Showing posts with label - ABC Index - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - ABC Index - - -. Show all posts


Art Motives

. Mingei - Japanese Folk Art - TOP .

- KAPPA 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Kappa Art Motives - Introduction -

My Yamashina Daruma and the Kappa Family 


. Dolls - Kappa dolls (kappa ningyoo 河童人形 ningyo) - .
. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .
. hariko 張子 papermachee dolls .
. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .
. maneki neko, manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .
. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .
. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls . . .and more

. ema 絵馬 votive tablets, prayer boards .


kabin 花瓶 flower vase
. - female Kappa 女河童 onna Kappa - .

kooro 香炉  incense burner, kappa on a bull 牛
. - Animals and Kappa - .

. men, omote 河童面 Kappa mask, masks .
from paper and other material, Noh masks 能面 

. netsuke 根付 Netsuke .


. kanamono 金物 things made of metal, disliked by Kappa .


Mailbox 郵便箱 yubinbako


statues, small, mostly metal 河童像

summer sunset -
a kappa meditates
about nothing


- shared by Kris on facebook -


河童かます金具 - Kappa as policeman, early Meiji period. With a frog at his legs.
kamasu kanagu かます金具 to fix robes and kimono. This one is about 2 cm long.

鼓を打つ南部鉄器河童 Kappa playing the drum, Nanbu Nambu Tetsu iron

source : 河童博物館

source :
Tetsu no Kappa 鉄の河童  radio drama from Hibiki Fukuoka 福岡ひびき信用金庫

. . . CLICK here for Photos of metal Kappa !


Tobacco Pouch 煙草入れ Kappa smoking - Pfeife rauchen

- shared on facebook

The black Kappa looks even more frightening . . .

A page about tobacco pouches with yokai monsters

- source : tobacco-world/journal

. Tobacco pouch 刻み煙草入れ and kiseru pipe - Introduction .
The long pipes for smoking in the Edo period, kiseru 煙管


. tsuba 鍔 sword fitting with Kappa .


More art motives

CLICK for more samples !

Daruma Snowman and Kappa



. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappaartmotives -




. Mingei - Japanese Folk Art - TOP .

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - Reference Books .

- KAPPA 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -


- kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ Kappa water goblin - Reference, books, links -


Hyotan-ike no Kappa 瓢箪池の河童 Kappa of the Gourd-Pond

. - kappa ehon 河童絵本 picture books for children - .
- Introduction -


Davisson, Zack Davisson - 百物語怪談会 Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai - 100 Ghost Stories
A Gathering of 100 Weird Tales

- source : - Introduction -

Kappa to Shirikodama – Kappa and the Small Anus Ball
The Appearance of a Kappa
Do Kappa Really Exist?
The Kappa of Mikawa-cho
The One-Armed Kappa
- source : Zack Davisson - - Kappa

百 物 語 (ひゃくものがたり) 2011年版
福娘童話集 百物語 2011年版には、334話のこわ~い話があります。
331 horror stories so far
- source : -


. Foster, Michael Dylan Foster - Introduction .

- - - The Metamorphosis of the Kappa - Transformation of Folklore to Folklorism in Japan
- - - The Book of Yokai


Schumacher, Mark
- River Imp, Kappa - - by Mark Schumacher -
- Kappa Legend - A Comparative Ethological Study - Ishida Eiichiro


source : JAANUS
kappa 河童 Lit. river child.
A supernatural water-sprite believed to inhabit Japan's lakes and rivers. The name kappa varies from region to region, and includes kawatarou 河太郎, kawako 河伯, and kawaranbe 河ランベ. The appearance of a kappa also varies, but kappa are generally thought to be about the size of a young boy, and covered with green scales. They also have a snout, bobbed hair, and a saucer-like depression on the top of the head that holds water. When this water supply diminishes, the kappa's special powers diminish. Kappa swim well thanks to webbed feet and hands, but can also walk on land. Kappa also can rotate their arm and leg joints fully. Some kappa resemble otters, turtles with beaks, or have wings. Kappa are said to be fond of cucumbers and of sumou 相撲 wrestling. In some regions kappa are thought to be helpful, but generally their reputation is far more malicious. In particular, kappa delight in abducting humans and horses. Kappa are noted for their aversion to metal objects.
Illustrations of kappa frequently are included in Edo period anthologies of supernatural tales. Kappa are often depicted in comical paintings giga 戯画 in paintings accompanying verse (see haiga 俳画), and occasionally appear in ukiyo-e 浮世絵


- - - - - wikipedia
A Kappa (河童, "river-child")
, alternatively called kawatarō (川太郎, "river-boy"), komahiki (“horse puller”), or kawako (川子, "river-child"),
is a yōkai found in Japanese folklore, and also a cryptid. The name is a combination of the word kawa (river) and wappo, an inflection of warabe (child). In Shintō they are considered to be one of many suijin (水神,“water deity”), their yorishiro, or one of their temporary appearances.
A hairy kappa is called a hyōsube (ひょうすべ) Hyosube. There are more than eighty other names associated with the kappa in different regions, including kawappa, gawappa, kōgo, mizushi, mizuchi, enkō, kawaso, suitengu, and dangame.
Along with the oni and the tengu, the kappa is among the best-known yōkai in Japan.
. . . It has been suggested that the kappa legends are based on the Japanese giant salamander or hanzaki 半割 / 半裂 オオサンショウウオ, an aggressive salamander that grabs its prey with its powerful jaws.
. . . shirikodama (尻子玉)
- source : wikipedia


