
Kappa netsuke

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Art Motives -

- Netsuke with Kappa 河童根付  -

source : www.metmuseum.org
Netsuke of Kappa Leading Blind Man

. zatoo 座頭 blind minstrel - Introduction .

. - benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa - .


source : Matt on facebook

19th century netsuke: kappa tea-time!


Kappa - with Seaweed Blanket on Shell
Signed: Gashi (Gasho). Circa: early 1900's

Kappa - Stealing Cucumber
Signature: Ryoshu. Circa: 19th Century

MORE kappa netsuke from the Buddha Museum
source : www.buddhamuseum.com

. - Food with Kappa 食べ物 / 食事 - .  
The favorite food of a Kappa
kyuuri キュウリ cucumbers, Gurken 


Ebisu and Kappa

Kappa commanded by Ebisu (god of the ocean)

- source : Mark Schumacher

. Ebisu えびす 恵比寿  .


- - - from yahoo auctions - - -

- - - Kappa and Monk wrestling


Kappa on catfish

source : Matt on facebook


. PINTEREST - Kappa Netsuke - large collection .


source : Julien on facebook

Los Angeles County Museum of Art
carved from a stag antler by Homin (1800–1868).


Kappa and Fish 河童(かっぱ)と魚

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -

. Netsuke 根付 .
- Introduction -
miniature sculptures that were introduced in the 17th-century to serve a practical function, to fix personal belongings to their robes.


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappanetsuke -





- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Persons about the Kappa  河童 - Personen -

Adachi Ginkoo 安達吟光 Adachi Ginko (? - 1902) woodblock prints
- source -

Akamatsu Sootan 赤松宗旦 Akamatsu Sotan (1806 - 1862) - Kappa painter
. . . . . neneko (or neko) kappa in Tonegawa zushi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Akutagawa Ryunosuke 芥川 龍之介, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke .

Arai Gensaburoo 荒源三郎 - Arai Gensaburo 井上元重は毛利元就の家臣
井上元重と百人力の河童 (woodblock print)
- reference -


De Visser, Marinus Willem de Visser - The Fox and the Badger in Japanese Folklore.
. Yokai 妖怪 Monsters .

. Dick Dave Dick, Canada and Satori Kappa 悟り河童  .

. Doomaru Soogaku 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku . legendary yamabushi priest fighting wicked Kappa   

Eiseley, Loren Eiseley - The Dance of Frogs - novel
- reference -

. Freeman, Richard Freeman . - modern Yokai researcher

. Foster, Michael Dylan Foster . - anthropologist
folklorism (folklorismus)


Haraguchi Tomo-O, Tomoo  原口智生 Tomo’o Haraguchi
(1960 - )
movie maker
- reference -

. Death Kappa (2010) movie .


Hasegawa Tōhaku 長谷川等伯 Hasegawa Tohaku (1539 - 1610) painter
- reference -

and a deforme of his famous monkey

source : ニヤッとする話


. Hearn, Lafcadio Hearn and Kappa .
- - - . Lafcadio Hearn, Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲 . - (1850-1904) (Koizumi Yagumo)

. - Hino Ashihei 火野葦平 - Ashihei Hino - . (1907 – 1960) - painter, writer

Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 (1776 – 1843) kokugaku and kappa scholar

. Honjoo Motoaki 本庄基晃 Honjo Motoaki . - Painter

Iizuka Ken 飯塚健 (1979 - ) movie maker
. Arakwa Under The Bridge 荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ movie .

Imaoka Shinji 今岡信治 (1965 - ) movie maker
. Onna No Kappa UNDERWATER LOVE -おんなの河童- movie .

Ishida Eiichiro 石田英一郎 (1903 - 1968)
- The Kappa Legend - 河童伝説 (1961) 日本の水精河童と馬を水中に引き
A Comparative Ethnological Study on the Japanese Water-Spirit Kappa and Its Habit of Trying to Lure Horses into the Water.
source : nanzan university - PDF file 170 pages
河童駒引考 - Kappa Komabiki Kō - 1948
and about him
- - - - - 山口昌男「河童のコスモロジー 石田英一郎の思想と学問」
and as google book - THE KAPPA LEGEND 1984
source : books.google.co.jp

. Ishikawa Yuugo, Yūgo Ishikawa 石川優吾 Ishikawa Yugo . manga writer

Itoo Choobei 伊藤長兵衛 Ito Chobei - Kappa painter
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Itoo Keisuke 伊藤圭介 Ito Keisuke (1803 - 1901) - Kappa painter
- see wikipedia
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Itoo Kunpuu 伊藤薫風 Ito Kunpu, born in Gifu
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .

