Showing posts with label - - Names and types of Kappa - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - Names and types of Kappa - -. Show all posts


sara plate

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - body parts -

- sara 皿 plate with water on the Kappa's head -

- illustration modified from flamboyant . monster

The plate of a kappa is indented to hold a bit of water. Seldom there is a lid on the plate.
There must always be water in the plate for a kappa to be well and alive.
Just one or two drops of water are usually enough for a kappa to come back to live and reach the nearest river for more water.


- quotes by Michael Dylan Foster
... Observing this child closely, they realize it is actually a kappa, and that there is water in the sara on its head. Accordingly, they shake their own heads; the kappa imitates them, spilling the water. Bereft of all strength, it is forced to leave.
. Sumo 相撲 wrestling and the Kappa .

. . . . . when it is weakened from losing water from its sara or incapacitated (emasculated) by a yanked-off arm, the honest and benevolent side of the kappa's nature surfaces.
. - benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa - .


Once a Kappa slipped on some ogara hemp reeds, fell down and lost the water from his sara plate on his head. He soon lost all his power. ...
. A Kapa legend from Akita 秋田県 .


. . . the Kappa at the temple Joken-Ji in Tono, Iwate
When a malicious Kappa tried to pull a horse into the water, he got caught by the farmers and had to promise to be good from now on. Then there was a fire at the temple and the Kappa rushed by, poured endless water from his plate on the head and extinguished the fire.

. Kappa komainu カッパ狛犬 / 河童狛犬 Kappa as Komainu .


. Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 .

Kappa no Sara カッパの皿 The Dish of Kappa
豊岡村 Legend from Tomioka Village, Shizuoka

Once upon a time in the village of Tomioka there lived a Kappa at the どんぶち Donbuchi riverbank of the river Tenryugawa, but the Kappa was getting older. Yet he continued to play tricks on the villagers.

One day the farmer 為さん Tame san went for work to 三家村 Sankason village, about 4 km from his own village 伊折(豊岡村神田) Iori. He had to pass Donbuchi where he saw a young man waiting.

The young man said "Please hand this over!" and gave Tome san a letter.
The gentle Tome asked: "But to whom should I give it?"
The young man said:
"When you come to the village 壱貫地村 Ikkanji, turn right to the rifer and clap your hands. Then a young man will come and you can hand him the letter please."
. . . and disappeared suddenly.

Tame san walked on, maybe for about 100 meters, when a priest called him from behind.
"Hey wait, don't go today, better go tomorrow!"
But Tame san answered:
"But I promised to some one to deliver a letter, so I have to go today!"
"Well, show me that letter!" said the priest.
When Tame san pulled the letter out of his pocked and unfolded it, there was nothing written on it at all.

He thought this was strange and dipped the letter into the riverwater.
Now he could read it:
"This man looks quite delicious! Please eat him right away!"

Tame san and the priest began to shiver in shock.
Then the priest began some exorcism rituals for the letter in the field by the Eastern side of the river and gave it back to Tame san.

When Tame san finally reached Ikkanji, he turned to the river and clapped his hands.
As expected, a young man appeared and Tame san handed him the letter.
Well, the young man mad a surprised face and said "There must be something wrong!"
"No, no, I did as I was told" said Tame san and the young man shook his head mumbeling "Well, well . . . Oh, please wait a moment" and disappeared.

He was back in no time and said:
"This is the only plate I have. Take good care of it. Every day once in the morning and once again in the evening, you have to put it onto your head, strike it gently and make a wish. But never do this three times a day!" and disappeared again.

When Tame san had finished the work and was back at home, he wanted to try the new plate.
So he put it on his head, rubbed  it and said: "I want some rice!"
And what do you say . . . there was rice flowing out of it, filling the floor of his small room to the brim.
Tame san was surprised, was happy, smiled, mumbled in surprise and soon became a famous elder of the village, who would always have rice to eat.

An old woman who lived close by stole this plate one day, when Tame san was out of the house. She put the plate on her head, rubbed it - and well - rice began to flow out of it.
She was quite happy and began to rub more and more - and well - the rice turned into sand.
A young man appeared:
"Promise this, old woman, never walk into the river in the month of August during the Bon festival for the ancestors! Not even after your death!"

Soon it was August and they found the dead body of the old woman on the Donbuchi riverbank. She had drowned in the river.
Soon there was rumor in the village:
"The Kappa has taken her Shirikodama out of the body and killed her!"

For many years the old Kappa had killed children and even grown-ups by the Donbuchi riverbank.
That is why the villagers always said:
"During the Bon month you should not walk into the river and not play in the river! The Kappa will get you and take your Shirikodama out.!
The End.

- source :

- - - - - This folktale is very similar to this one :
. Kappa ni moratta takaramono かっぱにもらった宝物 a treasure from the Kappa .
Ibaraki - 結城郡八千代町 Yuki-gun, Yachio-machi


CLICK for more photos !


- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

五島高資 Goto Takashi

wakamizu o atama ni hakobu kappa kana

which means that Kappa is carrying a wakamizu on his head.
Wakamizu (we Japanese believe it the elixir of life) is the first water from a deep well or seawater we get early at dawn on the New Year's Day.
Only the water got before dawn on 1st January is believed as the nectar, and is called अमृत amrita.

- - - - - translated versions by Gabi Greve

a kappa
carries his water of life
on his head . . .

