
5-89-1 Kamitsukimoushi, Tsukimoushi-cho
This is a facility where a traditional farming village has been reconstructed, which is sure to arouse a sense of nostalgia in many a Japanese mind, and to offer a novel experience for visitors from around the world. Many of the buildings are designated as national tangible cultural properties.
The facility is often used as a shooting location for TV dramas and movies. You can try over 20 activities, such as farming and making straw or bamboo crafts.
At the restaurant, you can enjoy various traditional dishes of Tono, such as hittsumi, kanenari, and keiran, as well as jingisukan. In winter, you can try dobekko ( home-brew sake ) , and watch a kagura (shinto dance) performance.
- source : www.japan-iwate.info
「カッパ」に「ザシキワラシ」など民話を集めた 100 years of Tono Monogatari
- source : woman.excite.co.jp
source : facebook
河童のかっぱ巻き - A real Kappamaki sushi from Tono !
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. - monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru and Kappa 河童 - .
. - Regional Mascots マスコットand Characters キャラクター - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatono #Tonomonogatari -
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Tono Monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono, Iwate -
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Iwate .
- Introduction -
Gosenzosama o kappa ni shitara: Yanagita Kunio to "Tono monogatari"
by Juzo Suzuki / ISBN-10: 4773301740
The mascot of Tono -
Karin-chan and his pink wife Kururin-chan
カリンちゃん & くるりんちゃん
. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
(July 31, 1875 - August 8, 1962)
a Japanese scholar who is often known as the father of Japanese native folkloristics,
or minzokugaku 民俗学.
Bon sugi medochi dan 盆過ぎメドチ談
After the Bon Festivities: Tales of Medochi [Kappa]
Yanagita Kunio
. Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa of Iwate .
- quote
Kappa are also known for raping women.
In his Tōno Monogatari, Kunio Yanagita records a number of beliefs from the Tōno area about women being accosted and even impregnated by kappa. Their offspring were said to be repulsive to behold, and were generally buried.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote Japan Times -
- - - - - On the hunt for Tono’s mythical water trolls
by Louise George Kittaka
While they are found throughout Japan, the kappa’s hometown is widely considered to be Tono, a provincial city in Iwate Prefecture. The kappa is a popular motif throughout the area, but upon arrival it is soon apparent to visitors that Tono kappa fall into two distinct camps: the traditional creatures with their creepy countenances, and modern manga-esque kappa who look like they would much rather hug children than eat them.
Tono’s two official mascots fall under the latter category.
Karin is a green male usually seen clutching a bellflower — Tono’s official flower.
His wife, Kururin (yes, they are a couple), is pink.
The Tono Tourism Association, located just outside the town’s only train station, is a handy place to pick up maps and coupons for local attractions, as well as the obligatory Karin and Kururin souvenir goods.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security, however: Images of the true kappa — those who haven’t sold out to the human world — lurk nearby. A malevolent-looking trio loiters in a pond in front of the station, while a lone kappa stares ominously off into the distance from the roof of the station building.
“Traditional kappa can’t be called ‘cute’ — they’re rather scary,” confirms Miku Kobune, a staffer at the tourism association. “Back in the old days, busy parents often had more work and more children than they could handle. Telling small children about the kappa was a useful way to prevent the kids from going off to the water by themselves, thus keeping them safe.”
Further back in time, some historians believe that the ancient practice of floating the bodies of stillborn or deformed infants down the river first gave rise to the kappa legend. Although the word is generally not written in kanji these days, the characters for kappa, 河童, mean “river child.”
Tono’s undisputed expert on kappa is Haruo Unman, better known as Kappa Ojisan (Uncle Kappa). Unman serves as a sort of goodwill ambassador for the creatures. He is actually the second person to hold the title, inheriting it 10 years ago from the original Kappa Ojisan, Yokichi Abe. Local legend has it that Abe, who passed away in 2006, met a real kappa in his youth.
Unman continues the tradition of his predecessor and can usually be found at Kappabuchi, a small pool adjacent to the Jokenji Temple, a few kilometers from the city center. He offers visitors fishing poles with cucumbers so they can attempt to catch a kappa themselves. (Small children who lack the strength to deal with an adult kappa can use green pepper for bait, which apparently attracts younger kappa.)
Standing on the banks of the pool in this tranquil spot, surrounded by farmland, it isn’t difficult to imagine that some kappa might be lingering just below the surface, laughing at the countenances of the humans peering hopefully into the pool from above. Next to the pool is a small shrine dedicated to the creatures.
