
plants and Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Plants with Tengu - 植物と天狗


. Beni-Tengu-Dake, benitengudake ベニテングタケ(紅天狗茸) "Red Tengu Mushroom".
Amanita muscaria, Beni Tengudake


- quote
Tengu Shide テングシデ Tengu Hornbeam
More than 100 trees in a forest in Oasa, Hiroshima.


- source : kankou.pref.hiroshima.jp

shide 四手 a tree of the family Carpinus.

CLICK for more amazing photos !

- - - - - There is even a manhole cover in the town!

The english name for shide is Hornbeam, and I must admit I have never heard of them.
... Apparently the tengu shide is a mutation and the only place in the world it grows is around Oasa. According to the local story, if you try climbing one of these trees a tengu will appear and throw you off.
- source : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp -


. yatsude やつで=(天狗のはうちわ) Tengu no ha-uchiwa .
Fatsia japonica, Japanese Fatsia "eight arms, eight hands"


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #plantstengu -




kawa Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

kawatengu, kawa-tengu, kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu"
mizu tengu 水天狗 "water Tengu"

Most Great Tengu 大天狗 live alone in a region, only allowing some Karasu Tengu to be their followers.
Sometimes they produce the 天狗火 "Tengu fire" , hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire; to show the borders and protect their territory.
This is done by kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu".
If people go fishing late in the evening, they might feel someone attacking them on the way home.

. Tengubi 天狗火 / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire - Yokai .
松明丸 Taimatsu Maru // 天狗の漁撈 Tengu no gyoro, Tengu fishing

. Hinotama 天狗と火の玉伝説 Legends about Tengu and fire balls .

. kotowaza ことわざ proverbs and expressions with "Tengu" .


source : shigege.blog89.fc2.com/ *
Kawa Tengu, maybe a kind of Kappa


荒山水天狗鼻祖 Arayama mizutengu no hajimari
曲亭馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin (1767-1848)
北尾政美 Kitao Masayoshi
- reference : waseda university library -


Kawa Tengu is a Japanese Yokai monster folklore in Kanto area. It is a kind of Tengu that prefers to live near a river.
that lives in Ohhatabushi in Tamagawa always sits on a rock sadly. But one spring day, this Kawa Tengu was sitting on the same rock with young female Tengu.
that lives in Mizune valley appears with Mountain Tengu and make noise of water splashing, waterfalls, and rocks falling.
- source : ShotaKotake -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

.............................................................................. Gunma 群馬県

. Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 . Kawa Tengu from Gunma 群馬県

Once a man from 多野郡上野村塩ノ Ueno, Shionozawa went fishing at night and said he saw a Kawa Tengu. From upstream a ball of light came down and when he cast his net in this direction, he caught a lot of fish.
Another fisher tells of the ball of fire getting inside his net, but when he hauled it out, the fire ball disappeared and he was left with a great catch.
(Maybe the source of the fire are some special insects or 発光バクテリア bacteria which produce light which lure the fish?)

Tenguiwa, tengu-iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Rock in Ueno
and walking on to Eboshidake 烏帽子岳.

.............................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
津久井郡 城山町 - Tsukui Kappa and Kawa Tengu 津久井の河童と川天狗
Kawatengoo 川天狗(かわてんごう) Kawatengo, Kawa Tengo

source : tyz-yokai.blog.jp/archives

A man named 角田福三 Kakuda Fukuzo

内郷村 Uchigomura


- wikipedia


source : ameblo.jp/pocketpictures/entry
The Yama Tengu from Tsukui 山天狗


- quote -






- reference : hunterslog.net/dragonology -

丹沢湖 Kawatengu from Lake Tazawako 神奈川県山北町

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten/251-300

When the 三保ダム dam was built to make Lake Tazawako, many homes were lost and to appease their spirits, various stone Buddha statues were replaced here.
Behind the 神縄トンネルTunnel is a stone statue of the Kawa Tengu.
The deity Hakuryuushin 白竜神 Hakuryu Shin (White Dragon Deity) is also venerated with a stone memorial.

.............................................................................. Mie 三重県
員弁郡 Inabe district 梅戸井村 Umedoi

After it has rained, there sometimes was a hi no tama 火の玉 fire ball in the 松林 pine forest, and people were afraid of it.
During the early Edo period, a Kawa Tengu begun to pass around there and the fire got even larger 猛火 with roaring flames. Sometimes the road could not be used at all. People had to put their 草履 straw sandals on the head and apologize before passing.