I often use . . . at the end to show there is KANA in Japanese.
Somehow I feel this should be in plural in English . .
all Kappa
carry the water of life
on their heads

New Year decoration to honor the Wakamizu - Deity of Water

. wakamizu 若水 "Young Water", first drawing of well water .
- - kigo for the New Year - -


. Polite Kappa - よろしく yoroshiku .


kappa no sara nuraseru hodo no ki-u to seri

a beneficial rain
just enough to moisten
the plate of a kappa

上田五千石 Ueda Gosengoku (1933 - 1997)

. WKD : kiu, ki-u 喜雨 "beneficial rain" .
- - kigo for late Summer - -


hishi no mi mo kappa no sara mo kawaku kana

the water chestnuts
and also the plate of the Kappa
are all dried out . . .

中原道夫 Nakahara Michio

. WKD - hishi toru 菱取る collecting water chestnuts .
. . . . . hishitori 菱採り(ひしとり)
. . . . . hishi no mi toru 菱の実取るharvesting water chestnuts
- - kigo for late Autumn - -


yo mo matsu ka kappa ga sara o uri ni dasu

has the world come to an end ?
the kappa goes out
to sell his plate

中年やまめ Chunen Yamame


some kappa on a plate - literally
to hang on the wall

CLICK for more !

Click for more Kappa on plates and cups :
source : kappa hakubutsukan


kappa ezu ai koki sara no fuguto kana

on the Kappa paintings
a fugu with dark
indigo colors . . .

西島麦南 Nishijima Bakunan (1895-1979)
(about a painting by Ogawa Usen 小川芋銭)

. Ogawa Usen 小川芋銭 (1868-1938) .


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #kappasara - - - #sara -


Three most famous

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -

- The three most famous Kappa Regions in Japan -


. - Tanushimaru 田主丸 in Fukuoka 福岡 - .  

. - Ushiku 牛久 in Ibaraki 茨城 -.  

. Tono 遠野 in Iwate 岩手 .  


- quote


海 人族の信仰の普及の一つに、九州福岡の安曇磯良を祭神として祀っている志賀海神社を根拠地とし、安曇や厚美などの名を頂いて、全国の海辺伝い、もしくは山 奥まで広まっているようだ。これには傀儡舞などの芸能が核となり八幡信仰と結び付いて、西日本に広がり、摂津西宮神社に隷属して、第二の拠点となったと。 つまり仮説だが、河童伝承の残る地域には、海人族である安曇族の流れが


肥 前の国の武田番匠の使いとも、名匠左甚五郎の使いとも伝えられる大工が、人手が足りないので藁人形や、おが屑の人形を作って命を与えて手伝わせ、無事に仕 事を完成させる事ができた。仕事を終えた後、不必要となった人形は河原に棄てたのだが、いつしかその人形達は人を襲い、人の尻こ玉を抜いて食べるように なったなどの伝承が伝わる。



清 明が人形を作って占術を施し、用済みとなった人形を、一条大橋の河原に棄てたところ、その人形が人間と交わって子供を産んだと。また一説には、飛騨の大工 と武田の番匠が内裏を造営した時に人形を作って働かせていたというが、その人形が官女と交わり子を産んだ。内裏の造営が終って、河原にその人形を棄てたと ころ、牛馬の皮を剥ぎ、それを専業とするようになった。彼ら人形のあばら骨は一枚であり、膝の骨は無い。非人というのはこれである…という話もまたある。

「えた」「ひにん」という階級が以前はあった。ここでの人形の話も「えた」「ひにん」の発生の話となりそうではあるが、その前に「人の 代りに…。」という傀儡人形の存在、もしくは概念があったのかもしれない。ところで「えた・ひにん」の話が出てしまったが、この「えた・ひにん」もまた、 一つの河童の流れでもあると思う。

例えば、利根川の治水工事には、河原に住み着く乞食達が強制労働させられ、それがそのまま河童と呼ば れたのだという話がある。それより遡る事天平年間、一気の仏教文化の導入が日本国に施された。その為、全国から多くの人々が寺院建設などの都市造りに強制 的に参加させられた歴史がある。
その多くの強制労働者たちは、工事が終ると共に、何の恩恵も受けずに故郷へ追い返されたのだという。そして故郷へ の帰路、行き倒れや餓死者も多く出たのだという。生き残ったものも、故郷へ帰るのを断念し、浮浪者として、そのまま都市に残ったり、途中の村々に住み着く ようになったのだと。

その浮浪者達が、当時の朝廷には厄介となり、陸奥の伊治村に、捕らえられた浮浪者2500人を送ったという記録が 残っている。しかし保守的な村では、余所者は禍をもたらす存在として扱われた。その浮浪者達は、生きる為に水辺の近辺に住み付いたのも、また河童の原像だ とも云われる。陸奥の伊治村は、現在の宮城県にあり、奈良時代は朝廷と蝦夷の丁度中間点だった。その伊治村の近隣には、806年に坂上田村麻呂の勧請した という、河童を祀ってある磯良神社がある。



「男はみな弓矢を使い、猟銃をもって仕事とし、或いは両刃の剣を7・ 9本
同時に弄ぶ。また、桃の木で作った人形を舞わせ、相撲をとらせ るが、ま
るで生きた人を動かすようである。殆ど魚が竜になったり、 竜蛇や熊、虎
になったりする変幻の戯術である。更に、砂や石を金銭 に変え、草や木を