. Iwasaki Hajin 岩崎巴人 .
(1917 - 2010) Painter of Kappa and Daruma

. Jinboo Kootaroo 神保光太郎 Jinbo Kotaro . (1905 - 1990) poet

. Kawabata Ryuushi 川端龍子  Kawabata Ryushi (1885 - 1966) . painter and Haiku poet

Kurimoto Tanshu / Kurimoto Masayoshi 栗本昌蔵 (1756 - 1834) - Kappa painter
- see wikipedia
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Leigh Foster, Janet

. Manzooji Ryuu 萬造寺龍 Manzoji Ryu . (1896 - 1979) author

Matsumi Mukuro 松見ムクロ先生 Kyushu - three kappa paintings
source : www.yanagawakk.co.jp

Minakata Kumagusu 南方熊楠 (1867 - 1941) Folklore studies

. Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる Shigeru Mizuki .
Manga painter - Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 / カッパの三平 Sanpei, the Kappa

Murayama Shōshōshi  村山湘々子 Murayama Shoshoshi (1905 -)
- Kappa Saijiki 河童歳時記 1979
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Nagai Ikuko 永井郁子 (1955 - ) woodblock prints 挿絵画家
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Nikaidoo Masahiro 二階堂正宏 Nikaido Masahiro . (1948 - ) painter from Kamakura

. Nozaki Yuugatoo 野崎遊河童 Nozaki Yugato .
(1947 - ) Artist from Nagano - Kappa Sensei 野崎遊河童先生


. - Ogawa Usen 小川芋銭 - Painter and Poet - . (1868-1938)

. - Omine san no Kappa 大峰の河童 - .

Oota Choogen 太田澄元 Ota Chogen - Kappa painter
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Ootaki Kyohoo 大瀧巨峰 Otaki Kyoho
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .


Saito Hiroyuki 斉藤博之 (1919 - 1987) painter
Gawappa がわっぱ / Kappa Mandala 河童曼陀羅
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Sakaki Tssshin 佐々木鐵心 (1942 - 2008) painter
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .

. - Sakuma Asuka Sakuma 佐久間あすか - .
Painter from the Ushikunuma 牛久沼 region

. Sawaki Suoshi 佐脇嵩之 (1707 - 1772) . - Painter

Shimizu Gon 清水昆 / 清水崑 painter
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Shirafuji Genta 白藤源太 legendary sumo wrestler .

. Tajimi Jones, Gifu .  
contemporary Kappa explorer and facebook friend

. Takagi Toranosuke 多嘉木虎之助 / 高木虎之助 .
. . . . . capturing a kappa in the Tamura River, Sagami

Takanohara Hooetsu 鷹野原鳳悦 Takanohara Hoetsu - painter
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .

. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) . - Painter

Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864) woodblock prints
- reference -

. Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川 国芳 - prints .

Yamada Gyokushoo 山田玉鐘 Yamada Gyokusho - painter
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .

Yamamoto Masao 山本正雄 - painter
. How to paint a Kappa 河童の描法 .

. Yamamoto Yoshio - 山科絵 Yamashina-e painter .
- with Kappa and Daruma san

. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 (Yanagida) . (1875 - 1962) - folklorist, minzokugaku 民俗学 and the Tono Monogatari legends


Yoshida Ryuushiroo 吉田龍四郎 Yoshida Ryushiro
- Author and 宮田町河童村村長 - Mayor of Miyata Kappa Village, Fukuoka -

. - 宮田町河童村 Miyata Kappa Village - .


. Yoshimura Kei 吉村形 . (1974 - ) woodblock artist. Daruma, Fudo, Kappa . . .


