
Tengu less known

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Some Tengu are listed among the 四十八天狗 48 Important Tengu of Japan,
but not much can be found other than their name.

If you have any further information, please add them as a comment.

. 四十八天狗 The 48 Important Tengu of Japan .


Fugenboo 普賢坊 Fugenbo
都度沖普賢坊 Tsudooki Fugenbo from Shimane

From 島根県 隠岐の島 / 隠岐島 Okinoshima, Shimane, Oki Island

. Folk Toys from Okinoshima 民芸 .
- Introduction -


Garanboo 伽藍坊 Garan-Bo, Garanbo
鬼界ヶ島伽藍坊 Kikaigashima Garanbo from Kagoshima

From 種子島 Tanegashima or トカラ列島悪石島周辺 maybe Tokara Islands, Akusekishima Island

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The Tokara Islands (吐噶喇列島 Tokara-rettō) is an archipelago in the Nansei Islands, and are part of the Satsunan Islands, which is in turn part of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The 150 kilometres chain consists of twelve small islands located between Yakushima and Amami-Oshima. The islands have a total area of 101.35 square kilometres.
Administratively, the whole group belongs to Toshima Village, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Only seven of the islands are permanently inhabited. The islands, especially Takarajima, are home to the Tokara Pony.
..... Nihon Shoki for the year 654 mentions a "Tokara Country" ( 吐火罗国, Tokara no kuni ) .....
Akusekijima (悪石島), is one of the Tokara Islands
..... Until 1624, the island was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Akusekijima is famous for the masked god Boze (ボゼ),
the island deity. Islanders donning Boze masks come out during the annual lunar O-Bon matsuri. Protectors of the island and its natural assets, the Boze frighten small children to ensure their safety for the coming year.
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Kabasan Ishikiri Ookami 加波山石切大神 Kabasan Iwakiri Okami -
Ishikiri Okami, Great Deity of Stone Cutting

Mt. Enzan (燕山), left and Mt. Kaba (加波山), right. A view from Sakuragawa city.

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Mount Kaba (加波山 Kaba-san) is a [709 m (2,326 ft)] mountain located within the borders of Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, Japan.
Mount Kaba is located in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, bordering the cities of Sakuragawa and Ishioka, and north of Mount Tsukuba.
The mountain is granite. There are stone quarries, in the center of the western part of Kabasan, Sakuragawa city (old town, Makabe). It is nationally known as a center of stone carvings.
At the summit of the mountain, there is the Haiden of Kabasan Jinja 加波山神社 Kaba Shrine; a Shinto shrine.
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加波山神社 Kabasan Jinja
- - - - - Deities in residence
The area was used by Shugendo priests and a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist lore, including the Tengu, were much alive on this mountain.

- reference source : zoeji.com/01meguri/01meguri-kanto -

Ishikiri Okami was the strongest among the Tengu living there. He could split a rocky mountain range with a stomp of his foot.
At Mount Tsubamedake (燕山 Enzan) there is a sanctuary in his honor - 天狗祠.


Kakukaiboo 覚海坊 Kakukai-Bo, Kakukaibo
横川覚海坊 - Kakukaibo, Yokogawa from Kyoto

source : youkaitama.seesaa.net/article

He was priest 覚海 Kakukai (1142 - 1223) at 比叡山 Hieizan and turned into a Tengu.
Junichiro Tanizaki wrote a short story entitled "Kakukai Shoin Tengu ni naru koto".

. Hieizan 比叡山 Mount Hieizan .

- reference : priest kakukai -


Kikujoboo 菊丈坊 Kikujo-Bo, Kikijobo
熊野大峯菊丈坊 - Kikujobo, Kumano Omine from Nara


Kishukuboo 鬼宿坊 Kishuku-Bo, Kishukubo
長門普明鬼宿坊 - Kishukubo, Nagato Fumyo from Hiroshima


Koojooboo 高積坊 Kojo-Bo, Kojobo
白髪山高積坊 - Kojobo, Shiragayama from Kochi


Koorinboo 宰府高垣高林坊 / 宰府高垣高森坊 Korin-Bo, Korinbo
Korinbo, Saifu Takagaki - Fukuoka

Saifu is short for 太宰府 Dasaifu 

He lived on 竈門山(宝満山) Mount Homanzan, on the border between 筑紫野市 Chikushino and 大宰府町 Dasaifu.

. Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 fighting the Tengu .


Kootokuboo 醫王島光徳坊 - Kotokubo, Kotoku-Bo
Iogashima イオウガシマ - Kagoshima

He lives on Iootoo (いおうとう)- 硫黄島 いおうじま Iojima, Iogashima.
But presently this Tengu seems forgotten by the inhabitants of the island. He might have changed image into two other deities,
ミエビ山王 -- Miebisan O, Miebisano
ホダラ山王 -- Hodarasan O, Hodarasano

水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru has written about him in his 妖怪図鑑 Yokai Zukan.