.............................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県


秩父郡 Chichibu district

. Chichibu no Tengu 秩父の天狗さま The Tengu from Chichibu .
kawatengu 川天狗 Tengu becoming a River

.............................................................................. Tokyo 東京都


小河内村 Ogochimura


.............................................................................. Yamagata 山形県

Mizu Tengu 水天狗 "Water Tengu"
The most famous of them is Enkooboo 円光坊 Enko-Bo from Haguro San, one of the three mountains of Dewa.
He protected the people of the region who were involved in the transport of goods on the river 最上川 Mogamigawa.
七千日護摩行者長教 illustration shows him with a mouth like a bird or a Kappa.

source : ikkaisai on twitter
Scroll of Sankooboo 三光坊 Sanko-Bo and 水天狗 円光坊 Mizu Tengu Enko-Bo

One of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

羽黒山金光坊 - Konko-Bo, Mount Hagurosan - Yamagata
(Maybe Konko-Bo and Sanko-Bo are two names for the same Tengu. Anyway, there have been quite a lot of minor Tengu on this mountain.)
羽黒山の三天狗 - The Three Tengu of Hagurosan:
金光坊 Konko-Bo, 三光坊 Sanko-Bo and 円光坊 Enko-Bo
- reference -

. Haguro San 羽黒山 . 羽黒出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa .

.............................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県

北都留郡 Kitatsuru district


西八代郡 Nishiyatsushiro 上九一色村 Kamikuishiki

儀兵衛というじい様 Grandfather Gihei が精進湖へ網打ちに行き、投網をすると、何か大物がかかったような手応えがあった。網を上げようとしても上がらず、かえって湖の中に引き込まれて行く。じい様は怖くなり網を放り出して逃げ帰り、翌朝行って見ると網は湖端に残っているが、底が破れて大きな穴があいていた。川天狗の仕業ではないかという。


- source : nichibun yokai database


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference : kawa tengu -


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. kawatengu 川天狗 Tengu becoming a River - Chichibu .

. kotowaza ことわざ proverbs and expressions with "Tengu" .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Karasutengu, Karasu Tengu 烏天狗、からす天狗 / カラステング
Crow Tengu, Bird Tengu
kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kawatengu -



hana long nose of Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

hana ga takai 鼻が高い the long nose of a Tengu
hanadaka tengu, hanataka tengu 鼻高天狗 tall-nosed Tengu

lit. with a high nose

source and more photos : xsl99.com/new

Daitengu, or ”Major Tengu.“ Typically appears as man with a very long nose and red face.

- quote
The Buddhist Connection. Why the Long Nose?
The Yamabushi Tengu comes in two flavors -- the long-nosed goblin with human face or
the beak-nosed goblin with human face.

Tengu are always portrayed as having a mischievous sense of humor, for they love playing tricks on those they encounter, especially on pretentious and arrogant Buddhist priests and samurai. Indeed, by the late Kamakura Period, the Tengu become a major literary vehicle for criticising both established and nascent Buddhist sects

The long nose relates to the Tengu’s hatred of arrogance and prejudice. Priests with no true knowledge, prideful individuals, those attached to fame, and those who willfully mislead or misuse the Buddhist cannons are turned into the long-nosed Yamabushi Tengu (or sent to Tengudo, the realm of the Tengu) after their deaths. Corrupt Buddhist monks and corrupt Buddhist monestaries were in fact a major concern throughout Japan’s middle ages. Tengu are thus seen as protectors of the Dharma (Buddhist law), and punish those who mislead the people. Over time, the folklore of tengu and yamabushi become intertwined, and even the crow tengu (karasu tengu) begin wearing the robes and caps of priests.

SARUTAHIKO 猿田彦, 猿田彦神
... the ancestor of the long-nosed Tengu mountain goblin ...
- source : Mark Schumacher

. Karasutengu, Karasu Tengu 烏天狗、からす天狗 / カラステング
Crow Tengu, Bird Tengu /// kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .


source : dassai2.p2.weblife.me

Tengu and an Elephant pulling a rope with their long noses.

. Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋暁斎 (1831 - 1889) .


Even a long-nosed Tengu has problems with the heavy snow of January 2017 !
This one broke off his nose, at Kuramadera in Kyoto !


. Tengu ni naru 天狗になる - proverb about the long nose .
To boast and be proud of one's own actions.
If someone boasts too much, another proverb is
hana ga takaku naru 鼻が高くなる "the nose gets long" like that of a Tengu.


森羅万象 Shinra Bansho

. Hokusai Manga 北斎漫画 Hokusai Sketches .


Long-nosed goblin
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川國芳


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .

