Showing posts with label - - Yokai Monsters Demons - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - Yokai Monsters Demons - -. Show all posts


yurei ghosts

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghost, Geist

. Ghosts (yookai, yuurei, bakemono) .
- Introduction -

bakemono 化け物  o-bake お化け

hyaku monogatari 百物語 One Hundred Ghost Stories   

- kigo for late summer -

lonely graves
spooking away the ghosts -
summer in Japan

Gabi Greve, May 2005

kaidanbanashi 怪談話 ghost stories
In summer in Japan it is custom to tell stories about ghosts and gruesome events, so people will get a chill from it to keep cool.

. kaidan 怪談 Japanese Ghosts and Ghost Stories .
tsukumogami 付喪神 ghosts of household tools

. 江戸 Edo - 妖怪 Yokai monsters, 幽霊 Yurei ghosts .

. Oni 鬼 the Japanese Demons .


source :

Yurei Attack!: The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide
Matt Alt

- quote
Yokai Attack! is a nightmare-inducing one-stop guide to Japan's traditional ghosts and spirits.
encounters with angry ghosts and sexy spectres. Haunted places. Dangerous games and how to play them. And more importantly, a guided tour of what awaits in the world of the dead.
is the Japanese word for "ghost." It's as simple as that. They are the souls of dead people, unable—or unwilling—to shuffle off this mortal coil. Yurei are many things, but "friendly" isn't the first word that comes to mind. Not every yurei is dangerous, but they are all driven by emotions so uncontrollably powerful that they have taken on a life of their own: rage, sadness, devotion, a desire for revenge, or even the firm belief that they are still alive.
This book,
the third in the authors' bestselling Attack! series, after Yokai Attack! and Ninja Attack! gives detailed information on 39 of the creepiest yurei stalking Japan, along with detailed histories and defensive tactics should you have the misfortune to encounter one.

- Japanese ghosts include:
Oiwa, The Horror of Yotsuya (O-Iwa)
Otsuyu, The Tale of the Peony Lantern (O-Tsuyu)
The Lady Rokujo, The Tale of Genji
Isora, Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Orui, The Depths of Kasane (O-Rui)

- source : amazon com
. Yotsuya Kaidan 四谷怪談 The Ghost Story of Yotsuya .


source : wikipedia

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
1580 to explore

- reference : haikureikudb - 幽霊 -
亡霊 boorei ●ゆうれい yuurei ●ゴースト goosuto (ghost) ●yuuki 幽鬼 Yuki, Ghost-Demon


CLICK for many more Yurei Ukiyo-E prints !

. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .


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- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Reference -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #yuurei #yurei #ghostyurei -




Nihon Ryoiki book

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

Nihon Ryooiki, Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki
Ghostly Strange Records from Japan
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan

by Kyookai 景戒 (きょうかい/けいかい) Kyokai - Keikai, priest of Yakushi-Ji in the Nara period

source :

- quote -
Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記
is an early Heian period setsuwa collection. Written by Kyōkai between 787 and 824, it is Japan's oldest collection of Buddhist 説話 Setsuwa sermons .
It is three volumes in length.
- - - - - Title
Commonly abbreviated as Nihon Ryōiki, which means "Ghostly Strange Records from Japan," the full title is
Nihonkoku Genpō Zen'aku Ryōiki (日本国現報善悪霊異記).
It may also be read as Nihon Reiiki 日本霊記 .
The book has been translated into English under the title Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition, but this does not represent a literal translation of the Japanese title.
- - - - - Contents
The work is composed of three parts contained within three volumes. Each volume begins with a preface, and the final volume contains an epilogue. There are a total of 116 tales all dealing with Buddhist elements. There are also a total of nine poems.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

2 volumes by 中田祝夫 Tanaka Norio

Kyokai, Keikai 景戒 (きょうかい / けいかい)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- and its modern version by 水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan

. Shigeru Mizuki (水木 しげる) Mizuki Shigeru .

(1922 - 2015)


Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition:
The Nihon Ryoiki of the Monk Kyokai

By Kyoko Motomuchi Nakamura

----- Read the details here :
- source : -


Record of Miraculous Events in Japan: The Nihon ryoiki
By Keikai - translated by Burton Watson

- source : -


To become a special 鬼 Oni demon, you have to make your head all red.
Sometimes the Oni has a hot iron ring on the head, sometimes he appears as a 番人 watchman.


Once a young fox shape-shifted into the wife of a certain man and enjoyed the time with him. But when the dog barked, he showed his real features and run away as fast as he could.


本当はこわい仏教むかし話 マンガでよむ『日本霊異記』
Terrifying Buddhist Stories of the Nihon Ryoiki - told as Manga


.......................................................................... Aichi 愛媛県 ......................................