「女は愁い顔で泣く真似をし、腰を振って歩き、虫歯が痛いような 笑いを装
い、歌をうたい、淫らな音楽をもって、妖媚を求める。 父母や夫や聟は、彼
女らがしばしば行きずりの旅人と、一夜の契 りを結んでも、それを構わない。
身を売って富んでいるので、金 繍の服・錦の衣・金の簪・鈿の箱を持ってい






熊 野は、朝廷からの支援を受けられぬ時、財政難に陥ったのだという。その時の熊野を支えたのは、歩き巫女であったという。熊野の信仰を広めると共に、お札を 含めて売り歩き、信仰の普及と財政難の一挙両得としたと。この歩き巫女が、遠野にも赴いてオシラサマなどの信仰を伝えたともいう。

巫女 には、神社に属していた定住の巫女と、歩き巫女という漂白の巫女がいた。その歩き巫女の代表格は、熊野三山の巫女であったのは有名な話だ。ただ遊女と同じ く、歩き巫女もまた体を売ったと伝えられる。しかし、日常の夫婦間の性行為と違って、不特定の人との性行為は、非日常の「ハレ」だという概念があるよう だ。つまり、歩き巫女との性行為とは「神婚」であり「聖婚」であったのだと。



About Tono in Iwate




「罪の無い私を、こんな目にあわせたからには山河の形が変わり、 この川











about shrines related to the salmon

鮭を祀る神社で一番古いのが、福岡県の鮭神社となる。祭神は、彦火々出見尊鸕鷀草葺不合尊 豊玉姫尊。

古文書によれば、祭礼の日に社殿まで鮭が遡上してくるのだが、これは豊玉姫尊が御子である鸕鷀草葺不合尊の元へ遣わされるものであり、これを途中で殺すと”災い” があるとされる。ある時代、鮭はエビス信仰とも結び付いたのだが、鮭を含む魚類全般は”鱗族”として龍蛇神とも重ねられたようだ。


- source :


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Mascots and Characters

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Mascots マスコット and Characters キャラクター -

- - - - - Regional Kappa 他の地方のカッパたち - 河童 - - - - -
from North to South

. Hokkaido 北海道 .
Kappa かっぱ from local publishing companies
Kappii かっぴー
Kappon かっぽん 定山渓温泉 Jozankei hot spring
Mintochi kun ミントチくん - 滝川市西滝川
Okappa chan おカッパちゃん Jozankei hot spring 定山渓温泉街
Otaru Ungappa おたる運がっぱ Canal Kappa, from Otaru

. Tohoku 東北地方 .
he no kappa へのかっぱ」五人衆 five farting kappa from Tono 遠野 - Iwate
- Genta げんた
- Hanpei はんぺい
- Kappei かっぺい
- Karen かれん
- Manabu まなぶ
Hotate kai ホタテ海童 Iwate 下閉伊郡山田町
Jun kun and sai chan じゅんくん - さいちゃん - Akita 秋田県山本郡山本町
. Kankichi かん吉 . - Fukushima
Kappa カゥパ Miyagi 宮城県下水道課
Kappaazu カッパーズ Akita 秋田県
Kappei kun 活平くん and Masako chan 麻子ちゃん - Miyagi 加美郡色麻町
Karin chan カリンちゃん - Tono, Iwate
. - KAPPA - 河童 - Legends from Miyagi .

. Kanto 関東地 - Tokyo .
Abika chan あびかちゃん from the summer festival カッパまつり
Aika chan あいかちゃん Asakusa Kappabashi 浅草のかっぱ橋
Genchan げんちゃん (埼玉県 戸田市) Saitama
Hongoro ほんごろう from Tokyo University 東京大学
Iroha Kappii いろはカッピー - Saitama 埼玉県志木市
. Kaparu カパル 志木市文化スポーツ振興公社 Saitama .
Kappa Kawataro Kun and Kapppa Komachi chan 「かっぱ河太郎君」「かっぱ小町ちゃん」from 東京都台東区
Kappa no Kotaro カッパのコタロウ Tokyo 東京都の北十間川
Kappii kun ikka カッピーくん一家 Kappikun Family Chiba 千葉県我孫子市
Kyuuchan キューちゃん Ushiku, Ibaraki茨城県牛久市
Toneboo, Tonebo 利根坊 from the Tone river, Gunma 群馬県 Kappa club カッパCLUB

. Chubu 中部地方 .
Damugappa ダムガッパ Dam Kappa - Fukui 福井県の浄土寺川ダム
- Kawataro 河太郎 / Hanachan 花ちゃん
Komakappa こまかっぱ (長野県 駒ヶ根市) Nagano (koma 駒 horse)
Oise Kappa renjaa 笈瀬かっぱレンジャー Oise Kappa Ranger - from Oisegawa 笈瀬川, Nagoya 愛知県名古屋市
Sakumaru さくまる , Shizuoka, Sakuma town 静岡県佐久間観光協会
Unagappa うながっぱ Gifu, Tajimi 岐阜県多治見市
. - Aichi prefecture 愛知県 Kappa 河童 - .