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Iōjima (硫黄島), also known as Satsuma Iōjima (薩摩硫黄島) or Tokara Iōjima (吐噶喇硫黄島),
is one of the Satsunan Islands, usually classed with the Ōsumi Islands, belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Along with Takeshima and Kuroshima, it makes up the three-island village of Mishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
The island, 11.65 km² in area, has a population of 142 persons.
... the highest peak is Mount Iōdake ...
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Rikyuuboo 利久坊 / 利休坊 Rikyubo, Rikyu-Bo
紫黄山 Shiozan - Ibaraki

He was one of the Great Tengu leaders of Ibaraki, the other was
. 常陸筑波法印坊 - Hoinbo, Hitachi 筑波山 Tsukuba (Hidachi) - Ibaraki.

Mount Shiozan - 紫尾山 Shibisan used to be called Shiioyama しいおやま.
And North of Mount Tsukuba was a village named 紫尾村 Shiomura, with a mountain called 椎尾山 Shiiosan.
On this mountain was a temple of the Tendai sect, named 薬王院 Yakuo-In.

椎尾山薬王院 Shiiosan, Yakuo-In
This temple dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 had been founded in 782 by 最仙上人 Saint Saisen Shonin
桜川市真壁町椎尾3178 / 3178 Makabechō Shiio, Sakuragawa-shi, Ibaraki
- reference source : kankou-sakuragawa.jp/page -


Sanmanboo 三万坊 / 三萬坊 Sanmanbo, Sanman-Bo
天満山 Tenmanzan - Gifu

?? 天満山三尺坊

天満山 - てんまんやま Tenmanyama, Tenmayama, Sekigahara, Fuwa District, Gifu
198 m


Satokuboo 佐徳坊 Satokubo, Satoku-Bo
新田山 (ニッタザンサトクボウ) Nittazan - Gunma

(新田山 Shindenyama - reading in other parts of Japan)
He lives in Gunma 群馬県 太田市 金山, Ota town on mount 金山 Kanayama.
Kanayamacho, Ota, Gunma.

. 金龍寺 Temple Kinryu-Ji .
named after the posthumous Buddhist name of its founder,
Nitta Yoshisada 新田義貞 (1301 - 1338)
and 金山城 Kanayama castle


Shinzooboo 新蔵坊 Shinzobo, Shinzo-Bo
日向尾畑 Hyuga Obatake, 宮城県 Miyagi


Sugisakaboo 杉坂坊 Sugisakabo, Sugisaka-Bo
奈良大久 Nara Ohiza

He protects the ascetics practitioners in 吉野 Yoshino and 熊野 Kumano.


Tondonboo 頓鈍坊 Tondonbo, Tondon-Bo
板遠山 Handazan - unknown

source :yokai/b-tenguretuden
圖聚 天狗列伝 Zushu Tengu Retsuden - 知切光歳 Chigiri Kosai (1902 - 1982)
Two volumes, from 西日本編 Western Japan and 東日本編 Eastern Japan.

He is mentioned in a book named 天狗列伝 by 圖聚 in the chapter of 長門普明鬼宿坊 Kishukubo, Nagato Fumyo from Hiroshima:
" In the beginning the list of 48 important Tengu included some names with unknown information. Many of them got deleted later. Now Kishukubo and Tondonbo are the two left. For Tondonbo, apart from his name, nothing is known.
Now I hope to get some information from the readers of this book!
Chigiri Kosai"


Tsurugiboo 剣坊 Tsurugibo, Tsurugi-Bo
大原住吉 Ohara Sumiyoshi - Tottori

He lives on 大山剣ヶ峰 the peak Kengamine of Mount Daisen in Tottori. The mountain is 1,729 m high.
He is the protector of 剣工の守護 sword and blade makers.

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Daisen Shinkō
Beliefs and practices associated with Daisen, a mountain located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, also known as Hōki Fuji.
It consists of a number of peaks, including Misen, Tengugamine and Sankomine.
The highest is Kengamine (1792 m.).
The access route from the north starts from a settlement that has formed around the Tendai temple Daisenji. Beyond this are the inner shrine of Ōgamiyama Shrine, and the shrine dedicated to the attendant kami, Shimoyama Shrine. Many elements connected with the view that the mountain is the Other Realm, where the spirits of the dead go, can be found in, for example, the Muromachi-period Amida Hall and the site known as Sainokawara.
- coninued here :
- source : Suzuki Masataka Kokugakuin -

. Mount Daisen 大山 - my visit in 2008 .


Yakushiboo 薬師坊 Yakushibo, Yakushi-Bo
如意ヶ嶽 Nyoigatake - Kyoto

Yakushibo Nyoigatake / Professor Akadama
- a tengu who injured his back and cannot fly anymore. He kidnapped Benten as a child and taught her how to fly and is constantly giving her his treasures. He is in love with Benten but she doesn’t exactly feel the same way about him, she cares for him I believe, but not at the level he would like her to.
source : whisperandmantra.tumblr.com/post

He was a 大天狗 Great Tengu. Later his story became the subject of Manga.
The name Akadama referes to his love for sweet red port wine, 赤玉ポートワイン.
The Eccentric Family is a Japanese comedy-drama novel written by Tomihiko Morimi,
In modern-day Kyoto, humans live in the city while tanuki roam the earth and tengu roam the sky.
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赤玉先生 Akadama Sensei (如意ヶ嶽薬師坊)

Nyoigatake is a mountain in Higashiyama, Kyoto, about 472 m high.
It belongs to the five mountains for the "Okuribi" in Kyoto.
Daimonji (大文字), the character meaning "large" or "great:"
on Daimonji-Yama /Higashi-Yama, Nyoigatake at 8:00PM
Gozan no Okuribi (五山送り火), more commonly known as Daimonji (大文字), ...
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天狗注意の標識 Be careful of Tengu crossing the street !

