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Showing posts with label - - Shikoku - -. Show all posts


laughing woman yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

- warai onna 笑い女 the laughing woman
sanboku no warai onna 山北の笑い女 from the Northern Mountain -

and two more Yokai from the Tosa region 3大妖魔 :

勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama

- - - - - and more about
Tosa no Yokai 土佐の妖怪 The Yokai monsters of Tosa

Kochi Tosa 土佐 高知県 安芸郡和食村 Aki district, Wajiki
高知県香南市 Konan town and other regions

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She is a special Yokai of the mountains of Tosa.
Her stories are told since the late Edo period until the early Meiji period.
She is mentioned in the book
Tosa Bakemono Ehon 土佐化物絵本 Picture Book of Yokai from Tosa.

Every month on the first, ninth and 17th day, if people went into the mountain forests, they came home more dead than alive.
- but once upon a time
a man called Higuchi 樋口関太夫 did not pay heed to this, told his men to follow him and went into the forest. Suddenly a girl of about 17 or 18 years appeared, pointed at Higuchi with her finger and laughed loudly. Her laugh became higher and higher, and all things in the forest, the stoned, plants, the water and wind, all laughed loud.
Higuchi and his men were stuck with fear and run away back home. At the foot of the mountain his men all fainted, but Higuche made it to his home. But until his death he could never forget the laugh of this devilish situation.

A similar story has been told about
warai otoko 笑い男(わらいおとこ) the Laughing Man.
Here the hero is a young man and Higuchi could never forget his laugh, which sounded in his ear like the shot of a gun every time he remembered the situation.

In the village of 芸西村白髪 Shirege at タカサデ山 Mount Takasadeyama two old women went to pick 山菜 wild herbs in the mountain. A young woman showed up and started laughing. The two old ladies soon begun to laugh with her. When the young woman disappeared, they could not stop laughing and developed a high fever for a few days.

In 香南市 Konan town at the ruins of the Doi castle 土居城 the laughing woman was killed by a sword. In the compound there is a small Shinto sanctuary 祠, ツルギ様 Tsurugi sama, where this sword is venerated.

In 土佐山村 Tosayama village the laughing woman appears when the wheat is ripening.

In many villages, they say the laughing woman is in fact a Tanuki 狸.
- reference ; wikipedia

南宇和郡 Minamiuwa district

An ancestor of Hirata 僧都の平田 has met the laughing woman. When he flet to his home and closed the door, her hair became like a tree, knocking on the door until it had a hole.

橋上村 Hashigami village

She comes out in the deep mountain and laughs geragera ゲラゲラ, but she is invisible.

In the hamlet of 和食村 Wajiki
there lived a man deep in the mountains and blew his Shakuhachi every night in front of his hut. One day a beautiful woman came up and asked him to play the Shakuhachi for her. She said her name was "Laughing Woman".
The man smiled and told her he would play a tune to make her laugh.
Her laugh became louder and louder as he blew his Shakuhachi and was heard all over the mountain.
Now the man became angry and threw his ax and hammer at her, but the woman just picked them up and ate them with good appetite.
When the man did not know what to do any more now, suddenly the sound of a rooster came up from the valley and the "Laughing Woman" disappeared.
But the voice of the rooster did not come from an animal, but from an amulet that was hanging at the breast of the man to protect him.
This is a dangerous Yokai, because if you begin to laugh with her, you will be eaten by her.

. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso and the Shakuhachi Flute 尺八 .
- Introduction -


Shoogase no akagashira 勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
Shogase is located in いの町 Ino, Agawa District, Kochi Prefecture

Once a man from the village met this Yokai and felt like looking into the red sunrise, but soon became very ill and almost lost his eyesight. After special treatment he could then see again.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

A red-headed Yokai is also known in other parts of Japan, like Tottori.
It is often depicted with red hair instead of a red head or face.
Images are found in the Hyakki Yagyo Emaki 百鬼夜行絵巻 illustrated book of 100 Oni

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A plant-like humanoid with intense red hair that can burn ones eyes if looked at.