- reference : hanadaka tengu -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #hanatakai #longnosetengu #hanadaka -



ukiyo-e with Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

ukiyo-e 浮世絵 Ukiyo-E with Tengu

. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .


. Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋暁斎 (1831 - 1889) .

source : dassai2.p2.weblife.me

Tengu and an Elephant pulling a rope with their long noses.

source : 骨董山策日誌

Hiten to Tengu 飛天と天狗 Apsara and Tengu
. hiten 飛天 Apsara, Apsaras, Heavenly Maidens .

source : mag jaapan pinterest

Long noses yokai - Ashinaga-Tenaga + Tengu

. Akibayama 秋葉山 Akiba Yama Karasu Tengu .

. koboozu hitori tengu hachinin 小坊主ひとり天狗八人 .

. . . CLICK here for more pictures by Kyosai !


Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国定

- quote -
Hell is empty and all the devils are here
The woodcut print by Kunisada Utagawa above features six Japanese masks.
..... This Kunisada print is particularly interesting as it features pop-up flaps on strings attached to the lower half of the six masks. Pulling on them reveals gaping mouths. In this way these masks are reminiscent of traditional 舞楽 bugaku masks.
..... Kunisada’s work features some of the most notoriously terrifying creatures of Japanese folklore. The third red mask from the left is identified as a type of oni-no-men (鬼ノ面) by the Japanese script on its right. In folkloric tradition, oni (鬼) are a type of yōkai (妖怪), which is the name given to supernatural creatures. The men in the term oni-men is translated to mean ‘mask’. Oni are generally thought to be hideous, horned, ogre-like creatures with large talons. Their skin is most typically red or blue. Oni were believed to cause disasters, disease and other forms of misfortune. They were also thought to devour humans.

The red mask on the far right is a hanataka-men (鼻高面).
It represents the hanataka-tengu (鼻高天狗). Tengu literally means “heavenly dog”, as the creatures take their name from a legendary Chinese demon dog. However in Japanese culture, tengu is a deceitful and malicious yōkai originally thought to take on the form of a bird of prey. Over the years, however, many different forms of tengu have arisen. The one featured in Kunisada’s print is a hanataka-tengu, which can be understood as “long-nose tengu”. The long-nose tengu is identified by its abnormally long nose and red face, resembling closely the Western goblin. It has been depicted bewitching people and put them into a trance.

On the left of the hanataka-men is the hannya-men (般若面). The hannya (般若) mask is commonly used in Noh theatre (a classical form of Japanese musical drama) and typically represents a jealous female demon. In Noh, hannya is a woman who has become possessed by her jealousy and obsession and she typically has two horns and a leering mouth. Nuances of human emotion are a characteristic feature of Noh theatre. The hannya displays this subtlety as it is meant to evoke both demonic and sorrowful qualities. When the actor wearing the mask looking straight ahead at the audience , the mask appears terrifying, but when he looks down, the masks paints a picture of torment, as the character appears to be crying. .....

and a photo of People Bewitched by a Tengu (Japanese mountain demon)
Colour woodcut attributed to Kyōsai Kawanabe

- source : Gillian Daniel -


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #ukiyoe -



proverbs with TENGU

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

kotowaza ことわざ proverbs and expressions with "Tengu"

Since Tengu have such a long history in Japan, there are also quite a few proverbs (Sprichwort)
and expressions weaving around them.

source : tokyobling.wordpress.com

Tengu were considered to be very vain. boastful and narcissistic.
They are also made responsible for natural phenomenon that could not be explained otherwise
at that time in history.
The woodworkers and hunters, who had to spend long, dark nights in the mountain forests, also added to the lore of deeds by the local Tengu, which were seen as a Yokai and sometimes called

furusoma, furu-soma 古杣 "old forest worker"

source : wikipedia *

. Kigo for all winter .
fuyusoma, fuyu soma 冬杣 (ふゆそま) forest worker, woodcutter in winter
Some work in the forest during the daytime (higaeri soma) and to home in the evening, others wander around and stay in a small hut for a few days (nagare soma) and then move on to the next job.
They cut the trees and used the snowy slopes to let the stems glide down to the villages at the foot of the mountains.
somabito 杣人, yamagatsu 山賤 / 山賎 // kikori 木樵
Waldarbeiter, Holzäfller (somabito そまびと)


koboozu hitori ni tengu hachi nin 小坊主ひとりに天狗八人
koboozu hitori tengu hachinin 小坊主ひとり天狗八人

"A small Kobozu monk facing eight Tengu all by himself.”
signifies an unbalance of power, when many strong ones go for a weak one.
To ignore one’s own weakness even in the face of impossible odds, to face adversary without any realistic hope of success.