- quote
Understanding The Kappa - tutorial
- source : Ken Lim (Bing Xuan)


Kappa - Folklore - River Monster - River Demon - Mythology
- online reference -

Kappa: Japan’s Aquatic, Cucumber-Loving, Booty-Obsessed Yokai - Essay
- source :

人間と河童の交流史 The History of Japanese Kappa *
- source : 河童日本紀行


歴史民俗学- 特集:かっぱ・カッパ・河童

「河童」の魅力と謎に迫る内容充実の特集号。■第2回歴史民俗学研究大会での発表報告■銚子かっぱ村、千葉かっぱ村、みちのく岩手かっぱ村紹介■銚子「大内かっぱハウス」紹介■宍戸儀一「河童考」の覆刻掲載■詳細! 河童に関する文献目録■他、コラムも充実。

修験とカッパ伝承~カッパ民俗考 田村勇
大内かっぱハウス[銚子市] 木村まき
銚子地方の河童伝承 永澤謹吾
河伯欣然 小川夏葉
千葉かっぱ村の現在と展望 清野文男
カッパ商品誕生秘話~商品名に見るカッパ 木村まき
サンカ異称に見られるカッパ類名~河尻英明氏からのフィールド採取の復元と調査 飯尾恭之
河童伝承の地域性 愛知県の事例を中心に 吉岡郁夫
みちのく岩手かっぱ村 谷村和郎
河童の歴史民俗学~没落した河伯 礫川全次
伊豆半島の河童 桜井祥行
[詩]カッパ考 木村まき
かっぱ橋商店街 田村勇
かっぱ橋商店街[街歩き] 構成・『歴史民俗学』編集部
かっぱとカワウソの実像について 岡見晨明
[俳句]河童探訪 魚泪
芥川龍之介の河童と“怪異” 青木茂雄
会津ゲスモグリ紀行~河童伝承の周辺 尾崎光弘
河童に関する文献 『歴史民俗学』編集部=編 
河童考 宍戸儀一 
source :

The Folklore Society of Japan (English HP)
4-12-3 Yushima Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
- source :


笠間書院 / 伊藤慎吾編 Ito Shingo


カッパの生活図鑑 Illustrated Book about the Life of a Kappa


乾/小池/志村/高橋 - Kadokawa Shoten 角川書店
- long list of more vocabulary and long list of books

【河童(かっぱ)】 《「岩波古語辞典」大野/佐竹/前田・岩波書店》
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「岩波日本史辞典」・岩波書店》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「岩波広辞苑第五版」・岩波書店》  
【河童(かっぱ)】妖怪 yookai 《「日本大百科事典」・小学館》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「世界大百科事典」・平凡社》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「復刻大辭典」・平凡社》
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「大言海」大槻文彦・冨山房》
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「隠語辞典」楳垣実・東京堂出版》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「民俗学辞典」柳田國男監修・東京堂出版》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童(かっぱ)】 《「ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目版 2007」》  
【河童石(かっぱいし)】Kappa ishi 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童川(かっぱがわ)】Kappagawa 《「日外難読語・固有名大辞典」・LogoVista電子辞典》
【おかっぱ頭】 《「からだことば辞典」東郷吉男・東京堂出版》

【河童橋(かっぱばし)】Kappabashi 《「日外難読語・固有名大辞典」・LogoVista電子辞典》
【河童駒引き(かっぱこまひき)】Kappa Komahiki 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童相撲(かっぱすもう)】Kappa Sumo 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童台(かっぱだい)】Kappadai 《「日外難読語・固有名大辞典」・LogoVista電子辞典》
【河童釣(かっぱつり)】Kappatsuri 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》 笑話。巧智者譚。  
【河童(かっぱ)の川流れ】Kappa no Kawanagare 《「岩波広辞苑第五版」・岩波書店》

【河童(かっぱ)の屁】Kappa no he 《「岩波広辞苑第五版」・岩波書店》  
【河童(かっぱ)の屁】Kappa no he 《「からだことば辞典」東郷吉男・東京堂出版》

【河童忌(かっぱひ)】Kappahi 《「岩波広辞苑第五版」・岩波書店》  
【河童火やろう(かっぱひやろう)】 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童巻(かっぱまき)】Kappamaiki 《「岩波広辞苑第五版」・岩波書店》  
【河童聟入(かっぱむこいり)】 《「日本昔話事典」稲田浩ニ他・弘文堂》  
【河童屋(かっぱや)】Kappaya 《「隠語辞典」楳垣実・東京堂出版》  
【河太郎(かわたろう)】Kawataro 《「三州奇談」・石川県図書館協会》- 森下河伯第十一

【水虎(すいこ)】Suiko 《「大漢和辞典」諸橋轍次・大修館書店》  
【水虎(すいこ)】Suiko 《「和漢三才圖會」寺島良安・東京美術》
【水神(すいじん)】Suijin (Water Deity) 《「岩波日本史辞典」・岩波書店》    

【妹尾河童(せのおかっぱ)】 Senoo Kappa 《「現代用語の基礎知識」・自由国民社》
【詩集=河童】 宗左近著 Poems   
【童話=河童】 坪田譲治著 Legends    
【屁の河童】 《「からだことば辞典」東郷吉男・東京堂出版》- →河童の屁  

【民俗学=河童駒引(かっぱこまひき)】Kappa Komahiki 《「柳田國男全集=山島民譚集」柳田國男》  
【民俗学=河童駒引考】 石田英一郎著 副題「比較民族学的研究」

- source : ...