- source : -


Motoyama no hakuba 本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama
Motoyama village is located in Nagaoka District, Kōchi Prefecture

source :

There is not much to be found about this Yokai.


waraiotoko, warai otoko 笑男 the laughing man

source :


Tosa no kechibi 土佐の鬼火 / けち火 "demon fire" from Tosa

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民話研究家・市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiroの著書によれば、大きく二つに大別され、人が死んだ瞬間にその肉体から発生したものと、眠っている人間から発生するものとがあるとされる[5]。

後者の事例としては、明治初期の高知県香美郡(現・香美市 Kami district)の以下のような民話がある。Yoshiyan 芳やんという男が夜道を歩いていると、物部川のそばで道端にけち火が転がっていた。近づくところころと転がりだすので、好奇心から追いかけたところ、けち火も逃げ出し、その内に人家に入り込んだ。その家では、うなされながら寝ていた男が目を覚まし、妻に「芳やんが追いかけて来るので必死に逃げて来た」と語ったという[6]。

また同じく明治時代の高岡郡 Takaoka の民話では、斎藤熊兄という度胸のある男がけち火を目撃し、「ここまで飛んで来い」と怒鳴ったところ目の前に飛来して来た。斎藤はけち火を生け捕りにしようとするが、手でつかんだり足で踏みつけようとするたびにけち火は消え、また現れを繰り返した。ようやく両手でつかみ取って家へ持ち帰ったが、家で手を開くと、いつの間にかけち火は消えていた。翌日から熊兄は原因不明の熱病にかかり、そのまま死んでしまったという[7]。

- source : wikipedia -


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It is stated to be the onryō of humans turned into balls of fire, and it is said to be possible to beckon for it by beating a zōri three times, or putting saliva on the zōri and calling for it. It is also said that the face of a human floats in the fire.

They are also said to appear above water, and from this they are sometimes called a type of funayūrei. In the Nara Prefecture, they are sometimes seen to be the same as the kaika janjanbi.

According to the folklore researcher Rinichiro Ichihara's book, they are largely split into two different kinds, the ones that come forth from the flesh the instant a human dies, and those that come from humans while they sleep.

As an example of the latter, there was a folktale as follows from the Kami Distrinct, Kōchi Prefecture from the early Meiji period.
When a man called Yoshiyan was walking through the road at night, beside the Monobe River, there was a kechibi turned over on the roadside. Upon coming closer to it, it would start rolling around, and when he chased it due to curiosity, the kechibi would also run away, and eventually he found himself entering a person's home. In that home, a man who was having a nightmare woke up, and said to his wife, "Yoshiyan was chasing me, so I ran away desperately."

Also, as a folktale in the Takaoka District also from the Meiji Period, a man with much bravery named Kumaani Saitō witnessed a kechibi, and when he shouted, "come fly over here," it flew right in front of him. Saitō attempted to catch the fire alive, but each time he tried to catch it in his hand or tread on it with his feet the kechibi would disappear, and then reappear over and over. He finally captured it in both hands and took it back to his home, but at his home, when he opened his hand, the kechibi had already disappeared before he knew it. The next day, Kumaani had a fever of unknown cause, and died just like that.

In the Tosa Obake Zōshi, a Yōkai Emaki from the Tosa Province in the Edo Period, it was written as 鬼火 and had furigana indicating a reading of "kechibi."
- source : -

. onibi 鬼火 "devil's fire", will-o'-the-wisp .
"fox fire", kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび)
- kigo for all winter -
”a mysterious light associated with spirits, found in various folklore tales”


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- reference : -


土佐の妖怪 Tosa no Yokai - - 市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiro

- reference -


. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #waraionnatosa #akagashira #tosayokai #waraiotoko #tosayokai -





- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -

- Shikoku 四国 -
- Kappa mascots and characters from Shikoku -

kappa from Shikoku 四国編
. two statues - my kappa on facebook .


わじきカッパ君 Wajiki kappa kun - Kochi -高知県を走る「ごめん・なはり線」のキャラクター
character from Wajiki town


「しんちゃん」と「こころちゃん」 Shinchan and Kokorochan - Kochi
- 高知県の「芸西商工会」のキャラクター


まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa - Matsuyama Ehime
- 愛媛県松島市にある「まつちかタウン」の泉で生活しているキャラクター


エンコ Enko - Tokushima from the monster village


トッシー Tosshi - Kagawa - 香川県の道の駅「滝宮」


source :

オクラかっぱ Okra Kappa - Kochi


かんちゃん Kanchan, from the Chugoku Ginko bank
- 中国銀行「晴れの国支店」


. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa deity from Tosa .
- Futaba dolls 双葉人形 Futaba turtle dolls -


- reference :


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Futaba dolls

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - dolls 河童人形 -

- Futaba dolls 双葉人形 Futaba turtle dolls, Kochi -

Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa
Along the rivers of Kochi lived a lot of kawauso 獺魚 otters, which legends often turned into a kappa called Shibaten, or revered it in his form of a river deity Enko 猿猴 .
Like the people of Tosa, the Shibaten likes sumo wrestling and always challenges people whom he meets on the road.
Nowadays clean natural rivers without concrete banks are seldom, so the Shibaten (and the river otter) is seen much less often.