A street sign from Mount Takaosan.


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #tengulessknown #fugenbo -




Chikugobo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Chikugoboo Koorazan 高良山筑後坊
Chikugobo, Korazan Chikugo-Bo

高良山筑後坊(コウラザンチクゴボウ)A Tengu from Mount Korasan in the Chikugo region, now Kurume, Fukuoka.

He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

There is almost nothing to be found about this Tengu, only his name.
Here is some information about the region and Mount Korasan.


. Koora Taisha 高良大社 Shrine Kora Daisha .
Also called 高良玉垂命神社 or 高良玉垂宮 Kora Tamataregu.
福岡県久留米市御井町1番地 / Kōra taisha 1 Miimachi, Kurume, Fukuoka
Kora Taisha is a prestigious, and the largest shrine in the region as the first shrine in Chikugo 筑後.
At a height of 312 meters, Mount Kora stands on the westernmost edge of the Mino Mountain Range. ... Kora Taisha Shrine, a former National Shrine and a major shrine in the Chikugo region.

筑後高良山高隆寺(御井寺)/ 高良山玉垂宮 Kora Shrine
source : biglobe.ne.jp/~s_minaga/ato_korasan


- quote
Chikugo Province (筑後国 Chikugo no kuni) is the name of a former province of Japan in the area that is today the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture on Kyūshū. It was sometimes called Chikushū (筑州), with Chikuzen Province. Chikugo was bordered by Hizen, Chikuzen, Bungo, and Higo Provinces.
The ancient capital of the province was located near the modern city of Kurume, Fukuoka.
In the Edo Period the province was divided into two fiefs: the Tachibana clan held a southern fief at Yanagawa, and the Arima clan held a northern fief at Kurume.
... Kōra taisha was the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) of Chikugo.
- source : wikipedia


There are many legends about Kappa 河童 the Water Goblin in Fukuoka and the Chikugo region.

Chikugo is the origin of a kind of Kappa Gaku Music, which is now an important intangible folk culture asset in Oita 大分県無形民俗文化財.
. Kappa Gaku 河童楽 "Music for the Kappa" .
more Kappa Legends from Kyushu  河童伝説 - 九州
Oita 大分県 : 三隈川(筑後川)River Mikumagawa (Chikugogawa)

Kyushu’s largest river, the Chikugogawa 筑後川 Chikugo River, runs through Kurume and makes up part of a fertile area that has long been called the Chikugo Plains.
. Kappa Legends from Tanushimaru 田主丸 Fukuoka .

. suijin 水神 water deity and Kappa legends .
In the year 901, when Sugawara Michizane was about to be murdered at the 筑後川 Chikugogawa river, the general of the regional Kappa 河童の大将 stretched out his arm to help him, but his hand was cut off.
at Kitano Tenmangu - Fukuoka 福岡県の北野天満宮

筑後の国には水天宮 / 筑後河畔の河童伝説 / 筑前と筑後
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
筑後 河童 11 legends to explore about the Kappa from Chikugo


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

南筑後山村行 / 『筑後風土記』 / 筑後久留米 Chikugo Kurume
八女郡黒木町大字黒木下町(旧筑後国上妻郡黒木町) . . .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
27 legends to explore about the region (00)


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #chikugobo #korazanfukuoka #korasan #lchikugogawa -




Ashitatebo Tengu Myokosan

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Ashitateboo 足立坊 / アシタテボウ Ashitatebo, Ashitate-Bo
足立坊(あしだて) Ashidate-Bo
Myookoosan. Myōkōsan 妙高山 Myokosan - Niigata

He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

The mountain is also called Myookoosen 妙高山 Myokosen.

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten 800

Mount Myokosan used to be called 越の中山 Koshi no Nakayama (Mountain in the Middle of the Koshi region), with the Chinese characters
Nakayama 名香山. The Characters 名香 were then read myookoo, 名香山 Myokosan, and hence the name given to the mountain today.

Ashitatebo is related to the Tengu from 飯縄系天狗 Izuna, and also seen as incarnations of 荼吉尼天 Dakini Ten.
He is a protector deity of the Mountain.

. Dakini Ten, Dakiniten 荼枳尼天 Vajra Daakini .

In Myoko Town there is a shrine 関山神社 / 關山神社 Sekiyama Jinja dedicated to the first priest who climbed the mountain in 708 and founded the shrine:

裸行上人 Ragyo Shonin "the naked saint"
a monk who came from China around 350 and practised austerities near the rivers and waterfalls of Japan.
He even went to Kumano and the 那智滝 waterfall of Nachi. He was active in bringing the Kumano belief to the mountain region of Myokosan.
(Other sources state more than one "naked saint" to bring the Kumano belief to other parts of Japan.)
Since Ragyo was always naked during his austerity practise, he got this name.