- Fugagawa collection ふ多川クレクション
- Santooka 山頭火より
- source : kappauv.com/sub3 - 2 galleries


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- kappapersons #kappapersonen -



Tanushimaru Fukuoka

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Tanushimaru 田主丸 Fukuoka -

Aragoroo Daimyoojin 荒五郎大明神 Aragoro Daimyojin

九千坊河童 Kyusenbo kappa - Kusenbo Kappa
猿猴河童 Enko Kappa (Endo kappa) - Monkey

- quote
Tanushimaru (田主丸町 Tanushimaru-machi) was a town located in Ukiha District, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Tanushimaru was famous for its hot springs, the best being Mino Onsen, as well as its plant farming, unagi, and kappa (a historical, frog-like creature). Legend had it that the nearby river is the origin of all Japanese kappa, and many monuments to the river monster can be seen around the town. Many of the local inhabitants offer cucumbers and sake to the kappa shrines.
- source : wikipedia


One legend from Kumamoto and Fukuoka in Kyushu knows that the Kappa clan once lived upstream of the Yellow River in China and one of their groups made it all the way to Kyushu to the river 球磨川 Kumagawa in Kumamoto. Their offspring soon counted for more than 9000 (九千坊 Kusenbo / Kyusenbo, Kuzenbo, also the name of their leader).
They became the 九千坊 Kyusenbo clan in Kyushu and it was 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa who called on the help of the Monkeys of Kyushu to fight them (Monkeys can see a kappa, even if he is invisible to the human eye).
The Kappa family was defeated and moved on to Higo 肥後 (Kumamoto) and with permission of the local lord 有馬 Arima settled at the river 筑後川 Chikugogawa, also adjacent to Fukuoka.
They now helped to control the water flow of the wild rivers and were soon venerated as the messengers, or rather the Water Deity 水神 of the shrines in their honor, called 水天宮 Suitengu.

- sources -
本朝俗諺志 Honsho Zokugenshi of Kumamoto - and 倭訓栞 Wakunkan, Wakun no Shiori.
- 本朝俗諺志 -
- 和訓栞 -

. suijin 水神 Kappa, a water deity - Introduction .

. Suitenguu 水天宮 Shrine of the Water God - Introduction . .
Fukuoka, Kyushu 福岡 九州 - Kurume town 久留米市
265 Senoshita-machi Kurume City / 福岡県久留米市瀬下町265
and Kappa amulets and toys - 河童竹、河童鈴、河童人形


A connection to the famous story of the Journey to the West
. 西遊記 Saiyuki and Son Goku 孫悟空, the Monkey King .

Genjo Sanzo meets Sha Gojyō (Sagojo, Shā Wùjìng (沙 悟淨), a water demon, classified as a kappa in some translations.

『 かっぱの総大将 九千坊物語 』
As the legend is told in Tanushimaru
kamishibai-like presentation of the legend of the Himalayas

-- 沙悟浄 Sagojō, Sagojo, Sandy, leader of the River Kappa (meets 孫悟空 Monkey Songoku)
-- 九千坊 Kyusenbo, leader of the Mountain Kappa in the Himalaya region of China

天地をも狂わす九千坊が神の怒りにふれ、九千メートルの威容を誇っていた事から九千山と呼ばれた 今のエベレスト山に閉じ込められたのは、ずーっと昔。

神の怒りがとける時がようやく訪れます。 九千山のてっぺんに強い光りが突きささり、頂上付近は大音響とともに崩壊。 幽閉されていた九千坊は飛び散る巨石と一緒に、インドのデカン高原まで吹き飛ばされてしまいました。

世界中の河童を総括していた九千坊の幽閉中に、頭角を現したのが孫悟空の兄弟で、中国の川に棲む河童・沙悟浄です。 沙悟浄は既に世界中の山や川を支配下に置き、残すはヒマラヤだけとなっていました.


新興勢力の沙悟浄も、九千坊に負けない実力の持ち主。 長老の提案により、沙悟浄と九千坊は、九千山の崩壊時に吹き飛んだ巨石で力比べをする事に。

力比べもなかなか勝負がつきません。 しかし、九千坊が重さ九千トンもの巨石を軽々と持ち上げ、遠くまで投げ飛ばしてしまったことで、沙悟浄はついに降参。


Following the orders of Sagojo, the clan travelled along the Silk Road, via China and Korea and then came to Japan.
The clan landed in Yachio in Kumamoto, Kyushu and from there on to Chikugogawa. They settled in Tanushimaru along the river Kosegawa 巨川 at the 蛇渕 banks. This became their base camp in Japan.
The water of the Himalayas gave them special powers, but it seem the water of river Chikugogawa was also a powerful potion 神通力 for them,

Later Kyusanbo had 9000 of his clan members travel all around Japan and settle in every river. From Mount 九千山, a mountain of 9000 meters, he could look over them and check how they collected small stones and have them transport to the Himalayas.
お~しまい - The End
source and all paintings : capricorn09928.blog84

. 河童紙芝居 Kamishibai of the Kappa legends - Introduction .