少子部蜾蠃 Chiisakobe no Sugaru once invited a kaminari 雷 thunderbolt on request
of 雄略天皇 Emperor Yuryaku.
The emperor wanted to see a Kaminari close up, so Chiisakobe whent up a hill in Asuka, grabed a thunderbolt and showed it to the Emperor. It looked like a huge flickering serpent and the Emperor ordered Sugaru to bring it back immediately.
After Sugaru's death a stone memorial was erected in the place where it had happened. The inscription read
取雷栖軽之墓 Grave of Sugaru who grabed a thunderbolt.
The Kaminari deity got angry and tried to hit the stone, but was caught instead.

少子部 螺 (ちいさこべ すがる) Chiisakobe Sugaru

----- Read the details here :
- source : -

Emperor Yūryaku (雄略天皇 Yūryaku-tennō) was the 21st emperor of Japan ...
The sword at the Inariyama Kofun (Thunderbolt Mountain Kofun) is related to him.
Inariyama burial-mound sword (稲荷山古墳出土鉄剣 inariyama kofun shutsudo tekken)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


At the time of 敏達天皇 Emperor Bidatsu a farmer once went to his fields to drain the water off. But suddenly he found himself in a huge storm and rain. So he rested under a tree, but a thunderbolt hit. The Thunderbolt had the shape of a child and said:
"If you save me, I will give you a child."
So the farmer let the Thunderbolt go back to heaven and his wife became pregnant.

Emperor Bidatsu (敏達天皇 Bidatsu-tennō, 538 – 14 September 585) was the 30th emperor of Japan ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. thunder 雷 kaminari - introduction .
Zur Zeit des Bidatsu Tennō 敏達天皇, in der Provinz Owari 尾張国, ... story in German

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................

According to the Nihon Ryoki there is a family with a record dating back to
Mino no Kitsune 美濃の狐 The Fox of Mino.
There are supposed to be about 10 families with this background.

----- Read the details here :
三野狐 Mino no Kitsune, a woman of extraordinary strength . ..
- source : -

.......................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 ......................................

In 但馬国 Harima no Kuni (Northern part of Hyogo)
A young girl was once carried away by 鷲 an eagle. Many years later she was found in 丹波国加佐郡 the Kasa district of Tanba and could finally return home to her parents.

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................

tooru no daijin no rei 融の大臣の霊 / Tôru daijin / The Minister Toru
Most of the stories of ghosts are about people becoming ghosts and appearing as a skull.
One of the oldest records is the Nihon Ryooiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki.
宇多院 Emperor Uda (867 - 931) made an official visit to 河原院 Kawara no In (the official residence of Minamoto no Tooru 源融 Toru (822 - 895).
The late owner of this Kawara residence, Toru, appeared clad in 衣冠 formal robes as a ghost to greet the visitor.
Kawara no Sadaijin 河原左大臣 - Poet and statesman

- reference - Minamoto no Toru -

. dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull .
- Introduction -

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

- quote -
Gagoze ガゴゼ
Gagoze is a horrible-looking ghost who haunts the ancient temple Gango-ji in Nara prefecture. His story dates back to the Asuka period (550-710 CE). He is first depicted in illustration in Toriyama Sekien’s Gazu Hyakki Yakko, and he is said to take the appearance of a demon in monk’s garb.
His story says that during the time of Emperor Bidatsu, in old Owari province (now Nagoya in Aichi prefecture), lightning struck the ground near an farmer’s house. From the lightning emerged a thunder god in the form of a young boy, and the farmer ran outside with a stick to kill the boy. The boy pleaded with the farmer to spare his life, and promised that he would return the deed by giving the farmer and his family a young boy as strong as the thunder god. The farmer agreed, and allowed the thunder god to return to the sky.
Sure enough, the farmer’s wife soon bore a child, and the child was as strong as a thunder god! However, the child was born with a snake wrapped around his head, with the head and tail going down the back like a ponytail. When the boy turned 10, he had grown so strong and proud that he challenged a member of the imperial family to a contest of strength and won. .....
- source : Matthew Meyer -

. Gangooji 元興寺 Gango-ji .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference : nichibun yokai database -



楢磐嶋(ならのいわしま)Nara no Iwashima (678 - ?)
At the time of Emperor Shomu

----- Read the details here :
- source : -

桑原の狭屋寺 Sayadera in Kuwahara in the Ito district of Kii province
At the time of Emperor Shomu

----- Read the details here :
- source : -

Kitsune no Atai 狐直
A Fox Family from Mino province

----- Read the details here :
- source : -


- - - - - Contents

第一章 小子部説話 - Chiisakobe
第二章 狐の直説話 - Kitsune no Atai 狐直
第三章 道場法師説話 - Doojoo, Priest Dojo Hoshi of the Asuka period
第四章 狭屋寺説話 - 桑原の狭屋寺 Kuwahara no Sayadera
第五章 役小角説話 - En no Ozunu, En no Gyoja
第六章 討債鬼説話と食人鬼説話 - Demons eating humans
第七章 隠身の聖説話 - Kakuremi - invisible things