He was later deified as 関山権現 Sekiyama Gongen .

source and more photos : shashinki.blog.fc2.com/blog
関山三所権現 Three Gongen from Sekiyama

The mountain itself became related to the Paradise of Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来の浄土.
At the top of the mountain is a hall with Amida in the middle and 観音 Kannon and 勢至 Seishi at his side.

Sekiyama Jinja is also related to the temple 妙高山雲上寺宝蔵院 Myokosan Unjo-Ji Hozo-In.

Another Buddhist temple hall:
天狗宝窟観音 Tengu Hokutsu Kannon


The Waka poet Saigyo Hoshi composed the following poem on his travels through the region:

karigane wa kaeru michi ni yama yoburan Koshi no Nakayama kasumi hedatete

. Saigyoo 西行法師 Saigyo Hoshi (1118 - 1190) .


- quote
Mount Myōkō (妙高山 Myōkō-san)
is an active stratovolcano in Honshu, Japan. It is situated at the southwest of Myōkō city, Niigata Prefecture, and a part of Joshinetsu Kogen National Park. Mount Myōkō is listed as one of 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, and together with Mount Yahiko (弥彦山 Yahiko-yama), it is well known as the "famous mountain" of Niigata Prefecture.
Echigofuji (越後富士) is another name given to this mountain.
..... There are onsen and ski resorts at the foot of the mountain, including Akakura, Suginohara and Ikenotaira.
- source : wikipedia


the "Jumping Horse of Echigo" appears on the slope of Mount Myokosen when the snow begins to melt and announces the spring season to the farmers.
Myookoosen 妙高山の雪形 ”跳ね馬 ”

. Haiku from Echigo 越後 .


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Myoko Kogen & Myoko City
Dominated by the mountain for which it is named after Myoko Kogen lays in beautiful mountain surroundings near Lake Nojiri (Nojiriko) and the historical entrance to the Echigo Plains. Mt. Myoko (Myoko-san 妙高山) is listed as one of the hundred most famous mountains in Japan with it’s summit recorded as 2,454 meters above sea level. ...
- source : myoko-nagano.com/myoko-kogen -

- quote -
The Heart of Japan: Myoko Festivals & Events
There are plenty of Myoko festivals and events that take place in Myoko-Kogen and Nagano throughout the year with many of these listed below.
-- Takada o hanami (cherry blossom festival)
-- Myokokogen Kan-bara Matsuri (festival)
-- Arai Festival 新井祭り
-- Iiyama Joshi Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Festival
-- Otaya Festival おたや祭り
-- Dontoyaki Snow Hanabi
-- Na-no-hana (Canola Blossom) Festival
-- Iizuna Fire Festival
-- Sekiyama Fire matsuri
Boasting 1200 years of tradition this Myoko festival is held in the middle of July each year. Many events take place including traditional stick-fighting, pine-tree pulling, traditional dancing and sumo wrestling, plus the running of a portable mikoshi (shrine). As a finale ritual the branches of a giant pine tree are lit on fire to pray for a good harvest. Held at Sekiyama jinja.
-- and many more :
- source : myoko-nagano.com/events -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Issa bohi shiki no Myookoosan eikyuu ni

河野静雲 Kono Seiun (1887 - 1974)

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 日本語-
- reference - English -


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #ashitatebo #ashidatebo #myokonsantengu #sekiyama -




Torakichi Sendo

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Sendoo Torakichi 仙童寅吉 Sendo Torakichi

- - Self-Portrait of Torakichi - -

Torakichi, the Tengu apprentice

His master was the sennin 仙人 immortal
Sugiyama Sooshoo (Soojoo) 杉山僧正 Sugiyama Sosho (Sojo),
as reported by Hirata Atsutane.

Sosho is about 3000 years old. He lives in 岩間町愛宕山内 Mount Atagoyama.
His disciples are 呂明・白石左司馬・火の神太郎坊・了知坊・滝本坊他7名+寅吉
(quote from 仙境異聞 Senkyo Ibun / 寅吉物語 Torakichi Monogatari)

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杉山僧正(すぎやま そうしょう)
- snip -
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. The Sennin Immortals of Japan .


- quote
Tengu: The Japanese Demon That's Basically a Mini-God
Tengu Abduction: Torakichi, the Edo Period Tengu Boy

Torakichi claimed he was abducted and trained by tengu. A Japanese writer, Hirata Atsutane, interrogated him about his experience and wrote a book that was published in 1822.

Tengu often abducted priests, but they would also kidnap children. Some were permanently damaged mentally by the experience. Others were delirious or unconscious for a few days before eventually recovering. Renowned folklorist Yanagita Kunio said the boys of the mountain village where he grew up, as late as the late nineteenth century, talked constantly of their fear of being stolen by tengu.

One of these boys came back much the better for it, though. Torakichi claimed he was abducted and trained by tengu. A Japanese writer, Hirata Atsutane, interrogated him about his experience and wrote a book that was published in 1822.