. Kansai 関西地方 - Kyoto .
Dappa kun だっぱくん Osaka 日本水陸観光株式会社
Fuku chan and Saki chan フクちゃん - サキちゃん Hyogo 兵庫県神崎郡福崎町
Itokichi and Itomin イト吉 - イトミン Kyoto 京都校
Itsuiru kappa いついろかっぱ Wakayama, Shirahama 和歌山県白浜町
- Budoo Kappa BUDOSUKE ぶどうかっぱ 「ぶどすけ」Grapes
- Ichigo Kappa ICHI いちごかっぱ「いち」 Strawberries
- Mikan Kappa MIKAMARU みかんかっぱ 「みかまる」
- Momo Kappa KOMOMO ももかっぱ 「こもも」 Peach
- Panda Kappa PAN パンダかっぱ 「パン」 Shirahama
- Ume Kappa UMEKICHI うめかっぱ 「うめきち」 Plums
Kappa Kazoku カッパ家族 Kappa family - Kyoto 黄桜株式会社
Kappa Ninja seseragi かっぱ忍者せせらぎ Osaka 大阪府生活排水対策
Monogoi kappa ものごいかっぱ Osaka 大阪道頓堀川
Yatta kun ヤッタくん Osaka 大阪府八尾市下水道

. Chugoku 中国地方 .
Daisuke, Tsuyama Daisuke 津山太助 (岡山県 津山市) Okayama
Kamoboo and his family 茂坊とその家族 Tottori 鳥取県米子市
Kappa かっぱ Okayama, Yoshiigawa river 岡山県の吉井川
Kappa no Gon chan かっぱのごんちゃん Okayama, Tsuyama 岡山県津山市
Kappa no Kon chan family カッパのコンちゃん一家 Tottori 米子市「カッパロード」
Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 - Kappa Road, Tottori 米子市「カッパロード」
Kappii カッピー Okayama, Kume Nan 岡山県久米南町 Hiroshima 広島県立河内高等学校
Kyuutaroo, Kyutaro キュー太郎 Hiroshima 広島市南消防署
Shinbi chan and Taiken kun 「心美ちゃん」- 「体健くん」
Shokutan しょくたん Okuyama, Tsuyama 岡山県津山市
Tako chan タロちゃん Tottori 「鳥取カッパ友の会」

. - Shikoku 四国 - .  
エンコ Enko from Tokushima monster village
かんちゃん Kanchan
まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa
オクラかっぱ Okura Kappa
しんちゃん / ころちゃん Shinchan and Kokorochan
トッシー Tosshi
わじきカッパ君 Wajiki Kappa kun

. Kyushu 九州地方 .
Chikappa チカッパ Fukuoka 福岡県久留米市
Kappa family かっぱファミリー Fukuoka 福岡県北九州市
Kappa kun and Chikappa chan 「カッパツくん」-「チカッパちゃん」Fukuoka 福岡県久留米市田主丸町
Matsubaragawa river Kappa family - Saga 松原川で暮らす河童の家族 佐賀市
Miyappii みやっぴー Kagoshima 鹿児島県の「「JAさつま川内」
Nakappa なかっぱ Fukuoka 福岡県中間市 福岡県嘉麻市
Natsuki chan family 「なつきちゃん」一家 Fukuoka
Okabari kun おかぱりくん Oita 大分県にある横尾農園 (Pun with Okawari for food)
Wakappa わかっぱ Fukuoka 福岡県北九州市

- source : Fukuoka hinamoroko ヒナモロコ-

source : ニヤッとする話

Garakapu and Arakapu ガラカブVSアラカブ from Kyushu


Kaatan カッパのカータン / and President Carter (Kaataa) カーター大統領

source : 劇団ふぐ


source : pinterest

Kenji the Kappa Yokai


for owners of Kappa カッパの飼い方
- フィギュアマスコット mascots

「マァちゃん」Maachan 「かっくん」Kakkun 「チーちゃん(ヘラクレス)」 Chiichan (Herakles) 「キューちゃん」Kyuuchan . . .
- source :

- source and photos -

- source : ニヤッとする話 - - -TBA


yurukyara ゆるキャラ Yuru-chara

. . . CLICK here for Photos - ゆるキャラ  河童 !

- quote
Yuru-chara (ゆるキャラ yuru kyara)
is a Japanese term for a category of mascot characters; usually created to promote a place or region, event, organisation or business. They are characterized by their kawaii (cute) and unsophisticated designs, often incorporating motifs that represent local culture, history or produce. They may be created by local government or other organizations to stimulate tourism and economic development, or created by a company to build on their corporate identity. They may appear as costumed characters (or kigurumi) at promotional events and festivals. Yuru-chara has become a popular and lucrative business, with character-driven sales reaching nearly $16 billion in Japan in 2012.

Popular yuru-chara include Kumamon and Funassyi (Funasshi), who have gained international recognition and have reached celebrity status in Japan.

The popularity of mascots like yuru-chara in Japan has been linked to historical emotional bonds to non-human characters, such as in ancient polytheism. There are also many different yōkai in Japanese folklore, and certain types of yōkai such as kappa and tanuki have been the basis for several yuru-chara designs.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Kuruppa くるっぱ
Kappa from Kurume town, Kyushu

- source : kurume-hotomeki


gotoochi kyara ご当地キャラ regional characters - List
- source :


kaa kun and paa kun カーくんとパー子ちゃん
orange juice and apple juice mascots オレンジジュースとりんごジュース
and grape juice


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

#kappamascot #mascot




- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Names -

- Shikoku 四国 -
- Kappa mascots and characters from Shikoku -

kappa from Shikoku 四国編
. two statues - my kappa on facebook .


