. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
oniko, oni-ko 津軽の鬼子伝説 / 鬼コ Oniko Demon Legends from Tsugaru, Aomori
The kanji for 鬼子 are read
oniko, onigo or
torii no oniko 鳥居の鬼コ Demons of the Toorii gates
source with all photos : yukitomanager.blog.jp/archives
. torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinot shrine .
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What is “Oniko”?
Oniko means a demon in Tsugaru dialect.
Oniko, enshrined on top of a Torii gate, is worshipped in about 30 shrines over 7 cities and towns in northwest Tsugaru County. It is not clear how enshrining Oniko on Torii gate began. It is believed that Oniko were worshipped to stop flooding of Iwaki River, hence all Oniko shrines are located alongside of Iwaki River.
Religious belief associated with Oniko on Torii gates and Suiko sama have been part of life in Tsugaru County.
Many enshrined Oniko and Suiko sama are also found in Tsuruta town.
- reference source : en-tsuruta.com/spot/shrines -
The demons are usually perched between two beams of a Shinto shrine gate 鳥居
torii and seem to support it with all their might.
Some look like a red on blue (green) oni 赤鬼 青鬼, others like Sumo wrestlers or Yamabushi mountain priests.
The Oni-ko of Onizawa 鬼沢, by Joshua Solomon
I recently visited the town of Onizawa, a short drive from my apartment in the provincial city of Hirosaki, to visit the local shrines. Many of the shrines there are distinctive because the torii gates are decorated with carved wooden Oni (or Oni-ko in local parlance), the red ogre-like demons from which the town gets its name. These small shrines are scattered throughout the village, tucked away between rice fields, alongside the riverbank, behind a butcher’s shop ... locating them can be half the fun.
According to Japanese geomantic beliefs, northeast is an inauspicious direction related to the
kimon“Oni gateway.” The zodiac animals associated with northeast are the bull and tiger, so Oni are typically depicted as cow-horned demons with tiger fangs wearing tiger-skin loincloths. It is said that Aomori, in the northeastern region of Japan, has a particular abundance of Oni.
This one was painted quite vividly:
There is a legend in Onizawa describing a benevolent Oni, more of a mountain-man than a demon.
As the story goes, the Oni was a friend of a villager 弥十郎 Yajuro, and offered to assist in the construction of a dam to collect water for his rice paddies. He did so under the condition that no-one watched him as he worked. Naturally, the villager’s wife breaks the rule by sneaking over to spy on the Oni. The Oni runs away, never to appear again; however, he leaves in such a hurry that he forgets all of his tools. The metal remains of these massive ogre-sized tools — a saw, an ax, a hoe, etc — are now collected and displayed at the
Oni shrine in Onizawa.
There are many other stories like these scattered throughout the prefecture, forming a part of the invisible landscape of folkloric knowledge. Nowadays, much of that knowledge has begun to fade from the local communal consciousness, and instead is preserved on blogs and tourism websites.
- reference source : lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs -
Kijinja, Ki Jinja 鬼神社 "Demon Shrine" , Oni Shrine
At that old time, Onizawa was called 「ながねはだち」Nagahagedachi.
- reference source : city.hirosaki.aomori.jp/school/jitoku -
鬼神社 Ki Jinja (鬼沢宇菖蒲沢151)
a legend from Onizawa
oohito 大人 Ohito, a large man
A 木こり forest worker became friends with an Ohito and they often enjoyed 相撲 Sumo wrestling together. When the forest worker won a bout, the Ohito carried a lot of firewood bundles to his home during the night. After many times of winning, the forest worker eventually also became an Ohito and was not seen in the village again.
- - - - - List of the shrines found online :
At the shrine 八幡宮 Hachimangu
(八幡平塚42)in Hirosaki the statue looks like a Tengu.
(喜良市桔梗野40)Kiraichi Kikyono
立野神社 Ritsuno Jinja
and an Oni like a sumo wrestler
sourceand more photos : nekoyama96.net/basercms/index.php
Kurumidate 胡桃舘
Hachimangu 八幡宮
胡桃舘字池田20 / 20 Ikeda Kurumidate Tsuruta, Aomori

since 1873 - Yellow-horned demon god statue (w/ Hannya face), Small red-horned and blue-horned demons sit on top of the worship hall.

青鬼 Ao-Oni

赤鬼 Aka-Oni
(撫牛子1-3-1)Naijoshi - Hirosaki
八幡宮 Hachimangu
Ao-Oni 青鬼 Blue-Green Demon
He does not have any horns and there is a children's song about him:
Mothers pass theough this gate with the strong wish for their children to grow up strong and healty, hoping for the
oni no jinzuuriki 鬼の神通力 Jinzuriki - divine supernatural power of the Oni.
中崎野脇70 Nakazaki Nowaki
月夜見神社 Tsukiyomi Jinja
Kuraokami Shrine “くらおかみ”神社
Kitada Kurumidate Tsuruta, Aomori (沖字岡田295) . 鶴田町
since 1684 - Goriki type stone demon, Stone Torii
Kuraokami Jinja “くらおかみ”神社(神山鶉野34-1)Kamiyama Uzurano - three statues
Hachimangu 八幡宮
Takada Sakai Tsuruta, Aomori

