- KAPPA 河童 伝説 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Kappa Legends from Miyazaki 河童伝説 - 宮崎県
- KAPPA 河童伝説 - 九州 - Legends from Kyushu -
- Introduction -
Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga

CLICK for more photos from Kappa in Kyushu.
- - - - - In Miyazaki, the Kappa is known by many names locally:
. hyoosubo ヒョウスボ カッパ /兵主坊 Hyosubo .
Suiten 水天, 水神 deity of the water and also deity of the mountains (Yama no Kami 山の神)
ひょうすんぼ Hyosunbo
ひょうすえ Hyosue、ひょうすぼ, ヒョオスボ Hyoosubo、ヒョウスンボ Hyoosunbo、ひょうすんべ Hyoosunbe
ガラッパ Garappa. ガマジロ Gamajiro and ガマジロドン, Gamajiro don, ガオロ Gaoro, ガグレサァ Gaguressa, ガツラ Gatsura, 。ガマッパ Gamappa, ガラッパ Garappa, ガラッポ Garappo, ガランボ Garanbo,
ガワタロ Gawataro, ダワタロオ Gawataroo, カワッパ Kawappa, ガワッパ Gawappa,
カワノトノ Kawa no Ton, ガワロ Gawaro,
スイテンボオズ Suiten Boozu, 。セコボオ Sekoboo,
ガグレ Gagure, ガグレン Gaguren, カリコボウ Karikobo,
ヤマンヒト Yama no Hito (Man of the Mountain) / カワンヒト Kawa no Hito (Man of the River)
カッパワロ Kappawaro
gawa is another reading of kawa, river.

Kappa Iwa 河童岩 The Kappa Rock
Once upon a time
there lived one Kappa in the river. One day many children came to the river to play and threw a white pebble 白い小石 in the water. Now they jumped in and tried to find the white stone.
Suddenly, the Kappa appeared in the water and asked:
"May I become your friend and play with you?"
But the children knew that a Kappa will pull out and eat their anus, so they became afraid and wanted to run away.

Illustration by かわさき えり Kawasaki Eri
But the Kappa called on them:
"Let's have a competition and see who wins. I will give this fish to the winner!"
He showed them a fish on a bamboo skewer.
The rest of the story is here in Japanese
- source : minwa.fujipan.co.jp/area/miyazaki -
Karikoboo カリコボウ / かりこ坊 Karikobo, Karkio Bo, the Kappa
Kakariboozu カリコボウズ Kakari Bozu
In the 米良市 Mera district
かりこ坊 Karikobo is venerated as Yama no Kami 山の神 a deity of the Mountain. He likes to play tricks on people, especially imitating the sound in the forest like cutting a tree or causing a landslide or shooting a hunter's guns. But he never puts humans into real danger. When people hear him making strange sounds, it is best to keep quiet and pretend not to hear anything.
. doshakuzure 土砂崩れ landslide legends .
If you think he is close, he will show up far in the mountain. If you think he is down in the valley, he will shout out high in the moutain.
If he comes close, animals will catch its vibes and become afraid. Dogs and horses are expecially sensitive to his appearance.
He likes to take a bath. If you do not keep the bath water boiling hot, he will sneek into the bathroom. If he has taken a bath in a home, the water becomes all smelly like the toilet.
At the 秋彼岸 Autumn solstice he begins to walk up the mountain ridge (to become Yama no Kami, Deity of the Mountain.
A the 春彼岸 Spring solstice he comes down to the river (to become Kawa no Kami, Deity of the River and Water).
児湯郡 Koyu district 西米良村 Nishi Mera
Hyosubo ひょすぼ / Hyoosunbo ひょうすんぼ
Once a Samurai killed a かりこ坊 Kariko Bo by accident and burried him secretely.
His wife soon became pregnant, but the child was killed by the Kariko Bo.
A Mountain Priest told them this was the curse of the Mountain Deity, so they built a proper grave 山神塚 for the dead Kariko Bo.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

source : fragezeichen.web.fc2.com/mononoke
佐脇嵩之 Sawaki Suoshi (1707 - 1772)
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
. Kappa and Legends with tofu 豆腐伝説 .
from temple 泉福寺 Zenpuku-Ji, Takachiho
On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month (Boy's Festival) you have to eat tsunonoboo つののぼう (?角の坊) to prevent water accidents caused by the Kappa.
Once a Kappa invited a farmer to do Sumo wrestling, but the farmer refused, saying he has to go home to eat tsunonoboo. This kept him safe from the mischievious Kappa.
木城町 Kijo