わじきカッパ君 Wajiki kappa kun - Kochi -高知県を走る「ごめん・なはり線」のキャラクター
character from Wajiki town


「しんちゃん」と「こころちゃん」 Shinchan and Kokorochan - Kochi
- 高知県の「芸西商工会」のキャラクター


まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa - Matsuyama Ehime
- 愛媛県松島市にある「まつちかタウン」の泉で生活しているキャラクター


エンコ Enko - Tokushima from the monster village


トッシー Tosshi - Kagawa - 香川県の道の駅「滝宮」


source :

オクラかっぱ Okra Kappa - Kochi


かんちゃん Kanchan, from the Chugoku Ginko bank
- 中国銀行「晴れの国支店」


. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa deity from Tosa .
- Futaba dolls 双葉人形 Futaba turtle dolls -


- reference :


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





Genta legend

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Genta and the Kappa  源太様 と河童 -

Saga prefecture 佐賀県 
Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube

- quote
- source :

- quote
Once upon a time in the village of Kawachino there lived a man named Genta. He was from a distinguished family in the village and was so wise and brave that he was greatly respected by the villagers. His house was large and stood near a river which flowed through the village. The river was at its deepest at the bend near his house, and the water looked dark and unfathomable, being over six meters deep.

One summer evening, Genta came back from his outing and told his servants as usual to hitch his horse to a shady tree near the river. After taking a short rest, Genta stepped out into the garden and looked at the tree. To his surprise, a kappa, the size of a 6-7 year old boy was dragging the horse by its hind legs into the river. The silent horse was resisting the pull with its forelegs while strangely enough, the servant as if in a trance, was helping the small kappa by pouring water into the cavity on the kappa's head. The more the servant poured, the more powerful the kappa became.

Although Genta became very angry watching this scene, he had the presence of mind to think of a plan. From the shed he fetched a strong rope made of hemp palm and snuck up to the kappa from behind. Neither the servant nor the kappa noticed Genta's actions. He quickly caught hold of the kappa and dragged him away from the river, tying him up with the rope.

All of a sudden, the servant came out of his trance and followed his master's direction to hang the kappa upside down from the pine tree in the garden. Genta glared at the wicked water imp and reprimanded him. "What an insolent fellow you are! You take so much pride in your bit of supernatural powers and even try to steal horses from humans. You are very sinful indeed. I shall kill you as a warning to all of your fellow kappa."

With the precious water drained from his cavity, the kappa lost all his magic powers. The more he struggled, the tighter the rope cut into his flesh, making the pain even harder to bear. At last the kappa began to cry in a strange, harsh voice "please forgive me for mercy's sake my lord," he implored. "I'll not fail to make up for this crime, so please let me go." In tears, the the kappa begged Genta over and over again.

A kind hearted man by nature, Genta felt pity for the ugly creature who was crying. "If you swear with all your heart, I'll forgive you," he said to the kappa "but first, you must confess your sins and make restitution."

"I confess to you that I've done many wrongs," the kappa said. "I regret my past actions very much. Your authority is astonishing, so I promise you that even if the Kawachino River should flow upstream, I won't pull the people from this village into the water. Never will I do anything wrong again. Please spare my life today. I also promise to make all my fellow kappa keep this oath forever."

After the kappa swore his oath, Genta forgave him, took him down from the pine tree and untied the ropes. Placing both hands to the ground, the teary blue-eyed kappa bowed to him again and again. Then he asked Genta if he could go home to the bottom of the river.

"All right," Genta said, "but before you go, turn yourself around three times and recite your oath each time." The kappa obediently turned around 3 times, each time reciting his oath loudly. Kneeling down, he praised Genta, then went away.

After that incident, no more was to be heard of kappa in the village. Years later, Genta passed away, leaving behind the legend of subduing the kappa. The pine tree from which Genta hung the kappa, remained long after his death. Eventually however, the old pine tree too withered and died.

Whether the mystical kappa does in fact exist is still unknown. There is a sake manufacturing place in Imari called ”Matsuura Ichishuzo” where, it is said that during restoration about 40 years ago, a small coffin was found between old boards containing a mummified kappa inside. The skeleton remains on display today for all who are interested in finding the truth.
- translated by Keiko Takada & Eriko Tsudo
- source : Mark Schumacher


- quote
Genta and the Kappa
Once in the village of Kawachino, Saga prefecture there lived a wise and brave man named Genta. His house stood near a river which flowed through the village. The river was at its deepest at the bend near his house.

One summer evening Genta came home from a ride and told his servant to hitch his horse near a shady tree next to the river so that it could drink. A little while later he returned and was horrified to see a kappa trying to drag his horse into the river by its fore legs.

The horrid monster had a turtle’s shell and beak, a monkey’s face and the arms and legs of a frog His servant seemed to be under the monster’s spell and was pouring water into a depression on its head. The more water the servant poured in, the stronger the kappa became.

Genta quickly formed a plan. He saw that the kappa was very intent on its wicked work so he snuck up behind it and tossed a hemp rope around it. He tied it up as fast as he could and hung it upside down from a pine tree. The liquid flowed out of the creatures head and its spell over the servant was broken.

Genta threatened to kill the kappa but it begged for mercy and promised never to harm a living soul again even if the Kawachino River flowed backwards. Genta made the kappa turn around and recite his oath three times before letting him go. He never bothered humans or their animals again.
- source : Richard Freeman


. - hyoozu no kami, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami
- Deity of Wind and Weapons - .

. Matsubara Kappa Sha 松原河童社 Matsubara Kappa Shrine .

