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Kabasan Iwakiri Ookami 加波山石切大神 Kabasan Iwakiri Okami
Iwakiri Okami, "Great Deity of Stone Cutting"
Iwakiri Daigongen 岩切大権現


Mt. Enzan (燕山), left and Mt. Kaba (加波山), right. A view from Sakuragawa city.
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Mount Kaba (加波山 Kaba-san) is a [709 m (2,326 ft)] mountain located within the borders of Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, Japan.
Mount Kaba is located in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, bordering the cities of Sakuragawa and Ishioka, and north of Mount Tsukuba.
The mountain is granite. There are many stone quarries, in the center of the western part of Kabasan, Sakuragawa city (old town, 真壁町 Makabe). It is nationally known as a center of stone cutting.
At the summit of the mountain, there is the Haiden of Kaba Shrine; a Shinto shrine.
Makabe haiden (Satomiya) Shrine
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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加波山神社 Kabasan Jinja

- - - - - Deities in residence
伊弉冊神(伊弉冉) Izanami no Mikoto
速玉男神 Hayatama O no Mikoto (God of War)
事解男神 Kotosakano O no Mikoto (born from the words Izanagi exchanged with Izanami in Yomi no kuni, the Nether World)
- also known as
泉津事解之男 / 豫母都事解之男命 Yomotsukoto Saka no O no Kami
The area was used by Shugendo priests in a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist lore, including the Tengu, which were very much alive on this mountain.
The locals are fond of their 岩切神 "Stone Cutting Deity".
The faces of these Tengu in the Shrine are square.
- reference source : zoeji.com/01meguri/01meguri-kanto -
Iwakiri Okami was the strongest among the Tengu living there. He could split a rocky mountain range with a stomp of his foot.
At Mount Tsubamedake (燕山 Enzan) there is a sanctuary in his honor - 天狗祠.
People often bring salt as an offering and hope to get healed from diseases if they pray here.

Amulet from the Shrine

stamp from the Shrine
- Some photos from an extensive page about this mountain:
the red Tengu

三尊石 three Cut Stones

天狗七飛石 Tengu Jumping Stone

「加波根不動尊」- 寝不動 Kaba Nefudo - Fudo of Roots, Fudo lying down

- Look at more photos of the buildings and stones :
source : blog.goo.ne.jp/ruribo0209

Iwakiri Okami Tengu 岩切大神天狗
He has wings and a long nose, but is in fact a 烏天狗 Karasu Tengu.
Sometimes he sits on a kitsune 狐 fox and is shown with flames in his back halo, almost like Fudo Myo-O.
Some legends say there lived 48 Tengu at Mount Kabasan. Their leaders were Iwakiri Okami Tengu and
天中坊天狗 / 天中坊 大天狗 Tenchu-Bo Dai-Tengu
- reference : toki.moo.jp/gaten/601-650/gate607
Tengu no Niwa 天狗の庭 Garden of Tengu / 岩切大権現 Iwakiri Daigongen
- reference : haikyo.crap.jp/s -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 加波山石切大神-
加波山事件 "The Kabasan Incident"

An attempt to kill the governor of Tochigi, Mister Mishima.
In October 1884, intensifying Jiyu Minken Undo culminated in the Kabasan Incident (a failed terror attack attempt and subsequent harsh crackdown on activists of Jiyu Minken Undo in Ibaraki and Tochigi Prefectures), prompting Itagaki to dissolve the Liberal Party for the time being.
- reference source : google.co.jp -
The 加波山事件 "Kabasan Incident" of 1884 is related to the influence and spirit of this Tengu in the local thinking.
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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