Jokenkji Temple also has a special connection with kappa fans, explains Unman. “One time, the temple was on fire and one of the local kappa hurried over and put out the fire with the water from his head,” he says. “As you can see, kappa have their good side, too.”
The grateful locals erected a statue of a kappa-komainu. Komainu, also called “lion dogs,” can be seen standing guard at the entrance to shrines all over Japan. But the Jokenji kappa-komainu is unique due to the kappa-like indentation on its head.
So what makes Tono the undisputed ancestral home of these Japanese river trolls? Unman says that Tono has a rich heritage of folk tales about mysterious creatures and eerie encounters between humans and the spirit world.
“These were passed down by word of mouth through the generations, but then a writer called Kunio Yanagita started collecting them,” Unman explains. “He included many of them in his book, ‘Tono Monogatari’ (‘The Story of Tono’), which was published just over a century ago.”
Yanagita, the foremost folklorist of his time, helped to bring national attention to Tono’s trove of mythical creatures, and among these it was the kappa that somehow became the main symbol of the area.
When Unman isn’t answering questions about kappa or genially posing for camera-toting tourists at Kappabuchi, he works at nearby Denshoen Park, a small museum with some traditional buildings and examples of local crafts and cuisine.
To access the Kappabuchi pool and Jokenji Shrine, you can park free of charge at Denshoen and then take a short walk through picturesque pastures to the other attractions.
Not too far from Denshoen is the beautiful Fukusenji Temple, which is well worth a look. It houses a 17-meter-high statue of the Fukutoku Kannon deity.
The grounds are especially stunning in the spring when the cherry trees blossom, and during the fall foliage season. Some walking is required but you will be rewarded with wonderful views of the surrounding countryside, and, yes, there are more kappa to be found here, hanging out in the pond in the temple grounds.
No visit to Tono would be complete without stopping at the Tono Folklore Village (Tono Furusato no Mura). Although a little tricky to get to, it boasts a well-preserved collection of traditional buildings set up like a farming village, many of them housing artisans and craftspeople who are happy to explain their skills if you can understand Japanese.
Some of the best examples of traditional magariya (L-shaped farmhouses) can be found here. Because horses were once indispensable to local agriculture, houses and barns were joined together in an L-shape, with people and animals living in the same building.
- source : Japan Times
. - Kappabuchi, Kappa-buchi 河童淵 / カッパ淵 / 河童が渕
"Kappa pool", Kappa riverside - .
saru hiki koma 猿曳駒 monkey (kappa) leading a horse
which is in fact a kappa leading the horse in the Tono Monogatari
from Tono Hayachine Jinja 遠野早池峰神社
- source : dostoev.exblog.jp
. - Animals and Kappa - .
The Legends of Tono - to read online
(Kappa is mentioned in five stories : 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59)
source : books.google.co.jp
Tale 56
A child looking something like a kappa was born into a certain family in Kamigo village. There was no definite proof that it was a Kappa's child, but it had bright red skin and a large mouth. It was indeed a disgusting child. Loathing the child and wanting to get rid of it, someone took it to a fork in the road and sat it down. After having walked away only a short distance, he realized that he could make money by showing it. He went back, but it was already hiding and nowhere to be seen.
Tale 57
It's not unusual to see the footprints of kappa in the sand along the bank of a river.
This is especially true on the day after it rains. A kappa's foot, just like that of a monkey, has a large toe separated off. It is like the handprint of a human being. This print is less that eight centimeters in length. It is said that the tip of a kappa's toe does not leave the distinct mark that a human toe does.
Tale 58
. . . Near Obako . . . . A kappa appeared and tried to pull the horse deeper into the water.
Tale 61
. 鹿の夢 The Dream of the Deer .
hakuroku 白鹿 white deer, white stag
遠野不思議 第二百二話 「太郎カッパ」 Taro Kappa
「河童池」/ 「姥子淵」
source : dostoev.exblog.jp
- 菊池照雄著「山深き遠野の里の物語せよ」
- 若宮神社は、俗に「有富のカッパさん」
- 日本三大河童地帯 Three great Kappa regions of Japan
source : dostoev.exblog.jp
source : shigeaki0430
Wooden statue at Tono Furusato Mura 遠野ふるさと村
5-89-1 Kamitsukimoushi, Tsukimoushi-cho
This is a facility where a traditional farming village has been reconstructed, which is sure to arouse a sense of nostalgia in many a Japanese mind, and to offer a novel experience for visitors from around the world. Many of the buildings are designated as national tangible cultural properties.