- Detail with the Tengu -

source : dassaishooku.p2.weblife.me

. 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 1889) .

. 八天狗 Eight important Tengu of Japan .


. Tengubi 天狗火 / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire - Yokai .


. Tengu-daoshi, Tengu daoshi, tengudaoshi 天狗倒し "Tengu knocking down trees" .
The sound of cutting down a tree with a saw or ax is heard at night, but next morning nothing is to be seen.
This refers to strange noises in a lonely forest.

The following is also heard in the forest, when nobody is there to be seen:

Tengubayashi, tengu no hayashi 天狗囃子 Tengu making music

- - - - - Shizuoka 静岡県 - - - - -

At the shrine 小笠神社 Ogasa Jinja the messenger of the deity is the Tengu, who lives there. In summer, villagers often hear the music of a band, but the folks of the next village never hear this.
Sometimes the Tengu makes a fire and burns the small paths between the rice paddies.
If the water in the paddies becomes too little, they say the Tengu dad been out fishing for small fish. All the fish he gets have 片目 only one eye.

Tengu taiko 天狗太鼓 Tengu playing the drums

Tengu warai 天狗笑い Tengu laughing

- - - - - Niigata 新潟県 Shiozawa 塩沢町 - - - - -

Working in the mountain forests or walking along a lonely mountain road, sometimes people hear 高笑い a very high laughing voice, アハハハハ ahahahaha, which reveberates all round the mountain. This is the local Tengu laughing.
So even now, if a person laughts very loud and in a high voice, people call it
Tengu no taka warai 天狗の高笑.

天狗倒し Tengudaoshi - by 大佛次郎 Daibutsu Jiro (1897 - 1973)

- further reference : wikipedia -

23 legends to explore


Tengu kakushi 天狗隠し kidnapped by a Tengu, hidden by a Tengu
a form of kamikakushi, kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the Gods
Young boys and girls were lost in the forest (abducted and captured by a Tengu) and sometimes appeared later, either forgetting everything or full of knowledge (since the Tengu Mountain Priest) were learned persons and educated their young captives.
- also called Tengu sarai 天狗攫い

. Tengu no kami-kakushi 天狗と神かくし / カミカクシ abduction .


Tengu no miakashi, mi-akashi 天狗の御燈 light made by a Tengu

a form of roojinbi 老人火, 怪火 ghost fire

竹原春泉斎 Takehara Shunsensai (late Edo period, active 1789-1817)

- reference : wikipedia - *


Tengu ni naru 天狗になる to become a Tengu, to act like a Tengu

source : torihide.blog14.fc2.com

To boast and be proud of one's own actions.
If someone boasts too much, another proverb is
hana ga takaku naru 鼻が高くなる "the nose gets long" like that of a Tengu.

- jiman suru to Tengu ni naru 自慢すると天狗になる Legends from Gifu 岐阜県 -

- - - - - Hida region 飛騨地方 - - - - -

- - - - - Takayama 高山市 - - - - -


Tengu ni karakasa torareta yoo 天狗に唐傘取られたよう
The umbrella is taken away by a Tengu.
(天狗風 tengu kaze 突風)strong sudden gust or blast of wind, "Tengu wind")
Refers to something you have on influence on and have to endure without resisting.

天狗風 - 宮部みゆき Miyabe Miyuki
Reigen Ohatsu Torimono Hikae 霊験お初捕物控

This shochu 焼酎 has a mellow taste of prominent sweet potato and complimented by the sweet fragrance of the sweet potato.
source : whistler.com.sg/products


Tengu no kinobori 天狗の木登り Tengu climbs a tree
example for something that never happens and is thus quite impossible and ridiculous.
After all, Tengu can fly up a mountain . . .

- - - - - Tokushima 徳島県 - - - - -
Once a 小僧 young monk, who liked to climb trees, became a Tengu.
One night he appeared at the bedside of his Master priest and told him to build a small Hokura 祠 sanctuary at the back of the mountain. From there he would protect the area from fires. So the priest built a shrine, 秋葉神社 Akiba Jinja.


Tengu no koogeki, kōgeki 天狗の攻撃 Kogeki assault of a tengu

Most Great Tengu 大天狗 live alone in a region, only allowing some Karasu Tengu to be their followers.
Sometimes they produce the 天狗火 "Tengu fire" (see above) to show and protect their territory.
This is done by kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu".
If people go fishing late in the evening, they might feel someone attacking them on the way home.

. kawatengu, kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" .


