. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Tengu no ha-uchiwa 天狗の羽団扇 "feather fan of a Tengu"
. uchiwa 団扇 hand fan .
- Introduction -
The normal feather fan of a Tengu has 7 or 8 (yatsude) feathers. Some have nine feathers.
Many tales feature this fan, which has the ability to grow or shrink the nose of its owner. They can also produce a strong gust of wind.

source : pixta.jp/tags
family crest 九枚羽団扇 家紋

Goma sen, gomasen 護摩扇 ritual fan from Kurama
This is the fan of the great Tengu from Kurama mountain, used to ward off all evil during the goma fire rituals.

source : albireo190.blog - yatsude
Tengu Uchiwa from yatsude and the small sword of Shanao Yoshitsune
. Sōjōbō 僧正坊 Sojobo from 鞍馬山 Kuramayama Kyoto .
He carries a fan made from seven feathers as a sign of his position at the top of the Tengu society.

source : xxx
uchiwa with Tengu from 栗林庵 Ritsurin-An, Kagawa

source : yw2.gamerch.com
Tengu himself as a fan
. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .
source : from-yamato.com/yamatono_dorei
From Kuramayama 鞍馬山の土鈴
. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .

source : yaplog.jp/usasuke/archive
. tako 凧 kites, Drachen .

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/ryuzojiryuzoji
天狗のウチワの凧 - in the form of shuro 棕櫚の葉 a leaf of the Shuro hemp-palm
This is also the 御神紋 shrine crest of 冨士神社 Fuji Jinja in 上西町 Kaminishi town (Shizuoka).
The kamon 家紋 family crest of the 富士氏 Fuji clan, priests at Fuji Jinja, is the 棕櫚団扇 Shuro Fan.
It should be different from the fan of a Tengu, but the priests have a strong belief in the Tengu.

CLICK for more photos of the crest with this Shuro fan crest !
shuro mon 棕櫚紋 hemp-palm crest
. hemp palm (shuro 棕櫚) .
The hemp palm has been used for other things used in a Japanese home.
A kind of fly swatter is also called the Swatter of a Forest Goblin, Tengu no uchiwa 天狗のうちわ。

source : 絵てがみに だんだん makotyan.exblog
yatsude やつで / (天狗のはうちわ)/ ヤツデ Tengu no ha-uchiwa

yatsude 八手 Fatsia japonica, Japanese Fatsia "eight arms"
source : makotyan.exblog.jp
. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

CLICK for more samples !
. hikiyama 曳山 / yatai 屋台 festival float .
danjiri だんじり 山車 / kasaboko 笠鉾 "umbrella floats"

天狗と羽うちわ Tengu to ha-uchiwa

牛若丸とカラス天狗打合い Karasu Tengu and Ushikwakamaru
source : hirosawa.info/archives
. . . CLICK here for more Photos - 屋台 天狗 !
. . . CLICK here for more Photos - 山車 天狗 !
- quote
Tengu no Uchiwa てんぐのうちわ Der blattförmige Fächer vom Tengu

Ein Mann (Mohei) bekommt von einem Tengu (ein Berggeist mit einer langen Nase) einen blattförmigen Fächer, mit dem er seine Nase länger oder auch kürzer machen kann.
Autor: Matsuoka, Setsu // Illustrator: Mizusawa, Ken (1988)
- source : japanischebuecher.blog.fc2.com

Kintaro Tengu No Hane Uchiwa / Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi
- quote -
"The Tengu's Fan" (天狗の羽団扇, Tengu no Hauchiwa)
A scoundrel obtains a tengu's magic fan, which can shrink or grow noses. He secretly uses this item to grotesquely extend the nose of a rich man's daughter, and then shrinks it again in exchange for her hand in marriage. Later he accidentally fans himself while he dozes, and his nose grows so long it reaches heaven, resulting in painful misfortune for him.
- source : mytwoyenworth.blogspot.jp -

- reference : more picture books -
..... the uchiwa resembles the leaf of 麻 asa, the hemp plant. and Tengu is flying . . .
The Spirit of the mushroom Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) in Japan is the long-nosed, red-faced Tengu.
Whoever eats Beni-Tengu-Dake (Red Tengu mushroom) will encounter the lively entity.
- source : Christian Rätsch -

beni tengutake ベニテングタケ / 紅天狗茸 Amanita muscaria Fliegenpilz
. Tengutake 天狗茸 "Tengu Mushroom" .
Amulet from Mount Takaosan 高尾山
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference : tengu fan uchiwa -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Once a Tengu met a run-down gambler with a special dice, said to bring 千里眼 clairvoiance. So he exchanged his feather fan for it. When he found out he had been cheated, the Tengu went looking for the home of the gambler. The home was surrounded by plants that a Tengu dislikes, (thorny brambles and azaleas).
In his anger the Tengu threw 牡丹餅 sweet rice cakes at the home, not knowing that this was a well-loved food by the gambler.
............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
Once upon a time there lived なまけ者の時 a lazy person called Toki. He was told to go to the mountain forest to work, but he soon sat down under a pine tree and had a nap. But on this tree happened to sit a Tengu, who wanted to play a trick on Toki. He fanned the nose with his feather fan, so that it grew quite long. When Toki woke up and found his nose had grown he was quite surprized. The Tengu said to him:
"With my fan you can make your nose very long or very short. I will lent it to you and we can make some good money with this! If you fan with the front side a nose will grow longer. If you fan with the back side, a nose will shrink."
Toki was lucky and made a good bit of money with this fan.
Once he had to shit whilst in the wilderness and had nothing to wipe his behind, so he thought he could use
just a bit of the back of his magic fan.
Then he went back to his business, making his nose long. But when he tried to make it short again, it did not shrink any more and he became the laughing stock of the region.
He had to become a beggar, walking around shaking his long nose, begging for food.
............................................................................ Tottori 鳥取県
鳥取市 Tottori
At 魔尼山 Manizan there lived a Tengu.
The only son of the 西野家 Nishino family in 大工 Daikumachi village was once abducted by a person looking like a mountain priest. Seven years later his mother had a dream. Her son appeared and told her he was taken care of by a Tengu who taught him many things. He would soon graduate and asked her to place some vegetables and a large portion of rice (tengu no goohan 強飯) on the roof.
When she did as asked, the next night there were voices outside on the roof, then it became quiet again.
Another ten and more years later, the feather fan of a Tengu was delivered to the Nishio family and she was sure it was a keepsake of her son.
The house of the Nishio family never bured down, not even during the great fire in the village.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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