The facility is often used as a shooting location for TV dramas and movies. You can try over 20 activities, such as farming and making straw or bamboo crafts.
At the restaurant, you can enjoy various traditional dishes of Tono, such as hittsumi, kanenari, and keiran, as well as jingisukan. In winter, you can try dobekko ( home-brew sake ) , and watch a kagura (shinto dance) performance.
- source : www.japan-iwate.info
「カッパ」に「ザシキワラシ」など民話を集めた 100 years of Tono Monogatari
- source : woman.excite.co.jp
source : facebook
河童のかっぱ巻き - A real Kappamaki sushi from Tono !
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. - monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru and Kappa 河童 - .
. - Regional Mascots マスコットand Characters キャラクター - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatono #Tonomonogatari -
Tajimi Gifu
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Tajimi 多治見 -
- quote
Tajimi (多治見市 Tajimi-shi) is a city located in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The city was founded on August 1, 1940.
Tajimi is located in the Tono region of Gifu Prefecture, on the Toki River. Tajimi is well known for ceramics, especially Oribe and Seto styles.
- source : wikipedia
. Tajimi Jones, a friend on facebook .
She lives in Tajimi and shares a lot of the Kappa and other lore of the region.
Look at her Jizo Bosatsu, Kannon Bosatsu, Fudo Myo-O and more.
According to Tajimi Jones, kappa are big sumo fans! Both as spectators and as participants.
. Sumo 相撲 Sumo wrestling and Kappa .
. Kappa at the Ceramic Art Museum, Mino, Gifu .
Tajimi is kappa country.
They are everywhere you might expect and just as many places as you would not expect;
such as, peering at you from behind a jar at a local bus stop.
Thank you, Tajimi Jones!
In Tajimi,Kappa are never feared but instead are regarded as celebrated members of the community - honored, revered, and loved.
Here are "Kappa Papa" and "Kappa Mama" plus the latest additions to their family, at the train station in Tajimi-shi.
Papa and Mama Kappa with the kids
They are everywhere you turn and Unagappa is our town mascot.
Here is Unagappa in a small neighborhood park in the "Old Town" part of Tajimi and Unagappa and some friends (vases) in another building in the neighborhood.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . CLICK here for more Photos of the mascot !
- Homepage of the town -
- www.unagappa.com - うながっぱ -
Unagappa Goods - great selection !
うながっぱスポーツタオル towel
カラビナキーホルダー / 二つ折りメモ / ポストカード / シャープペン / Tシャツ / アルファベットステッカー / うながっぱ巾着袋 / うながっぱ手ぬぐい tenugui / うながっぱ湯呑 tea cup / うながっぱエコバック and so many more
- source : www.tajimi-pr.jp/unagappa
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. - Regional Mascots マスコットand Characters キャラクター - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatajimi -
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Tajimi 多治見 -
- quote
Tajimi (多治見市 Tajimi-shi) is a city located in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The city was founded on August 1, 1940.
Tajimi is located in the Tono region of Gifu Prefecture, on the Toki River. Tajimi is well known for ceramics, especially Oribe and Seto styles.
- source : wikipedia
. Tajimi Jones, a friend on facebook .
She lives in Tajimi and shares a lot of the Kappa and other lore of the region.
Look at her Jizo Bosatsu, Kannon Bosatsu, Fudo Myo-O and more.
According to Tajimi Jones, kappa are big sumo fans! Both as spectators and as participants.
. Sumo 相撲 Sumo wrestling and Kappa .
. Kappa at the Ceramic Art Museum, Mino, Gifu .
Tajimi is kappa country.
They are everywhere you might expect and just as many places as you would not expect;
such as, peering at you from behind a jar at a local bus stop.
Thank you, Tajimi Jones!
In Tajimi,Kappa are never feared but instead are regarded as celebrated members of the community - honored, revered, and loved.
Here are "Kappa Papa" and "Kappa Mama" plus the latest additions to their family, at the train station in Tajimi-shi.
Papa and Mama Kappa with the kids
They are everywhere you turn and Unagappa is our town mascot.
Here is Unagappa in a small neighborhood park in the "Old Town" part of Tajimi and Unagappa and some friends (vases) in another building in the neighborhood.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . CLICK here for more Photos of the mascot !