Many articles at mag japaaan com
- reference : Japaaan(ジャパーン)マガジン -


河童の正体とは何か?- with many photos

source :


Monsters on Old Japan - oni tengu kappa kitsune



The Last Kappa of Old Japan:
A Magical Journey of Two Friends

Sunny Seki (Author)

The Last Kappa of Old Japan
is a warmly written and beautifully illustrated children's book that introduces many aspects of traditional Japanese culture and folklore, while teaching an important lesson about environmentalism.
The story is of a young Japanese farm boy who develops a friendship with a mythical creature— the kappa—a messenger of the god of water. The tale begins in post-Modern Japan when the boy is young and the kappa is healthy and ends when the kappa, now the last one left on Earth, keeps an important promise to his human friend.
- source :


いついろかっぱのものがたり Itsu iru kappa no monogatari
Sakamoto Eisuke さかもと えいすけ
甲羅法師 Kora Boshi Kappa from Shirahama town, Wakayama .


- more books about the Kappa -


Kappa Hakubutsukan 河童博物館 Kappa Museum

なまずに乗る 河童キーホルダー Kappa on a namazu catfish - keyholder

Very extensive resource with 8 extra galleries
- source : ...


かっぱどっくりグループ kappadokkuri
Shopping/Retail - group on facebook
- source : ...


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

#kappareference ##kappabooks #reference #literature #links #hyakumonogatari -



Kappa Goods

- KAPPA 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Kappa Goods 河童グッズ - Introduction -

There are many many MANY Kappa goods available in Japan and other countries.

- google for Kappa Goods - -

- google for 河童グッズ

This list is still under construction and will be updated regularly.
Items featured in detail in this BLOG have a hyperlink.
Others come with a google reference.

Click on the thumbnails for enlargement !

ash tray 河童灰皿 kappa haizara
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. baby basket えじこ ejiko . - Iwate

badge バッチ / ばじ / ばぢ badges

. barricade 道路工事バリケード road construction .

bottle with Kappa

- source : Pinterest Kappa Gallery

. Bus - Kappa Bus かっぱバス Kappa basu - .


calendar 河童 カレンダー Kalender
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

card, cards 河童カード kappa kaado - DC cards
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

child 子供の河童 kodomo no kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

chopstick rest

. Chopstick rest 箸置き hashioki / 箸置け hashioke .


couple - Mr. and Missus Kappa 夫婦河童 fuufu Kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. costume 着包み kigurumi .

= Daruma Kappa 河童達磨 Kappa Daruma
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

decoration cards 河童色紙 shikishi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Diorama - kappa are carrying a palanquin .  (fb) 

. - Dolls - ningyoo 河童人形 Kappa ningyo - .   

. - Eco Kappa - Eco 河童 / Ekoppa kun エコッパくん - .

glass ガラス 河童 Kappa made from glass
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

fan, handfan 扇 ogi  団扇 uchiwa - folding fan 扇子 sensu
. hand fan with kappa and blowfish 渋うちわ - かっぱ/ふぐ提灯 .
folding fan 江戸扇子 / 台湾河童扇子
. . . CLICK here for Photos  ー扇子 河童 !
. . . CLICK here for Photos ー団扇 河童 !

. fire prevention 火の用心 hi no yoojin .

in Kappamura, Fukuoka Kappa Village

. go 碁 Kappa playing a game of GO .

hat, cap  河童帽子 booshi, Boshi - for kids and grown-ups
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hot spring 温泉河童 Onsen and their pamphlets 温泉宿河童パンフレット
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. iPhone5 ケース case for an iPhone .
- - - - - - CLICK here for more iPhone cases -


. Kamikochi souvenir 上高地のかっぱ .

keyholder 河童キーホルダー

なまずに乗る 河童キーホルダー Kappa on a namazu catfish - keyholder

kissing kappa 接吻する河童
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

kite 河童凧 tako - many come from Kyushu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kitty chan 河童 キティ Kitty chan dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

label 河童 ラベル from all kinds of food and other boxes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. lantern 河童 提灯 choochin, paper lantern Chochin .
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . . . CLICK here for Photos 河童 行灯絵 painting on lanterns!

looking back 見返り河童 mikaeri kappa - the kappa or the woman
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Mandala 河童曼荼羅 Kappa Mandala
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

manhole マンホール Kappa manholes
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

memo pad memo pad 河童メモ帳
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. motorbike バイク .

nail, nails 河童爪 artificial or painted kappa nails
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

origami 折り紙河童 folded paper
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
source : Nishida Shatner - origami Gappa

paper model
- source :

paperweight 河童文鎮 bunchin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

punch-me dolls 夜光お化け Yako O-Bake


sake 酒 rice wine, cups ぐいのみ and tokkuri 河童徳利 

a lot of tokkuri sake pourers come in the form of a female kappa !