Hyoosube 兵主部 Hyosube, Matsubara Kappa Shrine
佐賀県佐賀市松原2-10-45 from Saga, Kyushu

- quote
This nasty fellow is a cousin of the much-beloved Kappa, a slightly mischievous river spirit, however, Hyosube is much crueler. Those who cross one of these foul little wretches often find themselves sorry for it. Like the kappa, he lives in rivers most of the time; but he likes to venture in to towns to, among other things, take baths in people’s houses. His body is covered in thick hair, which invariably gets left all over the bathroom, in the tub, and every he’s been.

There are a few stories of people who had unfortunate run-ins with a hyosube.
In one story, a woman caught a hyosube who was trashing her eggplant garden. The hyosube got angry and destroyed all of the eggplants, and afterwards the woman turned purple and soon died.
In another story, a man who went to take a morning bath found hairs and a horrible smell all over his bathroom, so he made sure to empty all the hot water after his bath that night. In retaliation, the hyosube killed his horse.

In a third story, another man found his bathroom befouled by a hyosube and threw the dirty hairs and water out the window. Some of the hairs landed on his horse, which promptly died. (These stories were translated from the Japanese Wikipedia page on hyosube, as the English page just redirects to the page for kappa.)
- source :

- reference -

- quote



「母さんカッパ」338才 Mother Kappa 338 years old

「父さんカッパ」342才 Father Kappa 342 years old

「長男カッパ 河太郎」312才 Eldest Son Kappataro
水が出るパワーは 長老からの伝授で

「次男カッパ ワンパッ君」303才 Second Son

「長女カッパ みどりちゃん」308才 Eldest Daughter


- source and more photos :


- quote
Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube は、

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Introduction .

. - monkey - enkoo, enkō 猿猴 / 猿 saru and Kappa 河童 - .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .





benevolent Kappa

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - types of Kappa -

- benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa -
helping people, teaching people


- quote
Kappa are mostly evil, but not always.
When benevolent, the Kappa is supposedly a skilled teacher in the art of bone setting and other medical skills. In the real world of medicine, the term “kappa” refers to a monoclonal plasma cell related to bone marrow.
In addition, the Kappa is always portrayed as trustworthy despite its many evil ways. When captured and forced to promise never again to harm anyone, the kappa always keeps its promise.
Kappa often help or mentor those who outwit them or capture them.

Writes scholar Michael Dylan Foster:
"The kappa is notorious for attempting to lure horses and cows to a watery death; but the key word here is attempting. In most versions of this legend, the kappa fails; its plan backfires and it (or just its arm) is pulled by the startled horse all the way to the stable. The kappa's success rate in fondling women's shiri in the toilet may be slightly higher, but often on its second attempt its arm is grabbed and yanked from the body. And when its mischief goes awry, when it is weakened from losing water from its sara or incapacitated (emasculated) by a yanked-off arm, the honest and benevolent side of the kappa's nature surfaces.
In order to be set free or receive back its arm (the arm can often be reattached within a certain number of days), the kappa will take an oath. It will pledge, for instance, to stop harassing people in the area, or to assist with work in the fields, or to teach its captor secret bonesetting techniques and formulas for making medicine and salves. It should be noted that this last trait - the kappa's familiarity with bonesetting and other medical procedures - is one of the most widespread of the beliefs associated with the kappa.”

- source : Mark Schumacher


- quote
Once befriended, kappa may perform any number of tasks for human beings, such as helping farmers irrigate their land. Sometimes, they bring fresh fish, which is regarded as a mark of good fortune for the family that receives it. They are also highly knowledgeable about medicine, and legend states that they taught the art of bone setting to human beings.
Due to these benevolent aspects, some shrines are dedicated to the worship of particularly helpful kappa. There were also festivals meant to placate the kappa in order to obtain a good harvest, some of which still take place today. These festivals generally took place during the two equinoxes of the year, when the kappa traveled from the rivers to the mountains and vice versa.
Kappa may also be tricked into helping people. Their deep sense of decorum prevents them from breaking an oath, for example.
... While they are primarily water creatures, they do on occasion venture on to land. When they do, the plate can be covered with a metal cap for protection. In fact, in some versions of the legends, kappa spend spring and summer in the water, and the rest of the year in the mountains as Yama no Kami (山の神, “mountain deities”).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- Kappa leading the blind
. - Kappa leading the blind - 根付 Netsuke .

still trying to find the story behind this kappa !


. Joken-Ji 常堅寺 in Tono, Iwate Tono, Iwate 遠野 岩手 .

. Kawako no Miya 河伯の宮 Shrine for "Earl Kappa" .
Shimane, Matsue 松江 / 河内村 Kawachimura

. Sakuma Asuka 佐久間あすか - Painter .
Kappa and the Dog

. - Zenji Kappa 禅師河童 Kappa the Zen Teacher - .
Kappa give his life to save the drowning priest Juen Zenji 寿円禅師 - Yamaguchi


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. . Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 - Introduction . .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- benevolentkappa -




Names of Kappa

- KAPPA - 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Names of Kappa 河童の呼称 and types -

source : National Diet Library

Suiko juni-hin no zu 水虎十二品之図
Illustrated Guide to 12 Types of Kappa

The letter K can be pronouced G in some regions or combinations:
kappa - gappa / kawa - gawa - river / kame - game - turtle / ko - go - child


