- yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Reference - -
- yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List -

Goyu - 36 Stations of the Yokai Road - Mizuki Shigeru
bakemono 化け物 o-bake お化け
bakemono matsuri 化物祭 monster festival
Botan Doro 牡丹灯篭 The Peony Lantern
Hyaku monogatari 百物語 One Hundred Ghost Stories
iruikon 異類婚 marriage between different kinds (humans and monsters)
- - - irui nyooboo 異類女房 wife / irui muko 異類婿 husband
kaidanbanashi 怪談話 ghost stories
kiraigoo, ki raigoo 鬼来迎 Kiraigo, welcoming the demons
kyuuketsu ki 吸血鬼 vampire, blood-sucking demon
. oni 鬼 Japanese demons .
. yooki 妖鬼 Yoki - Yokai Monster Demon .
. yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghost, Geist .
Plant, David Plant
Three Mythological Beasts you see in everyday Japan (and what the hell they mean)
The Tanuki - The Tengu - The Namazu
Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) ukiyo-e artist
- - - - - - all the above are featured here :
. Yokai 妖怪 Monsters - Introduction - .
- Introduction in the Darumapedia -

CLICK for more yokai photos !
. 江戸 Edo - 妖怪 Yokai monsters, 幽霊 Yurei ghosts .
kuchisake onna 口裂け女 slit-mouthed woman
haifuri tanuki 灰降狸 the ash-throwing Tanuki
isogashi いそがし "busy busy" Busybody
kioicho no densha 紀尾井町の電車 the train from Kioi village
kurokamikiri 黒髪切 black hair cutter
nekomusume, neko musume 猫娘 cat daughter
onimusume, oni-musume 鬼娘 demon daughter
ooki na otoko 大きな男 the huge man
tachifusagari たちふさがり twister, whirlwind
. tsukimono 憑き物 bewitched .
Being bewitched by a fox, badger, a Yokai or other ill-meaning foe was pretty common in Japan,
there are many legends and tales about it.
. kidan 鬼談 Demon stories, Yokai and Demon talk .
yasō kidan 夜窓鬼談 Yaso Kidan "Night-window demon talk" / Manga - Kidan 漫画:鬼談
Niryuu no Matsu 二龍の松 Niryu no Matsu, "Pine like two dragons"
iki, itsuki 縊鬼 / いつき / kubire-oni 縊れ鬼 / くびれ鬼 strangler demon
鬼子を産みし事 Oni-ko demon child born
Rokurokubi, Rokuro-Kubi ろくろ首 "moving head"
. Ino Mononoke Roku 稲生物怪録 The Ghost Experience of Mr. Ino . - 1749
. Shrine Yokai Jinja 妖怪神社 and Yokai Ema 妖怪絵馬 votive tablets .
. Haiku and Senryu about Yokai monsters 俳句 川柳 .
. Buson Yokai Emaki 蕪村妖怪絵巻 Buson Monster Scroll .
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) Painter and Poet .
- quote -
triptych by Kyodai
What superficially appears to be a yokai print is actually political commentary: the octopus representing the tendrils of the Western powers, with the assembled outside representing different factions in the former Shogunate and early Imperial government trying to hold them back with a “kekkai” barrier of prayer-beads.
- source : Matt Alt, facebook -
O-Bake, お化け, Literally means, "transforming thing."
Anything that is fearful or super-large or otherwise out of the normal range is called O-Bake.
Japanese Ghosts and Ghost Stories, kaidan 怪談
On Overview of them all !
. Abura-bo 油坊 Oil Priest / 油坊主 abura boozu .
Abura-sumashi 油すまし "Oil Presser", "oil wringer" from Kumamoto
. Amazake Babaa 甘酒婆 "Amazake hag" "Sweet Sake Hag" .
. Amemasu アメマス / 雨鱒 "Rain Trout" .
. Ashinaga Tenaga 足長手長 "Long Legs, Long Arms" .