Tengu no nagesan 天狗の投げ算 to tell an unbelievable story
Tengu throws the divining sticks (算木) or a coin to divine the future.
There is a line in Kyogen


Tengu tsubute 天狗つぶて / 天狗礫 "Tengu throwing stones"
A stone falling from nowhere. (So it must have been thrown by a Tengu.)
Hail is known as tengu tsubute.
In English it is sometimes called ファフロツキーズ Fafrotskies.
Other legends blame this phenomenon on a 狸 Tanuki or kitsune 狐 Fox.
If someone is hit by such a stone, he will fall ill. 
If someone looks at this, he will have a bad hunting season later on, so hunters usually close their eyes if they see something suspicious coming down.

鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien
- various legends on this page
- reference : wikipedia -

Shigeru Mizuki told tales of
yama Tengu 山天狗 (Mountain Tengu) and 天狗つべて (Tengu Tsubute)
- reference source : mytwoyenworth.blogspot.jp -

Kuramasan tengu tsubute 鞍馬天狗礫 Goblins Throwing Pebbles on Mt. Kurama
(Ushiwakamaru Koô no mae)
Book by Torii Kiyomitsu I (1735 – 1785)
- rsource : educators.mfa.org/asia -

. tochi no mi no tsubute oroshi ya Buzenboo .
Haiku by Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女

- - - - -

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

izuko yori tsubute utsukemu natsu kodachi

from nowhere
pebbles are thrown in the foilage
of trees in summer

mizutori ya tsubute ni kawaru oridokoro

this waterbird -
stones keep flying
at its resting place

Tr. Gabi Greve
the "waterbird " is Buson himself.

mizutori no nedokoro kawaru tsubute kana

a waterbird
changes its place of sleep
as stones come flying

Tr. Makoto Ueda

The Path of Flowering Thorn: The Life and Poetry of Yosa Buson
- source : books.google.co.jp -

5 legends

Tengu no yusaburi 天狗の揺さぶり Tengu jolting (a mountain hut)

Sometimes a lonely hut in the mountains begins to shake and rattle (gatagaga ガタガタ).
Even a home where people live all the time might begin to shake.
In 埼玉県比企郡 Saitama, Hiki district, this happens quite often on the slopes of 弓立山 Mount Yumidateyama. If someone dares to peek out of the window, there is a red face of a huge man (a Tengu) lurking.
To avoid harm, people pray to Yama no Kami 山の神, the Deity of the Mountain.

10 legends 天狗 揺


Tengutobi, Tengu-tobi 天狗跳び to jump like a Tengu

Sometimes a karasu Tengu jumps around to scare off woodworkers in the territory of his master, 大天狗 Great Tengu.

Tengu tobi てんぐ飛び - - Video of a folk tale
- source : dailymotion.com/video -

6 legends 跳ね上げら


tengu no tobi-sokonai 天狗の飛び損い even a Tengu sometimes can not fly properly
Something you think you can do without problem sometimes does not work out properly.
Even a great person makes mistakes.

Even Homer sometimes nods.
indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus - "I become annoyed when the great Homer is being drowsy"

- - - - - Similar Japanese kotowaza
河童の川流れ Even a Kappa is flooded away at the river.
弘法にも筆の誤り Even Kobo Daishi sometimes makes a mistake when writing.
猿も木から落ちる Even a monkey can fall from a tree.


tsuri Tengu ni kikimimi nashi 釣り天狗に聞き耳なし
"a fishing Tengu has no ear for others".
People who like fishing usually tell their own stories and budge in on others with their 自慢話 own bragging.

13 legends 釣 天狗


Tigers, Devils, and Fools: A Guide to Japanese Proverbs
By Edward Trimnell
- source : books.google.co.jp -

- reference : 天狗 ことわざ -
- reference : jama103dajo.at.webry.info - *
- reference : tokyobling.wordpress.com -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- reference : nichibun Yokai database -


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

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48 great Tengu of Japan

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

四十八天狗 48 Important Tengu of Japan

Each Tengu has a personal name with ... BO 坊 (priest) and also the name of the mountain where he resides.
The mountains of Japan were thought to be the residence of Tengu since ancient times.