- quote
The name is a combination of the word kawa (river) and wappo, an inflection of warabe (child).
A hairy kappa is called a Hyōsube (ひょうすべ).
There are more than eighty other names associated with the kappa in different regions...
... The kappa is typically depicted as roughly humanoid in form and about the size of a child. Its scaly reptilian skin ranges in color from green to yellow or blue.
... webbed hands and feet to live in the water ...
... Although their appearance varies from region to region, the most consistent features are a carapace, a beak for a mouth, and a plate (sara), a flat hairless region on the top of the head that is always wet, and is regarded as the source of the kappa's power. This cavity must be full whenever a kappa is away from the water; if it ever dries out, the kappa loses its power and may even die.
Another notable feature in some stories is that the arms are said to be connected to each other through the torso and can slide from one side to the other.
While they are primarily water creatures, they do on occasion venture on to land. When they do, the plate can be covered with a metal cap for protection. In fact, in some versions of the legends, kappa spend spring and summer in the water, and the rest of the year in the mountains as Yama-no-Kami (山の神, “mountain deities”).
Although they are reported to live throughout Japan, they are often said to be particular to Saga Prefecture.
... Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers or trickster figures. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the malevolent, such as drowning people and animals, kidnapping children, and raping women.

- Politeness -
It was believed that, if one was confronted with a kappa, there were a few means of escape. Kappa are obsessed with politeness, so if a person makes a deep bow, it return the gesture, the water in the plate on its head spills out and it is rendered unable to leave the bowing position until the plate is refilled with water from the river in which it lives. If a person refills it, the kappa will serve that person for all eternity.

... Kappa are not entirely antagonistic to human beings. They are curious about human civilization, and they can understand and speak Japanese. They may even befriend human beings in exchange for gifts or offerings of nasu (茄子, Japanese eggplant), soba (そば or 蕎麦, buckwheat noodles), nattō (なっとう or 納豆, fermented soybeans), or kabocha (カボチャ, 南瓜, winter squash), but especially cucumbers, the only food kappa are known to enjoy more than human children.
Japanese parents sometimes write the names of their children, or their own names, on cucumbers and toss them into waters believed to be infested with kappa in order to mollify the creatures and allow the family to bathe.
In some regions, it was customary to eat cucumbers before swimming as protection, but in others it was believed that this act would guarantee an attack.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Aragoroo Daimyoojin 荒五郎大明神 Aragoro Daimyojin .
- - - - - in Tanushimaru, Fukuoka

. Arakapu アラカブ - Kyushu .

. Coo - 河童のクゥと夏休み Kappa no Kū - .

dangame ダンガメ soft shelled turtle

. Ekoppa kun エコッパくん eco Kappa .

. enkoo, enkō 猿猴 Enko monkey and Kawazaru 川猿 "river monkey".
- - - - - engozaru エンゴザル

. fuchi no nushi 淵の主 "master of the river pool" .

fukugo, fuku-go, fuku no ko  福子 "lucky child"。"fortune child"

. Fukutaroo, Fukutarō 福太郎 Fukutaro, The Lucky Kappa .

. Gajiroo, Gajirou ガジロウ Gajiro . - Hyogo, Fukusaki Town 福崎町
- and Fuku chan and Saki chan フクちゃん - サキちゃん

game (kame) がめ turtle

gangi kozoo ガンギコゾウ with body hair and saw-like teeth

gappa ガッパ Godzilla as a kappa, called Gappa
- - - source : Nishida Shatner - origami Gappa
- - - - - . Gaappa ガーッパ The Kappa of Nagasaki 長崎県 - Legends .
gaappadoko ガーッパドコ drowning pool of a kappa

. Garakapu ガラカブ - Kyushu .

. Garappa ガラッパ Garappa Don ガラッパドン of Kyushu .
from 八代地方 Yachidai, Kumamoto, Kyushu
- Garappa Don ガラッパドン - Toda Kannon 戸田観音 - 佐賀 Saga. Kyushu

. gataroo, gatarō (kawataro) がたろう , Gataro san ガタロさん .

. Gawairo ガワイロ Yokai from Gifu .

. Gawappa, kawappa - river child .
- same as Garappa

. Gawatara Kappa ガワタラ,河太郎 Kawataro. - from Fukui

guwappa ぐわっぱ (gawappa, kawa no kappa)

. goora ゴーラ Gora Kappa . - Wakayama

hanzaki はんざき "torn or cut in half" / hanzaki daimyoojin ハンザキ大明神
(referring to the tail that might come off in danger, but the animal is not killed by this)
オオサンショウウオ/大山椒魚 Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)
. Salamanders of Japan . * 

. honkoo ホンコウ Honko and Kawazaru 川猿 "river monkey".

. Hookura sama 「ホウクラ様」 Hokura sama .
- at 方倉(宝倉)神社 Hokura Jinja / Itsuki Island 生月島, Hirado, Kyushu

. hyoosube, hyōsube ひょうすべ / 兵主部 Hyosube .

. Hyoosunbo ひょうすんぼ Hyosunbo . - Miyazaki

. - hyoozu no kami, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami, Kappa
- Deity of Wind and Weapons - .

. . . . . hyoosubo ヒョウスボ / 兵主坊 / 兵主部 Hyōsube the Yokai Monster

. Kaaranbe カアランベ  (river child) from Aichi 愛知県 .

. Kaatan カッパのカータン / and President Carter (Kaataa) カーター大統領 .

. Kaatan 仔河童の「かぁたん」 - Manga character .

. kahaku, kawa no kami, kawako 河伯 River Deity, 川の神 "river chief" .
and hitobashira 人柱 human sacrifice, "human pillar"

. Kankara Koboshi, Kankarakoboshi かんからこぼし from Mie .

. Kapa 河童のカパ Kappa named Kapa .

. Kappa 勝破 "to win against misfortune .