. Akashita 赤舌, Akakuchi 赤口 Red Tongue, Red Mouth . *fb
. Amabie アマビエ mermaid and epidemics 2020.
. Amanojaku, Ama no Jaku, Amanjaku 天邪鬼 Heavenly Evil Spirit .
bakeneko 化け猫 the Monster Cat
. bakezoori, bakezōri 化け草履 Bake-Zori, Sandal Yokai .
. choochin obake, chōchin-obake (提灯お化け, "paper lantern ghost" .
bakechoochin, bake-choochin 化け提灯 Bake-Chochin, Monster Lantern
. Daidarabotchi ダイダラボッチ / Daidarabotcha ダイダラボッチャ / デーデッポ Deedeppo .
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
. futtachi 脛立 /フッタチ / 経立 Futtachi - old hen or monkey Yokai .
Furaribi ふらり火(ふらりび) aimless wandering flame / fire
- reference -
gaki 餓鬼 Hungry Demons, Hungry Ghosts
The Hungry Ghosts are part of the Six Realms of Existence, rokudoo 六道 of the Buddhist religion.
. Ganbari Nyūdō 加牟波理入道 Yokai God of the Toilet .
Gangi kozo 岸涯小僧 "riverbank priest boy"
They are close relatives of the much more well-known kappa.
source : yokai.com
. Gagoze ガゴゼ Yokai-Monk from Gango-Ji, Nara .
. Goizo and Goizoo-iwa ごいぞう岩 the Goizo Rock .
. gooki 豪鬼 The Yokai monster Goki . *
goryoo, onryoo 御霊、怨霊 vengeful spirits of dead humans
. guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster .
. Hahakigami ははきがみ hōkigami 箒神(ははきがみ) Hokigami, Deity of the Broom .
Halloween ハロウィーン
. Hakusanboo 白山坊 Hakusan-Bo, Fox Yokai .
. Hakutaku, Pai Che, Bai Ze, Shirazawa 白澤 Kutabe . *fb
a body like a cow's, a head like a man's.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - . Hakutaku 白沢 in Shinagawa, Tokyo.
. Hakuzooshu 伯蔵主 Hakuzoshu / Hakuzosu Fox .
and 多久蔵主 (たくぞうす) Takuzosu. Hakuzosu Inari 伯蔵主稲荷.
. Hatahiro 機尋 / はたひろ loom-spun, serpent .
. Heikegani crab 平家蟹, ヘイケガニ (Heikeopsis japonica) .
Hihi 狒々 / 狒狒 / 比々 Baboon Monkey Monster
- and 岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro (alias 薄田兼相 Susukida Kanesuke)
. hina 雛 / お雛様 / 烏の雛 Hina dolls and chicks .
. hitodama 人魂 (hidama) "human soul" "soul flame" .
. Hitotsume kozoo 一つ目小僧 / 一ツ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo, Little Monk with One Eye .
. hoo 封(ほう)Ho Yokai and elixir for Ieyasu .
. Hōkigami 箒神 Hokigami, Hahakigami - the Broom Deity .
hotaru 蛍 Heike-botaru, Fireflies and the souls of the Heike clan
Genji-botaru, genjibotaru 源氏蛍 - and the sould of the Minamoto clan
. Hyoosube 兵主部 Hyōsube Yokai, Hyosube / ヒョウスンボ .
. Ibaraki Dōji 茨羅鬼童子/ 茨城童子/ 茨木童子 Ibaraki Doji / Ibaragi Doji .
. ijuu 異獣 Iju monster animals .
. Imogura イモグラ Satsuma imo sweet potato monster .
. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" Dog Monster .
. Ippondatara, Ippon-datara 一本ダタラ, 一本タタラ Ippon tatara, Ippondatara .
. Itsumade 以津真天, an eerie bird of epidemics .
. Jooga 嫦娥 Joga, Chang'e / Kooga 姮娥 Koga, Heng'e .