修験道の本 ― 神と仏が融合する山界曼荼羅

All Tengu are said to have 翅 wings.
The からすてんぐ Karasu Tengu have a beak like a Garuda bird,
The Tengu from Kuramayama have a 羽団扇 feather fan, a 顔が赤く鼻の高い red face and a long red nose.
The 木葉天狗 / 木の葉天狗 Konoha Tengu wear a Buddhist hood (兜巾 tokin) and band with bells 鈴掛 and a 野袴 rough long pleated Hakama skirt. 野袴
In the Heian period they they were called
Amatsu kitsune, Amatukitsune, Tenko 天狐,天狗 / アマツキツネ Heavenly Foxes.
- - - Tenko (Japanese: 天狐) are a type of divine beast in Japanese folklore. After reaching 1,000 years of age and gaining its ninth tail, a kitsune (fox) turns a golden color, becoming a 'Tenko' (天狐 "heavenly fox"/"celestial fox"), the most powerful form of the kitsune, and then ascends to the heavens. They are able to see a thousand ri ahead. They have nine tails unlike the lower-ranked existences, the yako, the kiko, and the kūko.
- source : wikipedia -

There is even a skull of such an amatsu oomi kitsune アマツオオミキツネ Honorable Tengu with horns.

. Karasutengu, Karasu Tengu 烏天狗、からす天狗 / カラステング
Crow Tengu, Bird Tengu /// kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .


四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan - ABC
- the order varies according to the source -

. Ajari 阿闍梨坊 Ajari-Bo 肥後阿闍梨 Higo Ajari Kōen 皇円 Saint Koen . - Kumamoto
. 妙高山足立坊 - Ashitatebo (Ashidatebo), Myokosan . - Niigata
. 彦山豊前坊 - Buzenbo, Hikozan . - Fukuoka
. 高良山筑後坊 - Chikugobo, Korazan . - - Fukuoka, Korasan
. 笠置山大僧正 - Daisojo, Kasagizan . - Kasagiyama, Kyoto
. 天岩船檀特坊 / 壇特坊 - Dantokubo, Amanoiwafune . - Osaka
. 富士山陀羅尼坊 - Daranibo, Fujisan - Shizuoka .
- Fujitaro Tengu from Mount Fuji

. 都度沖普賢坊 - Fugenbo, Tsudooki - Shimane .
. 鬼界ヶ島伽藍坊 - Garanbo, Kikaigashima - Kagoshima .
. 常陸筑波法印坊 - Hoinbo, Hitachi 筑波山 Tsukuba (Hidachi) - Ibaraki.
. 石槌山法起坊 - Hokibo Ishizuchizan Ehime .
. 比叡山法性坊 - Hoseibo, Hieizan .
(moved from Kyoto to Gunma to become 妙義大権現 Myogi Daigongen

. 比良山次郎坊 / 二郎坊 / 治朗坊 - Jirobo, Hirasan .
. 越中立山縄乗坊 Josuibo, Etchu Tateyama / Shijo-Bo / ジョウスイボウ .
. 横川覚海坊 - Kakukaibo, Yokogawa (1142 - 1223) - Kyoto (比叡山) .
. 熊野大峯菊丈坊 - Kikujobo, Kumano Omine - Nara .
. 長門普明鬼宿坊 - Kishukubo, Nagato Fumyo - Hiroshima .
. 白髪山高積坊 - Kojobo, Shiragayama - Kochi .
. 象頭山金剛坊 - Kongobo, Zozusan - Kagawa .

. 羽黒山金光坊 - Konkobo, Mount Hagurosan - Yamagata .
- Three Tengu of Hagurosan: 金光坊 Konko-Bo, 三光坊 Sanko-Bo and 円光坊 Enko-Bo

. 浅間ヶ嶽金平坊 - Konpeibo (Konbeibo), Asamagatake - Gunma . - 浅間山
. 黒眷属金比羅坊 - Konpirabo, Kurokenzoku - Kagawa .
. 高野山高林坊 - Korinbo, Korin-Bo, Koyasan - Wakayama .
. 宰府高垣高林坊 / 宰府高垣高森坊 - Korinbo, Saifu Takagaki - Fukuoka .
. 葛城高天坊 - Kotenbo, Katsuragi - Nara .
. 醫王島光徳坊 - Kotokubo, Iogashima - Kagoshima . (硫黄島 Iojima)
. 吉野皆杉小桜坊 - Kozakurabo, Yoshino Minasugi - Nara . - 天狗魔王尊 Tengu Mao Son
. 上野妙義坊 - Myogibo, Ueno . - Gunma
. 妙義山日光坊 - Nikkobo, Myogisan . - Gunma - Tokugawa Ieyasu
. 紫黄山 利久坊 / 利休坊 - Rikyubo, Shiozan . - Ibaraki
. 御嶽山六石坊 - Rokusekibo, Ontakesan, Mitakezan - Nagano (六尺坊 Rokushaku-Bo) .

. 飯綱三郎 - Saburo, Iizuna (Izuna) - Nagano . - - - - Iizuna Gongen 飯綱権現

. 白峯相模坊 / 白峰相模坊 - Sagamibo, Shiramine - Kagawa -
Saganbō Daigongen 相模坊大権現 .