- Homepage of the town -
- www.unagappa.com - うながっぱ -
Unagappa Goods - great selection !
うながっぱスポーツタオル towel
カラビナキーホルダー / 二つ折りメモ / ポストカード / シャープペン / Tシャツ / アルファベットステッカー / うながっぱ巾着袋 / うながっぱ手ぬぐい tenugui / うながっぱ湯呑 tea cup / うながっぱエコバック and so many more
- source : www.tajimi-pr.jp/unagappa
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. - Regional Mascots マスコットand Characters キャラクター - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappatajimi -
Manga with Kappa
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Manga まんが / 漫画
- Movie 河童映画 eiga -
Arakwa Under The Bridge 荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ
THE MOVIE - 2011
Iizuka Ken 飯塚健 (1979 - )
Coo, Summer Days with Coo
河童のクゥと夏休み Kappa no Kū to Natsuyasumi
lit. "Summer Vacation with Coo the Kappa"
2007 Japanese animated film Studio Ghibli
- source : wikipedia
Kappa 河童(かっぱ)
- source : ねこぬこねこぬこ
Edo Superstar - 河童 - かえr・・かっぱです
「エドスーパースター」 Ukiyo-e Heroes
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai
Death Kappa (2010)
Haraguchi Tomo-O, Tomoo 原口智生 Tomo-o Haraguchi
(1960 - )
- quote
. . . a movie about a giant killer Kappa.
What this film tries to do is to re imagine the humble Kappa as a kaiju (a giant monster, in the vein of Godzilla).
- source : totaljapandemonium.wordpress.com
CometDebris Designer Con
Glitter Kappa Shonen, Gold Glitter Ace Robo, Purple Kappa Kid, and more
- source : ww.theblotsays.com
source : facebook
長い話 - A Long Story - by Yumiko Kayukawa
Hana sake Kappa kun 花さけ!パッカ~ん Kappa let the blossoms flower !
NHK 花さけ!パッカ~ん♪ はなかっぱ NHK Hana Kappa
source : mediafactory.jp
Kappa no kaikata カッパの飼い方 How to breed Kappas
a comedy manga series written and illustrated by Yūgo Ishikawa which was adapted into a 26-episode anime series, broadcast by Animax in 2005.
- - - - - Story
A young man named Watashi, upon passing by a pet shop on his way home, happens upon a water Kappa in the window, which he buys, names Kaatan, and is determined to raise as a pet. Never having owned a kappa before, he relies on a book that specializes in information on how to raise and train kappa. However, Kaatan is harder to train than it immediately seems, and a lot of patience is exerted by Watashi in his effort.
- source : wikipedia
How to raise a Kappa
- source : totaljapandemonium.wordpress.com
Kappa Tengoku かっぱ天国 Kappa in Paradise
清水崑 Simizu Kon
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai
Kattaro かっ太郎
CLICK for more photos !
. Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし .
- - - - - Once Upon a Time in Japan - - - - -
Neetori - NEETori will eat your children.
Onna No Kappa UNDERWATER LOVE -おんなの河童-
(soft-porno movie, 2011)
Imaoka Shinji 今岡信治 (1965 - )
with 青木哲也(河童)
Cast: Sawa Masaki, Fumio Moriya, Yoshiro Umezawa, Ai Narita,
川口明日香:正木佐和 / 梅澤嘉朗 Umezawa Yoshiro 梅澤嘉朗 Umezawa Yoshiro playing the Kappa
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
ukiyo kappa
- soccer player turned kappa Nakamura
wani kani kappa by Kim Roberts
source : www.tofugu.com
yookai wotchi, Yōkai Wotchi 妖怪ウォッチ - Yo-Kai Watch
trademarked in Japan invariably as Youkai Watch and Yokai Watch) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Level-5.
source : wikipedia
CLICK for more samples !
- quote
“Yōkai Watch”: Japan’s Netherworld Hit Poised to Go Overseas
Since its release in July 2013, the video game Yōkai Watch has rapidly risen to megahit status in Japan. The game’s characters now star in their own animated program, as well as adorning everything from snack packages to trains. Level-5, the company that produces the game, has taken great care in engineering its blockbuster for surefire success, borrowing winning ideas from a number of other franchises. The breakout popularity of the game has prompted daring comparisons to Japanese superstar Pokémon, with some even saying it has the potential to surpass its predecessor.