- quote
Sha Gojyo (沙悟浄) Sagojo is a hanyou, a cross between a yokai and a human, and uses the Shakugetsujou, a metal weapon staff with a sickle and chain, as his primary weapon. In the anime it is revealed that Gojyo can hold his breath for prolonged periods of time while submerged, possibly an inheritance from his demon father, who may have been a water demon (hence, Gojyo's own nickname as "Kappa").
His eyes and hair are blood-red, which expresses his status as a half-blood. Due to this, he is labeled as taboo and unclean by general society.
As a child, he was perpetually being either ignored or beaten by his stepmother, who had been devastated to learn that her husband had an affair with a human woman.
Gojyo smokes, gambles, and flirts with nearly every woman he meets (the last trait is implied to be mainly due to the trauma of being unloved by his abusive stepmother, despite his constant efforts at winning her affection).
...  Gojyo is quick to defend others and holds particular sympathy towards threatened children.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote
Journey to the West is a famous Chinese story (called Hsi-Yu Chi in Chinese).
Although compiled by Wu Cheng'en in the 16th century, the legend existed long before that. It is based on a real person named Xuan Zang (602-664 AD), a Buddhist monk who journeyed to India in search of Buddhist sutras. Protecting him on his journey (in the book) are three companions -- the Monkey, the Pig, and a Water Demon called Sandy (Jp. = Sagojō or Sangojo).
To some, the Japanese Kappa is based on Sandy the water demon. According to Chinese mythology, Sagojō was originally the ”Commander of the Heavenly Hosts,“ but he was banished to Earth for accidentally breaking the Jade Emperor’s vase. On earth, he appeared as an ugly water spirit, devouring anyone who strayed near his abode.
In Journey to the West, he is armed with a “water staff” with a metal blade on each end, and he wears a necklace of the skulls of his victims.
source : Mark Schumacher


- quote
Many ancient legends about kappa (water sprites) continue to live on in Tanushimaru to this day and visitors to the district can see a kappa nearly everywhere they go.
Kyushu’s largest river, the Chikugo River, runs through Kurume and makes up part fertile area that has long been called the Chikugo Plains. It can, however, be a very violent river, and given the fact that the flow of its riverbed can change overnight, it has even earned the nickname “The Overnight River”. People living near the river long ago suffered its great floods; they thought the flooding to be the work or curse of gods, spawning a deep belief in gods and eventually a water god-based faith.

With the progress in the world after that, this faith split into factions, one of them thought to be the belief in kappa. It was at this point that the long-held beliefs in various kappa (such as Aragoro Daimyojin) were born in Tanushimaru, and kappa came to be worshipped in various areas!
Beliefs in the Kyusenbo kappa (who bares its torso, wears a loincloth, and has a dent in its head - a so-called “head bowl”) as well as the Endo and other such kappa that avert mass floods have persevered since long ago.

There are two theories as to the origins of kappa in Tanushimaru.
The first claims that Kusenbo from mainland China was leading his subjects and moved toward the Kuma River in Kumamoto Prefecture’s Yatsushiro City but encountered the subjugation of the Higo domain lord Kato Kiyomasa, who forced Kusenbo to flee into the Chikugo River.
The second claims that members the Heike clan who were defeated at the Battle of Dan-no-Ura were swept into the Chikugo River basin, and the essence of their grudge took on the form of kappa. Specifically, the incarnation of Taira no Kiyomori (a general during the mid to late 1100’s) is enshrined as the Monster of the Kose Tributary.

