Buson Yokai Emaki 蕪村妖怪絵巻 Buson Monster Scroll
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) Painter and Poet .
- Introduction -

try to shoot the skin of my belly, nyaa, nyaa
He painted this scroll while he was living in 丹後 Tango, 京都府宮津市 Kyoto, Miyazu city from 1754 - 1757.
The original did not show any colors, but a replica (like the above copy) introduced some colors to it.
A replica had been found in 1928 in 北田紫水文庫, a library.
There are 8 scrolls, each showing a Yokai with an explanation, which Buson might have encountered during his extensive travels in Japan.
The Yokai paintings are rather humorous and not so much scary, maybe reflecting Buson's history of a 俳画 Haiga painter.
The eight Yokai introduced are
榊原家の化け猫 Sakakibara family - bake-neko monster cat
林一角坊の前に現れた赤子の怪 Priest Hayashi Ikkaku and the Akago monster baby
京都帷子が辻のぬっぽり坊主 Kyoto Katabiragatsuji crossroads - Nuppori Bozu - see Shirime
遠州の夜なきばば Enshu (Shizuoka) - yonaki baba
山城の真桑瓜の化物 Yamashiro - Makura uri - melon monster
木津の西瓜の化物 Kizu - suika water melon monster
東北横手のうぶめ Tohoku, Yokote - Ubume wet nurse monster

鎌倉若八幡銀杏の化物 Kamakura Waka-Hachiman Gingko Tree Monster
化け銀杏の精(ばけいちょうのせい)/ 化け銀杏の霊(ばけいちょうのれい)
Its face, arms and legs are yellow. It wears a black robe and hits a prayer gong.
In former times, the Gingko tree was seen as unlucky. If someone planted it in his home, disaster would follow soon.
- Look at them here - ゲゲゲの蕪村妖怪絵巻
- reference source : kensyouji.main.jp/buson_youkai -
- reference : Buson monster scroll
. The Kamakura Gingko Tree - Introduction .

- quote -
Shirime 尻目 lit. "buttocks eye" - “butt eye”
is a strange yōkai with an eye in the place of his anus.
The story goes as follows:
Long ago, a samurai was walking at night down the road to Kyōto, when he heard someone calling out for him to wait. "Who's there?!" he asked nervously, only to turn around and find a man stripping off his clothes and pointing his bare buttocks at the flabbergasted traveler. A huge glittering eye then opened up where the strange man's anus should have been.
This creature was so liked by the haiku poet and artist Buson, he included it in many of his yōkai paintings.
- source : wikipedia -
京、かたびらが辻ぬっぽり坊主のばけもの。 めはなもなく、一ツの眼、尻の穴に有りて、 光ることいなづまのごとし。
“In Kyoto, at the Katabira crossroads, there is a monster called nuppori-bōzu.
It has no eyes or nose, but a single eyeball, located in its butthole, which shines like lightning.”
- further reference : shirime -
tsukumogami 付喪神 Yokai of old household items

bake-zoori 化け草履 Yokai sandals
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 .
furu-ike ni zoori shizumite mizore kana
In an old pond
a straw sandal half sunken --
wet snow!
Tr. Shiffert
Straw sandal
half sunk in an old pond
in the sleety snow.
Tr. Robert Hass
Buson was quite fond of Yokai and 付喪神 Tsukumogami.
Someone had cast away the old sandal and the sleet gave the atmosphere of loneliness,
even remembering Basho in the first line.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. tsukumogami 付喪神 - Introduction .
. Japanese Ghost Stories 怪談話 Kaidanbanashii - Introduction .
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
Buson has written some haiku about the Oni.
. Togakushi Shrine 戸隠神社 - Nagano .
oni sudaku Togakushi no fumoto soba no hana
the demon is out -
at the food of Mount Togakushi
buckwheat flowers
Tr. Gabi Greve
- quote Sean Donnan Art -
CLICK for more photos !
Buson is talking about
kijo momiji 鬼女紅葉 The Female Demon called "Momiji"
oni oite kawara no in no tsuki ni naku
Even the ogre has grown old and
At the Kawara Palace
Weeps in the moonlight.
Tr. Thomas McAuley
Kawara no In - "Riverside Villa" of the courtier Minamoto no Torn (822-895) .
- reference : "Kawara no in" -
hanami modori Tanba no oni no sudaku yo ni
hoozuki ya kiyohara no onna ga iki-utsushi
oni oo ga tsuma ni okureshi fusuma kana
oni sudaku tsuyu no yadori ya nochi no tsuki
Onitsura ya shinshu no naka no bin ni shosu
ー 鬼貫は伊丹の造り酒屋の息子さんでお金持ちだったとのこと句の意味はこれから調べてみます
takibi shite oni komoru rashi yoru no yuki
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - buson yokai emaki-

. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .
- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Reference -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #busonmonsterscroll #yosabusonyokaiemaki -
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