- source : www.nippon.com
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Introduction - .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. - Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし
- - - - - Once Upon a Time in Japan - - - - - .
. - kappa ehon 河童絵本 picture books for children - .
- Introduction -
. - Manga with Dragons - .
- Introduction -
- quote -
8 Videogame Characters Based On Japanese Folklore
1. Kapp’n (Animal Crossing)
You might recognize Kapp’n as the green sea turtle who ferries villagers to Tortimer Island in the Animal Crossing games. But did you know that he’s not actually meant to be a turtle at all but a water spirit called a kappa?
Kappas are mischievous spirits said to haunt rivers, ponds and lakes. They were often blamed for drowning horses and in some cases children, so to appease them individuals would throw cucumbers (the kappa’s favorite food) into water prior to bathing or swimming. This would allow them to swim unmolested.
The depiction of the kappa as malevolent has somewhat softened over time. It has instead given way to a more lighthearted representation—one that doesn’t involve murder or drowning. It’s this 20th century reinterpretation of the kappa that inspired the character of Kapp’n in the Animal Crossing games. Similarities between Kapp’n and the kappa include their appearance, their name (in the Japanese version of the game at least) and their mutual love of cucumbers.
2. Whomp (Super Mario 64)
3. Lickitung (Pokemon)
4. Gashadokuro (Yokai Watch 2)
5. Quelaag (Dark Souls)
6. Amaterasu (Okami)
7. Amanojaku (Shin Megami Tensai) - Amanjaku
8. ??? (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask)
- source : pastemagazine.com/articles -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappamanga #kappamovie #manga-
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Manga まんが / 漫画
- Movie 河童映画 eiga -
Arakwa Under The Bridge 荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ
THE MOVIE - 2011
Iizuka Ken 飯塚健 (1979 - )
Coo, Summer Days with Coo
河童のクゥと夏休み Kappa no Kū to Natsuyasumi
lit. "Summer Vacation with Coo the Kappa"
2007 Japanese animated film Studio Ghibli
- source : wikipedia
Kappa 河童(かっぱ)
- source : ねこぬこねこぬこ
Edo Superstar - 河童 - かえr・・かっぱです
「エドスーパースター」 Ukiyo-e Heroes
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai
Death Kappa (2010)
Haraguchi Tomo-O, Tomoo 原口智生 Tomo-o Haraguchi
(1960 - )
- quote
. . . a movie about a giant killer Kappa.
What this film tries to do is to re imagine the humble Kappa as a kaiju (a giant monster, in the vein of Godzilla).
- source : totaljapandemonium.wordpress.com
CometDebris Designer Con
Glitter Kappa Shonen, Gold Glitter Ace Robo, Purple Kappa Kid, and more
- source : ww.theblotsays.com
source : facebook
長い話 - A Long Story - by Yumiko Kayukawa
Hana sake Kappa kun 花さけ!パッカ~ん Kappa let the blossoms flower !
NHK 花さけ!パッカ~ん♪ はなかっぱ NHK Hana Kappa
source : mediafactory.jp
Kappa no kaikata カッパの飼い方 How to breed Kappas
a comedy manga series written and illustrated by Yūgo Ishikawa which was adapted into a 26-episode anime series, broadcast by Animax in 2005.
- - - - - Story
A young man named Watashi, upon passing by a pet shop on his way home, happens upon a water Kappa in the window, which he buys, names Kaatan, and is determined to raise as a pet. Never having owned a kappa before, he relies on a book that specializes in information on how to raise and train kappa. However, Kaatan is harder to train than it immediately seems, and a lot of patience is exerted by Watashi in his effort.
- source : wikipedia
How to raise a Kappa
- source : totaljapandemonium.wordpress.com
Kappa Tengoku かっぱ天国 Kappa in Paradise
清水崑 Simizu Kon
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai
Kattaro かっ太郎
CLICK for more photos !
. Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし .
- - - - - Once Upon a Time in Japan - - - - -
Neetori - NEETori will eat your children.
Onna No Kappa UNDERWATER LOVE -おんなの河童-
(soft-porno movie, 2011)
Imaoka Shinji 今岡信治 (1965 - )
with 青木哲也(河童)
Cast: Sawa Masaki, Fumio Moriya, Yoshiro Umezawa, Ai Narita,
川口明日香:正木佐和 / 梅澤嘉朗 Umezawa Yoshiro 梅澤嘉朗 Umezawa Yoshiro playing the Kappa
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
ukiyo kappa
- soccer player turned kappa Nakamura
wani kani kappa by Kim Roberts
source : www.tofugu.com
yookai wotchi, Yōkai Wotchi 妖怪ウォッチ - Yo-Kai Watch
trademarked in Japan invariably as Youkai Watch and Yokai Watch) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Level-5.
source : wikipedia
CLICK for more samples !