Tanushimaru-machi, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka
- source : www.kurume-hotomeki.jp


Shikaumi Jinja, Shika-Umi Jinja 志賀海神社
877 Shikashima, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka
海人族の信仰の普及の一つに、九州福岡のAzumi no Isora 安曇磯良を祭神として祀っている志賀海神社を根拠地とし、安曇や厚美などの名を頂いて、全国の海辺伝い、もしくは山 奥まで広まっているようだ。これには傀儡舞などの芸能が核となり八幡信仰と結び付いて、西日本に広がり、摂津西宮神社に隷属して、第二の拠点となったと。 つまり仮説だが、河童伝承の残る地域には、海人族である安曇族の流れが
- 茨城は古代、常陸の国であり、蝦夷の国の入り口でもあった。三大河童地帯が、九州の福岡から西日本を飛んで、蝦夷の国である常陸と遠野に定着したと考えると、かなり面白い流れとなると思う。
肥 前の国の武田番匠の使いとも、名匠左甚五郎の使いとも伝えられる大工が、人手が足りないので藁人形や、おが屑の人形を作って命を与えて手伝わせ、無事に仕 事を完成させる事ができた。仕事を終えた後、不必要となった人形は河原に棄てたのだが、いつしかその人形達は人を襲い、人の尻こ玉を抜いて食べるように なったなどの伝承が伝わる。
source : dostoev.exblog.jp

and maybe a connection to the Hachiman belief?

. Azumi no Isora 阿曇磯良 .
- Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru - Hakata and Hotaka shrine, Nagano
- Ame no Koyane no mikoto 天児屋根命 Amenokoyane


Chikugo 筑後 and Kurume 久留米

河童と地元民とのもめごと trouble between Kappa and the local people
河童族同士の戦争 insider fighting of the Kappa clan

and many place names named after the Kappa.

In Kurume
you get a カッピースタンプ Kappy Stamp for buying certain goods.

People still tell the children to eat bamboo shoots before going into the water, eating some rice offerings from the Buddhist home alter before going into the water
or reciting a mantra to the Suitengu Shrine .

. Chikugo no kuni 筑後国 Chikugo Province .
and Kappa Legends


At うきは市吉井町 Ukiha town
there was a wild river, 巨瀬川 Usegawa, where the Kappa lived.
To appease the river deity, the shrine 高橋神社 Takahashi Jinja was built.

Every year in September there is a かっぱ相撲 Kappa Sumo ritual. In former times it used to be grown-ups to perform it, but nowadays schoolschildren with a Kappa shield painted on their back do the sumo wrestling.
source : hosmec.blog.so-net.ne.jp


CLICK for more photos of the station !


- reference - Tanushimaru -

. Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 .

. 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa .
(1562 - 1611)

. 平清盛 Taira no Kiyomori .
(1118 - 1181)

. - kaikidan ekotoba 怪奇談絵詞 monster scroll - .
Fukuoka City Museum


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru and Kappa 河童 - .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #Tanushimaru -



suijin water deity

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- suijin 水神 water deity -
God of Water, Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様

Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines

Kappa Daimyoojin 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin, Great Kappa Deity
Kappa Myoojin カッパ明神 Kappa Myojin

. Aragoroo Daimyoojin 荒五郎大明神 Aragoro Daimyojin .
- - - - - in - Tanushimaru 田主丸 Fukuoka, Kyushu -

. Fuku-Taroo 福太郎 Fukutaro - The Lucky Kappa .
Suitenguu 水天宮 Suitengu Shrine of the Water God
東京都中央区日本橋蛎殻町二丁目4番1号 Tokyo

. hyoozu no kami, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami
- Deity of Wind and Weapons - .

Anashinimasu Hyozu jinja 穴師坐兵主神社 Hyogo
Egara Tenjin 荏柄天神 Kamakura, Kagawa
Itate Hyozu Jinja 射楯兵主神社 Hyogo
Oshiko Jinja 生石神社 Hyogo
Suitengu 水天宮 The main Suitengu Shrine of Japan, in 福岡 Fukuoka, Kyushu.

Suijin Jinja 水神神社, Nagasaki 長崎市本河内町 and the
. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone .

. Kappadoo 河童堂 Kappa-Do Hall - Gifu .
with 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin

. Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Isora Jinja 磯良神社 Miyagi .

. Kagoshima 鹿児島県 Kappa and 山の神 Yamanokami .

- - - - - Another water deity is
. Ryuujin 龍神 / 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon Deity .
There are many amulets and talismans related to him.

. Amulets and talismans of the Dragon Deity .


Most festivals for the Kappe Deity are performed in the sixth lunar month (even now in June). Fresh cucumbers are offered at the Kappa shrines.

九千坊河童 Kyusenbo kappa - Kusenbo Kappa, a warrior clan coming all the way from China to Kyushu to become a deity in
. - Tanushimaru 田主丸 Fukuoka - .