. Kappa Daimyoojin 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin, Great Kappa Deity .   
Kappa Myoojin カッパ明神 Kappa Myojin

. Kappei かっぺい .

. Kappii かっぴー / カッピー .
. . . . . Iroha Kappii いろはカッピー / Kappii kun ikka カッピーくん一家 Kappikun Family

Karin-chan and his pink wife Kururin-chan - カリンちゃん and くるりんちゃん
town mascot of . Tono 遠野 - Iwate 岩手 .   
. Karikoboo カリコボウ / かりこ坊 Karikobo, Karkio Bo .

. kawa boozu 川坊主 Kawa Bozu . - Aichi

. kawako 川子 / 河子 "river-child" . - Shimane

. kawako, kahaku 河伯 "earl Kappa", river earl, river chief . - Matsue

. kawa kozoo 川小僧 "young man (monk) from the river" . - Aichi

. kawa n hito, kawanhito カワンヒト "person from the river" .

kawaranbe 河ランベ

kawaso, kawauso, kawa-uso otter

kawataroo, kawatarō 河太郎 Kawataro
. Kawataro from Oga 淡河 (Oogo、Ogo) , Hyogo .

. Kawazaru 川猿 "river monkey"and enkō 猿猴 Enko / saru 猿 monkey

. Kenji the Kappa .

komahiki, komabiki  駒引き "horse puller"

koogoo, kōgo

. Koora Booshi 甲羅法師 Kora Boshi. .
from Shirahama, Wakayama 和歌山県白浜町

. Kuruppa くるっぱ . - from Kurume town, Kyushu

. Kyuuchan キューちゃん Kyu-Chan . - Ushiku 牛久 Ibaraki - "the Cucubmer Boy"

. 九千坊河童 Kyusenbo kappa - Kusenbo Kappa . from Kyushu (Kuzenbo)

. Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa and the Mizuchi 蛟 water monster .
Aomori, Ehime - medochi めどち / メドチ // Fukui, Ishikawa - mizushi みずし
Hokkaido - mintsuchi みんつち
ーーー Ainu - mintsuchi みんつち / ミントゥチ(mintuci)ミントゥチカムイ(mintuci kamuy)

. Midoppa and Akappa ミドッパとアカッパ Green Kappa and Red Kappa .

. Oozma Kappa - Disney Monsters University - .

. - Otter 獺魚 kawauso as kappa - .  

. Sanpei, Kappa no Sanpei 河童の三平 / カッパの三平 Sanpei, the Kappa .
- by . Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる Shigeru Mizuki .

senoo kappa 妹尾河童

. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa Kochi - Shikoku .

. Shichiroo Kappa 七郎河童 Shichiro Kappa .
- Tetsugi Jinja 手接神社, Ibaraki

. - Shikoku 四国 - Kappa Mascots - .
エンコ Enko from Tokushima monster village
かんちゃん Kanchan
まつちカッパ Matsuchi Kappa
オクラかっぱ Okura Kappa
しんちゃん / ころちゃん Shinchan and Kokorochan
トッシー Tosshi
わじきカッパ君 Wajiki Kappa kun

shookichi Kappa 正吉河童 from Bungo, Oita
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

suijin 水神 "water deity"
- - - Suitenguu 水天宮 Suitengu
. - Suijin 水神 Kappa water deity - .  

. - Suiko 水虎 Water Tiger, Water Beast - .
- Suiko sama 水虎様 - 青森 Aomori
- Shikko sama しっこ様 in the local dialect of Tsugaru

town mascot of . Unagappa うながっぱ .  - Tajimi 多治見 - Gifu 岐阜 

. wings of Kappa - 羽の生えた河童 .

. Yamawaro やまわろ / ヤマワロ / 山童 "Child of the Mountain" .
- the alter ego of the "Child of the River" 河童

. yunkosan ユンコサン Yunko san and Kawazaru 川猿 "river monkey".

. Zenji Kappa 禅師河童 Kappa the Zen Teacher .


. - benevolent Kappa 慈善河童 jizen no Kappa -
helping people, teaching people .

The three most famous Kappa regions of Japan 日本三大河童地帯

. - Tanushimaru 田主丸 in Fukuoka 福岡 - .  

. - Ushiku 牛久 in Ibaraki 茨城 -.  

. Tono 遠野 in Iwate 岩手 .  

. - The three most famous Kappa Regions of Japan - Japanese .

. - mummy - miira 河童のミイラ mummy of a Kappa, Mumie - .


- Check out more about this Kappa Anatomy
- source : ***

. (1) - sara 皿 plate with water on the Kappa's head - .

. (11) koomon 肛門 komon, anus .
A kappa is said to have three komon 肛門 anus, or simply put three holes.

. changing body size of a Kappa 身長 .

. footprints of Kappa - Tono Monogatari .

from a suiko and turtle スイコ×カメの系統

from a suiko and monkey スイコ×サルの系統


- - - - - 河童の呼称 - Names of Kappa - tba

名前の系統 それぞれの呼び名
ガーッパ系 カッパ、ガッパ、ガラッパドンなど
川太郎系 カワタロウ、ガタロウ、ガータロ、ガワンタロなど
川原坊主系 カワラコゾウ、カワラボウズ、カワソウなど
川の殿の系 カワノトノ、カワントン、カワノヌシなど
その他 メドチ、ガメ、ヒョウスンポ、コマヒキなど

- long list of more vocabulary and books
- source :


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Regional Kappa mascots and characters .
Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappanames #names #kappanamen -