. . . CLICK here for Photos  河童徳利 !

. . . CLICK here for Photos  河童 ぐいのみ !

. - Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask" - .
Legend from Chigasaki, Kanagawa - and more tokkuri samples !


shamisen 三味線を弾く河童 Kappa playing the shamisen
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shells 貝殻細工の河童 Kappa made from sea shells
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shopping bag 河童レジ袋 rejibukuro from plastic or material
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

sleeping, Kappa taking a nap 昼寝する河童 hirune suru kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

stamp スタンプ shopping stamp
. カッピースタンプ Kappy Stamp - Kurume .

stones 河童石 kappa ishi - painted stones and monuments
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

string art 水引細工 河童 mizuhiki
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. strap 河童 ストラップ with Panda Kappa パンダかっぱ .
Shirahama, Wakayama


Tシャツ tee shirt

. . . CLICK here for Photos - Tシャツ !

toothpick holder

. traffic safety 交通安全 kotsu anzen .

in Kappamura, Fukuoka Kappa Village

. tsumajoji 爪楊枝 toothpicks and holder .


towel 河童タオル
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . small hand towel 河童 てぬぐい tenugui
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

turtle, Kappa riding a turtle 亀に乗る河童 kame ni noru kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. wind chime, wind bell 風鈴 fuurin, Furin .

. vest for winter 河童 ちやんちやんこ chanchanko .

. yunomi 湯のみ tea cups .


口上を述べる張子の河童 Kappa papermachee giving a Kabuki speach and more HARIKO

陶器河童の棒タイ pottery necktie holder Bolo tie
日田河童一輪挿し flower vase
河童小篭 little basket
飼葉桶をかぶる河童 - 河童馬引き komabiki Kappa
カッパの飼い方「チーちゃん」 kappa no chii chan 「かっくん」 kakkun 「キューちゃん」 kyuuchan mattchan 「マァちゃん」- 「かぁたん kattan . . . more 」
チェコの河童「ドーミイ」 doomi

河童石 kappa painted on stone
貝殻細工の河童 kappa made from shells
座る鉄器の河童 seated kappa from metal


川越首人形河童 kubi ningyo - head dolls from Kawagoe

many netsuke 根付 - some serious old ones, some new
- many kokeshi - 魔除河童こけし mayoke kappa kokeshi / Kappa as a child 少年河童こけし / 釣竿を持つ河童 kappa with Angelrute
- - - - Check this extensive resource - Kappa Museum - ***
(source of many of the above images)
- source : hakubutsukan

more 竹細工など工芸品 bamboo goods and art works
- source : Kappa hakubutsukan 3-A till 3-D

more 茶碗・酒器・カップ・皿や食器 cups, plates, sake containers, plates
- source : - 2 galleries

more 絵や印刷物 paintings and print work
book書籍, seal シール / from Taiwan 台湾河童扇子 - and more interesting kappa topics to explore
- Aronzo アロンゾ kappa card 河童カード
- Aranzi ARANZI レターセット letter set
- hanga 笛を吹く河童版画 kappa plays a flute
- source : - 2 galleries


パンダとかっぱ大図鑑 - Kappanda with more goods - their main index
ぬいぐるみのパンダとかっぱ nuigurumi dolls
まちかどのかっぱ regional Kappa from Japan (photos are very small
source : kappanda.web


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - Kappa Art Motives - Introduction - .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- kappagoods #kappagoods #goods #specialities -



ABC index

. Mingei - Japanese Folk Art - TOP .

河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan!

- - - - - ABC Index - Contents - - - - -

To avoid the list getting to long, many items are listed in detail in the "Introduction" entry.

. Books, articles and further reference .

. Kappa Legends from the prefectures of Japan .

The links marked "Introduction" are leading to further lists of Kappa items.


. - Aichi prefecture 愛知県 Kappa 河童 - .

. aimai women 曖昧女 (おんな) prostitute - Kappa .

. - Ainu アイヌ Legends - Introduction - .

Aizu 会津ゲスモグリ紀行 Aizu Gesumoguri travel

. Akita prefecture  秋田県 Kappa 河童 .

. Akutagawa Ryunosuke 芥川 龍之介, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke .

. amagoi 雨乞い / Kappa no amagoi 河童の雨ごい / Kappa doing a rain ritual .

. amulets, talismans .
omamori, o-mamori お守り amulets to protect from water accidents -
kappayoke, kappa yoke 河童除け / カッパ除け
amulets to ward off evil influence of a kappa
mizuyoke 水難除け amulets to ward off water accidents

. Animals (動物 dobutsu) and Kappa - Introduction .

. anus - shirikodama, shirigodama 尻子玉 / 尻小玉 "soul ball in the anus" - Introduction .   .
- - - - - shiri 尻 buttocks, backside, behind , ketsu ケツ(尻). koomon 肛門 komon

. - Aomori 青森県 Kappa Legends 河童伝説 . *

. Arima Hot Spring 有馬温泉 Arima Onsen .

. Art Motives - Introduction .

. Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎 Painter .

. bakemono 化け物  o-bake お化け monsters, ghosts, spooks - Introduction .

. Bath お風呂 ofuro - Kappa taking a bath or hot spring .

. benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa - Introduction
helping people, teaching people .