- quote
KAPPA 河童 and SUIJIN 水神
The Kappa is one of many Suijin 水神 (water kami, water deities) in Japanese mythology.
Suijin are supernatural beings found in lakes, ponds, springs, wells, and irrigation waterways. They are often depicted as a snake, a dragon, an eel, a fish, a turtle, or a kappa. Many trace their origins back to earlier Chinese mythology, although Japan’s Kappa lore is largely indigenous.

The Suijin commonly possess magical powers, which can be used for either benevolent or malevolent purposes. For instance, the flesh-eating Kappa is mostly evil, but when captured, it will pledge to assist with farm work or to teach its captor the arts of setting bones and making medicines and salves.

One of the most curious Suijin in Japan manifests itself as the water-cleansing bacteria in sewage water (see Gabi Greve Mizu no Kamisama).
According to the Institute for Japanese Culture & Classics (Kokugakuin University) , women have played an important role in the history of Suijin worship in Japan. However, with the great influx of Korean and Chinese people into Japan starting around the 2nd century AD, and with the subsequent introduction of Buddhism in the 6th century, Japan’s many indigenous water kami began to slowly absorb attributes from these emigrants and from Buddhism. Not surprisingly, this ongoing mixture of traditions makes it difficult to identify the origins of these “syncretic” deities. This difficulty is compounded by the lack of Shintō artwork or written records prior to the 8th century. The most powerful, universal, and benevolent Suijin in Japan is known as Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 (Goddess/God of Water).

The Kappa, however, is more accurately described as the Kawa no Kami 川の神 (River Deity), a term mentioned in the Nihon Shoki 日本書紀 (Chronicles of Japan), one of Japan's earliest official records, compiled around 720 AD. Some believe the Kappa, who didn’t appear as a popular icon until much later in the Edo Period (1615-1868), is none other than the river deity Kawa no Kami.
Please see the Suijin Page for details on Japan’s Suijin traditions.

- Shintō Mythology
Some believe the Kappa is the “Kawa no Kami” 川の神 (lit. River Deity) mentioned in the Nihon Shoki 日本書紀 (Chronicles of Japan), one of Japan's earliest official records, compiled around 720 AD. Despite the Kappa’s seemingly ancient origin, the creature does not appear (to my knowledge) in texts and artwork of the medieval period.
In fact, the earliest illustration of the Kappa comes from the Wakan Sansaizue 和漢三才図会, a 105-volume encyclopedia complied around 1713.

Another image appeared in the illustrated four-volume Gazu Hyakkiyagyō 画図百鬼夜行 (Night Procession of One Hundred Demons). Kappa lore gained steadily in popularity throughout the Edo Period (1615-1868). We find mention of Kawatarō (Kawataro) 河太郎 in a serial called Kasshiyawa 甲子夜話, first appearing in 1821 and running until the death of the author in 1841.
We also find mention of the Kappa in the mid-Edo period document named Mimibukuro 耳嚢 (or 耳袋), a 10-volume document written by Negishi Yasumori 根岸鎮衛 (1737-1815). Translated in English as “Bag of Ears,” it is a collection of essays about then-prevailing religious and cultural beliefs.

- source : Mark Schumacher


Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines - ABC


Fujisaki Jinja 藤崎神社
福岡市西新町 - Kyushu, Fukuoka
その年の初庚申の日を祭日とし、小さい猿の面を頒ち、門口に吊して魔除けと盗難除けにする。 少し昔、猿曳が川辺を通るとき、猿に目隠しをするのを見掛けたという。それは、人に見えぬが、猿には河童が見え、河童を見つけると捕らえねば承知しないという話による。
- source : www.ishinotent.co.jp

九州の河童 - Kappa in Kyushu - see Tanushimaru above
天疫神社 Teneki Jinja / Tenyaku Jinja / Ten'eki Jinja
総元締を海御前といい、これを祀った福岡県北九州市門司区大積の天疫神社が元祖である。 海御前は、壇の浦の戦に敗れて入水した能登守教経の奥方が神になったと言い伝え、河童が端午の節句から出遊とるとき、一同を集め、「汝らは平家の族党なるゆえ、蕎麦の花が咲き出せば、源軍押し寄せたと思い、ただちに山へ引き上げよ」と厳命されていたので、彼等は初秋蕎麦の花が咲き出すと山に帰るという。
海御前様 Amagozensama, Ama Gozen .

