. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Some Tengu are listed among the 四十八天狗 48 Important Tengu of Japan,
but not much can be found other than their name.
If you have any further information, please add them as a comment.
. 四十八天狗 The 48 Important Tengu of Japan .
Fugenboo 普賢坊 Fugenbo
都度沖普賢坊 Tsudooki Fugenbo from Shimane
From 島根県 隠岐の島 / 隠岐島 Okinoshima, Shimane, Oki Island
. Folk Toys from Okinoshima 民芸 .
- Introduction -
Garanboo 伽藍坊 Garan-Bo, Garanbo
鬼界ヶ島伽藍坊 Kikaigashima Garanbo from Kagoshima
From 種子島 Tanegashima or トカラ列島悪石島周辺 maybe Tokara Islands, Akusekishima Island
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The Tokara Islands (吐噶喇列島 Tokara-rettō) is an archipelago in the Nansei Islands, and are part of the Satsunan Islands, which is in turn part of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The 150 kilometres chain consists of twelve small islands located between Yakushima and Amami-Oshima. The islands have a total area of 101.35 square kilometres.
Administratively, the whole group belongs to Toshima Village, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Only seven of the islands are permanently inhabited. The islands, especially Takarajima, are home to the Tokara Pony.
..... Nihon Shoki for the year 654 mentions a "Tokara Country" ( 吐火罗国, Tokara no kuni ) .....
Akusekijima (悪石島), is one of the Tokara Islands
..... Until 1624, the island was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Akusekijima is famous for the masked god Boze (ボゼ),
the island deity. Islanders donning Boze masks come out during the annual lunar O-Bon matsuri. Protectors of the island and its natural assets, the Boze frighten small children to ensure their safety for the coming year.
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Kabasan Ishikiri Ookami 加波山石切大神 Kabasan Iwakiri Okami -
Ishikiri Okami, Great Deity of Stone Cutting

Mt. Enzan (燕山), left and Mt. Kaba (加波山), right. A view from Sakuragawa city.
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Mount Kaba (加波山 Kaba-san) is a [709 m (2,326 ft)] mountain located within the borders of Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, Japan.
Mount Kaba is located in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, bordering the cities of Sakuragawa and Ishioka, and north of Mount Tsukuba.
The mountain is granite. There are stone quarries, in the center of the western part of Kabasan, Sakuragawa city (old town, Makabe). It is nationally known as a center of stone carvings.
At the summit of the mountain, there is the Haiden of Kabasan Jinja 加波山神社 Kaba Shrine; a Shinto shrine.
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加波山神社 Kabasan Jinja
- - - - - Deities in residence
The area was used by Shugendo priests and a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist lore, including the Tengu, were much alive on this mountain.
- reference source : zoeji.com/01meguri/01meguri-kanto -
Ishikiri Okami was the strongest among the Tengu living there. He could split a rocky mountain range with a stomp of his foot.
At Mount Tsubamedake (燕山 Enzan) there is a sanctuary in his honor - 天狗祠.

Kakukaiboo 覚海坊 Kakukai-Bo, Kakukaibo
横川覚海坊 - Kakukaibo, Yokogawa from Kyoto

source : youkaitama.seesaa.net/article
He was priest 覚海 Kakukai (1142 - 1223) at 比叡山 Hieizan and turned into a Tengu.
Junichiro Tanizaki wrote a short story entitled "Kakukai Shoin Tengu ni naru koto".
. Hieizan 比叡山 Mount Hieizan .
- reference : priest kakukai -
Kikujoboo 菊丈坊 Kikujo-Bo, Kikijobo
熊野大峯菊丈坊 - Kikujobo, Kumano Omine from Nara
Kishukuboo 鬼宿坊 Kishuku-Bo, Kishukubo
長門普明鬼宿坊 - Kishukubo, Nagato Fumyo from Hiroshima
Koojooboo 高積坊 Kojo-Bo, Kojobo
白髪山高積坊 - Kojobo, Shiragayama from Kochi
Koorinboo 宰府高垣高林坊 / 宰府高垣高森坊 Korin-Bo, Korinbo
Korinbo, Saifu Takagaki - Fukuoka
Saifu is short for 太宰府 Dasaifu
He lived on 竈門山(宝満山) Mount Homanzan, on the border between 筑紫野市 Chikushino and 大宰府町 Dasaifu.
. Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 fighting the Tengu .
Kootokuboo 醫王島光徳坊 - Kotokubo, Kotoku-Bo
Iogashima イオウガシマ - Kagoshima
He lives on Iootoo (いおうとう)- 硫黄島 いおうじま Iojima, Iogashima.
But presently this Tengu seems forgotten by the inhabitants of the island. He might have changed image into two other deities,
ミエビ山王 -- Miebisan O, Miebisano
ホダラ山王 -- Hodarasan O, Hodarasano
水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru has written about him in his 妖怪図鑑 Yokai Zukan.
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Iōjima (硫黄島), also known as Satsuma Iōjima (薩摩硫黄島) or Tokara Iōjima (吐噶喇硫黄島),
is one of the Satsunan Islands, usually classed with the Ōsumi Islands, belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Along with Takeshima and Kuroshima, it makes up the three-island village of Mishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
The island, 11.65 km² in area, has a population of 142 persons.
... the highest peak is Mount Iōdake ...
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Rikyuuboo 利久坊 / 利休坊 Rikyubo, Rikyu-Bo
紫黄山 Shiozan - Ibaraki
He was one of the Great Tengu leaders of Ibaraki, the other was
. 常陸筑波法印坊 - Hoinbo, Hitachi 筑波山 Tsukuba (Hidachi) - Ibaraki.
Mount Shiozan - 紫尾山 Shibisan used to be called Shiioyama しいおやま.
And North of Mount Tsukuba was a village named 紫尾村 Shiomura, with a mountain called 椎尾山 Shiiosan.
On this mountain was a temple of the Tendai sect, named 薬王院 Yakuo-In.
椎尾山薬王院 Shiiosan, Yakuo-In
This temple dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 had been founded in 782 by 最仙上人 Saint Saisen Shonin
桜川市真壁町椎尾3178 / 3178 Makabechō Shiio, Sakuragawa-shi, Ibaraki
- reference source : kankou-sakuragawa.jp/page -
Sanmanboo 三万坊 / 三萬坊 Sanmanbo, Sanman-Bo
天満山 Tenmanzan - Gifu
?? 天満山三尺坊
天満山 - てんまんやま Tenmanyama, Tenmayama, Sekigahara, Fuwa District, Gifu
198 m
Satokuboo 佐徳坊 Satokubo, Satoku-Bo
新田山 (ニッタザンサトクボウ) Nittazan - Gunma
(新田山 Shindenyama - reading in other parts of Japan)
He lives in Gunma 群馬県 太田市 金山, Ota town on mount 金山 Kanayama.
Kanayamacho, Ota, Gunma.
. 金龍寺 Temple Kinryu-Ji .
named after the posthumous Buddhist name of its founder,
Nitta Yoshisada 新田義貞 (1301 - 1338)
and 金山城 Kanayama castle
Shinzooboo 新蔵坊 Shinzobo, Shinzo-Bo
日向尾畑 Hyuga Obatake, 宮城県 Miyagi
Sugisakaboo 杉坂坊 Sugisakabo, Sugisaka-Bo
奈良大久 Nara Ohiza
He protects the ascetics practitioners in 吉野 Yoshino and 熊野 Kumano.
Tondonboo 頓鈍坊 Tondonbo, Tondon-Bo
板遠山 Handazan - unknown