Hirata was a serious scholar who was deeply involved in theorizing about the properties of the other world. While some skepticism was beginning to take hold, this was a time when many people still took these legends seriously. As late as 1860, in advance of a visit by the shogun Iemochi, officials of the city of Nikko posted an official notice:

To the tengu and the other demons:
Whereas our shogun intends to visit the Nikko mausoleums next April: Now therefore, Tengu and other demons inhabiting these mountains must remove elsewhere until the shogun’s visit is concluded.

So when Hirata heard of this boy who was telling stories of living with tengu, he wasn't interested in it as folklore – he took him at his word. So much so he abducted Torakichi from another scholar who was also interested in the story.

To Torakichi, it probably didn't matter which scholar he lived with. He was a sickly child born into a poor family, and didn't have a lot of options in life. Hirata saw Torakichi as the source of a lifetime to confirm his theories, and Torakichi was fine with this arrangement.

Torakichi did an excellent job of making use of his storytelling skills to earn his keep. Hirata was interested in every mundane detail and Torakichi had them all – from how tengu made mochi to their recipe for hemorrhoid relief –
as well as the spiritual questions and the things we all want to know (what did it feel like to fly?).

Some of his stories can be explained away as dramatization of rather normal things. He told one exciting anecdote of a creature that flew down and latched onto his face – it wasn't very large, but fierce and had sharp claws. This sounds a lot like a Japanese flying squirrel. Another time, he said he was attacked by a baby dragon that tried to pull him underwater, but it sounds a lot like he'd encountered a large snake. Torakichi was a city kid so natural things may have been unfamiliar and easily misinterpreted and turned into amazing stories.

Other stories seem to be based on well-known folklore, like his tales of orangutan-like monkeys with human faces that are fond of sake – he said they made a particularly delicious liquor.

But in other cases he's just a great storyteller, skilled at making up details that would excite his audience.
Here's what he said about how it felt to fly:

"When one rises into the sky, one feels rather as though one is treading on soft cotton—it may be clouds for all I know. But as one is rushing along as though blown by the wind faster than an arrow, the only sensation one has is of a ringing sound in one’s ears. Some prefer flying high in the sky, others low, rather as some fish swim near the surface of the water, others down in the depths".

"Do you take off from a mountain peak, or the top of a tall tree?"
- - - - - "Not necessarily, You can take off from anywhere you like."
"Is it cold or hot up in the sky?"

"When you first leave the ground it gets gradually colder, but once you are past the cold pole it gets extremely hot. When you are just passing between the cold and hot regions you feel cold from your waist downwards as though you are standing in water, and burning hot above. When you get up still higher, entirely into the hot region, your hair begins to go into tight curls like those on a Buddha image. And when you get up really high you find very calm weather, with no rain or wind."

He was also good at telling Hirata what he wanted to hear, or making up great rationalizations when he didn’t. When Hirata says Torakichi’s description of a trip to the moon doesn't match what Hirata knows about the moon:

Torakichi laughed and said,
"Your theory is flawed because it’s based on information you found in a book. I don’t know about books; I speak from seeing it up close."

And here's a particularly hilarious example of Torakichi telling Hirata what he wants to hear ("my master" refers to the tengu):

Also, since I [Hirata] find it very annoying when my nose hairs grow way out of my nostrils, I keep tweezers close by me so I can readily pluck those hairs. Upon seeing this Torakichi said, "Long nose hair is a sign of long life and my master believes they should never ever be plucked. My master’s nose hair is extremely long. Five or six have grown out of both nostrils and are so long that they are indistinguishable from his moustache. The master takes great care of that nose hair."

Torakichi's story has an ironic ending:
After Hirata lost interest in him, Torakichi eventually found another way to earn his keep: as a Buddhist priest.
- source : tofugu.com - Linda Lombardi -


When Tengu Talk:
Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World

By Wilburn Hansen

..... There follow chapters explaining the relationship between the implied author and the outside narrator, the Other World that Atsutane helped Torakichi describe,
- source : books.google.co.jp -

- quote -
Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤
(6 October 1776 – 2 November 1843) was a Japanese scholar, conventionally ranked as one of the four great men of kokugaku (nativist) studies, and one of the most significant theologians of the Shintō religion. His literary name was Ibukinoya.
..... Atsutane's influence on kokugaku has recently been thought to be overestimated. While he is called one of the "four great men of kokugaku", this is a phrase he invented himself. His work more often influenced religious groups than the government in the Empire of Japan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

仙境異聞(上) 三之巻  平田篤胤 筆記
- reference source : sybrma/330senkyouibun -


source : 大江戸怪奇事件ファイル

- reference : tengu torakichi -


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #torakichitengu #sendotorakichi #hirataatsutane #atsutane -




Raiju Thunder Yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

raijuu Raijū 雷獣 Raiju Thunder Beast Yokai

. Kaminari Rai 雷 and the Thunder Deities .
- Introduction -

. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder / ライジン .

A thunderbolt comes with thunder and lightning. 音と稲妻を伴った雷.