----- Read the details here :
- reference source : - 丸山, 顯徳 -


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. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #nihonryoiki -




laughing woman yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

- warai onna 笑い女 the laughing woman
sanboku no warai onna 山北の笑い女 from the Northern Mountain -

and two more Yokai from the Tosa region 3大妖魔 :

勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama

- - - - - and more about
Tosa no Yokai 土佐の妖怪 The Yokai monsters of Tosa

Kochi Tosa 土佐 高知県 安芸郡和食村 Aki district, Wajiki
高知県香南市 Konan town and other regions

- quote
She is a special Yokai of the mountains of Tosa.
Her stories are told since the late Edo period until the early Meiji period.
She is mentioned in the book
Tosa Bakemono Ehon 土佐化物絵本 Picture Book of Yokai from Tosa.

Every month on the first, ninth and 17th day, if people went into the mountain forests, they came home more dead than alive.
- but once upon a time
a man called Higuchi 樋口関太夫 did not pay heed to this, told his men to follow him and went into the forest. Suddenly a girl of about 17 or 18 years appeared, pointed at Higuchi with her finger and laughed loudly. Her laugh became higher and higher, and all things in the forest, the stoned, plants, the water and wind, all laughed loud.
Higuchi and his men were stuck with fear and run away back home. At the foot of the mountain his men all fainted, but Higuche made it to his home. But until his death he could never forget the laugh of this devilish situation.

A similar story has been told about
warai otoko 笑い男(わらいおとこ) the Laughing Man.
Here the hero is a young man and Higuchi could never forget his laugh, which sounded in his ear like the shot of a gun every time he remembered the situation.

In the village of 芸西村白髪 Shirege at タカサデ山 Mount Takasadeyama two old women went to pick 山菜 wild herbs in the mountain. A young woman showed up and started laughing. The two old ladies soon begun to laugh with her. When the young woman disappeared, they could not stop laughing and developed a high fever for a few days.

In 香南市 Konan town at the ruins of the Doi castle 土居城 the laughing woman was killed by a sword. In the compound there is a small Shinto sanctuary 祠, ツルギ様 Tsurugi sama, where this sword is venerated.

In 土佐山村 Tosayama village the laughing woman appears when the wheat is ripening.

In many villages, they say the laughing woman is in fact a Tanuki 狸.
- reference ; wikipedia

南宇和郡 Minamiuwa district

An ancestor of Hirata 僧都の平田 has met the laughing woman. When he flet to his home and closed the door, her hair became like a tree, knocking on the door until it had a hole.

橋上村 Hashigami village

She comes out in the deep mountain and laughs geragera ゲラゲラ, but she is invisible.

In the hamlet of 和食村 Wajiki
there lived a man deep in the mountains and blew his Shakuhachi every night in front of his hut. One day a beautiful woman came up and asked him to play the Shakuhachi for her. She said her name was "Laughing Woman".
The man smiled and told her he would play a tune to make her laugh.
Her laugh became louder and louder as he blew his Shakuhachi and was heard all over the mountain.
Now the man became angry and threw his ax and hammer at her, but the woman just picked them up and ate them with good appetite.
When the man did not know what to do any more now, suddenly the sound of a rooster came up from the valley and the "Laughing Woman" disappeared.
But the voice of the rooster did not come from an animal, but from an amulet that was hanging at the breast of the man to protect him.
This is a dangerous Yokai, because if you begin to laugh with her, you will be eaten by her.

. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso and the Shakuhachi Flute 尺八 .
- Introduction -


Shoogase no akagashira 勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
Shogase is located in いの町 Ino, Agawa District, Kochi Prefecture

Once a man from the village met this Yokai and felt like looking into the red sunrise, but soon became very ill and almost lost his eyesight. After special treatment he could then see again.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

A red-headed Yokai is also known in other parts of Japan, like Tottori.
It is often depicted with red hair instead of a red head or face.
Images are found in the Hyakki Yagyo Emaki 百鬼夜行絵巻 illustrated book of 100 Oni

- quote -
A plant-like humanoid with intense red hair that can burn ones eyes if looked at.