since 1663 - the head is lost
- - - - - list of the Shrines - - - - -
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
八幡宮 Hachimangu (五林平細田90)
Gorindai, Hosoda
三社神社 Sanja Jinja (日沼高田89-1)Hinuma Takada - Hirakawa 平川市
二柱神社 Nihashira Jinja (稲垣町沼館友開23)Inagakicho Numadate Tomobirki
八幡宮 Hachimangu (石川寺山62)Ishikawa Terayama - 強力型赤鬼 Aka-Oni, almost smiling
八幡宮 Hachimangu (三千石二潟60) 板柳町 Itayanagicho Sanzengoku Futagata
八幡宮 Hachimangu (常海橋駒田242-1)Jokaibashi, Komata
不動宮 Fudogu (金木町沢部205)Kanagicho Sawabe
稲荷神社 Inari Jinja (掛落林“からばやし“宮本111)Karabayashi Miyamoto
八幡宮 Hachimangu (唐笠柳皆瀬16)Karakasayanagi Minase - 青鬼 Ao-oni
八幡宮 Hachimangu (嘉瀬萩元181)Kase Hagimoto - two at the two torii
稲荷神社 Inari Jinja (嘉瀬上端山崎112-1)Kase Kamihayamazaki
八幡宮 Hachimangu (柏木町柳田124)Kashiwagimachi Yanagida - stone statue
稲荷神社 Inari Jinja (柏下古川絹川1)Kashiwa Shimokogawa Kinukawa
三柱神社 Mihashira Jinja (川倉林下91)Kawakura Hayashishita - two statues, one 赤鬼 Aka-oni
丹生川上神社 Niue Kawakami Jinja (喜良市千苅28)Kiraichi Sengari - like a Sumo wrestler
熊野宮 Kumano-Gu (喜良市千苅73)Kiraichi Sengari - like a Sumo wrestler, with straw bundles
稲荷神社 Inari Jinja (木造出野里吉野1)Kizukuri Idenosato Yoshino - 木製神像型(山伏風)
天満宮 Tenmangu (木造蓮花田駒ケ宿38)Kizukuri Rengeda Komagalshuku - from stone
鹿嶋神社 Kashima Jinja (木造大畑宮崎32-4)Kizukuri Obata Miyazaki - from stone
金比羅宮 Konpiragu (蒔田桑元22)
Makita Kuwamoto - 赤鬼 Aka-oni, like a Sumo wrestler
日吉神社 Hiyoshi Jinja (三和上池神53)Miwa Kamiikegami - Hirosaki 弘前市
胸肩神社 Munakata Jinja (藻川村崎644)Mogawa Murasaki ?Hirosaki-shi, Shinakawamachi
“たかおかみ”神社 Takaokami Jinja (長富竹崎19)Nagatomi Takezaki - 赤鬼 Aka-oni
磯崎神社 Isisaki Jinja (中柏木鎧石151)Nakakashiwaki Yoroishi
八幡宮 Hachimangu (沖飯詰帯刀49)Okiizume Tatewakk - 赤鬼 Aka-oni
八幡宮 Hachimangu (境鶴住335)Sakai Tsuruzumi
熊野宮 Kumanogu (種井鐙潟7-1)Tanei Abumigata
熊野宮 Kumanogu (種市熊谷6)Taneichi Kumagai - 赤鬼
神明宮 Shinmeigu (富栄笹崎126)Tomisakae Sasazaki
白山姫神社 Shirayamahime Jinja (旧十六善神社)(鳥井野宮本4)Toriino Miyamoto
熊野宮 Kumanogu (豊島豊本39)Toyoshima Toyomoto aka-oni
八幡宮 Hachimangu (鶴ヶ岡鎌田221)Tsurugaoka Kamata
八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja (夕顔関長田34-2)
Yugaozeki Osada
- - - - - - bangai - some extra items
. kuro-oni no men 黒鬼の面 mask of black Oni .
赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja (百沢東岩木山1-39)Hyakuzawa Higashiiwakisan
今泉神明宮 Imaizumi Shinmeigu (今泉唐崎261)Imaizumi Karasaki - 鬼神 Kishin Deity
石上神社 Ishigami Jinja (楢木牧野)Naranoki Makino - stone statue
巖鬼山神社(十腰内猿ケ沢78-17)Sarugasawa - Hirosaki - 鬼面 mask from paper
reference with all photos : yukitomanager.blog.jp/archives
. Onigo Matsuri 鬼子祭り "Demon Boys Festival" .
..... Kokuseki-Ji Naked Man Festival 黒石裸祭 Kuroishi Festival
at Mizusawa Town, Iwate
Legends about ONIKO
including 鬼子母神
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
22 to explore (00)
鬼 青森 Oni Aomori
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
22 to explore (00)
. Kishibojin 鬼子母神 Deity .
Kishibojin, Kishimojin 鬼子母神と伝説 Legends about the deity Kishibojin
訶梨帝母 Kariteimo - Kangimo 歓喜母 - Hariti
She is one of the Jūrasetsu-nyo 十羅刹女 Jurasetsu-Nyo, Ten Demon Daughters
Kijibojin mairi 鬼子母神参 pilgrimage to visit Kishibojin at temple 三井寺 Miidera
Kishibojin matsuri 鬼子母神祭 Kishibojin Festival
鬼子母神堂 Kishiboji Hall
kishi megami 鬼子め神 "Child eating female deity"
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #oniko #onikoaomori #aomorioniko #onigo #kishin -