. 厳島三鬼坊 - Sankibo, Itsukushima . - Hiroshima
. 天満山三萬坊 / 天満山三万坊 - Sanmanbo, Tenmanzan . - Gifu

. 秋葉山三尺坊 - Sanshakubo, Akibayama - Shizuoka
- Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現 (Sanjaku-Bo) .

. 新田山佐徳坊 - Satokubo, Nittazan - Gunma .
. 伯耆大山清光坊 - Seikobo, Hoki Daisen / 伯耆坊 Hokibo, Hoki-Bo . - Tottori
. 日向尾畑新蔵坊 - Shinzobo, Hyuga Obatake . - Miyagi
. 鞍馬山僧正坊 - Sojobo, Kuramayama . - Kyoto
. 奈良大久杉坂坊 - Sugisakabo, Nara Ohiza . - Nara

. 高雄内供奉 (たかおないぐぶ) Takao Naigubu . - Kyoto
..... Priest Shinzei 真済 / 柿本僧正 Kakinomoto Sojo / 高雄僧正 Takao Sojo - "Priest with high learning"

. 愛宕山太郎坊 - Tarobo, Atagoyama - Kyoto .
. 日光山東光坊 - Tokobo, Nikkozan - Tokugawa Ieyasu . - Tochigi
. 板遠山頓鈍坊 - Tondonbo, Handazan . - unknown
. 大原住吉剣坊 - Tsurugibo, Ohara Sumiyoshi . - Tottori, Mount Daisen 大山

. 如意ヶ嶽薬師坊 - Yakushibo, Nyoigatake - Kyoto .

. 那智滝本前鬼坊 - Zenkibo, Nachinotakimoto - Nara .
. 大峰山前鬼坊 Zenkibo - Ominesan . - Yoshino, Nara


There are various spellings in Japanese. Here is another list:
source : jomon.org/jisho


- the great Tengu of Japan - 大天狗
- 巨大天狗
- 大天狗になる者
- 大天狗と鼻高天狗
- source : wikipedia

source : komacy.exblog.jp


日本三大天狗 Three most important Tengu of Japan
Sandai Tengu 三大天狗

愛宕山太郎坊 Atagoyama Tarobo - Kyoto
鞍馬山僧正坊 Kuramayama Shohobo - Kyoto
比良山治朗坊 Hirasan Jirobo - Shiga

- or in other collections:
飯綱三郎 - Saburo, Iizuna (Izuna) - Nagano
高尾山薬王院 Takaozan Yakuo-In, Tokyo
迦葉山弥勒寺 Kashozan, - Gunma Numata - Tenson Keijun 天巽慶順

or Tarobo, Jirobo and Saburobo

. Shiramine Daisoojo 天狗 白峰大僧正 Tengu Shiramine Daisojo .
Taichoo, Taichō 泰澄上人 Saint Taicho Shonin / Taicho-Daishi 泰澄大師 (682 - 767)
Etsu no Daitoku 越の大徳 - Great Man of Virtue from Etsu, Mount Hakusan
Unpen Shoonin 雲遍上人 Saint Unpen Shonin


八天狗 Eight Tengu of Japan

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten

愛宕山太郎坊 - Atagoyama Tarobo, Kyoto
鞍馬山僧正坊 Kuramayama Shohobo - Kyoto
比良山治朗坊 Hirasan Jirobo - Shiga
飯綱三郎 Izuna Saburo - Nagano
相模大山伯耆坊 Sagami Oyama Hokibo
彦山豊前坊 Hikozan Buzenbo
大峰前鬼 Omine Zenki
白峰相模坊 Shiramine Sagamibo

... 室町時代以降、各地の霊山や力のある山伏集団のいる山では、天狗
に対する崇敬を強め、 ...
- reference : toki.moo.jp/gaten -

The eight Tengu may be a diversion of
the group of Hachibushu, protectors of the Buddhist Law.
One of them is Garuda Ten 迦楼羅天, Karura.

. 八部衆 Group of eight heavenly beings .

. kotowaza ことわざ proverbs with "Tengu" .
koboozu hitori ni tengu hachi nin 小坊主ひとりに天狗八人
”Like a small Kobozu monk facing eight Tengu all by himself.”