. Bowling with Kappa san カッパボール .

. buna 鮒 crucian carp as present from Kappa .

. Bus - Kappa Bus かっぱバス Kappa basu - .

. butsudan 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar and Kappa .

. Chiba 千葉かっぱ村 Chiba Kappamura / 銚子かっぱ村 Choshi Kappamura .
Chooshi 銚子地方 Choshi (Chiba) Kappa Legends

. Chimimōryō, chimi mooryoo 魑魅魍魎 Chimi Moryo .
- - demons from mountains and rivers

chupacabra or chupacabras チュパカブラ
water monster from America, but maybe a kappa ?
- source : wikipedia

. couples 夫婦河童 meoto Kappa .

. Cucumber - kyuuri キュウリ Kyuri, Gurken - .

. Daruma san and Kappa san だるま 達磨と河童 .

. Dislikes, things a Kappa dislikes .

. Dolls - Kappa dolls (kappa ningyoo 河童人形 ningyo)
- 玩具 gangu toys - Introduction .

. doguu, dogū 土偶(カッパ型)Kappa-type Dogu clay dolls .

. Dosojin 道祖神河童 Kappa Couple as Wayside Gods .

Ebisu and Kappa 恵比寿と河童
. - Netsuke with Kappa 河童根付  - .

. - Eco Kappa - Eco 河童 / Ekoppa kun エコッパくん - .

. ehon - kappa ehon 河童絵本 picture books for children - .

. ejiko えじこ baby basket with Kappa . - Iwate

. ema 絵馬 votive tablets, prayer boards .

. enkoo kappa, enkō 猿猴河童 Enko Kappa Monkey .

. - Exhibition, Gallery, Museum 河童博物館 / 河童展 - Introduction -.

. female Kappa 女河童 onna Kappa .

. - Festivals かっぱ祭り Kappa Matsuri - .   

fishing for Kappa 河童釣 / カッパ 釣り kappa tsuri, kappatsuri .
. . . . . 河童を釣るの法 (Hokusai)

. FLICKR - photo collection of all .

. - Food with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 - Introduction - .

. Food tray 膳椀 zenwan, O-zen お膳 .

. Fudo Myo-O and the Kappa 不動明王 - Introduction - .

. Fukuoka 福岡 - 九千坊 Kusenbo as Kappa origin (coming from China) .

. Fuku-Taroo, Fukutaro 福太郎 - 河童は、福を呼ぶ. The Lucky Kappa .
- - - - - and . Suitengu 水天宮 Shrine for the Water God .

. gashapon ガシャポン capsule toys Kappa .

. Garappa and Yamawaro in Kumamoto .
- In the fields and in the mountains -

. Gionsama, Gion Sama, Gion-Sama 祇園さま /祇園様  . - Akita

. Gokuraku Kappa 極楽カッパ Paradise Kappa .

. Goshiki Kappa 五色河童 Kappa in five colors .

. Grafitti / Graffiti / Graffitti / グラフィティ .  

. Haiku and Senryu - Kappa  河童 俳句 川柳 - Introduction .

. - Haiku and Senryu about Yokai monsters 妖怪俳句 - .

. hanzaki 半割 / 半裂 "cut in half" - (Andrias japonicus) Giant Salamander .

. hemp 麻 asa / 大麻 taima, oasa .
- - - - - ogara 苧殻 hemp reed, hemp string
- - - - - ogarabashi 苧殻箸 chopsticks from ogara hemp reeds (to kill a kappa)

. Hikosan  英彦山 / 彦山 Mount Hikosan, Fukuoka .
Kappa no wabi shoomon seki カッパの詫び証文石
stone memorial of the Kappa and his apology note

Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎 (1760 to 1849)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Horse - 駒 koma / 馬 . 午 uma - .
. . . . . komahiki 駒引き / 河童駒引 Kappa the “horse puller”

. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd, calabash and Kappa .
Hyotan-ike no Kappa 瓢箪池の河童 Kappa of the Gourd-Pond
Kappa Muko-Iri 河童婿入り The Kappa Bridegroom . . .

. Hyoozu, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami - 兵主坊 Hyosubo - 兵主部 Hyosube - Introduction .

. Ibaraki 茨城 famous Kappa region - Ushikunuma 牛久沼 Ushiku Swamp .

. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .

Illustrations 河童 イラスト
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

ingo 隠語 the secret language about Kappa
河童 / 河童屋 Kappaya - 隠語辞典」楳垣実
- - mekiri kappa 目切河童 - for the game of GO
- - nigiri kappa 握河童 - for the game of GO
KAPPA itself is an ingo (jargon, slang) for various things :
- - Kappa no he 河童屁
- source : -

Izu 伊豆半島の河童 Izu Peninsula and Kappa legends

. Jesuits and Portuguese and the kappa raincoat .

. - Jizoo かっぱ地蔵 Kappa and Jizo Bosatsu - .

. Jozankei Hot Spring, Hokkaido 定山渓 北海道 .

............................................... KKKK ......................................................................

. kabuto 河童かぶと / 兜 Kappa samurai helmet .

. kaikidan ekotoba 怪奇談絵詞 monster scroll . Fukuoka

. kamishibai 紙芝居 "paper drama" telling a story with picture cards .

