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Dodomeki, Todomeki 百々目鬼 / 百々眼鬼

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp... doumeki . 百目鬼面
. Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県 .
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A dodomeki (百々目鬼) is a Japanese yōkai
that's depicted as human women who are cursed with having long arms covered with hundreds of bird eyes due to their habit of stealing money.
It is also called the todomeki.

- - - - - Mythology
Dodomeki were first described by the 18th century Japanese scholar Toriyama Sekien.
The long arms of a dodomeki reflects the Japanese belief that a person with long arms has a tendency to steal. The bird eyes that grows on the dodomeki's arm are a reference to the Japanese dōsen, a copper coin with a hole in the middle of it that's commonly known as the chōmoku (Birds eye).
- - - - - Legends
Conflict with Fujiwara no Hidesato
During the Heian period, a kuge (court bureaucrat) named Fujiwara no Hidesato had just defeated the rebel Taira no Masakado and been promoted as the kokushi regent of the Shimotsuke province for his victory. One day while hunting in his newly acquired territory, Hidesato encountered an old man who warned him about a yōkai who had been terrorizing a nearby horse graveyard at night. Hidesato went to the horse graveyard to investigate and waited until sundown for the yōkai to appear. Once the yŏkai arrived, it revealed itself to be a dodomeki that stood over ten foot tall and had arms covered with hundreds of glowing eyes. Hidesato drew his bow and shot an arrow at the brightest glowing eye, causing the dodomeki to flee and collapse near Mount Myōjin. When Hidesato later pursued the yōkai, the dodomeki emitted a burst of flame from its body and a fume of poisonous gas from its mouth. Outmatched, Hidesato fled from the scene and returned the next day to find the ground heavily burnt, but no sign of the dodomeki.
Meeting Priest Chitoku
Nearly 400 years later during the Muromachi period, a priest named 智徳 Chitoku was called to investigate a series of unexplained fires that broke out at the temple in a village near Mount Myōjin. He started to notice a woman covered with a robe near the temple whenever he held his sermons and discovered that she was the same dodomeki that Hidesato had fought 400 years earlier. She had come back to suck up her remaining toxic fumes and blood that she lost during her last battle with Hidesato.
The temple was built on top of the battle site, so the dodomeki caused a series of fires to scare all the priests away. However, after consistently overhearing Chitoku preaching whenever she walked by the temple, the dodomeki became enlightened and vowed to never commit any more evil deeds for the rest of her life.
- source : wikipedia -
. Fujiwara no Hidesato 藤原秀郷 .
. Taira no Masakado (平将門) .
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In Japanese folklore, a dodomeki is a large spirit that's covered with hundreds of bird eyes.
Its chief hobby is using its long arms to steal money.
- facebook source : izarre and Grotesque -
百目貫」「百目木」 / Doomeki どうめき
ーーー 兎田の百目鬼
ーーー 百穴の百目鬼
- - - 郷土玩具
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source : shigege.blog89.fc2.com/blog...
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #dodomeki #hundredeyes #todomeki -
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