天疫神社 Teneki Jinja / Tenyaku Jinja / Ten'eki Jinja
It was founded around 900 when a pestilence and illness during a drought were killing many.
The shrine was built with the help of the villagers on top of Mount Takatsuki 高杯山 - and indeed, the pestilence subsided.

The shrine soon became famous in all of Northern Kyushu.
In the year 1632, when the Daimyo of the 小笠原 Ogasawara clan became regent, he had the shrine repaired and venerated again.

北九州市八幡東区宮の町2-2-1 / Miyanomachi, Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu
- reference : kcta.or.jp/kaidou/jinzya -


Hashirimizu Jinja 走水神社 - Yokosuka 横須賀市


Hookura 方倉(宝倉)神社 / Hokura Suitengu、Hokura Jinja / Itsuki Island 生月島

Hookura Suitenguu 方倉水天宮 Hokura Suitengu

This unusual shrine is on the island of Ikitsuki near Hirado, Kyushu.
Named Hokura Suitengu, it has strong kappa associations.
According to local tradition, the small pond was build by 99 kappa from a mixture of sea and mountain water, and to secure it from storms they built up the sides with rocks. Later the kappa morphed into a large unagi eel (「神うなぎ」) which is treated as divine. If locals spot it when coming to worship, they feel they will be specially blessed...
. Dougill John on facebook .

- quote
Hookura 祠(ホクラ=宝倉、秀倉) "Treasure shrine" and the kappa is
Hookura sama 「ホウクラ様」 Hokura sama.
- source : nagasaki/kappa/houkura


. Tetsugi Jinja 手接神社 Ibaraki .
茨城県小美玉市世沢 - with a Kappa legend


Kawako no Miya 河伯の宮 "Shrine for Earl Kappa"
Shimane, Matsue 松江 / 河内村 Kawachimura

Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, Volume 2 - By Lafcadio Hearn

Nor are the dead the only invisible powers which are dreaded at the time of the Hotoke-umi. There are the most powerful ma and the kappa. At all times the swimmer fears the kappa, the Ape of the Waters, hideous and obscene, who reaches up from the depths to draw men down and to devour their entrails. Only their entrails.

- shared by Hayato san -

- Author’s Footnote:
The kappa is not really a sea goblin, but a river goblin, and haunts the sea only in the area of the mouths of rivers.
About a mile and a half from Matsue, at the little village of Kawachimura, on the river called Kawachi, stands a little temple called Kawako-no-miya, or the Miya of the Kappa.
(In Izumo, among the common people, the word kappa is not used, but the term kawako, or “The Child of the River.”)
A document said to have been signed by a kappa is preserved in this little shrine. The story goes that in ancient times, the kappa living in the Kawachi used to seize and destroy many of the inhabitants of the village and many domestic animals. One day, however, while trying to seize a horse that had entered the river to drink, the kappa got its head twisted in some way under the belly-band of the horse, and the terrified animal, rushing out of the water, dragged the kappa into a field. There, the owner of the horse and a number of peasants seized and bound the kappa.
All the villagers gathered to see the monster, which bowed its head to the ground and audibly begged for mercy.

The peasants wanted to kill the goblin at once; however, the owner of the horse, who happened to be the head man of the mura (village), said, “It is better to make it swear never again to touch any person or animal belonging to Kawachimura.” A written form of oath was prepared and read to the kappa. It said that it could not write, but that it would sign the paper by dipping its hand in ink, and pressing the imprint at the bottom of the document. This having been agreed to and done, the kappa was set free. From that time forward, no inhabitant or animal of Kawachimura was ever assaulted by the goblin.
source : books.google.co.jp

. kahaku, kawa no kami 河伯(かわのかみ) River Deity, "river chief" .
originally a Chinese river deity with a demon-like face.
Sometimes his face is part of a "demon tile" onigawara 鬼瓦 to protect a building from fire.
In Japan, another name for the water goblin Kappa.

Kahaku Shushin 河伯主神 Kahaku Water Deity

安福河伯神社 Abuku Kahaku Jinja / Afuku Kahaku-jinja
宮城県亘理郡亘理町逢隈田沢字堰下220 / Miyagi
- reference -

. - KAPPA - 河童 - Legends from Miyagi 宮城県 .