Shibaten is usually depicted as childlike, of about 1 meter hight, with a lot of hair on the body.


Maybe this river monster was once a Tengu and retained the part in the name of
ShibaTEN 芝天.
SHIBA シバ can also relate to the famous dog race, Shiba ken 柴犬.

Hariko papermachee dolls of the Shibaten kappa were given to children to protect them from river accidents.

Hariko 張り子 papermachee dolls
by 林史恵
- source :


Futaba Doll Atelier, Kochi 高知 

- quote
The Futaba dolls are mythical Japanese water legend creatures, part human part turtle.

- source :

- quote
Japanese Cloth Turtle Character Dolls
hand-painted stockinette dolls

These two turtle character dolls are from a Japanese fable.
The bottom of the wood base to the tip of top of hair each measures approx. 6 1/2 - 7" tall. They have hand painted faces with side glancing eyes. The turtle with the light brown/titian hair is marked on the bottom of base: JAPAN in black ink and then has a store tag that reads: Futaba Doll Atelier Kochi. He has a small hole back of right leg.
The dark brown hair turtle has two brown stains by the right part of his mouth and one at the right side of his hair. He is marked: MADE IN JAPAN on bottom of his base.

Both are made of silk stocking material with human hair wigs and hand painted features.
- source :


Shibaten dolls しばてん人形 Kappa clay dolls from Kochi

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Shibaten odori しばてん踊り Shibaten Kappa Dance
A popular amusement when people meet

. . . CLICK here for Photos and videos !


- shared by Jill, facebook


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference -

. kawauso 獺魚 otter - .   


. Legends about Tengu doing Sumo wrestling .

.......... Legends about Tengu in Ehime 愛媛県 .

shibaten シバテン / shiba tengu 柴天狗 Shiba Tengu, Shibatengu
Like a Kappa, he hangs around rivers, asks people to have a wrestling bout and begins to confuse their minds.
But he never goes into the river himself, so he is not a real Kappa.

In the village of 面河村 Omogo in the 上浮穴郡 Kamiukena district, there is a Shiba-Tengu. He is about 115 cm high and his nose is a bit smaller that that of a long-nosed Tengu. He is crazy about Sumo wrestling. If people pass along his river, he makes the sound of an ax cutting a tree and invents other deeds to scare people.
If people hear the sound of カーンカーン kaan-kaan and the falling down of a tree, they know the Shibaten is near.

............................................................................... Kochi 高知県 

Shibaten シバテン / Shiba Tengu 芝天狗
has a plate on his head like a Kappa. His eyes are rather large and his nose is sticking out.
In Tosa he is said to be just like a Kappa.

幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki

At the slope ヒロイアゲの坂 Hiroiage no Saka on the mountain path up to the shrine 月山神社 Tsukiyama Jinja a bald priest came out and asked for a bout of Sumo wrestling. The priest was very strong and about to win, when the villager bit him in the shoulder. Suddenly the mountain made a huge sound and the priest changed in Shiba Tengu.

高知県幡多郡大月町月ヶ丘1443 / Tsukigaoka Saitsuno, Ōtsuki-chō, Hata-gun, Kōchi

During the 白鳳時代 Hakuho period (645 - 710) 役の行者(役小角) En no Gyoja found a sacred rock in the form of a mikkazuki 三日月 new moon and prayed there.
The rock is dedicated to the Shinto deity Uganomitama 倉稲魂命 Ukano Mitama.
Later 空海 弘法大師 Kukai Kobo Daishi passed here and prayed there for 23 days and nights.
In the Meiji period, the shrine was made into a temple, named 守月山月光院南照寺, with 勢至菩薩 Seishi Bosatsu as the Buddhist deity.

The rock used to be at a place called hime no i 媛の井 / 姫ノ井 "well of the princess" and moved with supernatural powers to its present location. Thus it got more and more spiritual power and people come to pray and make wishes.

. En no Gyôja 役行者 Jimpen Dai-Bosatsu / En no Ozuno 役小角 .

長岡郡 Nagaoka district

Shibaten 芝天
If Shibaten comes for a bout of Sumo, he usually wins by throwing the human on the ground.
Sometimes humans try to impersonate Shibaten to enjoy some Sumo with others.
If people eat 鰌 Dojo loach alive, they will become able to see Shibaten.


........... Tokushima 徳島県 Shiba Tengu legend .
那賀郡 Naka district 相生町 Aioi


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Folk toys from Tosa 土佐 - Kochi 高知県 .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #shibaten #shibatengu -