Yakusanoikazuchi 八雷神 Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami
The "eight kinds of thunder kami"

source : facebook

raisama らいさま "Honorable Thunder Man"

Raichu ポケモン ライチュウ is a manga figure in the Pikachu world and in (Pokémon) Pokemon games.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven"
天火(落雷 rakurai) lightning
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire

Aichi, Saga, Kumamoto with legends

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Yanagida Kunio 柳田國男 has told a few legends about the 天火.

In Nara this is . じゃんじゃん火 Janjanbi. .

. kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび) "fox fire" .

. kaika 怪火 fireball, atmospheric ghost lights yokai from Shiga and Kyoto. .
and Abura-bo 油坊 Oil Priest


- Look at more photos here :
- reference source : ja.wikipedia.org/wiki -

- quote
Raiju is the companion of Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning.
While the beast is generally calm and harmless, during thunderstorms, it becomes agitated and leaps about in trees, fields, and even buildings (trees that have been struck by lightning are said to have been scratched by Raiju's claws).

Another of Raiju's peculiar behaviors is sleeping in human navels and thus harms the person in whose belly the demon is resting. Superstitious people therefore often sleep on their stomachs during bad weather, but other legends say that Raiju will only hide in the navels of people who sleep outdoors.

Its body is composed of lightning and may be in the shape of a cat, fox, weasel, or wolf. It may also fly about as a ball of lightning (the creature might be an attempt to explain the phenomenon of lightning). It's cry sounds like thunder.
- source : yokai.wikia.com/wiki/Raiju

CLICK for more photos !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
渥美郡 Atsumi district

If people walk around at night, sometimes it is as bright as daylight. They call it
tenbi 天火(てんび) fire from heaven
In 岐阜県 Gifu 揖斐郡 in the Ibi district during summer evenings there is a pillar of light toward heaven.
They call it
tenpi 天火(てんぴ)fire from heaven.

............................................................................ Akita 秋田県

During a thunderstorm, lightning strikes and the Raiju climbs up a tree.
Lightning is also called tenpi 天火 "fire from heaven".

kutooken 狗頭犬 Kutoken / 狗頭の神. 狗頭の神 Dog-headed Deity
Sometimes on a fine day there is a very sudden thunderbolt and then it is fine again.
Once a tsuki 槻 keyaki tree begun to burn for seven days. When they checked its ashes, the villagers found three bones of a Kutoken yokai dog.

In a home in Senboku, the Raiju (lightning) stuck a home and it burned for seven days and seven nights.

............................................................................ Gifu 岐阜県
金山町 Kanayama

There was once a schoolteacher with a scar of a burn on her cheek. When she was a child, there was a thunderbolt and the Raiju Yokai got wild and scratched her cheek.
Now the children call her Yuudachi sama 夕立様, Miss Evening Rain.
Yudachi evening rain often comes with a thunderbolt.

藤橋村 Fujibashi

Tenpi is the same as hi no tama 火の玉 "ball of fire".
It raced across the evening sky. Sometimes it makes a big noise.
This only happens in summer.

............................................................................ Fukushima 福島県
浪江町 Namie

At the temple Daishooji 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji
Around 1720 at a small shrine within the temple compound there was a Raiju which could not find its way back to heaven. The priest stuck a long pole in the ground to help it climb up.
When the officials heard the story, they thought the temple must be blessed especially and gave it a lot of land as special reward.

............................................................................ Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe

On the night of the 地蔵盆 Jizo Bon rituals
six or seven friends were standing outside talking, when suddenly a 天火 heavenly fire appeared.
It became all light and when they looked around they saw something like a piece of burning magnesium, which made a sound and climbed from the middle of the fields right up to heaven.

. Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Jizo Bon Ritual .
August 24

............................................................................ Ibaraki茨城県
久慈郡 Kuji district

If there is a loud thunder during the nawashiro 苗代 rice nursery season, the Raiju comes down from heaven and destroys the fields. If there is thunder, the villagers walk through the mountains and make noise with bamboo sticks to drive the beast out.
Others place bamboo poles in the rice nurseries. This would help the Raiju to find its way back to heaven before doing harm to the field.

............................................................................ Kanagawa 神奈川県
三浦市 Miura

Kaminari is called オカンダチ Okandachi in the local dialect.
If a tree is struck by lightning and shows a scar from it, they say its was the nail of the Raiju Yokai, which tried to climb up the tree to reach the sky.

............................................................................ Kumamoto 熊本県

The Raiju is almost as large as a paper lantern and has a tail. If it falls from the sky on a roof, there will be a fire.

玉名郡 Tamana district

Tenbi is a Yokai light. Some come with a tail of fire.
If it is seen, this may be the forboding of more desaster.

天草諸島 Amakusa islands

A man from 鬼池村 Oniike village went out fishing, but the villagers did not like him, treated him badly and eventually he died.
Since then, every night there was a ball of fire flying over the 鬼池 Oni-Ike "Demon pond" .
Once the fire fell into the shrubs and it begun to burn, in fact, the whole village bunrnt down. The villagers thought this must have been a curse of the fisherman.
So they built a statue of 地蔵尊 Jizo Bosatsu on the place where he died and prayed for his soul, expecially on winter nights.