At the Kawabaru Nature Park かわばる自然公園 is a bronze statue of a Kappa.
Every year after the autumn equinox the Kappa climbs to the mountain, moaning ピーヒョピーヒョ (piihiyo piihiyo) and playing tricks on the way.
Once he used the bath of a home on his way and people know he was there when the bathwater was all black and smelled terrible. So the farmer captured a monkey and bound him to the bathroom wall 風呂場. The Kappa came at night and was surprized, got angry and shook the house like in an earthquake. Then he left and never came back.
Once there lived a Kappa family near the riverpool. When the farmer gave them three tail hairs of his horse for fishing, the Kappa showed great gratitude to the family.
Hyoosunbo ひょうすんぼ Hyosunbo
In the year 1489 an ancestor of the 正一家 Masakazu family wanted to cross the river on a horse. A Hyosunbo grabed the tail of the horse and to get rid of him he had to cut off the right arm and take it home. Later the Hyosunbo came to his house and asked for his arm back. To show his gratitude he showed the family how to make medicine using the bark of the mountain peach tree (yamamomo 山桃の木, Myrica rubra), 茶の葉 tea leaves and もち米 mochigome sticky rice. This powerful medicine heals broken bones, bruises and even stomach ailments.
The family brings ritual sake and thank-you offerings to the river every year on the last day of december.
Hyosunbo, this is a Yokai monster with the name Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube
ひょうすえ Hyosue、ひょうすぼ Hyoosubo、ヒョウスンボ Hyoosunbo、ひょうすんべ Hyoosunbe
. Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami .
兵主部 Hyōsube the Yokai Monster
and a strong liquor with this name 芋焼酎 ひょうすんぼ
from 松露酒造 Shoro Shozo / 宮崎県串間市

清武町 Kiyotake - Ioya Kiyotakechō Funahiki
The company 庵屋の北山様 Kitayama sama from Ioya venerated the Kappa.
Once a villager had shot a Kappa carrying some cucumbers. But afterwards that man got ill himself and died.
So now they venerate the Kappa.
In a pond with cold water in the dark forest below a sanctuary there lives a Kappa.
There is also a liquor made in Kiyotake, with the name
Kappa no sasoi-mizu 河童の誘い水 "water to invite a Kappa".

児湯郡 Koyu district 都農町 Tsuo
. Yamanokami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Miyazaki .
Yamataroo 山太郎 is Yamanokami.
On the first day of the second lunar month, he goes down to the river and becomes Kawataro 川太郎, a Kappa.
Yamataro is also called Yamawaro 山わろう Child of the Mountain.
上使橋 Joshibashi
The Kappa from the bridge Joshibashi tried to pull a horse into the river but got caught.
宮崎市 Miyazaki town
A Kappa from the waterway of 松井いぜき / 井堰 Matsui Izeki had come to a farmhouse to get the liver of a horse. But two strong men named 太吉 Takichi and 次郎 Jiro made sure the Kappa did not come.

松井用水路 / いぜき waterways and seki せき(堰) weirs along the river 清武川 Kiyotakegawa.
This has been constructed by the official 松井五朗兵衛 Matsui Gorobei from 飫肥 Obi around 1643 to gain farmland for the poor villagers.

source : Kyushu regional agricaltual administration office
In 1934 the weir had been rebuilt in concrete.
西臼杵郡 Nishiusuki 高千穂町 Takachiho
On the border of Kumamoto, Oita and Miyazaki there is upstream the shrine 川上神社 Kawakami Jinja.
Once a Kappa came to the priest Ando 安藤氏 and asked to remove the Yatsume 八つ目のもの. The priest demanded in return that the Kappa would not take away the children of the village any more and then let him go.
The Yatsume was in fact the harrow used for preparing the rice fields 馬鍬. To show his gratitude the Kappa brought fresh fish every day.
But one day, when the priest had forgotten to take away his knife at the fish deposit, the Kappa did not come any more. And children began to have water accidents again. Therefore priest Ando took his knife again and cut off the arm of the Kappa. This arm is still in the possession of the temple to our day - or so they say.
川太郎湯 Kawataro Yu in Takachiho
Once people dug a dent into the riverbed, stopped the water into a pool and threw hot stones in it for a bath. Then suddenly a Kappa also slipped into the hot water and in no time the water became lukewarm. But this "hot spring" is said to heal all kinds of ailments.
高鍋町 Takanabe
In the garden of 鴫野の水神様 the Water Deity of Shigino a Kappa came for a complaint.
The horse of the deity had been to the river nearby and bitten off the arm of the Kappa.
After a discussion they burried it near Mount Utonoyama ウトノヤマ, a place rather dark even in daytime. Now the Kappa came back every day to ask for his arm and eventually they showed him the place. Since then the Kappa never showed up again.
There are also ひょうすん坊 Hyosunbo legends in Takanabe.
There is also a pub called like this 「ひょうすんぼ」という居酒屋
and a Hyosunbo road with many Kappa statues called 「ひょうすんぼ通り」

statue at Hyosunbo Road
Takanabe is next to 木城町 Kijo town.
Once upon a LONG time,
there lived a good priest and his young acolyte in the temple Enpuku-Ji 宮田の円福寺 . . .
- and another legend
むか~しむかし、 Once upon a LONG time,
木の瀬の小丸川河原は ものすごく川幅の広い瀬になってました。
大人も子供も 魚を取ったり水遊びしたり、それは大賑わいだったそうです。
- source : miyazaki-cci.or.jp/takanabe -
Hyosunbo Kappa Kokeshi ひょうすんぼ

source : kappauv.com kokeshi
- - - - - reference - - - - -
- source : Yokai Database -

. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .
- KAPPA 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Introduction -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. mukashibanashi 昔話 folktales - Introduction .
the distinction to legends is sometimes blurred.
. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends
Kappa iwa かっぱ岩 Kappa boulder, Kappa rock .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #kappamiyazaki #miyazakilegends #hyosunbo -