- source : -


Motoyama no hakuba 本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama
Motoyama village is located in Nagaoka District, Kōchi Prefecture

source :

There is not much to be found about this Yokai.


waraiotoko, warai otoko 笑男 the laughing man

source :


Tosa no kechibi 土佐の鬼火 / けち火 "demon fire" from Tosa

- quote -

民話研究家・市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiroの著書によれば、大きく二つに大別され、人が死んだ瞬間にその肉体から発生したものと、眠っている人間から発生するものとがあるとされる[5]。

後者の事例としては、明治初期の高知県香美郡(現・香美市 Kami district)の以下のような民話がある。Yoshiyan 芳やんという男が夜道を歩いていると、物部川のそばで道端にけち火が転がっていた。近づくところころと転がりだすので、好奇心から追いかけたところ、けち火も逃げ出し、その内に人家に入り込んだ。その家では、うなされながら寝ていた男が目を覚まし、妻に「芳やんが追いかけて来るので必死に逃げて来た」と語ったという[6]。

また同じく明治時代の高岡郡 Takaoka の民話では、斎藤熊兄という度胸のある男がけち火を目撃し、「ここまで飛んで来い」と怒鳴ったところ目の前に飛来して来た。斎藤はけち火を生け捕りにしようとするが、手でつかんだり足で踏みつけようとするたびにけち火は消え、また現れを繰り返した。ようやく両手でつかみ取って家へ持ち帰ったが、家で手を開くと、いつの間にかけち火は消えていた。翌日から熊兄は原因不明の熱病にかかり、そのまま死んでしまったという[7]。

- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
It is stated to be the onryō of humans turned into balls of fire, and it is said to be possible to beckon for it by beating a zōri three times, or putting saliva on the zōri and calling for it. It is also said that the face of a human floats in the fire.

They are also said to appear above water, and from this they are sometimes called a type of funayūrei. In the Nara Prefecture, they are sometimes seen to be the same as the kaika janjanbi.

According to the folklore researcher Rinichiro Ichihara's book, they are largely split into two different kinds, the ones that come forth from the flesh the instant a human dies, and those that come from humans while they sleep.

As an example of the latter, there was a folktale as follows from the Kami Distrinct, Kōchi Prefecture from the early Meiji period.
When a man called Yoshiyan was walking through the road at night, beside the Monobe River, there was a kechibi turned over on the roadside. Upon coming closer to it, it would start rolling around, and when he chased it due to curiosity, the kechibi would also run away, and eventually he found himself entering a person's home. In that home, a man who was having a nightmare woke up, and said to his wife, "Yoshiyan was chasing me, so I ran away desperately."

Also, as a folktale in the Takaoka District also from the Meiji Period, a man with much bravery named Kumaani Saitō witnessed a kechibi, and when he shouted, "come fly over here," it flew right in front of him. Saitō attempted to catch the fire alive, but each time he tried to catch it in his hand or tread on it with his feet the kechibi would disappear, and then reappear over and over. He finally captured it in both hands and took it back to his home, but at his home, when he opened his hand, the kechibi had already disappeared before he knew it. The next day, Kumaani had a fever of unknown cause, and died just like that.

In the Tosa Obake Zōshi, a Yōkai Emaki from the Tosa Province in the Edo Period, it was written as 鬼火 and had furigana indicating a reading of "kechibi."
- source : -

. onibi 鬼火 "devil's fire", will-o'-the-wisp .
"fox fire", kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび)
- kigo for all winter -
”a mysterious light associated with spirits, found in various folklore tales”


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- reference : -


土佐の妖怪 Tosa no Yokai - - 市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiro

- reference -


. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #waraionnatosa #akagashira #tosayokai #waraiotoko #tosayokai -



Laughing Monsters

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- laughing monsters mandala -

source : - phena_greendemons


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #laughingmonster -




Kaido roads yurei yokai

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 -

Japan developed a nationwide network of roads and highways already in the 7th century to carry things on foot, horseback, and wheeled traffic and to transport goods between towns and villages. The major roads, called kaido, started from the capital in Kyoto.

. Legends about 街道 Kaido, The Ancient Roads of Japan .

Along the roads there developed a lot of monsters and ghosts . . .

- under construction -
- - - - - from North to South - - - - -

北海道 樺太 Hokkaido / Sakhalin



東山道 Tosando

磐州 Banshu Fukushima 福島県

江州 Eshu Shiga 滋賀県

岩州 Ganshu Fukushima 福島県

飛州 Hishu Gifu 岐阜県

上州 Joshu Gunma 群馬県
. kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" .

陸奥 Mutsu Aomori 青森県

濃州 Noshu Gifu 岐阜県
関の太郎、狗賓の鼻息 Guhin、元正狐、袋被せ、遣ろか水、ついたか見てくろ
. guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster .

陸中 Rikuchu Iwate 岩手県
ぬえ Nue、釜歌、谺、小松の姫、 六兵衛岩、ぼこ

陸前 Rikuzen Miyagi 宮城県

信州 Shinshu Nagano 長野県

羽後 Ugo Akita 秋田県

羽前 Uzen Yamagata 山形県

野州 Yashu   Ibaraki 栃木県


東海道 Tokaido

尾州 Bishu Aichi 愛知県

房州 Boshu Chiba 千葉県

. Bushu 武州 : Tokyo 東京都、Chiba 千葉県、Saitama 埼玉県 - Edo 江戸 .

kuchisake onna 口裂け女 slit-mouthed woman
haifuri tanuki 灰降狸 the ash-throwing Tanuki
isogashi いそがし "busy busy" 
kioicho no densha 紀尾井町の電車 the train from Kioi village
kurokamikiri 黒髪切 black hair cutter
onimusume, oni-musume 鬼娘 demon daughter
ooji no kitsune 王子の狐 the Fox from Oji
ooki na otoko 大きな男 the huge man
tachifusagari たちふさがり twister, whirlwind

遠州 Enshu Shizuoka 静岡県、Aichi 愛知県

川猿 - Kappa

賀州 Gaishu Mie 三重県


常州 Joshu Ibaragi 茨城県


甲州 Koshu Yamanashi 山梨県

三州 Sanshu Aichi 愛知県

勢州 Seishu Mie 三重県

志州 Shishu Mie 三重県

総州 Soshu Chiba 千葉県、Ibaraki 茨城県

相州 Soshu Kanagawa 神奈川県

駿州 Sunshu Shizuoka 静岡県

豆州 Zushu - Izu - Shizuoka 静岡県


北陸道 Hokurikudo

越後 Echigo Nigata 新潟県

dannasama 旦那様
kangirikko 禿切子
Kappa no onna 河童の女 female Kappa from the river 糸魚川 Itoigawa
toofuneko 豆腐猫 Tofu Cat
shirotsubu 白田螺 white Tanishi mud snail
yama kara kei 山から鶏
yokizutzu hebi 横筒蛇
yoru no mimizu 夜蚯蚓

越前 Echizen Fukui 福井県

bisha ga tsuku びしゃがつく
iburiyama 飯降山
mangabuchi no nushi 馬鍬淵の主
narita なりた
oharugitsune おはる狐 the fox O-Haru
Tengu no unga 天狗の浮塵子
tsubaki joro 椿女郎 "camellia prostitute"

越中 Etchu Toyama 富山県

加州 Kashu Ishikawa 石川県

若州 Nyakushu Fukui 福井県

能州 Noshu Ishikawa 石川県

佐渡 Sado Niigata 新潟県
碁盤波、雪隠鬼、臼負婆、海禿、衾 fusuma


畿内 Kinai - Kyoto Osaka Nara

城州 Joshu Kyoto 京都府

河州 Kashu Osaka 大阪府

泉州 Senshu Osaka 大阪府

摂州 Sesshu Osaka, Hyogo 大阪府、兵庫県

和州 Washu Nara 奈良県


Sanyodo 山陽道

播州 Banshu Hyogo 兵庫県

備州 Bishu Okayama 岡山県、Hiroshima 広島県

防州 Boshu Yamaguchi 山口県

長州 Choshu Yamaguchi 山口県

芸州 Geishu Hiroshima 広島県

作州 Sakushu Okayama 岡山県


山陰道 Sanindo

伯州 Hakushu Tottori 鳥取県

因州 Inshu Tottori 鳥取県

隠岐 Oki Island Shimane 島根県

石州 Sekishu Shimane 島根県

丹州 Tanshu (Tanba) Kyoto 京都府

但州 Tanshu Hyogo 兵庫県

雲州 Unshu Shimane 島根県


南海道 Nankaido - Shikoku

阿州 Ashu Tokushima 徳島県

紀州 Kishu Wakayama 和歌山県

讃州 Sanshu (Sanuki) Kagawa 香川県

淡州 Tanshu Hyogo 兵庫県

土州 Toshu Tosa Kochi 高知県

予州 Yoshu Ehime 愛媛県


西海道 Saikaido - Kyushu

豊州 Bushu Oita 大分県

筑州 Chikushu Fukuoka 福岡県

肥州 Hishu - Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto 佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県

壱岐 Iki Island Nagasaki 長崎県

隅州 Gushu Kagoshima 鹿児島県

日州 Hisshu Miyazaki 宮崎県

薩州 Sasshu Satsuma Kagoshima 鹿児島県
下い股、火の斎の雉、甕壺の化物、銭排猪、お耳長様   小倉の海女、米蛸、ぬっぺっ坊、このつきとっこう

対州 Taishu Nagasaki 長崎県

琉球 Ryukyu Kagoshima - Okinawa 鹿児島県 ー 沖縄県

akamataa アカマター dangerous serpent
- source : yokai database -


dangasamajimun ダンガサマジムン


kijimunaa キジムナー Kijimuna

The Kijimuna (キジムナー Kijimunaa) are creatures of the mythology native to the island of Okinawa. The kijimuna are small wood spirits according to Okinawan mythology.
They are said to look around three or four years old and have red hair.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The Kijimuna is also called ブナガヤ Bunagaya.
Someone went collecting firewood and saw it. Its hair is all red, and so is the face. It has the features of a child of four or five years.
Some say it is Yamanokami and pray to it.