- Lady Chang-O, The Moon Lady
. Jorogumo 女郎蜘蛛 / 女郎ぐも"woman spider" Yokai .
. Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 .
. kaijuu 怪獣 Kaiju - mythological beasts and animals - Legends .
- genjuu 幻獣 Genju / cryptid, mysterious creature
. Kamaitachi 鎌鼬 "sickle weasel" cold cutting wind .
. Kanchiki カンチキ Yokai monster like a Kappa 河童 .
. Kansu カンスコロバシ Kansu korobashi / kansu-korogashi . - Fukushima
. kasa, karakasa obake から傘お化け / 唐傘お化け umbrella ghost .
. Kasha 火車 Kasha Demon "burning chariot" .
- - - - - and the Corpse-Eating Cat Demon 火車猫
. Katsura-Otoko (桂男): the Wig Man .
. Kawauso 獺魚 / 獺、- 川獺 - カハウソ - かハうそ Mister Otter .
. Kidoomaru - Kidōmaru 鬼童丸 Kidomaru - legendary magician .
. kijimunaa キジムナー Kijimuna and kenmun 水蝹 Kenmun .
- . kenmun ケンムン from Kagoshima .
. kodama 木魂 / 木魅 / 木霊 tree spirit (and echo) .
. kodama nezumi コダマ鼠 / 小玉鼠 Kodama Nezumi Yokai monster - Little Ball Rat .
. Kokkuri 狐狗狸 Table-Turning .
- - - - - (ko 狐, foxes; gu/ku 狗, tengu; ri 狸, tanuki).
. Kosamebō 小雨坊 Kosamebo, Kosame-Bo "Light Rain Monk" .
. kosode no te 小袖の手 Hands of a Kosode robe .
. Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン "old hag Mikari" .
. Mizuchi 蛟 water yokai .
- - - - - and Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa
. Mochi 餅 rice cakes and 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
- - - - - chikara mochi yokai ちからモチ妖怪
. Momiji, kijo momiji 鬼女紅葉 female Demon called Momiji .
. namekujira なめくじら slugwhale, namekujiri なめくじり slug .
. narigama 鳴釜(なりがま)pot who calls out .
- and 鳴釜神事(なるかましんじ)Narukama ritual at Kibitsu shrine, Okayama
. ningyo 人魚 "human fish" and Yao Bikuni 八百比丘尼 .
. Nobusuma 野衾 (のぶすま)"wild quilt", "wild blanket" .
Yokai squirrel, Yokai bat
. nopperaboo, noppera-bō のっぺら坊 Nopperabo, faceless ghost .
. Nuppeppoo Nuppeppō (ぬっぺっぽう) Nuppeppo . *
. notsugo ノツゴ Notsuko, invisible child monster .
. Nue 鵺 a mythological beast .
with the head of a monkey, breast of a badger, scales like a dragon, tail of a serpent and feet like a tiger
. Nure-onna 濡女 "Wet Woman" dragon yokai .
. . . . . oni to bijutsu 鬼と美術 - Japanese Demons and Art
- - - - - . oni omamori 鬼お守り Demon Amulets .
. Oniwakamaru 鬼若丸 .
Oonyuudoo 大入道 O-Nyudo
Monster with a long neck and hanging tongue
. オンボノヤス Onbonyasu / オボノヤス Obonyasu . - Fukushima
. Onibaba 鬼婆 the Demon Hag at 黒塚 Kurozuka .
. Ooseichuu, Oseichu 応声虫 The Mimicking Roundworm .
. Oosuke, ōsuke, Daisuke 鮭の大助 / 鮭の大介 the salmon king .
. Osakabe Hime 長壁姫, 小刑部姫, 小坂部姫 from 姫路城 Himeji castle .
. Pokemon ポケモン Pocket Monsters / Pikachu.
. Raijuu Raijū 雷獣 Raiju Thunder Beast Yokai .
. Ryūtō, Ryuutoo 龍燈 Ryuto "Dragon Lantern" .
