. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Tengudoo, tengudō 天狗道 Tengudo, the Realm of Tengu
Tengukai 天狗界
A realm outside the six realms of existence:
. Rokudoo 六道 Rokudo, Six Realms of Existence .
- Introduction -
The World of Devas or Gods
The World of Asuras, Demigods, Titans, Fighting Demons
The World of Humans
The World of Animals
The World of Hungry Ghosts
The World of Hell
This word is now also used for many things,
including manga, restaurants, gourmet groups and martial arts fighting styles.
- quote
Tengu have long been considered the main enemies of Buddhism in Japan.
Tengu are one kind of yokai which there is a direct path to becoming: a human that is so wicked, so evil, that they do not even deserve hell can become a tengu. They are reborn in Tengu-do, or the realm of tengu — a place outside of the wheel of reincarnation from which there is no escape.
Tengu never get a chance at becoming a Buddha or being reborn in a better world.
They are stuck there forever, as a yokai, forever apart from happiness and barred from enlightenment.
- source : matthewmeyer.net
During the times of retired emperor Go-Shirakawa 後白河天皇 (1127 - 1192, tengu were seen as
tenma 天魔 heavenly evil spirits
. Tenma - Maten 摩天 .
- a deity who is tempting and disturbing human beings.
天主大魔王: Sixth Heavenly Pillar Deity.
Number six in the Buddhist realm of lust, greed and desire (yokuai, yokkai 欲界 .. kāma-dhātu. Kamadhatu), the highest realm.
People who are reborn in this heaven tend to take the pleasures of others for themselves and enjoy in the happiness of others.
Since a Tenma Tengu comes from a path of Buddhism, he can not enter one of the six realms of existence.
They live in a sphere outside Buddhism, free of any restraints, pursuing their own lust and desire without fear of punishment.
. Myooe Shoonin 明恵上人 Saint Myoe (1173 - 1232) .
A friend of priest Myoe named Gedatsu once had visitors from the Tengudo realm at his humble abode, who told him about the dangers of leaving the Buddhist path and venturing into dangerous terrain outside it.
Myoe used to tell his disciples to study the right path of Buddhism diligently and never think of leaving it.
. Daisoojoo 笠置山大僧正 - Tengu Daisojo, Kasagizan .
and Gedatsu Shoonin, Shōnin 解脱上人 Saint Gedatsu Shonin
Gedatsu shōnin Jookei, Jōkei 貞慶 Jokei (1155 - 1212)

Jokei belonged to the 法相宗 Hosso sect of Buddhism.
He was also called 解脱房 Gedatsu Bo and 笠置寺上人 Kasagidera Shonin, the Saint from Temple Kasagidera.
He believed in Shaka Nyorai, Miroku Bosatsu, Kannon Bosatsu and 春日明神 Kasuga Myojin.
In 1205, he founded 海住山寺 Kaijusen-Ji and spread the belief in Kannon Bosatsu.
He tried to use the power of the Imperial Court to suppress the activities of 法然 Saint Honen.
- reference : gedatsu myoe -

- source : mondorarebo.gamerch.com -

Tenma DaiTengu 天魔大天狗
- reference - 天狗道 -
- reference - 修験道 天狗道 -
- reference - tengudo -
Tengu-do is a fictional fighting style created by Team Ninja, though when broken down it appears...
Tengu-do. Japanese restaurant offering natural blowfish...
Tengudo - Kibidango ...
Established in 1800, Ohishi-Tengudo Corporation is an old hand at the production of karuta...
TENGU-DO Fishing Sticker. ...
What Can't a Tengo do ? ...
- Not to mix with Tengudoo 天狗堂 Tengu-Do Hall
- reference - 天狗堂 -
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #tengudo #tengurealm #gedatsushonin ##jokei -
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