kenmun 水蝹 Kenmun
a kappa/kijimunaa hybrid
Kenmun are hairy water and tree spirits from the Amami islands in southern Japan.
- reference source : Matt Alt -


nakanodakarinusuuyooi ナカンダカリヌスーヨーイ

ushinoshita unagu 牛舌女 woman with a bull tongue


zan ザン
From the Amami islands 奄美諸島


- source : -

幽霊街道 Yurei Kaido
- source : Yokai Database - - 84

. 日本の街道 Kaidoo The Ancient Roads of Japan .
- Introduction -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


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. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappakaidoyokai #yokaikaido #kaidoyokai #kimimuna #bunagaya -




Tofu Kozo


. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Introduction .
. kozoo 小僧と伝説 Kozo, Legends about temple acolytes and youngsters .

- Toofu Kozoo, Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy -

. Bean curd ( 豆腐 toofu, Tofu, Dofu) .
- Introduction -
Tofu is made made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks.

CLICK for more photos !


- quote
Tōfu-kozō – The Tofu Boy
Zack Davisson
On a dark and stormy night Edo night, if you should happen to turn around and see a giant baby dressed in an enormous bamboo hat and carrying a wiggly block of tofu festooned with a maple leaf, don’t panic. Despite the strange appearance, it is only Tofu Kozo, one of the most harmless of all of Japan’s bizarre yokai tribe.

Who is Tofu Kozo?
One of Japan’s most popular yokai, the name Tofu Kozo is most commonly translated as “tofu boy” or “tofu kid,” although a more literal—albeit clumsy—translation would be “tofu young Buddhist priest.” But the Buddhist associations don’t run any deeper than the name, with “kozo” being a common term for young boys in Japan.

Tofu Kozo generally appears as a small boy, or even a baby, in a giant, conical bamboo rain hat and a traditional kimono. The kimono can be plain, or highly decorated with daruma figures, red rockfish, horned owls, and taiko drums, all of which were thought to be talismans against small pox during the Edo period. As the same suggests, Tofu Kozo are never seen without a plate of tofu, which is decorated with a single maple leaf impression.

Lacking any special powers or features other than appearance, Tofu Kozo is said to wander through deserted city streets at night, or during the rain. Generally shy and timid, Tofu Kozo sometimes likes to sneak behind humans and follow them through the streets.

There is little agreement about Tofu Kozo amongst writers. Some say that there is only one Tofu Kozo, and that he is a sort of yokai prince, the son of the yokai supreme commander Mikoshi Nyudo and his wife the Rokurokubi. Some say that tofu kozo are nothing more than errand boys for the yokai, rushing back and forth on endless tasks.

From the Showa era and up, there have been accounts of Tofu Kozu as meeting people on rainy streets at night, and offering up some delicious tofu. Anyone who eats the tofu finds their body growing with mold from the inside until they die. Yokai researchers Kyougoku Natsuhiko and Yamaguchi Bintaro trace this legend as having been invented for for childrens’ books in the Showa era to give the Tofu Kozo a bit more of an edge for modern readers.

One the opposite side, in modern Japan therapists have been using Tofu Kozo as a yokai who gets bullied by other yokai, and is used in anti-bullying therapy and education.

The Origin of Tofu Kozo
Tofu Kozo has the unique status of being Japan’s first modern, city-bred yokai. Unlike other yokai that sprang from ancient and rural Japan, the Tofu Kozo has no folklore heritage, no appearances in traditional folktales or legends. He arrived fully formed suddenly during the Anei era (1772-1781), where he quickly became a popular character for picture books, kabuki performances, toys, advertisements, cookbooks, and yellow-covered kiboshi illustrated stories.

There are several theories as to the origin of Tofu Kozo. One aspect is tofu itself. The urban Edo period saw the rise of tofu as a popular food source, cheap and nutritious. One picture book of the time, Edo Meisho Zue (江戸名所図会) “Collection of Pictures of the Famous Places of Edo” by Hasegawa Settan, shows tofu dealers wearing the iconic conical bamboo hat as they travel the streets back and forth with their wares. Other illustrations from the period show yokai like tanuki and kappa carrying tofu, and it is speculated that some enterprising tofu dealer might have created Tofu Kozo as an advertising character for their shop, only to see the character’s popularity run away from them.

Mizuki Shigeru gives the location of Tofu Kozo as Satsuma province, modern day Kagoshima prefecture, although the character is seen all over Japan. During the Edo period, when the 100 candle storytelling game of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai was popular, game players and storytellers were always on the lookout for new yokai stories to tell, and it is likely that the legend of Tofu Kozo was created and expanded upon during numerous storytelling sessions.

The first known print appearance of Tofu Kozo is in the 1777 kiboshi illustrated book “Bakemono Shiuchi Hyoban-ki” (妖怪仕内評判記; “Commentary on Notable Events of the Yokai”), written by Koikawa Harumachi. A few years later in 1782, he appeared in a popular tofu cookbook called “Tofu Hyakuchin” (豆腐百珍; “The 100 Curiosities of Tofu”) by Hitsujun Ka. The character continued to be popular through the Meiji era.