- quote
“Yōkai Watch”: Japan’s Netherworld Hit Poised to Go Overseas
Since its release in July 2013, the video game Yōkai Watch has rapidly risen to megahit status in Japan. The game’s characters now star in their own animated program, as well as adorning everything from snack packages to trains. Level-5, the company that produces the game, has taken great care in engineering its blockbuster for surefire success, borrowing winning ideas from a number of other franchises. The breakout popularity of the game has prompted daring comparisons to Japanese superstar Pokémon, with some even saying it has the potential to surpass its predecessor.
- source : www.nippon.com
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Introduction - .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -
. - Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし
- - - - - Once Upon a Time in Japan - - - - - .
. - kappa ehon 河童絵本 picture books for children - .
- Introduction -
. - Manga with Dragons - .
- Introduction -
- quote -
8 Videogame Characters Based On Japanese Folklore
1. Kapp’n (Animal Crossing)
You might recognize Kapp’n as the green sea turtle who ferries villagers to Tortimer Island in the Animal Crossing games. But did you know that he’s not actually meant to be a turtle at all but a water spirit called a kappa?
Kappas are mischievous spirits said to haunt rivers, ponds and lakes. They were often blamed for drowning horses and in some cases children, so to appease them individuals would throw cucumbers (the kappa’s favorite food) into water prior to bathing or swimming. This would allow them to swim unmolested.
The depiction of the kappa as malevolent has somewhat softened over time. It has instead given way to a more lighthearted representation—one that doesn’t involve murder or drowning. It’s this 20th century reinterpretation of the kappa that inspired the character of Kapp’n in the Animal Crossing games. Similarities between Kapp’n and the kappa include their appearance, their name (in the Japanese version of the game at least) and their mutual love of cucumbers.
2. Whomp (Super Mario 64)
3. Lickitung (Pokemon)
4. Gashadokuro (Yokai Watch 2)
5. Quelaag (Dark Souls)
6. Amaterasu (Okami)
7. Amanojaku (Shin Megami Tensai) - Amanjaku
8. ??? (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask)
- source : pastemagazine.com/articles -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappamanga #kappamovie #manga-
Food with Kappa
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Food and Drink with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 -
The favorite food of a Kappa is
. - kyuuri キュウリ Kyuri, cucumber, Gurken - .
Kappa senbei Kappa Senbei 河童せんべい rice crackers
Kappa birthday cake
amezaiku 飴細工 artistic sweets
source : あめ細工吉原 Amezaiku Yoshihara
bentoo 河童弁当 Kappa Bento lunchbox
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
beer 河童 ビール kappa biiru - Bier
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kappa ebisen (かっぱえびせん) (Kappa Ebi Senbei)
is a Japanese snack food produced by Calbee of Japan. It is a crunchy, shrimp-flavored snack resembling french fries that is very popular in Japan. The version produced by Calbee America is called Shrimp Flavored Chips.
The primary ingredients of Kappa Ebisen are wheat flour, vegetable oil, starch, shrimp, sugar, salt, baking powder, amino acid and sweetening.
CLICK for more food samples !
Kappa Ebisen was first sold in 1964 and has gained wide popularity among Japanese consumers as a snack food.
Kappa Ebisen come in many flavors and are sold in many countries outside of Japan.
source : wikipedia
kappamaki かっぱ巻き rolled sushi with cucumber
. - Kizakura Sake キザクラ 黄桜 酒 "Yellow Cherry Blossom" - .
河童の盗み酒 Sake that even a Kappa will steal
上閉伊酒造 / 大吟醸 Kamihei Sake brewery
. . . CLICK here for more Kappa Sake Photos !
wafer - kappadokkuri かっぱどっくり Kappa wafer as tokkuri for pouring sake
once you finish the sake ricewine, you can enjoy the sweet wafer
source : augustmoonblog.blog
. - Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask" - .
. ningyooyaki 人形焼 figure waffles .
source : tabelog.com/oita
河童太郎せんべい Kappa Taro Senbei
from Taketa, Oita, Kyushu
. . . CLICK here for more Kappa Senbei Photos !
