. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Karasutengu, Karasu Tengu 烏天狗、からす天狗 / カラステング Crow Tengu カラス天狗
kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin
sakaidori 境鳥(さかいどり)"Bird at the Border"
Aotengu 青天狗 Ao-Tengu "Green / Blue Tengu"

Karasu Tengu from 鞍馬山 Mount Kuramayama
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In Japanese mythology, the Karasu tengu, or minor tengu,
is a supernatural being with the head and wings of a black crow. They serve Daitengu, which are fallen yamabushi (monks), tall men with big noses and red faces who can create tornadoes using fans of bird feathers they carry in their sandals.
Karasu Tengu (“Crow” Tengu) 烏天狗
The ancient form of the Tengu was the “karasu” or “crow” Tengu. Portrayed as an evil crow-like creature with the body of a man, it was capable of kidnapping adults and children, starting fires, and ripping apart those who willfully damaged the forest, for the Tengu live in trees.
Sometimes, too, the Tengu would abduct human beings, only to release them later, but the “lucky” survivor would return home in a state of dementia (called “Tengu Kakushi, meaning “hidden by a Tengu”).
A Karasu Tengu is rather small, with the head and wings of a black crow. Some say that Tengu don't want human society to become stable and powerful, so they intervene to provoke war and civil disorder.
- source : Mark Schumacher

source : ja.wikipedia
秋葉山 Akibayama, Akiba Yama
河鍋暁斎画 Kawanabe Kyōsai 東海道名所之内
Depicting the 木の葉天狗 Konoha Tengu living in a tree,
expressing 人畜無害, men and animals are harmless
. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen - priest Kanekuni .
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Kotengu may conversely be depicted as more bird-like. They are sometimes called Karasu-Tengu (烏天狗, crow tengu), or koppa- or konoha-tengu (木葉天狗, 木の葉天狗 foliage tengu).
Inoue Enryō described two kinds of tengu in his Tenguron: the great daitengu, and the small, bird-like konoha-tengu who live in Cryptomeria trees. The konoha-tengu are noted in a book from 1746 called the Shokoku Rijin Dan (諸国里人談), as bird-like creatures with wings two meters across which were seen catching fish in the Ōi River, but this name rarely appears in literature otherwise.
- source : wikipedia -
. Karura, Garura (Garuda) 迦楼羅 "Bird Man".

An Indian Deity, which also eats dragons and takes away misfortune from the humans.
Often depicted with a hichiriki 篳篥 flute. One foot is moving to show the beat of his music.
He is one of the Hachi Bushū (Hachibushu, Hachibushuu) 八部衆
Eight Legions, Eight Deva Guardians of Buddhism
. hariko men 張子面 papermachee mask .

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
Miharu Hariko, Fukushima 三春張り子【福島】
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Tengu mask amulet from
. Isono Jinja 伊曽乃神社 - Ehime .
. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .

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. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .

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. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

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Tengu on boar 猪に乗った天狗
Fig. 19. From a drawing by Kokan,
engraved in the Wa-Kan mei-hitsu kingioku ga-fu (1771).)
- source : db.nichibun.ac.jp/ja -

Crow Tengu Riding Boar (Karasu Tengu 烏天狗騎猪)
Late Edo Period Painting by Kaihō Yūtoku, Sairin-ji Temple 西林寺, Kyoto.
In paintings and woodblock prints, the boar often appears as the steed of the tengu or of their king, Sōjōbō 僧正坊. Sōjōbō is closely linked to famed warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (1159-1189), one of Japan's most revered samurai. In a well-known legend, Yoshitsune lived among the tengu in his youth and received training in the arts of war from Sōjōbō himself.
The Buddhist martial deity Marishiten is also often shown riding atop a boar.
Another possible interpretation of the above image relates to the following Zen story:
“One day a hunter was in the mountains when he happened to see a snake killing a bird. Suddenly a boar appeared and began to devour the snake. The hunter thought he should kill the boar, but changed his mind because he did not want to be a link in such a chain, and cause his own death by the next predator to come along. On his way home he heard a voice call to him from the top of a tree. It was the voice of a tengu. It told him how lucky he was, for had he killed the boar, the tengu would have killed him.
The man subsequently moved into a cave and never killed another animal.”
- source : Mark Schumacher -