The Many Faces of Tofu Kozo
Because there is no traditional origin for Tofu Kozo, artists have depicted him in varying ways over the years. Early descriptions describe him as having an enormous head, like an overgrown baby. Koikawa Harumachi described him this way in “Bakemono Shiuchi Hyoban-ki,” and the artist Kitao Masayoshi even named him Ogashira Kozo, meaning “Big Head Boy,” in his 1787 picture book “Bakemono Chakutōchō” (夭怪着到牒). For a short time, it was popular to draw Tofu Kozo as having only one eye, but this fad soon faded and by 1853 Tofu Kozu was drawn looking like a normal young boy, as seen in the illustrated book “Kyoka Hyakumonogatari” (狂歌百物語).

An obvious relative of Tofu Kozo is Hitotsume Kozo, meaning the One-Eyed Boy. Although Hitotsume Kozo is an older, more traditional yokai, over the years the two have come to resemble each other as their stories and appearances merged. This has caused researchers to postulate that they are the same yokai. But while they have had obvious influences on each other—and are depicted as cousins in many modern yokai stories—they are generally considered to be separate characters.
- source : Zack Davisson

- source : National Diet Library -


- quote -
Tōfu-kozō (豆腐小僧, literally tofu boy) is a yōkai of Japan, and is a yōkai that takes on the appearance of a child possessing a tray with tōfu on it. It is a yōkai that frequently appears in the kusazōshi and kibyōshi and kaidan books from the Edo period, and from the Bakumatsu to the Meiji period, people have become familiar with them as a character illustrated on toys[2] such as kites, sugoroku, and karuta. They can also be seen in senryū, kyōka, e-hon banzuke (pamphlets that introduce the contents of a shibai), and nishiki-e, etc.

"Ōjidai Karano Bakemono" by Shuntei Katsukawa.
An example of a tōfu-kozō with one eye.

. . . Based on the folk belief that hitotsume-kozō like tōfu, and since there was the card in yōkai karuta called "Boy with His Toungue Out Licking a Tōfu (した出し小僧のとうふなめ?," as well as senryū poems such as
"behind the tōfu shop there is a one-eyed boy
(豆腐やのうらは一つ目小僧也 to-o-fu-ya-no/u-ra-ha-hi-to-tsu-me/ko-zo-u na-ri)"
and "
tōfu-kozō are one-dice-eyed fellows wearing kasa
it has been pointed out that tōfu-kozō would thus be no more than an alternate name for hitotsume-kozō, but since there are many tōfu-kozō that don't have one eye, there is also the claim denying that they are the same as hitotsume-kozō, and that tōfu-kozō and hitotsume-kozō were created separately.
In any case, there are many parts that are still unclear, and there is still research going on about how tōfu-kozō developed.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

katame 片目 "with one eye" could well be a pun with katame 固め hard tofu


. Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン
"old hag Mikari" .

And her companion, me hitotsu kozo 目一つ小僧 (Hitotsume Kozo)

. 一つ目達磨 hitotsume Daruma - 白隠 Hakuin .
Hakuin teaches us that we can hear the sound of one hand or view the world with one eye ...

. me hitotsu kozoo 目一つ小僧 and Yamanokami .
from Shizuoka


. Hitotsume Kozoo 一つ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye .
一つ目小僧地蔵 Hitotsume Kozo Jizo


- flying tofu -


Goose and duck
leaving, I am out of luck
happily, I see
My tofu, lacking wings
cannot abandon me!

. Ryokan / Ryookan 良寛 (1758-1831) .

. Flying Tofu, discussion with Robin D. Gill .
Kyoka, Japan's Comic Verse: A Mad in Translation Reader
By Robin D. Gill


Tofu Kozo and Daruma san !


- - - - - Legends with tofu  豆腐伝説 - - - - -

The fox has a special relationship to tofu, especially fried tofu,
abura age 油揚げ.
They will be collected in a separate entry.
. kitsune 狐 fox legends .


........................................................................... Tengu 天狗 the long-nosed goblin

Gunma 群馬県

Once upon a time
a Tengu turned himself into a boy apprentice and lived at the temple Kashozan. Once he went on an errand to 沼田 Numata, which takes about 30 minutes. The head priest had asked him in the morning to go and get some fresh tofu.
(今日できの豆腐 - kyo deki no tofu )
But today of all days, the boy returned only late in the evening.
When he arrived, the priest aksed him what had happened.
"Well, you told me to go to Kyoto to get some Tofu, so I went there!" (Being a Tengu, he could fly . . .)
(京できの豆腐 - Kyo (Kyoto) deki no tofu)
This is a pun on the sound of KYO.