Sake 酒 ricewine, rice wine - Reiswein
. 「河童の酒蔵」Matsuura Ichi - The Kappa sake brewery .
Saga, Kyushu 佐賀県- 松浦一酒造 - with a mummy of a kappa
. shoochuu 焼酎 Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps .
tea - cha 河童茶 / かっぱ茶 Kappa Tea - Tee
. . . . . Kappa advertising for Belgian beer . . . in Kyoto
- source : Dougill - facebook
Restaurants named Kappa Tei かっぱ亭
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Restaurants named Kappa Ya かっぱ屋
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ramen soup named Kappa 河童 ラーメン
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
- Kappa Sushi in Aichi - reference
. Shinkansen - Kappa Sushi Bullet Train .
. Kappa no sasoi-mizu 河童の誘い水 "water to invite a Kappa" .
liquor from Miyazaki, Kiyotake
Kappa no kondate 河童の献立 menu from Kappa
あっ ...
日本の民話 - Volume 48 - Page 55
. Food tray 膳椀 zenwan, O-zen お膳 .
Kappa lending trays and bowls to the villagers.
CLICK for more photos !
. WASHOKU - Kappa .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappafood #food #sweets -
- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -
- Food and Drink with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 -
The favorite food of a Kappa is
. - kyuuri キュウリ Kyuri, cucumber, Gurken - .
Kappa senbei Kappa Senbei 河童せんべい rice crackers
Kappa birthday cake
amezaiku 飴細工 artistic sweets
source : あめ細工吉原 Amezaiku Yoshihara
bentoo 河童弁当 Kappa Bento lunchbox
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
beer 河童 ビール kappa biiru - Bier
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kappa ebisen (かっぱえびせん) (Kappa Ebi Senbei)
is a Japanese snack food produced by Calbee of Japan. It is a crunchy, shrimp-flavored snack resembling french fries that is very popular in Japan. The version produced by Calbee America is called Shrimp Flavored Chips.
The primary ingredients of Kappa Ebisen are wheat flour, vegetable oil, starch, shrimp, sugar, salt, baking powder, amino acid and sweetening.
CLICK for more food samples !
Kappa Ebisen was first sold in 1964 and has gained wide popularity among Japanese consumers as a snack food.
Kappa Ebisen come in many flavors and are sold in many countries outside of Japan.
source : wikipedia
kappamaki かっぱ巻き rolled sushi with cucumber
. - Kizakura Sake キザクラ 黄桜 酒 "Yellow Cherry Blossom" - .
河童の盗み酒 Sake that even a Kappa will steal
上閉伊酒造 / 大吟醸 Kamihei Sake brewery
. . . CLICK here for more Kappa Sake Photos !
wafer - kappadokkuri かっぱどっくり Kappa wafer as tokkuri for pouring sake
once you finish the sake ricewine, you can enjoy the sweet wafer
source : augustmoonblog.blog
. - Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask" - .
. ningyooyaki 人形焼 figure waffles .
source : tabelog.com/oita
河童太郎せんべい Kappa Taro Senbei
from Taketa, Oita, Kyushu
. . . CLICK here for more Kappa Senbei Photos !
Sake 酒 ricewine, rice wine - Reiswein
. 「河童の酒蔵」Matsuura Ichi - The Kappa sake brewery .
Saga, Kyushu 佐賀県- 松浦一酒造 - with a mummy of a kappa
. shoochuu 焼酎 Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps .
tea - cha 河童茶 / かっぱ茶 Kappa Tea - Tee
. . . . . Kappa advertising for Belgian beer . . . in Kyoto
- source : Dougill - facebook
Restaurants named Kappa Tei かっぱ亭
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Restaurants named Kappa Ya かっぱ屋
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ramen soup named Kappa 河童 ラーメン
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
- Kappa Sushi in Aichi - reference
. Shinkansen - Kappa Sushi Bullet Train .
. Kappa no sasoi-mizu 河童の誘い水 "water to invite a Kappa" .
liquor from Miyazaki, Kiyotake
Kappa no kondate 河童の献立 menu from Kappa
あっ ...
日本の民話 - Volume 48 - Page 55
. Food tray 膳椀 zenwan, O-zen お膳 .
Kappa lending trays and bowls to the villagers.
CLICK for more photos !
. WASHOKU - Kappa .
- Introduction -
. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappafood #food #sweets -
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