. Kanchiki カンチキ Yokai monster like a Kappa 河童 .

. Kankara Koboshi, Kankarakoboshi かんからこぼし from Mie .

Kannon Bosatsu and Kappa - 観音妙智力
. - Paintings, scrolls 掛け軸 kakejiku hanging scrolls, prints .


. kappa 合羽 / カッパ, ame kappa 雨カッパ raincoat .

kappaban, kappa-ban 合羽版, kappazuri 合羽摺り技法 stencil printing
kappan insatsu 活版印刷(かっぱんいんさつ) / カッパ版
. kappaban - discussing on fb .

. Kappa Bus かっぱバス at Jozankei 定山渓温泉 hot spring .

kappabayashi, kappa-bayashi 河童ばやし  Kappa song
- reference : even on YouTube

. Kappabashi bridge 合羽橋 in Asakusa .

. - Kappabuchi, Kappa-buchi 河童淵 / カッパ淵 / 河童が渕
"Kappa pool", Kappa riverside - .

Kappadai 河童台
Ōsugikappadai Nangai, Daisen-shi, Akita

. Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa . *

. Kappa Dai-O, Daio 河童大王/ かっぱ大王 Great King Kappa .

. Kappadera かっぱ寺 / 河童寺 Kappa temples - Introduction  .
大観音寺 Dai Kannon-Ji - Mie
曹源寺 Sogen-Ji - Edo / Tokyo
聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji - Kumamoto
善行寺 Zengyo-Ji - Ishikawa
瑞龍寺 Zuiryu-Ji - Osaka . . . to be updated

. Kappa dolls (kappa ningyoo 河童人形 ningyo) - Introduction .

. Kappadoo 河童堂 Kappa-Do Hall .
- Shrine and business names

kappagawa 河童川 "Kappa river" 猿猴川

. Kappa Goods かっぱグッズ - Introduction .

. kappa hi yaroo 河童火やろう Giving fire to a Kappa .

Kappa hunter カッパハンター a person who travels to all the Kappa spots in Japan

. Kappa ishi, Kappaishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends .
Kappa iwa. Kappaiwa かっぱ岩 / 河童岩 Kappa boulder
Akita / Fukushima / Miyazaki / Nagano / Nagasaki / Yamanashi

Kappa jissetsu  河童実説 a rare book

. Kappa Jizoo かっぱ地蔵 / 河童地蔵 Kappa and Jizo Bosatsu .

. Kappa Kaido, the Kappa Road 河童街道 散歩道 .

Kappa Kannon 河童観音 Kannon Bosatsu
- source : to google -

Kappa kooen カッパ公園 / 河童公園 Kappa Park
. at hot spring 猿ヶ京温泉 Sarugakyo Onsen . Gunma 群馬県

Kappa Kotaroo かっぱ河太郎 Kappa Kotaro (Kawataro) - Asakusa Kappabashi
gold-plated bronze statue

. Kappamaki 河童巻き sushi cucumber rolls . *

. Kappamaru 河童丸 The Sword Kappa-Maru . -Akita

. Kappamatsu 河童松 Kappa pine - Ibaraki .

. kappa muko-iri 河童聟入 Kappa as son in law, bridegroom .

. Kappamura, Kappa-mura, kappa mura かっぱ村 Kappa Village .
- Introduction -

. Kappa no Aramitama 河童の荒魂 .

Kappa no haka 河童の墓 the grave of Kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. kappa no he 河童の屁 / へのかっぱ "The fart of a water goblin" .  *

. Kappa no hone 河童の骨 bones of a Kappa .

. kappa no kagwanagare 河童の川流れ a kappa floating (drowning) in the river .
- - - - - kappa no kawa obore 河童の川溺れ a Kappa drowning

Kappa no koinobori 河童の鯉のぼり Kappa and the Carp Streamers
. 河童紙芝居 Kamishibai of the Kappa legends .

. Kappa no sasoi-mizu 河童の誘い水 "water to invite a Kappa" .
..... strong liquor made in Kiyotake, Miyazaki

Kappa no uta 河童の歌 The song of Kappa / 河童のうた in concert
/ 黄桜カッパの歌 - (歌・楠トシエ)
- reference -

Kappa no wabijo 河童の詫び状 letter of regret / excuse / apology (Iwate)
Kappa no wabi shomon 河童のわび証文 The pledge of excuse from the Kappa (Fukushima)
- tba -

. Kappa no Yu 河童の湯 - Onsen - Introduction .

. Kappa no yu かっぱの湯 Kappa Hot Spring . - Fukushima

kappa odori 河童踊り Kappa Dancing Festival
. - Kappa Festivals かっぱ祭り Kappa Matsuri - .

- just googeling with "Kappapedia" -

. Kappa regions - three most famous Kappa regions 日本三大河童地帯 .  

. - Kappa shooten 昇天 Kappa Shoten
"Kappa ascends to Heaven" - .
books and poems

. Kappa Shotengai かっぱ商店街 Shopping Mall in Nagoya .

Kappa summit 河童サミット there are various held in Japan
- - - 河童連邦共和国 Kappa
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Kappa Taroo かっぱ太郎 Kappa Taro .

kappa tsuri, kappatsuri 河童釣 / カッパ 釣り fishing for Kappa .
. . . . . 河童を釣るの法 (Hokusai)

Kappazamurai 河童侍(かっぱざむらい)
- reference -


karasu tengu 烏天狗 crow tengu (with a beak resembling a Kappa)
- reference to google -

. Kawaguma 河熊 "river bear" .