- source : Jessica on facebook -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
At the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu
there lived a strong priest in a temple. Once there came a Karasu Tengu to him and asked for his help in a fight with his worst enemy. He wanted to use the right arm of the priest, but he could not possibly cut it off . . . So the priest agreed to borrow just the "strenght of his arm". After seven days, the Tengu gave the power back to his arm.
As a sign of his gratitude, he left his nails with the priest 天狗の爪.
............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district 東栄町 Toei
reiyaku 霊薬 a wonder-drug, miraculous medicine
About 30 years ago, 為義 Tameyoshi made a living as a hunter. Once he had a dream.
He had been asked to catch a kitsutsuki 啄木鳥 woodpecker to use for making a medicine, but during the hunt was attacked by taka 大鷹 a huge hawk. The hawk had all white feathers and on each one there was 黄金の鈴 a golden bell. It turned out to be a Karasu Tengu who taught him about three herbs to burn for a medicine. One of them was hebi ichigo 蛇苺 "snake strawberry", Duchesnea chrysantha, but the other two he could not remember when he woke up.
............................................................................ Ehime 愛媛県
周桑郡 小松町 - Ishizuchiyama
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Mount Ishizuchiyama is called Tengu no su 天狗の巣 "Nest of the Tengu".
In the back yard of the village at the foot of the mountain there is a great matsu 松 pine tree, where the Karasu Tengu comes resting in the evening.
The Tengu also comes to rest at at a large muku no ki ムクの木 Aphananthe oriental elm. When the Tengu is there, flickering like flames can be seen in the branches.
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. 蒲生家 The Kamo clan of Matsuyama .
............................................................................ Fukui 福井県
三方郡 Mikata
The お使い messenger of 三方石観音 Mikata Ishi Kannon / 三方石観世音 Mikata Ishi Kanzeon is Karasu Tengu.
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One night sometime in the Enryaku Period (about 1,200 years ago) the priest Kobo Daishi had secluded himself in this mountain area and was carving a stone (ishi) statue of the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy). However he was forced to abandon his effort upon hearing a rooster crow to announce the daybreak. He left the mountain and the statue's right hand remained unfinished.
This site is now designated as a special holy site along the Hokuriku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage and, on account of the statue's missing limb, is said to have healing powers for limb disabilities. The path to the mountainside away from the Main Hall leads to a spring called 'Kannon Reisui' and, in March 2006, the spring's water 'Fukui no Oishii Mizu' (Fukui's Delicious Water) was recognised as among the very best from Fukui.
- source : town.fukui-wakasa.lg.jp -
- - - - - HP of the temple
- source : mmnet-ai.ne.jp -
............................................................................ Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki 川中子 Kawanakago
At the 川中子の愛宕神社 Atago Shrine of Kawanakago there is a 小絵馬 votive tablet of Karasu Tengu. It has 神通力 great spiritual power and grants the wishes of people.

- Karasu Tengu from the Atago Jinja shrine in Kyoto
............................................................................ Gifu 岐阜県
. Kotengu and woodcutter .
Mashita district 益田郡 萩原町 Hagiwara
............................................................................ Iwate 岩手県
平泉町 Hiraizumi
. 中尊寺薬師堂 Yakushido Hall at Chuzon-Ji .
... there is the skull of a Karasu Tengu.
Another 鳥天狗の頭蓋骨 Karasu Tengu skull at Wakayama, Jikoenpuku-In 第22番 清涼山・慈光圓福院

source : youshowhm.exblog.jp
karasu tengu no miira 烏天狗のミイラ mummy of a Karasu Tengu

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In the home of a Yamabushi priest, there are said to be six seated mummies. Two with their arms above the head, like doing a water ablution.
Two with their hands before the breast, facing downward to purify the earth.
Two with their hands on the knees, meditating.

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
飯田市 Iida
............................................................................ Osaka 大阪府
. Kite 凧 tako and Tengu blowing wind .
............................................................................ Shizuoka 静岡県
周智郡 春野町 Harunocho
岩岳山 Mount Iwatake has been opened by Aotengu 青天狗 Ao-Tengu(烏天狗 Karasu Tengu).
Saishooin 景勝院 Saisho-In
............................................................................ Toyama 富山県
............................................................................ Yamagata 山形県
. Tengu from Shōnai 庄内 - 伝説 Shonai Yamagata Legends .
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
道志村 Doshi
Kanchiki yokai, カンチキ monster like a Kappa 河童
This is a monster that lives in the deep ravine.
It has a tortoise shield on its back like a Kappa and his hair is long like that of a Karasu Tengu.
It grabs the intestines through the anus and eats them and caused water accidents in children.
kanchiki 獰悪な獣型河童 from Yamanashi
- source : www5e.biglobe.ne.jp -
. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Kappa Legends .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

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- reference - 烏天狗 -
- reference - "karasu tengu" -
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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