. Sara yashiki 皿屋敷 "the Dish Mansion" .
and the ghost of O-Kiku お菊 counting dishes
. Sazae-oni 栄螺鬼 / さざえ鬼 haunted turban shell .
. Shinchuu, Shinchū 神虫 Shinchu, "The Divine Insect" silkworm moth .
Shiranui (shiranu hi) 不知火 "unknown fire" in Kyushu
Shiranui Monogatari 白縫物語 , a kaijuu 怪獣 sea monster, illustration by Utagawa Kunisada.
Yoshitaki Mitate Shiranui Monogatari
Kunisada, Princess Wakana From Shiranui Monogatari . . . and more to google
Shōki, Shooki, Shōki 鍾馗 Shoki, The Demon Queller
. Shuten-dōji, Shuuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji .
酒顛童子, 酒天童子, 朱点童子 - and Oeyama 大江山
. soroban boozu 十呂盤坊主 "the Abacus Priest" .
. Suiko 水虎 Water Tiger, Water Beast .
. Takaboozu 高坊主 Takabozu .
. taki rei-oo, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王 Taki Reio Spirit-king of the waterfall .
- Fudo Myo-O as Yokai
Tanuki 狸, the bewitching badger
. Teijin 氐人【テイジン】dī rén Chinese merman .
. Tengu 天狗 - karasu tengu 烏天狗 Tengu with a beak .
. Toofu Kozoo, Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy .
. umiboozu, umibōzu 海坊主 Umibozu, "sea monk", "sea bonze" .
namikozoo 波小僧 Namikozo, Nami Kozo, Monk of the Waves
Ayakashi 妖 / Ikuchi, Ikuji イクチ - sea monsters
. ushioni, ushi-oni うし鬼 / gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
kudan 件
. Ushirogami ウシロ神 / 後神 / 後ろ髪 / うしろがみ Deity coming from Behind .
. Uwabami ウワバミ (a huge serpent-monster) - yamakagachi . *
. warai onna 笑い女 the "laughing woman" . - Kochi / Tosa
- - - and
勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama
- - - - - Tosa no Yokai 土佐の妖怪 The Yokai monsters of Tosa / Kochi
. Yaegakihime, Yaegaki-Hime 八重姫 Princess Yaegaki and Takeda Katsuyori .
. yakan 野干 a monster beast . *
(8 legends to explore) - probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.
. Yamabiko (Yamahiko) 山彦 / やまびこ Mountain Deity and Yokai .
. Yamachichi 山チチ / 山地乳 Yamachichi "mountain breast" .
. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 and 山姫 Yamahime, "Mountain Hag" .
- and
yukinba 雪婆 Yukinba, the Snow Hag
yukionna, yuki onna 雪女 (ゆきおんな) "snow woman"
. yamaotoko, yama-otoko 山男 "Mountain Man" monster .
. yamawaro ヤマワロ / 山童 "child of the mountain" . - Kyushu - Kappa
. yogen no tori 予言の鳥 / ヨゲンノトリ prophecy bird .
. O-Bake no Gakko おばけの学校 School for Monsters and Demons .
河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 89)
doonotsura 胴の面 / 胴面(どうのつら) Donotsura
a man with his face on his stomach. He steals and kills.
also in 『百鬼夜行絵巻』「胴面」- wikipedia
- reference : Matthew Meyer -

source : Yokai Attack - Lucas Perla - fb
Watch out for the Kappa, Fudo Myo-O and even Daruma san!
Utagawa Kuniyoshi

. Yokai 妖怪 Monsters - Introduction - .
- Introduction -

. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
- yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Reference - -
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappayokaiabc #kappayookai ##yookai ##yokai #yurei #abcyokailist #yokaiabc #amabie -
Goblins, Ghosts, and Ghouls in Japanese Prints
If you want to hear a terrifying ghost story this Halloween, look to Japan. The country has an uncanny tradition of hair-raising tales known as kaidan, which samurai often told to show off their courage. According to tradition, the Edo period warriors would gather at night in a room lit by 100 candles. Each would blow one out after sharing his own ghoulish encounter, until a single flame was left burning. It was up to the last brave soul to snuff it out — if he could.