. Kashozan 迦葉山 a Tengu mountain .

Chiba 千葉県
The same story as above, from the town of 市原 Ichihara.

Saitama 埼玉県 / Chichibu 秩父

In the remote Chichibu mountains is a waterfall with a 天狗岩 Tengu Rock, where once a Tengu lived. The priest from a nearby temple often asked him for an errand. When there were visitors at the temple, the Tengu would fly to to Kyoto in one blink of the eye and get some fresh Tofu.

. Tengu Legends 天狗伝説 - Introduction .


source :


......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
三春町 Miharu

On the day 甲子 KINOE you can prepare all kinds of food, but Tofu has to be one of it.
. kinoe, ki no e, kasshi 甲子 day of the rat and element water .
The rat (mouse) is closely related to Daikoku.

......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
高山市 Takayama

mujina ムジナ badger
Once an old man had walked all the way to 神岡 Kamioka to get some Tofu for the New Year celebrations, but on the way, a badger stole it from him.

. tanuki 狸 mujina, badger .

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

rokusen 六算 calculating with SIX - ( 惣身六算 )
When someone is ill the cure is made by "calculating with six".
First take the age of the ill person and divide it by 9. The number can now be equated to a part of the body.
1 and 3 are legs, 2 and 6 are the sides, 4 is the stomach, 8 are the upper legs. 5 and 7 the shoulders.
If the healing was successful, offering of Tofu, sekihan 赤飯 red cooked rice and dango 団子 rice balls were made to the 稲荷 Inari deity.

......................................................................................... Ibaragi 茨城県
水戸市 Mito


......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県

yama no kami 山の神

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県

hitobashira no rei 人柱の霊


kuwasai (kasai) 火災,kitausoo 祈祷僧

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県


仙台市 Sendai
Jooenboozuka 浄円坊塚 Mount for Joenbo

......................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
高千穂町 Takachiho

Kawataro 河太郎 Kappa
Once the priest from temple 泉福寺 Senpuku-Ji threw a stone at the Kappa, but the stone hit the favorite food of this Kappa, his Tofu. When the priest came to the river the next time, there was a lot of water and he could not cross it. So he brought a piece of Tofu with a knife stuck in it, and the water retreated.
Now many visitors to this temple bring a piece of Tofu with a needle stuck in it as an offering.

. Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 .
. Senpukuji 泉福寺 Senpuku-Ji Fudo - Kanagawa .

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
島原市 Shimabara

darashi だらし

......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
関川村 Sekikawa

Daikoku sama 大黒様
12月9日は大黒様の嫁取り・大黒様の祝言・オカタ迎え・大黒様の年取り・大黒様の年夜などといい、二股大根ときな粉餅・小豆餡餅・豆御飯・豆腐汁・打豆入汁・納豆・炒り豆の7色を供える。炒り豆は焙烙で3回炒り、一生枡に入れて、「大黒様大黒様豆振って聞かせます 耳あけて聞かれやれ 目あけて見しゃっしゃれ」とうたって供える。大黒様は耳が聞こえないという。


konbu こんぶ

......................................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県

mazumunu マズムヌ

......................................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
皆野町 Minano

oosaki おおさき a fox-like animal

......................................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県
茂木町 Motegi

. Yooka sama 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight. .

粟野町 Awano

rokusan sama ロクサン様 Rokusan Sama
Pain in the shoulders, lower back or legs is often simply called "Rokusan".
People visit elders who perform rituals to get rid of Rokusan (rokusan sake ロクサン避け).
They also offer special kinds of Tofu bean curd to Rokusan or the Family Deity (ujigami sama 氏神様).

masudoofu マス豆腐 / 枡豆腐 Tofu in a wooden Masu cup.

. Rokusan 六三 伝説 legends about Rokusan, deity of illness .

......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県
一宇村 Ichiu

hotokesan 仏さん

in other parts of Japan
mi no hi ミの日,ミウマ,タツミ


......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
南多摩郡 恩方村 Tama, Ongata


新島村 Niijima village on the island of Niijima

runin 流人,enoki 榎

......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
鶴岡市 Tsuruoka

imi 忌 absention, ritual purification

......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
福栄村 Fukue

inugami 犬神 Dog Deity

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .


Yokai Database - tofu - 57 entries (00)
- source : Nichibun Yokai Database -

- reference -

. Tofu Kozo shared at PINTEREST .

Actor Onoe Waichi II as a Tôfu Buyer (Tôfukai) and
a One-Legged Ghost (Ippon ashi no obake)

Utagawa Kunisada (1786 - 1865)


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Curry カレー, karē, karee .
one of the most popular dishes in Japan

- CLICK for more photos ! -


. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. kozoo 小僧と伝説 Kozo, Legends about temple acolytes and youngsters .

- #tofukozo #tofukozoyokai #kozoo #kozo -

