. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Tengu no men 天狗の面 / 天狗面 mask of a Tengu
. men, omote 面 masks of Japan .
- Introduction -
noomen 能面 No-men, Noh Theater masks - Beshimi 癋見 / 閉歯見 portraying goblins such as Tengu

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Many temples have Tengu masks and many festivals use them.
- quote
Menkake Gyoretsu - Japanese Mask Festival in Kamakura

On September 18th in Kamakura at the little Goryo Shrine a small but unique festival is held where the participants wear masks which are over 200 years old. The festival is known as Menkake Gyoretsu or Masked Procession. The festival is of uncertain origins but what is certain is that the shrine itself goes back to the late 11th Century. The enshrined kami is that of a famous warrior of the early samurai era - Kamakura Kagemasa popularly known as Gongoro. In fact the locals usually refer to Goryo Shrine as Gongoro Shrine. ...
- source : therovingroninreport.blogspot
. Kashoozan no tengu men 迦葉山の天狗面 Tengu mask from mount Kashozan . - Gunma
Priest Tenson Keijun 天巽慶順 and his Tengu disciple (Nakamine) Chuuhoo Sonja 中峰尊者 Chuho Sonja Sonja.
Mirokuji 迦葉山弥勒寺 Temple Miroku-Ji
This mask of a Tengu at Kashozan is maybe the largest, 5.5 m long and a nose of 2.7 meters.
There is another huge one at the temple 興国寺 Kokoku-Ji
Wakayama, Hidaka District, Yura, Monzen 801 / 日高郡由良町門前801

Tengu mask in the 天狗堂 Tengu Hall.
This mask is 2.4 m long and 2.7 m wide.
On January there is a special Tengu Festival in its honor.

天狗の面 - Tsuchiya Takao 土屋隆夫 (1917 - 2011)
Novel about 天狗堂のおりん Tengudo no O-Rin
source : amazon.co.jp
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
...................................................................................... Chiba 千葉県
. Chiba and its Tengu legends 千葉県と天狗伝説 .
嶺岡浅間の天狗面 Mineoka Asama Tengu Masks
高宕山源頼朝と天狗面 Takagoyama and the Tengu Mask of Minamoto to Yoritomo ... and more
...................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
養老郡 Yoro district
At the mountain village 瀬村 Semura there is a festival where the local people make a large mask of a Tengu and send it off to the next village in the deep mountains with music of drums and bells. The Tengu is seen as a protector of the humans and their animals. This custom lasted until the early Meiji period.
...................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
下仁田 Shimonita
. Tengu mask from 妙義山 Myogisan .
Tengu Myoogizan Nikkooboo 妙義山日光坊 Nikko-Bo, Nikkobo, Myogisan
長清法印天狗 Nagakiyo Hoin Tengu
His mask is called 魔除妙義山中之岳大天狗 Mayoke Myogi Nakanotake Dai Tengu
...................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
金沢市 Kanazawa
At the meat shop 天狗中田本店 Tengu Nakada Honten
a Tengu is the protector deity of the shop.

Tengu was a "friend" of the founder on his visits to the local Izakaya bar and also familiar to the shop founder from Kurama in Kyoto. The founder 中田岩次 Nakada Iwatsugi carved a mask, put on some flashing robes and rode through the town on a horse to draw attention to his shop. At that time, eating meat was not yet very popular in Japan.
The shop was first named 天狗乃肉 Tengu no Niku, The Meat of Tengu.
On the 3rd of Nbvember, the founding day of the shop, the mask of Tengu is venerated. During the New Year celebrations, a scroll of Tengu is hung up.

- Homepage of the store
- reference source : tenguhonten.co.jp -
...................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
村上市 Murakami
At the annual festival, children are choosen to be the アマメハギ Amamehagi. They wear masks of a Tengu or for a 獅子頭 lion dance and walk around the village from home to home, where they receive sweets.
At night they have to stay awake in the local shrine.
Amamehagi あまめはぎ
is a little male Yokai monster. He has mushrooms on his head which he uses to attack things.

(He is related to the Namahage from Ishikawa prefecture. Mizuki Shigeru has written about this Yokai.)
. Namahage なまはげ - Introduction .
...................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
. Tengu misaki 天狗ミサキ .
天狗 Tengu and Yatei ヤテイ
guhin sama グヒン様 Guhin Tengu
...................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
. Taroobooguu 太郎坊宮 Shrine for the Tengu Tarobo .
The Tengu 太郎坊 Taro-Bo venerated here is a symbol of victory.
Tengu masks 天狗面 and bells 天狗鈴 are great amulets.
...................................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県
During the Shrine Festival, a man clad in a Tengu mask is lead by a man with a mask of the God Sarutahiko 猿田彦. The onlookers must take care not to look down on the two of them.

- 猿田彦の面 mask of Sarutahiko
. Komine Jinja 古峯ヶ原古峯神社 (Furumine Jinja). .
Tengu no yado 天狗の宿 "The Inn of the Tengu"
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
天狗面 and 天狗の面
. men, omote 天狗面 Tengu masks - many more photos .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
sato kagura teratera akaki tengumen
village Kagura -
the mask of a Tengu
shines ever so red
大橋敦子 Ohashi Atsuko

CLICK for more Kagura Tengu !
. Kagura Dance 神楽 .
- reference - 天狗の面-
- reference - tengu mask -
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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