............................................................................ Mie 三重県

Old records tell of a Raiju being caught. On a painting it looks similar to a tanuki 狸 badger. But someone else caught one too and said it looked quite different.

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県

On 加賀国の白山 Mount Hakusan of the Kaga domain and on 信濃国の浅間山 Mount Asama of the Shinano domain there live Raiju. They look a bit like a fox. When they get caught, people bring them to Kyoto or Osaka to show for money. They place them in a net of iron and do not give them anything to eat or drink. When there seems to come an evening shower, the hair of the Yokai begin to stand on edge and their owners place a straw mat over the iron net.

There is also a powerful bird
kaminari no tori 雷の鳥 Thunder Bird
which eats the Raiju. Many of these birds live on Mount Hakusan.

. Asama yama, Asamayama 浅間山 Mount Asama .
active volcano in Nagano and Gunma

茅野市 Chino

In a cave in the middle of the mountain lives the 雷獣 Raiju, venerated as
Raijin 雷神 the Deity of Thunder.
Near the hole there is a lot of white hair, almost like that of a cat.
This Deity has the form of a small dog and others say the hair looks like that of a tanuki 狢 badger. The space around his eyes is black, the nose long and small and its tail short.
The skin on the soles of his feet is soft like that of a child and it has five legs.
In winter it digs a hole and sleeps.
It is usually quite gentle and likes humans, but when it rains, it becomes wild.


Once in a year with very strong rain two beasts came floating down the river, quite dead.
Their eyes were large like that of a dog, their fur ashen and the head long. The tail looked like that of a fox and the nails like that of a hawk.

............................................................................ Okayama 岡山県
浅口郡 Asakuchi district, 里庄町 Satosho

Once there was a thunderbolt at 虚空蔵山 Mount Kokuzo-Yama. But Kokuzo Bosatsu caught the Yokai and told him "If you do that once again at this place, I will not let you go unpunished!"
Since that time, there has not been a thunderbolt any more.
The villagers were very pleased about it and now have a festival every year on January 13.
In other parts they also know that if you venerate Kokuzo Bosatsu, there will be no thunderbolt.

. Kokuuzoo, Kokūzō 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu .
Akashagarbha Bodhisattva

............................................................................ Saga 佐賀県
東松浦郡 Higashimatsuura district

In the Sage region, the 天火 Tenpi is called hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire.
This ball with a long tail flies slanting, trying to hide. But it is said to cause fires and if people see it, they use drums and ritual bells to drive it away.

If the 天火 Tenpi enters a home, someone will become ill. So they drive it away with drums and ritual bells. Sometimes even the weather improves after this.

............................................................................ Saitama 埼玉県

On the land of the Nagai family in 岩槻 Iwaki the Raiju came down, run around in the fields, but the villagers got hold of him. It did not eat anything and died soon in his capture. So they took the carcass and stuffed it. It looked like a small dog, with sharp nails like a bear.

............................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
甲賀郡 Koka district

aburabi (aburahi) 油火 "oil fire"
At mount 油日岳 Aburahidake (694m)
. Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga .

............................................................................ Shimane 島根県
邑智郡 Ochi district, 瑞穂町 Mizuho

When a thunderbold comes dow, its like the Raiju scratching a tree and the scars of its claws can be seen on the tree bark. Some villagers even say they have seen the Raiju run up a tree after lightning has stuck it.

............................................................................ Tochigi 栃木県

At 烏山 Mount Karasuyama there lived a strange beast, a Raiju. It looked like a mouse but was about as big as a weasel. During summer there were often holes in the mountain and this beast showed its head. When it saw a suitable cloud, this Raiju jumped on it and made its way to heaven.
Sometimes hunters went after this creature in spring, but never caught it.

............................................................................ Tokushima 徳島県

During the Edo period there had been a thunderbolt hitting a boat on the sea. After that they found a strange beast like an otter on the boat.
Since it was such an unusual being, they thought it might be a Raiju Yokai and they put the creature in a 見世物 curiosity show.

. kawauso 獺魚 otter, river otter .

............................................................................ Tokyo 東京都

The Raiju does not like rakuda 駱駝 camels, therefore to prevent a thunder and lightning from hitting, people post the image of a camel on their entrance of the home.

Edo no Nana Fushigi 江戸の七不思議 Seven Wonders of Edo

In the year 1799, a Raiju was caught in Edo !
This was one of the Seven Wonders at that time.

. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo  .

............................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県
本宮町 Hongu

yabi 矢火 "fire arrow"
A "fire arrow" is read. The red light is not a heavenly sign of something unusual to come. If the light has a bluish tail as it flows over the river, and looks like a ball of fire, then someone in the village has died.
Sometimes it takes time after someone watched a bluish ball of light until the news of a death is given.