. kawa kozoo 川小僧 "young man (monk) from the river" . - Aichi

. kawatengu, kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" .

. Keyamura no Rokusuke 毛谷村 六助 and Kappa .

Kincho rikiddo キンチョウリキッド Kincho liquid
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Kintaro 金太郎 "The Golden Boy" Kintoki 金時 .

. Kizakura キザクラ 黄桜 "Yellow Cherry Blossom"
Kizakura Kappa Country 黄桜 - キザクラカッパカントリー .

. kokeshi 河童こけし wooden dolls with Kappa .

. komainu, Kappa koma-inu カッパ狛犬 / 河童狛犬 Kappa as Komainu .

. Komusoo 虚無僧河童 Komuso Kappa as begging monk .

. Koojimachi 麹町 The Kappa from Kojimachi . - Tokyo

. koojin 荒神 Kojin deity, "rough deity" .

. kumadori 隈取り facial painting .

Kurahamanuma no Kappa 黒浜沼の河童 Saitama
source : NatureLand

. Kappa Legends from Kyushu  河童伝説 九州  .
Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Miyazaki / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga

. Kyushu, Kumamoto - 九千坊 Kusenbo as Kappa origin (coming from China) .


. Laughing Monsters Moving Mandala .

leech babies - stillborn infants pitched into the river
- Read Mark Schumacher

. Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. mahoroba まほろば a place of peace and bliss - and Kappa .

. - Manga まんが / 河童漫画 cartoon - Introduction - .

manhole マンホール Kappa manholes
- google for photos

. - Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター - Introduction .
- - - - - regional from North to South

. mask - men, omote 河童面 Kappa mask, masks .
from paper and other material

. Medicine made by Kappa / 河董膏 Kappa Cream カッパのきず薬 / 河童の傷薬 .

. Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa and the Mizuchi 蛟 monster .

. metal things 金物 kanamono - Kappa’s dislike of iron .  

. Michinoku みちのく岩手かっぱ村 Iwate Kappamura Village .

. Miyagi 宮城県 Kappa Legends .

. Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる Shigeru Mizuki .
Manga painter - Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 / カッパの三平 Sanpei, the Kappa
鳥取県境港市・水木しげるロード - Tottori, Mizuki Shigero Road

. Mogamigawa 最上川河童舟下り Kappa going downriver . - Tohoku

. Money offerings box saisen ire 賽銭入れ .

. - Monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru - .
. . . . . Kawazaru, kawa no saru 川猿 "river monkey"

. Monsters - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai ghosts, spooks - Introduction - .

. moss koke 苔 moss and Kappa - Moos - .

. - Movie, movies about Kappa 河童映画 eiga - Introduction - .

. Mummy, miira 河童のミイラ mummy of a Kappa, Mumie .

. Museum, Exhibition, Gallery 河童博物館 / 河童展 - Introduction .

. Nagasaki 長崎県 Kappa stories .

. nakoodo, nakōdo 仲人 Kappa Nakodo, matchmaker for a marriage .

. Names and types of Kappa 河童の呼称 - Introduction .

. Neneko Kappa 禰々子 / 祢々子河童 / 弥々子河童 Female Kappa .
lives in the river Tonegawa 利根川 River Tonegawa / Tonegawa zushi 利根川図志 by 赤松宗旦 Akamatsu Sōtan, 1855

. netsuke 根付 Netsuke .

. Ochiai no Kappa 落合の河童 The Kappa from Ochiai . - Tokyo

. ogara おがら / 苧殻 hemp reeds . - disliked by Kappa

. Oitekebori 置行堀 in Edo .
one of the Honjo Nana Fushigi 本所七不思議 Seven Wonders of Honjo

okappa atama, o-kappa atama おかっぱ頭 Kappa hairstyle
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Okinoshima Kappa Village 隠岐の島 河童村

. Onsen 河童温泉 Hot Spring .

. Oouchi 大内かっぱハウス Ouchi Kappa House, Chiba .

. Oozma Kappa - Disney Monsters University - .

- Origin of Kappa - Theories
Theory One, Shintō Mythology.
Theory Two, Leech Babies.
Theory Three, Portuguese Monks. (Jesuits)
Theory Four, Chinese Monkeys.
- read Mark Schumacher -

. - Otter 獺魚 kawauso as kappa - .  

. oyako kappa 親子河童 Kappa with parents .
. . . . . - Kappa oyako 河童親子 mother or father and child Kappa -

. - Paintings, scrolls 掛け軸 kakejiku hanging scrolls, prints - Introduction - .

. - Persons about the Kappa - Personen - Introduction - .

. Pinterest - my Kappa Collection .

. Politeness of a Kappa .  

. Portugese connection - Jesuits - Capa - cape .

. poster 河童ポスタ Kappa Posters - .

. presents from Kappa - okurimono かっぱの贈り物 legends .

. Regional Kappa mascots and characters - Introduction .
Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu

....................................................................... SSS .......................................................................

