. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
me 鬼の目, 鬼の眼 / medama 鬼の目玉 - 伝説
Demon Legends about the eyes and eyeballs

- - - - - Two proverbs with the eyes of Oni - - - - -
oni no me ni mo namida 鬼の目にも涙 tears even in a demon's eyes

This proverb has two meanings:
1- Even a very heartless and cruel being can be moved to tears when something really sad happens to him
2- false sympathy; crocodile tears
Calendar from 2011 - April

source : zakki.kinoko.sub.jp/?eid
oni no me ni mo minokoshi 鬼の目にも見残し even demons fail to see some things

Even with their three eyes, Oni do not see everything!
The two Oni for Setsubun usually have only two eyes, see some legends below.
They also have only two horns.
- - - - - Oni are often depicted with three or more eyes:
mitsume kozoo 三つ目小僧 little demon with three eyes

source : 章魚庵つれづれ通信
"Gazu Hyakki Yagyoo" "画図百鬼夜行”

source : nichibun yokai database
mitsume no oni 三つ目の鬼 Demon with three eyes
He wears a white robe and a blue koshimaki 腰巻き loincloth.

oni no medama 鬼の目玉 eyeballs of a demon
an enormous nigiri rice ball which looks like the eye of a demon
served at the restaurant Onikenbai in Kitakami, Iwate
- source : kitakami-kanko.jp/english -
. oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" - Setsubun .
栃木県 Tochigi 宇都宮市 Utsunomiya
The chant for Setsubun:
Fuku wa uchi Fuku wa uchi, Oni wa soto, Oni no medama o buttsubuse!
Smash out the eyeballs of the Oni !
鬼の眼 - 土門拳の仕事 Oni no Me - The Work of Domon Ken

. Domon Ken 土門拳 - Photographer (1909 - 1990) .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
群馬県 Gunma 吾妻郡 Azuma district 嬬恋村 Tsumagoi
. mayudama 繭玉 (まゆだま) "silk cocoon balls" .
Mochi or dango for the New Year celebrations of the Silk protecting deities

On January 31 silk farmers prepare these 繭玉 balls from a dough of rice, wheat and millet flour. They are called oni no medama 鬼の目玉.
They hang them at the entrance and windows as a greeting for the Deities. When an Oni passes the home, he is afraid of these huge "eyeballs" and runs away wast.
高知県 Kochi 幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki
On the eve of Setsubun, the elder sister had been kidnapped by an Oni and taken to a boat. When the younger sister begun to throw beans a the Oni, one of them hit his eye. The Oni got real wild and the ship sank. The elder sister could swim and reached the shore safely.
Another version tells of the girl being saved by her brother.
京都府 Kyoto 鞍馬 Kurama
kijin 鬼神 / キジン Demon Deity
Once in the deep woods of 鞍馬山 Mount Kurama, the Tengu-priest 僧正 Sojo went to the edge of 谷御菩薩池 the pond Mizoroike and released two Kijin who lived in a hole there. But 毘沙門天 Bishamonten, the Protector Deity of Mount Kurama, found out about it and prepared beans the size of huge boulders to throw at the demons. He wanted to wipe out the eyes of the demons but could not aim properly.
This is the beginning of the mamemaki 豆撒き bean-throwing custom of Setsubun, they say.
Grains have a great vital power and were thought to 魔除け ward off evil influence.
The word MAME (beans) was originally written 魔滅 to wipe out demons. To make sure the beans would never grow again, they had to be roasted 炒った豆 before throwing them at the demons.

Kurama no oni taiji 鞍馬の鬼退治
. Kuramayama 鞍馬山 Mount Kurama and its legends .
. oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" - Setsubun rituals .
. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends .
三重県 Mie 熊野市 Kumano
An old legend tells about
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . (758 - 811)
He once went to Onigajo 鬼ヶ城 "the castle of the demons" in Kumano and shot arrows with
yomogi ヨモギ mugwort and susuki ススキ pampas grass into the eyes of the Oni.
This is the origin why people throw mugwort and susuki on the roof during the Setsubun rituals.
- - - - -
On the evening of the last day of the year,
people stick the head of the fish saira サイラ Pacific saury in the local dialect, on the branches of oka オカの葉 and also prepare roasted beans. With oni no metsuki 鬼の目つき, a threatening stare like out of the eyes of an Oni, they place these at the entrance of the home.
They hope that the demons will pass their home on their ramble on the last night.

鈴鹿市 Suzuka
. hiiragi 柊 holly, Osmanthus heterophyllus .
hiiragi sasu 柊挿す (ひいらぎさす) piercing with a holly
The holly branch with a sardine fish head is placed outside of the front door to ward off evil influence and keep you healthy. The demons do not like the smell of this fish and keep off. Demons also fear that the sharp needles of the holly pierce their eyes, so both together are a powerful talisman.
This custom is more common in the Kansai area.

The hiiragi branch is called
oni no mesashi 鬼の目さし piercing of the demon's eyes.
They hang a branch on the 鬼門の窓 window of the Kimon side of the house.
The same custom is observed in other parts of Japan, for example in 枚方市 Hirakata , Osaka.
宮城県 Miyagi
oni to musume 鬼と娘 Oni and the three girls
Once upon a time
two sisters went to the mountain forest to pick up chestnuts. The evening came fast and they lost their way.
Along came another young woman with firewood in her arms and asked them to stay in her small mountain hut.
"I have been kindapped by an Oni!" she told the sisters.
"And if he comes back, it will be tough luck for you. So better hide here in the big luggage box!"
When the Oni came home he remarked
"Whow, it smells of humans!",
but the young woman could assure him that nobody was there.
"If anybody comes, do not let them run away!" the Oni told her as he left the hut.
In good time the three women fled from the demon hut run away as fast as they could.
They climbed into a cart that could run a thousand miles in no time. But when the Oni found out, he climbed into the other fast cart and pursued them.
When they reached the sea, the Oni took a large drink of seawater, drawing the girls close to his cart.
The three girls took off their underwear and begun to swing their backside, clapping on it with their hands.
The Oni begun to laugh very hard, spit out all the water and with the resulting waves the girls reached the other shore into safety.
長野県 Nagano
On the last last day of the year (and in the 佐久郡 Saku district for Setsubun), people prepare dumplings on a stick and place them at the entrance door.
The dumplings are called oni no me 鬼の目 or oni no medama 鬼の目玉.
There have to be three dumplings. Oni will then think that the humans living there have three eyes, and get quite frightened, closing their mouth and run away.
山梨県 Yamanashi
On the last evening of the year, people prepare mugimeshi 麦飯 rice mixed with barley to eat.
This mixture is called
oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth, fangs of a demon
People also place a pole with a bamboo basket in the front garden, called oni no me 鬼の目.
Now they throw their beans at these eyes !

. ha 鬼の歯 oni no ha, teeth of an oni / kiba 牙 fangs .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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