Matsubara Kappa Sha 松原河童社
at Saga Jinja 佐嘉神社, Saga, Kyushu 佐賀
with amulets to ward off evil and have good luck 開運厄除守

佐賀県佐賀市松原2丁目10 松原河童社
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai

. Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube .
Saga prefecture 佐賀県 


. Hyozu Shrines 兵主神社 Hyozu Jinja in Japan .
They are all famous for their power to prevent evil from a Kappa 河童除け (kappa yoke, kappayoke).

. yakuyoke 厄除け amulets to ward off evil .
- kappa yoke, kappayoke 河童除け to ward off the evil influence of a kappa, especially water accidents.
mizuyoke 水難除け amulets to ward off water accidents
They are also sold at temples.

聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji, Kumamoto 熊本市
A temple with a Kappa legend.



- source : sakuragaoka - syoutoku


Kitano Tenmangu - Fukuoka 福岡県の北野天満宮
has a mummy of the arm of Kappa -  kahaku no te 河伯の手 / kappa no te 河童の手

In the year 901, when Michizane was about to be murdered at the 筑後川 Chikugogawa river, the general of the regional Kappa 河童の大将 streched out his arm to help him, but his hand was cut off.

source : daizukan9.blog63.fc2.com

Or maybe the Kappa had come out to pull his horse into the water and Michizane himself cut off his arm.

. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .
- and the 天満宮 Tenmangu shrines of Japan

. - mummy - miira 河童のミイラ mummy of a Kappa, Mumie - .

. Chikugo no kuni 筑後国 Chikugo Province Kappa Legends . Kyushu


Kappabuchi Jinja 河原淵神社 Shrine Kappabuchi
Mie, Ise Jingu 三重県伊勢市船江一丁目
old name is Funaekami no yashiro 船江上社(ふなえかみのやしろ)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. - Kappabuchi, Kappa-buchi 河童淵 / カッパ淵 / 河童が渕
"Kappa river pool", Kappa riverside - .



- quote -
The Mysterious Kappa Shrine
The shrine was inside of what seemed like three huge boulders placed together to form a cave.

Inside the cave was a statue of a male and female Kappa. The male was holding his willy while the female looked on in a seated position. They both have a wide eyed blank gaze that was weirdly disturbing. Almost as if the minute you walked into the shrine you stumbled upon the two just finishing up some sexcapade and they got scared and turned to stone.
- source : www.great-sensei.com


- reference - kappa river deity -
- reference - kappa water god -

. - benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa - .

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .

. komainu, Kappa koma-inu カッパ狛犬 / 河童狛犬 Kappa as Komainu .

. Legends about the Kappa .

. - Otter 獺魚 kawauso as kappa deities - .  

. God of Water, Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 .
- Introduction -


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

. Jinja  神社  Shinto Shrines of Japan - ABC-List .

. Suijin sawari 水神ざわり Taboos for the Deity of Water .

- #kappashrines #shrines -



mask omote men

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Art Motives -

- men omote - kappa no men 河童面 Kappa masks -

. men, omote 面 mask, masks - Maske - Introduction .
Masks have been used for ritual dances since olden times.
They can be carved from wood or made from other material, especially paper.
Now they are also made as toys or for festivals.


- source and details : nohmask21.com

Kappa mask for the Noh Theater.

. Noh Theater 能 - Introduction .


Suitenguu 水天宮 Shrine of the Water God
東京都中央区日本橋蛎殻町二丁目4番1号 Tokyo

It features the mask of a Lucky Kappa, a water goblin, called
Fuku-Taroo - Fukutaro 河童は、福を呼ぶ.

Sometimes, even a Kappa is some form of Suijinsama.
This is an amulet against water damage, fire and avoiding all evil.

dorei 土鈴 Kappa clay bell
amulet from the Suitengu shrine to ward off evil
水天宮の厄よけの土鈴 - also Kurume, Fukuoka

. Suitengu 水天宮 Shrines for the Water God .

. 蛎殻町 Kakigaracho, Kakigara district . - Chuo


CLICK for more samples !


Modern Mask of Onna Kappa (Female Kappa)
by Ryoji Otsuka
- source : Mark Schumacher


. 2020 - Year of the Covid-19 pandemic .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -

. men, omote 面 mask, masks - Maske - Introduction .


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