Unsurprisingly, these ghost stories piqued the artistic imagination, and many printmakers in 18th- and 19th-century Japan translated them into colorful woodblock prints. Some are now on view in the Art Institute of Chicago’s Ghosts and Demons in Japanese Prints, an exhibition not meant for the easily spooked.
Among images of the demon queller Shoki fighting off goblins, the show includes several eerie prints from Katsushika Hokusai’s series One Hundred Ghost Tales (Hyaku Monogatari). One from 1831 depicts the murdered actor Kohada Koheiji pulling down the mosquito netting around the bed of his treacherous wife and her lover.
Another shows the gruesome demoness Warai Hannya, who represents the soul of a jealous lover, holding the decapitated head of a child. You can see why even burly samurai warriors might have gotten a little freaked out.
. Amabie アマビエ mermaid .
and coronavirus spreading コロナウイルス
以津真天(いつまで)は、鳥山石燕による江戸時代の日本の妖怪画集『今昔画図続百鬼』にある怪鳥。解説文に「広有 いつまでいつまでと鳴し怪鳥を射し事 太平記に委し」とあるように、『太平記』巻12の「広有射怪鳥事」に登場する怪鳥を描いたものである。
Itsumade(Japanese: 以津真天) is an eerie bird featured in the Japanese collection of yōkai pictures, the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien published in 1779. Its picture has the explanatory text, "as explained more fully in the Taiheiki, Hiroari shot the eerie bird that cries, 'itsumade itsumade'" (広有 いつまでいつまでと鳴し怪鳥を射し事 太平記に委し), so it depicts the odd bird that appears in the Taiheiki (circa 14c), volume 12, "Hiroari Shot the Eerie Bird" (広有射怪鳥事, "Hiroari Keteu wo Iru Koto").
The eerie bird in Taiheiki
According to the Taiheiki, around the fall of 1334 (in the Kenmu years), an epidemic illness was causing many deaths and almost every night, an eerie bird appeared on top of the Shishinden (紫宸殿) crying "itsumade itsumade" (until when? Until when?) causing great fear.
Explanatory text starting in Shōwa
Bakemono no e 化物之繪,
a scroll in the Harry F. Bruning Collection of Japanese rare books and manuscripts held at the Brigham Young University
BYU’s Bakemono no e 化物之繪 (Illustrations of Supernatural Creatures), also titled Bakemonozukushie 化物尽繪 (Illustrated Index of Supernatural Creatures), is perhaps the oldest extant version of this type of index handscroll.
Teruto uo 照兜魚 Translation: shining helmet fish
from Mt. Daizen in Tottori Prefecture
Teruto uo are holy mermaids with the bodies of carp and the heads of human women. They are found in sacred freshwater lakes and ponds.
wn the lighter side of ukiyo-e with a zodiac chimera and weird tiger-stone items by Felissimo
Yokai: The Folklore Roots of Pokémon
Take your time to read this !
アトゥイカクラ / あトぅいかくら
Translation: the Japanese reading of its Ainu name, atuy kakura
Alternate names: atsuuikakura
Habitat: Uchiura bay in Hokkaido
Diet: mainly a scavenger; occasionally eats ships
Appearance: Atuikakura is an enormous sea cucumber which lives deep in Uchiura Bay in Hokkaido.
Kawaguma 川熊 river bear
Origin: Kawaguma come from the folklore of northern areas, especially the Omono River Akita Prefecture and the Shinano River in Niigata Prefecture. Kawaguma appear in Tsuki no Dewa michi, one volume of a large Edo period travelogue by Sugae Masumi detailing stories and observations from the author’s experiences in Dewa Province.
... more
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