source :yokai/b-tenguretuden
圖聚 天狗列伝 Zushu Tengu Retsuden - 知切光歳 Chigiri Kosai (1902 - 1982)
Two volumes, from 西日本編 Western Japan and 東日本編 Eastern Japan.
He is mentioned in a book named 天狗列伝 by 圖聚 in the chapter of 長門普明鬼宿坊 Kishukubo, Nagato Fumyo from Hiroshima:
" In the beginning the list of 48 important Tengu included some names with unknown information. Many of them got deleted later. Now Kishukubo and Tondonbo are the two left. For Tondonbo, apart from his name, nothing is known.
Now I hope to get some information from the readers of this book!
Chigiri Kosai"
Tsurugiboo 剣坊 Tsurugibo, Tsurugi-Bo
大原住吉 Ohara Sumiyoshi - Tottori

He lives on 大山剣ヶ峰 the peak Kengamine of Mount Daisen in Tottori. The mountain is 1,729 m high.
He is the protector of 剣工の守護 sword and blade makers.
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Daisen Shinkō
Beliefs and practices associated with Daisen, a mountain located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, also known as Hōki Fuji.
It consists of a number of peaks, including Misen, Tengugamine and Sankomine.
The highest is Kengamine (1792 m.).
The access route from the north starts from a settlement that has formed around the Tendai temple Daisenji. Beyond this are the inner shrine of Ōgamiyama Shrine, and the shrine dedicated to the attendant kami, Shimoyama Shrine. Many elements connected with the view that the mountain is the Other Realm, where the spirits of the dead go, can be found in, for example, the Muromachi-period Amida Hall and the site known as Sainokawara.
- coninued here :
- source : Suzuki Masataka Kokugakuin -

. Mount Daisen 大山 - my visit in 2008 .
Yakushiboo 薬師坊 Yakushibo, Yakushi-Bo
如意ヶ嶽 Nyoigatake - Kyoto

Yakushibo Nyoigatake / Professor Akadama
- a tengu who injured his back and cannot fly anymore. He kidnapped Benten as a child and taught her how to fly and is constantly giving her his treasures. He is in love with Benten but she doesn’t exactly feel the same way about him, she cares for him I believe, but not at the level he would like her to.
source : whisperandmantra.tumblr.com/post
He was a 大天狗 Great Tengu. Later his story became the subject of Manga.
The name Akadama referes to his love for sweet red port wine, 赤玉ポートワイン.
The Eccentric Family is a Japanese comedy-drama novel written by Tomihiko Morimi,
In modern-day Kyoto, humans live in the city while tanuki roam the earth and tengu roam the sky.
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赤玉先生 Akadama Sensei (如意ヶ嶽薬師坊)
Nyoigatake is a mountain in Higashiyama, Kyoto, about 472 m high.
It belongs to the five mountains for the "Okuribi" in Kyoto.
Daimonji (大文字), the character meaning "large" or "great:"
on Daimonji-Yama /Higashi-Yama, Nyoigatake at 8:00PM
Gozan no Okuribi (五山送り火), more commonly known as Daimonji (大文字), ...
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天狗注意の標識 Be careful of Tengu crossing the street !

A street sign from Mount Takaosan.
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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