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- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- reference : raiju thunder -




相生垣瓜人 Aiaigaki Kajin (1898 - 1985)


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- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Reference -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #raiju #thunderyokai -




ukiyoe with Yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

Ukiyo-E with Yokai 浮世絵と妖怪

- quote
20 Classic Woodblock Prints of Japanese Ghosts and Monsters

20. “The Sailor Tokuso and the Sea Monster.”
19. “The Ghost Oiwa.” Yotsuya Kaidan
18. “The Ghosts of Togo and His Wife”
17. “Various Yokai Flying out of Wicker Clothes Hamper.” omoi tsuzura
16. The Yuki-onna

15. “Ashinaga and Tenaga Fishing.”
14. “Okiku the Well Ghost.”
13. The ghost of Kohada Koeiji,
12. “A Ghost Appears to Kingo Chunagon.”
11. “Child’s Nightmare of Ghosts.”

10. “Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre.”
9. immortal sage Gama-Sennin. The giant toad i
8. “Oiwa the Lantern Ghost.”
7. Print from Kuniyoshi’s “Bakemono Chunshingura”
6. Depiction of a scene from the kabuki play “Ume no hara gojusan tsugi”.

5. “The Priest Raigo of Mii Temple Transformed By Wicked Thoughts into a Rat.”
4. “The Woman Shizunome Oyaku.”
3. “The Ghost of Kamata Matahachi.” and Kikuno and Mari Yashiro
2. A print of tengu and other demon masks. Utagawa Kunisada.
1. “The Laughing Demon.”

- Look at the pictures here:
- source : bizarreandgrotesque.co


Morimiya Art 森宮古美術 
- reference source : morimiya.net/online/youkaiyuurei -

北為 Hokui - ‐平知盛亡霊‐ -- ‐髑髏・骸骨‐

清親 Kiyochika - -新田義興霊-

国周 Kunichika - 相馬良門古寺之図

国宗 Kunimune -羅生門・鬼-

国貞 Kunisada - 本朝高名鑑 牛若丸

国綱 Kunitsuna - 鞍馬天狗・烏天狗

国芳 KUNIYOSHI - 大物之浦海底之図
- 毛谷村六助』-河童
- 源頼光公館土蜘作妖怪図 : -囲碁-
- 五十三次の内 岡崎の場
- 酒田公時・碓井貞光・源次網と妖怪
- 大物浦平家の亡霊 -- -鵺退治-
- 地獄絵 -- 幽霊・夜泣石 -- -鰐鮫- -- 蝦蟇仙人 -- ‐大物浦‐ -- -鬼女紅葉-

暁斎 KYOSAI - おばけの学校
ー 大物之浦海底之図 - -幽霊・亡霊-
ー 江戸の花名勝会 四枚続

二代春章 SyunsyoⅡ Shunsho -
源義仲四天王トともに 木曽の奥山に天狗を退治す

玉国 Tamakuni - 画本西遊記 百鬼夜行ノ図

豊国 Toyokuni - 大森彦七

芳晴 Yoshiharu - 『水滸伝豪傑鏡 花和尚魯智深』-刺青・大蛇- -- 舩火兒張黄

芳員 YOSHIKAZU 『源義経平知盛ノ霊ニ逢図』 -- -土蜘蛛-

芳年 YOSHITOSHI  貞信公夜宮中に怪を懼しむの図
蒲生貞秀臣土岐元貞 甲州猪鼻山魔王投倒図
為朝の武威疫病神を退く図 -- 閻魔大王・地獄-
『新形三十六怪撰 さぎむすめ』
田宮坊太郎宗親』-天狗- -- 托塔天王晁盖 -- -産女-
鬼若丸池中に鯉魚を窺う図』 -武蔵坊弁慶-
-狐火- -茨木童子- -鬼女- -大入道・煙管- and more

芳艶 Yoshitsuya - 木曽山中樋口兼光大猿退治』
- ‐平知盛‐ -大鷲-

- and some more


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- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Reference -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #ukiyoeyokai -




Books about Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Books about Tengu 天狗の本

. Folktales with Tengu 天狗の絵本、and picture books .

Tengu meigikoo, Tengu Meigikō 天狗名義考 Tengu meigiko
18th century - with a list of the Tengu
- reference -


Hansen, Wilburn Hansen
When Tengu Talk:
Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World

Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 (1776-1843)
has been the subject of numerous studies that focus on his importance to nationalist politics and Japanese intellectual and social history. His prolific writings on supernatural subjects have never been thoroughly analysed in English until now.
- amazon com -


Kako 加古里子 Kako Satosh

. Daruma and Tengu 天狗とだるま .
- Little Daruma and Little Tengu だるまちゃんとてんぐちゃん


. Knutsen, Roald Knutsen .
Tengu -The Shamanic and Esoteric Origins of the Japanese Martial Arts


Murata 村田涼平 Murata Ryohei
tengu no ken 天狗の剣 sword of the Tengu


Takuki Yoshimitsu 鐸木能光
. Tengu no sumu chi 天狗の棲む地 "A place were Tengu lives" .

Tsuchiya 土屋隆夫 Tsuchiya Takao (1917 - 2011)
. 天狗の面 (The Mask of a Tengu) .
Novel about 天狗堂のおりん Tengudo no O-Rin


. Wilson, Sean Michael Wilson - Issai Chozanshi .
The Demon's Sermon on the Martial Arts: A Graphic Novel


There are too many to list, so take a look at Amazon Com :

. books about - Tengu .

. books about - 天狗 .


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #booksabouttengu #tengubooks -