Saiyuuki 西遊記 Saiyuki - Journey to the West
. - 西遊記 Saiyuki and Son Goku 孫悟空, the Monkey King .
Genjo Sanzo meets Sha Gojyō (Sagojo, Shā Wùjìng (沙悟淨), Sangojo, Sandy, a water demon, classified as a kappa
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA - A Supplement !

. sake 酒 rice wine . -
- Kappa Tokkuri 河童徳利 "Kappa and the Sake Flask" -

samurai 侍 the Samurai connetcion
Kappa and the Samurai’s Grave
- source :
- reference -
- - - kabuto かぶと 兜 samurai helmet
- - - kamon with kappa 家紋 河童
- reference -
- - - ninja 河童忍者 Kappa ninja spies - Ninja Turtles
- reference -
- - - Kappazamurai, see above

. - sara 皿 plate with water on the Kappa's head - .

. Satori Kappa 悟り河童 and Dave Dick, Canada .

. Senryu and Haiku - Kappa  河童 俳句 川柳 - Introduction .

. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa and otter from Kochi .

. Shichi Fuku Kappa Jin 七福河童神 Seven Kappa Gods of Good Luck .

. Shinagawa kappa matsuri 品川河童祭 Shinagawa kappa festival

. Shinkansen - Kappa Sushi Bullet Train .

. - shirikodama 尻子玉 / 尻小玉 "soul ball in the anus" - Introduction - .   

shops and stores 河童屋 / 河童屋本舗 Kappaya and other names (tba)
. Akebono Kappa Sweet Store あけぼの - 河童菓庵 .

. Shrines 河童神社 Kappa Jinja - Introduction .

. - Shikoku 四国 - kappa mascots and more .

Shugendo and Kappa 修験道 と 河童 
. . . . . Kappa Yamabushi 河童・山伏

. Soogenji 曹源寺 Sogen-Ji, Asakusa Tokyo . *
- - - - - and the legend around Kappabashi 合羽橋 in Asakusa

souvenirs お土産 Souveniers from famous Kappa regions
. reference about Kappa souvenirs - .

. Statues of Kappa - all kinds of .

. stencil-dyed goods shop and Kappa 合羽品の店に河童 .

. suijin 水神 water deity - Introduction - .
- - - - - 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin, Great Kappa Deity, カッパ明神 Kappa Myojin

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling .


. tairu, Kappa tairu 河童のタイル Kappa tile .

. Tajimi 多治見 a Kappa town in Gifu 岐阜 .
- - - - - and Tajimi Jones, our reporter of the region

. Tanabata Kappa 七夕河童 Kappa and Star Festival .

. Tanuki and Kappa 狸 と 河童    .   

. - Tanushimaru 田主丸 Fukuoka - Introduction - .
Aragoroo Daimyoojin 荒五郎大明神 Aragoro Daimyojin
九千坊河童 Kyusenbo kappa - Kusenbo Kappa
猿猴河童 Enko Kappa (Endo kappa) - Monkey Kappa

. Temples - Kappadera かっぱ寺 Kappa temples - Introduction - .

. Tetsugi Jinja 手接神社 - Ibaraki .

. Tobacco Pouch 煙草入れ Kappa smoking - Pfeife rauchen .
. . . . . kiseru 煙管 long pipes for smoking in the Edo period

. Tohoku - Kappa Legends from Tohoku / Tōhoku 河童伝説 - 東北 .

. - Tono Monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono, Iwate - .
- - - - - The mascot of Tono - the Kappa Karin-chan and his pink wife Kururin-chan
カリンちゃん & くるりんちゃん

. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 - 1788) . - painting monsters

. Toys  河童玩具 Kappa gangu - Introduction .

. tsuba 鍔  sword guard .  

. umahiki 馬引き "pulling horses"/ komahiki 駒引き / 河童駒引 Kappa the “horse puller”.

. - Ushiku 牛久 in Ibaraki - .
Ushiku town, Ibaraki - Kappa Study Center かっぱの里生涯学習センタ
with 河童百図 100 paintings of a Kappa

. usu, hiki-usu 挽き臼 hand mill - present from Kappa .

Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864) woodblock prints
- reference -

. Wakan Sansaizue 和漢三才図会 Encyclopidia from about 1713 .

. Yamabushi ni Kappa 山伏に河童 - Kappa and the Yamabushi .

. Yamagata 山形県 Kappa legends .

. Yamashina-e 山科絵 Yamashina Daruma and Kappa paintings .  - Painter Yoshio Yamamoto

. Yamawaro やまわろ / ヤマワロ / 山童 "Child of the Mountain" .
- the alter ego of the "Child of the River" 河童

. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 (Yanagida) . (1875 - 1962) - folklorist, minzokugaku 民俗学 and the Tono Monogatari legends

Yasaburoo 弥三郎 Yasaburo 猟師の母 lived in 北秋田都大阿

. Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order and Kappa .

. yookai 妖怪 Yokai, yuurei, bakemono 化け物 Japanese Ghosts - Introduction - .

. yookai wotchi, Yōkai Wotchi 妖怪ウォッチ - Yo-Kai Watch, Yokai Watch .

. yurukyara ゆるキャラ Yuru-chara mascot characters .

. Zenji Kappa 禅師河童 Kappa the Zen Teacher .


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Kappa Legends from the prefectures of Japan .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

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