- quote -
Historical Notes.
Tengu mythology was probably introduced to Japan in the 6th or 7th century AD, in conjunction with the arrival of Buddhism from Korea and China. These goblins thereafter appear in Japan’s ancient documents (e.g., from around 720 AD), and are closely associated with Mount Kurama in Japan (near Kibune), the abode of the legendary white-haired Sōjōbō (Sojobo) 僧正坊, King of Tengu.
In Myths and Legends of Japan (1913; by F. Hadland Davis), the Tengu are said to emanate from the primordial Japanese god Susano-o. Tengu lore can be found not just in Buddhist circles, but also among Shinto, Budo, and Ninpo groups. As late as 1860, the Edo Government was posting official notices to the Tengu, asking the goblins to temporarily vacate a certain mountain during a scheduled visit by the Shogun (see Japan and China, by Captain Brinkley). see de Visser’s report.
In paintings and woodblock prints, the boar often appears as the steed of the tengu or of their king, Sōjōbō 僧正坊. Sōjōbō is closely linked to famed warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (1159-1189), one of Japan's most revered samurai. In a well-known legend, Yoshitsune lived among the tengu in his youth and received training in the arts of war from Sōjōbō himself.
The Buddhist martial deity Marishiten is also often shown riding atop a boar.

Another possible interpretation of the above image relates to the following Zen story: “One day a hunter was in the mountains when he happened to see a snake killing a bird. Suddenly a boar appeared and began to devour the snake. The hunter thought he should kill the boar, but changed his mind because he did not want to be a link in such a chain, and cause his own death by the next predator to come along. On his way home he heard a voice call to him from the top of a tree. It was the voice of a tengu. It told him how lucky he was, for had he killed the boar, the tengu would have killed him. The man subsequently moved into a cave and never killed another animal.”
Sources: A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels, and Other Subversive Spirits (by Carol Mack, Dinah Mack) and Animal Motifs in Asian Art: An Illustrated Guide to Their Meanings and Aesthetics (by Katherine M. Ball).
- source : Mark Schumacher -


- quote -
tengu 天狗 Lit. celestial dog.
A bird-like goblin frequently encountered in Japanese folk-beliefs, literature and their pictorial depictions. The Japanese demons derive the name from the Chinese mountain god Tiangou 天狗, but also are related to the winged Buddhist deity Garuda. Furthermore, tengu are seen as transformations (keshin 化身) of Shinto deities, yama-no-kami 山の神, mountain guardians often associated with tall trees.
Tengu are of two physical types: karasutengu 烏天狗 identified by a bird's head and beak; and konoha tengu 木の葉天狗 distinguished by a human physique but with wings and a long nose. This type of tengu often carries a feather fan in one hand. Because of its long nose, tengu are associated with the Shinto deity Sarutahiko 猿田彦 who takes on the visage of a monkey, and tengu masks play a prominent role in some religious festivals.

Early Japanese popular tales such as those in the KONJAKU MONOGATARI 今昔物語 (early 12c) portray tengu as enemies of Buddhism, setting fires at temples or tricking priests. Priests who attain special powers through religious discipline, but use these powers for their own ends were thought to enter in the next life the transmigratory realm of tengudou 天狗道.
The earliest representations of tengu are in Kamakura period emaki 絵巻, such as the "Tengu zoushi emaki 天狗草紙絵巻" of 1296 (Nezu 根津 Museum), which criticize arrogant priests who end up becoming tengu.
According to legend, as a boy the famous warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (1159-89) trained in magical swordsmanship with the tengu king Soujoubou 僧正坊 (Sojobo) near Kuramadera 鞍馬寺 in the mountains north of Kyoto. Tengu frequently are shown in pictures concerning the life of Yoshitsune, including both the Hogen-Heiji 保元平治 battle screens (Metropolitan Museum) and depictions of "Hashi Benkei 橋弁慶" or "Benkei 弁慶 at the Bridge" theme. The Momoyama period daimyo 大名 Kobayakawa Takakage 小早川隆景 (1532-90) supposedly held dialogues with the tengu king Buzenbou 豊前坊 (Buzenbo) on Mt. Hiko 彦.

The character of tengu gradually changed over the centuries.
For instance, tengu were long thought to abduct children, but by the Edo period they often were enlisted to aid in the search for missing children. Similarly, tengu became temple guardians and sculpted images of them were placed on or around temple buildings. Tengu also are associated with yamabushi 山伏 or "mountain ascetics," whose form they often assumed. Tengu often are depicted wearing the yamabushi's distinctive cap and robe. Illustration of tengu increased in popularity and variety during the Edo period, usually reflecting the more positive and even light-hearted conception of the once-ferocious demon. In particular, the long nose of the tengu carried both comic and sexual meaning in ukiyo-e 浮世絵 prints.
- source : JAANUS -


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. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

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